The Name of Eternity

Chapter 60 Governor


The two were stunned when they saw the corpse of the dragon in the jungle with its head broken.

They still had a lot of precious materials cut from the black dragon, including the inner elixir that increased their power, as well as scales, dragon teeth and claws and other weapon materials.

Because of the materials, they were delayed for a while, but they didn't expect that there was another one here? !

The two immediately thought of the senior who had secretly helped them before. This dragon was probably killed by that senior.

Looking at the environment of the surrounding jungle, not many trees fell, and the battle was not fierce, which showed that it was suppressed.

"Two dragons entered the country, how could they appear near the official road? If they wanted to find food, they would go to remote villages..."

Li Fu frowned, and suddenly, his pupils shrank. He hurriedly threw away the scales all over his body and the dragon teeth that were as tall as his body, and rushed forward.

While rushing, the soul on his head was sacrificed, touring the world, and quickly chasing along the horseshoe prints on the ground.

Wei Feng also reacted, his face suddenly changed, and he didn't care about collecting materials, and he flew directly, and in a blink of an eye he caught up with the tea stall where Li Hao and others were before.

Here, the old man at the tea stall was closing the stall.

It was already dark, and dark clouds fell in the distant sky, as if there was a heavy rain.

"Old man, did you have a few young men on horseback here before?" Wei Feng asked hurriedly.

They had followed Li Hao and others from a distance before, but were intercepted by a dragon that ambushed them halfway, and a big battle broke out, causing them to distance themselves from Li Hao and others.

I thought that the dragon was ambushing him and wanted to eat his flesh and blood, but I didn't expect that there was another one, and it appeared in another place, which could only mean... these two dragons were not coming for them, but for Li Hao and others.

"Oh, they have gone far away." The old man at the tea stall was quite surprised when he saw Wei Feng, and said with a smile.

"Go far away?" Wei Feng was stunned, they were fine?

He didn't care to ask, and flew directly to chase and investigate personally.

Soon, the soul was traveling and saw five figures riding horses on the official road ahead. After seeing clearly, a big stone in his heart fell and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, it seems that the senior acted in time, so the black dragon didn't have time to attack.

He was secretly thankful in his heart, but at the same time a little helpless. He intuitively felt that the two dragons were not coming for the young lady, but for the two young masters of the God General's Mansion.

After all, the God General's Mansion guards the border and is deeply hated by the monsters. It seems to be explained that they would send two dragons to sneak in and assassinate.

It is unknown whether the young lady is mixed with the God General's Mansion on this trip.

However, most of the seniors who took action before were also from the God General's Mansion. Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

Thinking that Li Fu was still behind, he turned back to the tea stall and saw Li Fu running hurriedly.

"They are fine, don't worry."

Wei Feng immediately comforted.

Li Fu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. If anything happened to Li Hao, he would be too derelict in his duty and would be too ashamed to return to the God General's Mansion.

"Would you two like some tea?" The old man at the tea stall said with a smile, having already closed half of his stall.

The two were in no mood to drink tea. Li Fu said to Wei Feng, "Please go and look after them first. I will send a message back to the mansion immediately and ask them to clean up the dragon corpse. As for the inner pill, I will send it to you after this trip."

"No problem." Wei Feng shook his head, "Thanks to that senior, otherwise you and I would have been in trouble. This dragon treasure should belong to your God General's Mansion. Without further ado, I will go and look after the young lady first."


The two hurriedly parted, and the old man at the tea stall shook his head slightly.

"Why are you all so impatient and impetuous?"



They traveled day and night.

Two days later.

Li Hao and others arrived in Qizhou, and rode for another half a day to Cangyu City, where they were to carry out the task of beheading demons.

This city is not big. Among the hundreds of cities in Qizhou, it can only be regarded as a medium-sized one. There are more than a dozen towns and hundreds of villages around it, with a population of about four to five million.

Yu Wei had experience in carrying out missions. Before entering the city, he released a bird to send a message in advance.

When they entered the city, the personal guards of the city lord's mansion came to greet them immediately. They were warm and enthusiastic, especially to Li Hao and Li Yuanzhao.

Yu Wei and Du Qiuyue looked at them with envy. They had never been treated like this when they came to carry out missions before. They were just polite and indifferent.

Not long after, the five people were taken to the local demon suppression department.

As soon as they arrived at the demon suppression department, several people saw an acquaintance.

"It's her!"

Du Qiuyue recognized Song Yueyao, who was wearing a demon suppression official uniform, at a glance. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would also come to carry out the mission and be assigned to them.

Li Yuanzhao and others also recognized this woman. She was the one who came to Jiayuan to look for someone that day. It is said that she is one of the top geniuses in the Black and White Palace.

At this time, Song Yueyao was following another young man and two middle-aged men out of the gate of the Demon Suppression Division in a hurry, as if they were going out to perform a mission.

Seeing the newcomers such as Li Hao who came to report, Song Yueyao just glanced at them lightly, nodded slightly, and left quickly.

The young man was surprised. When he saw the red blood horse led by Li Hao and others, his eyes moved slightly, and he smiled softly at the few people:

"Nowadays, there are frequent monster disasters outside the city. Brothers, please be careful. If you need anything, you can come to me."

After saying that, he waved to the few people, and quickly followed Song Yueyao and the other two, disappearing into the street.

"It's Senior Sister Song and Senior Brother Tian from the Black and White Palace. They are here too, but Senior Sister Song's official uniform is actually the Demon Suppression Governor!"

After Song Yueyao and others left, Yu Wei whispered in surprise.

In a normal city, the demon-suppressing governor is already a powerful figure, second only to the city lord.

Du Qiuyue sighed, "Sister Song is a celestial being. She is now in the realm of divine travel, capable of ruling a city. It is normal for her to wear the official uniform of the governor."

"Sister Song is amazing. He just came here yesterday and killed a hundreds-year-old monster."

The middle-aged demon-suppressing master who led the five people said respectfully.

Then he took a few people into the demon-suppressing department and asked someone to send the official uniform.

"Is Cangyu City very chaotic? I actually encountered a monster as soon as I arrived." Du Qiuyue asked in surprise.

The demon-suppressing master was named Cui Fan. He was quite polite to Li Hao and the others, saying:

"Recently, demons have become more and more rampant. Our Cangyu City is located in an area close to the border of Qizhou, so we can see some demons all year round. It is not as peaceful as other inner cities. But don't worry. You are new here to slay demons. You just need to follow the demon-suppressing master on patrol. There is no danger."

Obviously, the demon-suppressing department takes good care of these geniuses who come to train.

What's more, there are two young masters from the God General's Mansion on this trip. They have been told not to let them take risks.

Hearing the other party's attentive words, Yu Wei and Du Qiuyue were both slightly happy. With the face of Li Hao and others, they estimated that they could easily get full marks and get ten credits.

"We are here to kill monsters, not to have fun."

Li Yuanzhao's face was solemn. Born in a general family, he was taught to abide by discipline since childhood. He frowned and said, "You should arrange it as you should. If there are no monsters to kill, what's the point of us coming?"

Ren Qianqian was about to speak with a little surprise. She looked at Li Yuanzhao, and then looked at Li Hao, with a change in her eyes.

Thinking of what Li Hao said in the tea stall before, and hearing what Li Yuanzhao said, her understanding of these God Generals' Mansions has completely changed.

Yu Wei and Du Qiuyue were stunned, looking at each other, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, feeling a little ashamed and embarrassed.

"Hmm..." Cui Fan didn't expect that he would flatter the horse's leg. Sure enough, these rich young masters are hard to serve.

Really let you go to kill monsters? Do you think I'm afraid you'll be tired? I want to keep my Xuanfu!

If something happens to Li Hao and others, who knows whether the God General Mansion will be angry. Although they can't do anything to the Demon Suppression Division, if they target some small people in the Demon Suppression Division who have no background, it will be no different from crushing ants.

"As expected of the people of the God General Mansion, this iron-bloodedness, I, Cui Fan, admire!"

Although he was complaining in his heart, Cui Fan gave a thumbs up, with a look of admiration and admiration, as if he was really moved by Li Yuanzhao's words.

This made the young man's face smile and complacent, and at the same time he became more proud, proud of his own seriousness.

Li Hao saw the other party's sophisticated appearance in the workplace, and knew that Yuanzhao's words were in vain. This can't be blamed on others for flattery, it's really that their identities are too oppressive.

For them, killing demons is to earn fame, but for these people, it may be to make a living, both a duty and a life.

Soon, five sets of official uniforms were delivered. Judging from the sleeve patterns and wooden plaques, the official uniforms given to them were all demon suppressors.

In the Demon Suppression Division, Tongli Realm is the Demon Suppression Apostle, Zhoutian Realm can serve as the Demon Suppression Envoy, and Jihun Realm is the Demon Suppression Master.

Above that is the Governor, who is the official uniform that Song Yueyao wears, and has a very high status.

"Senior, please give us a piece of information about the appearance of monsters in the whole territory in recent days." Li Hao said to Cui Fan.

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