The Name of Eternity

Chapter 93 Li Hao's needs [Additional chapter for the leader of the Lone Star Soul]

The real dragon decision will be held in two months.

Li Tiangang passed the news to He Jianlan and also informed the whole government.

For a time, all the hospitals were in an uproar.

However, they had already expected this. From the moment Li Wushuang rushed down the mountain and came back, they knew that he was coming for the real dragon.

However, the candidates who can compete for the True Dragon this time were originally Shuihua Academy, but now Li Hao from Shanhe Academy was temporarily eliminated.

"Hmph, Liu Yuerong is probably very angry."

In Linglong Courtyard, Xiao Yujing sneered.

She has no children, only her adopted son Li Yuanzhao, and with Li Yuanzhao's qualifications, although he has an eighth-level combat body, he is still a little bit behind. The ninth-level combat body is just the baseline for top geniuses.

Naturally, it is difficult to compete for the real dragon.

But this time Li Hao showed his talents and shocked the world. Li Yuanzhao and Li Hao had the best relationship, so they could benefit from it.

However, she didn't particularly care about these.

Inside the water bloom courtyard.

Although Liu Yuerong had expected it, she still gritted her teeth.

She asked the old woman to prepare a letter. Now, she could only ask Qianfeng's master for help.

Maybe the Buddha Lord who is as good as the real person in Qiandao Palace will have a solution.

Although his own child is also in the fifteenth realm, after all, he is three years older.

Wuliang Mountain.

Brahma's pure land realm, in the boundless spiritual realm.

The rules of Wuliang Mountain are strict, and the food, clothing, housing, and transportation are all determined by the Buddha's level system. For example, Vajra can live in the Vajra Heart Hall, where he can understand the heart of the master and become an Arhat, and the Arhat can live in the Buddhist hall and enjoy offerings.

As for the spiritual realm, it is the supreme place where countless Buddhas practice and live.

The spiritual smoke here is vast, like a fairyland in another world.

"Amitabha, Lord Buddha, the news has been sent to Qiankun King Kong. He is on his way back. In addition, he just received a letter from the Divine General's Mansion, which was sent by Qiankun King Kong's mother Liu."

A Bodhisattva whispered the name of the Buddha, took out a letter in his hand, and handed it to the Lord Buddha above.

The countless Buddhas are clad in cassocks and covered with Buddha light. The blazing Buddha wheel shines behind them, emitting the light of saving all sentient beings.

His body is huge, more than ten feet tall. This is due to the special practice of secret methods, and he has incredible power.

However, the Bodhisattva who has reached the four realms is only the size of an ordinary person. He is like an ant next to him and can only look up.

The letter flew towards me, but Immeasurable Buddha did not take it. It just stayed in front of his eyes for a moment, and then the ashes of his actions dissipated, allowing him to gain insight and read it.

"We have known the news for a long time, but Mrs. Liu is too eager."

Lord Wuliang Buddha said softly: "Let her not be impatient. Talent is not determined by realm alone, but also depends on the background of each realm. Qiankun King Kong practices the top techniques of my Buddhism, plus the unique skills of his Li family, the same realm Enough to rank in the top five.”

"When he comes back, I will pass on another Buddhist vow to him to ensure that he is invincible in the same situation."

The Bodhisattva breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you Lord Buddha."

Lord Wuliang Buddha said softly: "There have been frequent disputes in the past hundred years, and Dayu's luck has declined. It is really a helpless choice to intervene in the real dragon dispute in the Divine General's Mansion this time. When troubled times are coming, it's time for me to go down the mountain." , save the common people."


The Bodhisattva looks pious.

As word spread that the Li Family True Dragon was about to be finalized, all parties received the news and quietly took action on the matter.

"The real dragon's decision mainly depends on two aspects."

In Shanhe Courtyard, Li Tiangang called Li Hao to him. Looking at his son, he felt both relieved and a little worried:

"The first is to look at talent, and the second is to look at character."

"In addition, there are meritorious service, connections, etc., but these are secondary and are the icing on the cake."

Li Hao nodded, these second masters had told him.

The Shenjiang Mansion is a top-notch family, and it is not just based on strength.

Talent is important, but talent alone is not enough. If your character is extremely poor, you won't get far.

Such as impatience, arrogance, paranoia, etc. If this kind of mentality is matched with top talent, entrusting the family to the other party is tantamount to letting a madman hold the steering wheel, which will only destroy it faster.

Steady, restrained, versatile, unfazed by favors and disgrace, etc., are the best qualities.

To put it simply, you must not only have outstanding talents, but also have good ideological and moral character. This is the style that the heir of a big family should have.

As for the connections and achievements, they are just bonus points.

Networking is also a side reflection of one’s character. After all, without an all-around good character, how can we talk about human connections?

He offends people by opening his mouth. No matter how strong such a person is, if he becomes the head of the family in the future, he will only make the entire family an enemy.

Although the selection of the real dragons of the Li family is not as strict as that of the royal prince, it is still carefully selected. It is not like a small family, where a concubine may get some opportunities and rise to the top, overwhelming the whole family, and shocking the uncles. Kneel down and worship.

But this kind of concubine often ends up soaring all the way to the sky, leaving the family behind and just becoming a hands-off shopkeeper.

The reason why top families remain standing is because the head of the family must support the entire family and lead the family forward together. This is the reason why one's character is tested.

Li Tiangang glanced at Li Hao and said: "I am not worried about your talent, but I have neglected to discipline you over the years, so that you have a loose mind. If you can work harder, your achievements will be far more than this. "

Speaking of this, he paused and glanced at Li Hao.

He had said this before, and now it was an old saying again.

And Li Hao's previous answer to him was, so what?

Seeing Li Hao's expressionless face, he sighed, "I know that your mother and I are not with you, and it is our fault, but the millions of people in Yanbei need us. If I abandon Yanbei, let alone Dayu, the people of Yanzhou will suffer."

"As a son of a military family, you should understand this."

"I understand!"

Li Hao spoke, and he looked at his father in front of him seriously: "I have never blamed you for this, never!"

"I can testify to this."

Li Fu, who was listening with his hands down in the pavilion, interrupted.

He looked at Li Hao, but his eyes were full of pity and reluctance, and said to Li Tiangang:

"My Lord, the young master was assassinated, and you asked me to return to the mansion to protect him. I asked the young master, but the young master did not blame you, but was worried about whether you would be in danger in Yanbei."

"He... really never blamed you."

Hearing Li Fu's words, Yu Xuan, who was standing like a guard on the other side, was also stunned.

He looked at the boy with serious and stubborn eyes, and suddenly felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

He was an orphan, he could understand that feeling.

He was abandoned at birth and grew up in the military camp. When he was four or five years old, he felt uncomfortable every time he saw other children accompanied by their parents and playing.

Envy, resentment, anger.

He had questioned the dark air countless times in the dark night, why are you so cruel to abandon me?

Why did you give birth to me if you didn't raise me?

This anger gradually faded until he grew up, because he thought that the parents who had never met might have had their own difficulties.

And the boy in front of him, who was separated from the marshal and his wife at birth, and at this age, he thought he would be like himself, full of resentment, but in the end, he could understand it?

How old is he?

Looking at the boy's thin body, Yu Xuan felt as if something was about to flow out of his heart.

He suddenly realized that this was the first time he understood this young master.

Hearing Li Fu's words, Li Tiangang was stunned.

He looked at Li Hao's serious eyes and knew that Li Hao did not lie. With Li Fu's testimony, he suddenly felt a sour nose.

But he never cried easily. He took a deep breath and suppressed the sourness in his nose. Soon he thought of Li Hao's previous attitude and asked:

"Then have you ever had any resentment in your heart?"


Li Hao still answered seriously and did not hide anything.

The three of them were stunned. Just now they thought that Li Hao did not lie, but this sentence was immediately contradictory.

Li Hao took a deep breath and stared at him.

"My resentment is not that you did not come back, but that you sent back many military newspapers. I counted them. There are a total of 24 copies, nearly two copies each year!"

"But in these fourteen years, you have only sent back seven letters home!"

After all, Li Hao is not a teenager. If he was just a simple fourteen-year-old boy, he might keep these thoughts in his heart and make a fuss.

But he chose to speak his mind, perhaps only in this way could the relationship with the father be eased:

"Every time I saw the military newspaper delivered to Changchun Court, I would go and see it. I was waiting. I thought there would be a letter from home, but I was disappointed seventeen times!"

"These seventeen times, Auntie made up seventeen letters from home to comfort me. She thought I didn't know, but in fact I knew it as soon as I heard it."

"I don't need you to rush back from thousands of miles away to see me in a hurry, but I don't understand, I can't understand why you can write back, but you don't send a letter back with it."

"Aren't you curious about how your son lives, whether he has learned to brush his teeth, whether he has been bullied, whether he has been wronged, and whether he is unhappy?"

When Li Hao said this, the resentment in his eyes could not help but show up.

After all, his body carries the blood of the man in front of him, and he regards him as his father.

Fourteen years of not seeing each other may not be a deep relationship, but there will always be disappointment and loss.

After hearing Li Hao's words, the three of them were stunned.

Li Fu stared at Li Hao in a daze, his body trembling slightly.

He had been with Li Hao for these years, so he could see the look and expression of the eldest lady, and naturally knew that it was a temporary fabrication.

But he didn't expect that Li Hao, who was so young, could see it.

But every time Li Hao heard it, he ran back happily.

So, was he pretending?

Did he not want to disappoint the eldest lady's kindness?

Li Fu gritted his teeth slightly. This man who galloped on the battlefield only shed blood but no tears, but at this moment, he wanted to cry a little.

Li Tiangang and Yu Xuan both stared at Li Hao in a daze, their eyes quickly became complicated, and Li Tiangang was speechless. Facing these words of Li Hao, he suddenly found that he could not find any excuse for a while.

He wanted to say that the border wars were urgent and continuous, leaving him no time to be distracted.

But, is this a reason?

He couldn't say it.

No matter how urgent it was, there was no time to write a letter home?

Can he send a military report but not a letter home?

He could only think of one reason, that is, he really ignored his son.

When did this start?

He couldn't remember, maybe after learning that Li Hao couldn't build a foundation and dissolve blood, he gradually shifted all his thoughts to the battlefield.

Or maybe, it was really the frequent wars that made him exhausted and had no time to care.

In fact, he even thought of a reason in his heart, that is, he had too little contact with this son. He left after Li Hao was born, so he was not used to having such a son.

But... can this idea be said out loud? As a father, can he say it out loud?

The most terrible thing is that he didn't have a deep impression of these seven family letters. It seemed that it was his wife who reminded him several times before he thought of it...

At this moment, Li Tiangang's face was a little pale and ugly. For the first time, he found out how unsuccessful he was in terms of his father, who was invincible on the battlefield.


Li Tiangang looked at the young man in front of him. The other party's eyes were clear, but serious.

He didn't dare to look directly at him, and his heart was sour. He took Li Hao into his arms, and his voice was a little hoarse: "I'm sorry for you!"

Hearing the whisper of the father in his ear, Li Hao's heart, which was not fluctuating, softened slightly.

He sighed secretly, is sorry useful?

Some things cannot be made up.

However, he silently advised himself in his heart, forget it.

Many things always have a process.

He was willing to accept the other party's apology, but he would always feel a little regretful. Maybe, this is life?

Li Fu and Yu Xuan were speechless when they saw this scene. They felt pity for Li Hao's obedience and understanding, and they also regretted that the disputes outside the border, in addition to the countless casualties, also hurt a child thousands of miles away.

For a long time.

Li Tiangang slowly calmed down and collected his emotions. He took a deep breath and said to Li Hao:

"I will definitely make up for the fourteen years that your father missed you!"

"From now on, I will satisfy you with whatever you want!"

Li Hao felt relieved and said immediately: "Then I hope I can be free."

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