The Name of Eternity

Chapter 39 Fame and Pastry

"The madam also asked me to remind the young master that you must participate. This is a rare opportunity."

Xuejian said in a respectful and gentle tone: "If you don't go, young master, my wife said that you will be grounded for three months, and all your drawing papers, poetry books, and guqin will be removed, and you will not be allowed to enter the kitchen again."

While saying this, she also had a strange feeling in her heart. With such a wide range of interests, this young master is really a talent.

Moreover, it is too late to compete for such a precious opportunity outside, but here, I have to persuade this young master so hard, which is unbelievable...

"Isn't this punishment too severe?"

Li Hao was speechless and said, "Is this a request or a threat?"

Xuejian raised his head, his beautiful face showing innocence, and he blinked.

"Okay, I understand." Li Hao sighed.

Xuejian pursed her lips and smiled. This young master was definitely a wonderful man. She bowed respectfully, bid farewell to the Fifth Master obediently, and then respectfully bid farewell to Li Hao.

"You should listen to that girl Jianlan and take a trip."

After Xuejian left, Li Qingzheng said calmly.

"Is it for the secret book of Black and White Palace?" Li Hao asked.

One of the three holy places in Qingzhou City, the Black and White Palace can be placed together with Tingyu Tower. Although Li Hao heard from the second master that the two are not on the same level, the Black and White Palace also has something, such as the secret knowledge of the palace.

"Yes, that unique skill is enough to be listed on the seventh floor."

Li Qingzheng said calmly: "Besides, the teaching level of Tan Gong Academy is also good. It's time for you to calm down."

"This is the purpose..." Li Hao curled his lips.

Not long after, the maid Qingzhi came trotting back in a bouncing style.

Li Hao saw that her hands were empty and asked, "Where's the pastry?"

"Didn't buy it."

Qingzhi bowed politely to Li Qing and then said to Li Hao: "I asked Granny Wang next door that Uncle Liu went to the fair at Tan Gong Academy. I heard that there are many people there, and geniuses from the nineteen states are here. The business is booming. In addition to Uncle Liu, many other vendors on the nearby streets have also set up stalls there. "

"Hiss..." Li Hao took a breath and couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that he had to go there.

Although his cooking skills have now reached the sixth level, Uncle Liu has been making cotton jade crispy cakes for decades. He can make it himself, but it always lacks a little flavor and is not perfect.

Opposite him, the old man saw Li Hao's helpless look and twirled his beard with a smile.

"Master, when I came back, Master Yuan Zhao was waiting for you on the lion car outside the door and asked you to prepare quickly and go to Tan Gong Academy together," Qingzhi said.


At this point, Li Hao had no choice but to leave, for the sake of the cake.

Ask Qingzhi to prepare her outer clothes, undress and go out.

"Fifth Master, I will go there and I won't see you off." Li Hao said to the old man.

"Go ahead and come back and see how I defeat you." Li Qingzheng smiled.

You have to think about it carefully... Li Hao snickered in his heart and went out with Uncle Fu and Qingzhi on the other side.

Qingzhi entered the mansion three years ago. I heard that she was a young lady from a small family. Later, her family fell into trouble and she was sold into slavery. She ended up living in the palace of a divine general.

Li Hao asked her to come to Shanheyuan after hearing that she knew how to do calligraphy.

With his previous assassination experience, Qingzhi's entrance test was naturally a series of screenings. After Li Fu's drug test, it was confirmed that there were no abnormalities before he was officially transferred to Shanheyuan.

Later, she was appreciated by Li Hao, and she was gradually transferred to him and became his personal maid. She was also regarded as a relatively trusted person of Li Hao.

Outside the house.

A group of Li family soldiers were already in place. Five Yanbei dragon lions, as big as elephants, were tied in front of and behind a huge carriage. They looked very majestic.

Because Li Hao and other three generations of the Li family, except for a few who have been crowned, the others have no official titles, so the carriage is not equipped with a canopy, but the carriage is still very noble with its carved dragons and painted phoenixes. The majestic and wild body of the five-headed dragon lion can be said to be full of aura.

Li Hao stepped into the carriage and saw two men and one woman waiting inside. They were all about the same age as him. They were Li Yuanzhao and brother and sister Li Yun.

Among the three direct generations who once practiced together in the martial arts field, there are only three of them and Banniang's children, a total of five.

But Banniang's children have been doted on by Banniang since they were young, and their relationships with other people are extremely alienated and unsociable. This has been seen in the past, and it is even more obvious now.


As the years go by, many things have changed.

"Brother Hao!"

Seeing Li Hao, Li Yuanzhao immediately shouted with a smile, patted the seat next to him, and invited Li Hao to come over.

Now that he is thirteen years old, his body has become more rounded and he looks quite happy. His narrow eyes are like two slits on a round bun.

Li Yuanzhao's parents both died, and he was an orphan from the third generation. He was fostered in Siniang's courtyard since he was a child. He heard that he was very popular with Siniang, so he was raised in white and fat.

Hearing his enthusiastic voice, the brother and sister next to him looked over, but frowned slightly and did not say hello to Li Hao.

As they grew older and received more knowledge in the martial arts arena, or due to some other influence, the brother and sister gradually went to Shanheyuan less often. They never came again after Li Hao was eleven years old. Pass.

Li Hao would occasionally bump into them when he went fishing with the old man on weekdays, but the brother and sister seemed to have lost their previous enthusiasm and started to dodge when they saw him.

Li Hao took the initiative to say hello a few times. Later, when he came to understand more and more times, he didn't say anything, didn't complain or blame, but we were just strangers from now on.

After all, in addition to the people around him, he also grew up with the years.

In five years, so many things will change.

For him, the fifth master walked out of the ancestral hall where he had been alone for decades, and often came to the courtyard to play chess with him to relieve his boredom.

However, the people in the courtyard who once came happily to listen to the stories gradually dispersed, leaving only Li Yuanzhao, who still liked to come to Shanhe courtyard as always.

Sometimes when there was no story to listen to, he would move a small bench and sit next to Li Hao, watching him draw alone or watch him play chess and chat with Fifth Master.

In addition, no letter has been sent to Jianlu, thousands of miles away from the south, for a long time.

The last time I received it was a year ago.

However, the letter written at that time agreed that by this time next year, the little girl would be successful and come down the mountain.

Thinking of seeing that little tail in another year, Li Hao couldn't help but have a gentle smile in his eyes, raised his butt and sat on half of the seat vacated by Li Yuanzhao.

"Zhining, why don't you call me Brother Hao?"

When Li Hao sat down, Li Yuanzhao saw the unresponsive brother and sister sitting next to him and shouted to the younger sister.

Li Zhining, who used to be neatly dressed and well-behaved, now has a somewhat slim appearance, but compared to his once cheerful and innocent eyes, they are now a little more calm and determined.

She glanced at Li Hao and saw that he still had that casual and warm smile on his face, frowned and said nothing.

Next to him, Li Yun's face darkened, and he said to the coachman in front: "Let's go, Uncle Ming!"

"Yes, Master."

The carriage moved slowly, and except for the initial stumbling, it became smooth all the way without any shaking.

"Li Yuanzhao, although we have an invitation from Tan Palace Academy, my mother said, try to rely on your own ability to enter the palace, don't rely on the family for everything and make outsiders laugh!"

Li Yun said coldly with a straight face.

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