The Name of Eternity

Chapter 47 The Eight Realms of Martial Arts

When Li Hao and Li Yuanzhao returned to the foot of the mountain, the lights in the square were already up. Although it was already dark, it was still very lively and there were no fewer people.

This reminded Li Hao of the night market in his previous life. He sniffed gently and could smell some charcoal grilled aroma wafting along with the refreshing night wind, which immediately whetted his appetite.

"Come on, let's go find something to eat."

On the stairs to the door, there are still geniuses from aristocratic families from all over the country, rushing to reach the top of the mountain for fame.

But at the top of the mountain, the young man's figure jumped down and rushed towards the worldly prosperity where tens of millions of people flowed.

Not long after, with his own cooking skills, Li Hao accurately selected some delicious things from many stalls and packed them all.

He and Li Yuanzhao both hugged each other and walked towards the carriage while eating, attracting many people on the road to look at them.

"What does it smell like?"

In the carriage, Li Yun, who had been waiting impatiently, suddenly smelled the aroma of barbecue and couldn't help but be startled and raised the curtain.

The aroma was fragrant, and then he saw Li Hao and Li Yuanzhao walking over with their mouths full of oil.

"Uncle Fu, please wait a long time. Here you go."

"Uncle Ming, this is yours, is it enough?"

Everyone who saw it had a share. Li Hao bought enough and distributed a lot of it with a smile. Of course, he did not forget his personal maid Qingzhi's share.

Then, with the remaining large and small bags, he got on the carriage and entered the carriage.

The oil lamp had been lit in the carriage, and the brother and sister's cheeks were reflected in the warm yellow light. They secretly looked towards Li Hao and smelled the alluring fragrance, and their expressions became a little unnatural.

"I thought you went back first."

After Li Yuanzhao sat down, he took a bite of roast pork. He immediately thought of something and handed the other two bags in his arms to Li Zhining:

"Sister Zhining, do you want to eat?"

Li Zhining wanted to refuse, but the tempting fragrance in the bag made her hesitate.

At the same time, she noticed from the corner of her eye that her brother's Adam's apple was rolling as he swallowed secretly. She gently took it and whispered: "Thank you, Brother Yuan Zhao."

"If you leave first, you won't have this blessing." Li Yuanzhao smiled.

Li Zhining didn't say anything, but glanced at the figure briefly, but saw that the other person never glanced in their direction from beginning to end. There was a hint of sadness in the depths of her eyes.

But she didn't think much, opened the bag and handed one to Li Yun: "Brother."

"I won't eat."

Li Yun turned his head and frowned with a disgusted expression: "I don't know if the food from the street vendors has been washed or not. It's very dirty. I advise you to eat less."

"I can't eat you to death if you haven't washed yourself." Li Yuanzhao glared, these words ruined his appetite.


Li Yun was angry and glared at him. Then he realized that he didn't pay much attention. He snorted coldly, turned his head and put his head outside the car curtain. It seemed that the night view was suddenly very beautiful.

Li Zhining knew that her brother couldn't bear it, and she felt a little helpless in her heart. However, the aroma in the bag was so fragrant that she couldn't bear it. She picked up one and took a bite, and her eyes soon became slightly brighter.

This taste is actually a bit better than the delicacies I'm used to eating in the house.

"Uncle Ming, why don't you leave yet?"

Li Yun shouted from the front of the carriage through the curtain.

Uncle Ming was holding a piece of barbecue in his mouth. Hearing this, he immediately grabbed the rope with both hands, urged the lion, and turned back to his home.

Back at the mansion, Li Yun and the other three parted ways with Li Hao.

The three of them went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

In Piaoxue Courtyard, the fifth lady, Gao Qingqing, was embroidering in the main hall. When she heard the report from the maid outside the door, she almost pricked her finger with the needle in her hand. She quickly got up, dropped the embroidered handkerchief, and hurried to the courtyard. door.

Then they saw a son and a daughter coming, accompanied by Li Ming.

"How's it going? Is everything going well?"

Gao Qingqing asked quickly.

Li Ming stood aside silently with a smile. Li Zhining, who was relatively well-behaved, nodded and said, "Well, my brother and I have both entered the Class A hospital."

"You achieved enlightenment in one day?"

Gao Qingqing had some surprise on her face, picked up her son's forehead and kissed him.

This made Li Yun feel a little shy, so he pushed his mother away and walked towards the main hall in a sullen tone.

Gao Qingqing didn't take it seriously. He picked up his daughter's forehead and kissed her. Then he pulled her back to the main hall and ordered the housekeeper to quickly heat up the dinner and bring it to her.

Hearing this, Li Zhining shook his head and said, "Brother Re's portion is fine. I've already eaten it."

"What did you eat?" Gao Qingqing was surprised.

"The things sold by the vendors over there are very delicious." Li Zhining said, with some aftertaste of the taste in his mouth.

"Hmph, don't turn around and have diarrhea." Li Yun, who was walking in front, said angrily.

Gao Qingqing smiled and took her daughter to sit down. Mother and daughter talked about today's events.

"As expected of my child, he can understand it in half a day."

"He also entered the first hospital?"

Hearing her daughter's words, Gao Qingqing was slightly surprised, then nodded again:

"That kid is very smart, but it's a pity that the upper limit is very low if he takes the path of body training. Otherwise, he would probably be the true dragon of your generation."

Li Zhining thought of that indifferent and casual face, and her eyes flickered slightly. She had heard her mother say this more than once.

Deep in my heart, there was also a hint of regret.

"Hmph, this talent is nothing. If it were my sister, I would probably be able to comprehend it with just one stick of incense!"

Li Yun sat opposite and said coldly.

When he mentioned his eldest sister, he felt a little envious, jealous, and slightly sour in his heart, but at the same time, he was also a little proud and proud. It was extremely complicated...

Gao Qingqing smiled and said: "Although eldest sister is smart, you are not bad either. You are all my proudest children."

Li Yun's stern face relaxed slightly. As the butler brought the heated dinner and he ate, a smile slowly appeared on his face...

In Shanhe Courtyard.

Li Hao returned to the hospital accompanied by Li Fu and Qingzhi.

Under the cold moonlight, the butler, Uncle Zhao, hurriedly greeted you in his outer coat. He immediately said, "Master, is everything going well? I'll heat up dinner for you."

"Uncle Zhao, please don't work hard. I've eaten it outside." Li Hao smiled and said, "I didn't bring it to you because I was afraid it would taste bad if it got cold on the road."

"Young master is interested." Uncle Zhao smiled, knowing that Li Hao was not lying, but there was still oil stains on his mouth.

Li Fu had been standing outside the carriage and had no chance to talk to Li Hao. Now he couldn't help but ask:

"How are you feeling today?"

Li Hao thought for a while and said, "The food is quite good."

Li Fu was dumbfounded, that's not what I asked.

After asking a few more questions, they learned that Li Hao was admitted to Hospital A, and both of them, including Qingzhi, had surprised smiles on their faces.

Tan Gong Academy's "Yue Xian Sect" test is over.

Many young people who couldn't make it could only sigh as they looked at the door ladder.

Some people asked people to open up connections to see if they could get a few more people in, but the response they received was that they were already full.

A total of 825 people.

Some people say, why can't we recruit more people?

They are even willing to pay sky-high tuition fees.

But the response I got was--

Because there are only 825 vacant seats.

As a result, many children from aristocratic families could only sigh and turn around and leave.

This feast that gathered in Qingzhou gradually subsided.

But on the top of the mountain, with the official start of school, it became lively.

There are four courtyards: A, B, C and D.

There are only fifty seats in Courtyard A.

The number of seats in Court B is 200.

Courtyard B, Courtyard D... skip it.

In each hospital, in addition to the freshmen, there are still some old students who have repeated their grades.

At this moment, in Court A, Li Hao and Li Yuanzhao were sitting together in the second row, and other freshmen had also come to enroll.

Ahead, Li Hao saw Shen Qingyun and two old students from the first hospital, carrying a pile of uniforms from Tan Gong Academy and distributing them one by one, so that the uniforms would be unified in the future.

This made Li Hao feel a bit like going back to junior high school in his previous life.

Looking at the boys and girls around me, they were all young, and I couldn't help but laugh, feeling a little nostalgic.

After the uniform distribution was over, Shen Yunching explained some basic rules of Tan Gong Academy, such as no private fights, insulting sages, etc.

Then, when Shen Yun Qing retreated, a woman with a slender figure and a waist as thin as a willow tree came forward. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties, with black silk hair and picturesque eyebrows. She felt like the bright moon shining on the snow-capped mountains.

I heard her introduce herself as Su Yehua, the dean of Academy A and the first lecturer.

Shen Yunqing, who just left, was the teacher of Shenfa class.

The first lesson after admission was taught by Su Yehua.

Li Hao clearly noticed that after Su Yehua's arrival, the originally noisy courtyard suddenly became quiet, and the teenagers who had not cared about talking before all sat down obediently.

"There are eight realms in martial arts."

Su Yehua stood in front, with willow-leaf-like eyebrows and a clear temperament, but there was a faint and gentle smile on her lips:

"The first four realms are Tongli, Zhoutian, Jihun, and Shenyou."

"The last four realms are fifteen miles, heaven and man, three immortals, and four establishments!"

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