The Name of Eternity

Chapter 342: Boundary Stone Reflection, Competition for Quota

Seeing the other party's law disappearing, Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

This was his first confrontation with a semi-saint. Unexpectedly, the power of the Eternal Dao Realm exceeded his imagination. The Dao Realm alone suppressed the opponent's methods.

"What kind of realm is this?!"

Seeing that his magic power failed, the Semi-Saint Demonic Spider was obviously stunned, even more surprised than Li Hao.

This magical power he has mastered since he was a child, he has studied and deduced it to the top level of magical power, and practiced it to the Taoist level. At this moment, in conjunction with his emerging will of the holy way, the power of his magical power is ten times that of the Taoist realm, and he is easily defeated. Disillusioned?


Once Li Hao made a move, he exploded quickly, the heaven and earth pulses stirred, his body suddenly stepped out, and a soft sword energy shot out from the palm of his hand.

This sword energy was like an illusory spiritual light, passing through the chest and abdomen of the semi-holy spider demon, and immediately tore a huge gap from the inside out.


Li Hao raised his hand to pull the fishing line, discerned the location of the spiritual bead, and quickly found it.

The semi-holy spider demon was shocked by Li Hao's thunderous attack, and became furious. Red-gold threads suddenly condensed on top of his head, and thousands of strands intertwined the surrounding area.

The purple spider eyes above his head flashed with cruel light, and he roared: "Top genius? Don't even think about escaping!"

Obstacles rose steeply on the surrounding ground, covering all directions like sepak takraw balls.

Li Hao got the spirit bead and didn't want to continue to entangle him. When he saw that the other party had blocked his escape route, he suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Let me dismantle your realm and see your secrets!"

The semi-holy spider demon approached Li Hao with ferocious eyes.

But Li Hao's eyes suddenly became sharp, and there seemed to be a sharp cold light in his eyes.

The eternal realm enveloped him and was protected from infringement. He raised his hand and faced the semi-holy demon, displaying his sword technique for the first time.

Only me,


The space seems to be divided and suddenly torn apart by faults!

A black crack appeared, seeming to cut off the floating demon realm and divide the heaven and the earth!

The body of the semi-holy spider demon was also broken and divided into two. The will of the holy way in its body was shattered at this moment, and was invaded by thousands of swords, such as the sun and moon, the supreme softness, the five elements, etc., many swords The intention is condensed and unique, turned into the sharpest blade!

Blood splattered, many legs and feet were broken, and the body of the semi-holy spider demon was torn apart on the spot. A soul flew out from inside and looked at the young man in front of him in horror.

That cold and sharp gaze was like looking directly at a dead thing!

At this moment, the Semi-Saint Spider Demon actually felt the shadow of death, and the young man surrounded by the terrifying realm gave him a feeling of being above his head.

How is that possible? !

It lost its mind and looked at each other in shock.

Li Hao's eyes were cold, and he wanted to take action again, but he saw that this semi-holy spider demon had a Buddhist seal talisman in its body. The seal was engraved on the demon core in its body, exuding pure Buddha light and faintly carrying the vast aura of a saint.

His eyes were slightly condensed, he glanced at the other party coldly, and said: "Practice is not easy, don't seek death!"

After saying that, he put away his Dao Domain and turned around and left.

The takraw ball-like cage that had previously risen from the ground shattered and disappeared as he slashed out with his sword, and he strode away.

The soul of the semi-holy spider demon looked at the young man's back, his pupils shrank slightly, but he made no move to stop him.

"Here, where does this monster come from?"

It murmured, its voice quivering.

Soon, a large amount of demonic energy appeared on its demonic body, and the body gradually healed. The sword intent on the wound dissipated as the young man turned around. It knew that the other party was showing mercy and spared its life.

As a semi-saint, it was almost killed by the Taoist Realm, which is simply an exaggeration.

"Is the saint reincarnated? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... let that bald Buddhist disciple be severely defeated..."

The Semi-Saint Spider Demon looked towards the far away direction and saw that the young man had shuttled away in the blink of an eye, a deep light appeared in its eyes.

In front of the void crack on the battlefield, Li Hao's figure stepped out, holding a silver spirit bead.

Li Hao waved his hand and suspended the spirit bead in mid-air, then turned around and returned to the seat in front of the Divine Court.

At this time, the Buddhist referee also told Li Hao’s time:

"2 minutes and 38 seconds!"

Seeing this result, there were many exclamations at the scene, but compared to the previous results of Chi Guang, Lin Shuhai and others, it was much inferior.

When Li Hao entered, Chi Guang silently counted for Li Hao. When his one minute and 47 seconds passed, a sneer appeared on his lips. However, when he saw Li Hao walking out in about two and a half minutes, he still felt somewhat sad. Accident.

The semi-holy spider demon was not easy to mess with. His choice was to inflict a scar on it, which was faster and in line with his temperament. He never liked being beaten passively.

But it was extremely difficult to cause harm to the Half-Saint. He used a lot of real power to quickly injure him and take away the spirit beads.

"Not bad, only more than 40 seconds behind."

Seeing Li Hao's return, Chi Guang nodded slightly. This result was similar to what he predicted, slightly lower by a few seconds, but it was also in line with his prediction for Li Hao.

When Li Hao heard this, he ignored it and just slightly adjusted the fluctuating breath in his body to calm down.

At this time, Li Hao noticed prying eyes and felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling. He looked along and saw the twin Buddhas, who had always been lost in thought, looking towards him. There was a faint aura of demons floating around them. , his face was always calm, as if there was a faint smile.

It's just that the smile is also vague, half-real and half-illusory, half-holy and half-weird.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly and checked himself. There was nothing noteworthy.

Is it possible that the other party knows what happened in the Fusheng Demon Realm?

If so... Li Hao looked at the three saints, but saw that their expressions remained the same as before, without any change.

If the twin Buddhas can see it, then the saint must also be able to see it.

Li Hao looked at Zhan Tan again, but saw that the other party smiled at him and showed no strange expression.

Obviously, half-saints cannot see through, while saints cannot see through their thoughts.

No matter how strong the twin Buddhas are, they cannot surpass the semi-saints... Li Hao thought with his eyes, picked up the pen and ink and drawing board, and began to draw the twin saints to see his experience in painting.


Chi Guang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw that Li Hao picked up the brush again. He didn't feel ashamed at all because he was behind in his grades. Instead, he continued to write and write.

"Fourth, Qingfeng's results are ranked fourth!"

"A little behind the Holy Son of Haoyue, but the gap is not big."

"This performance is in line with my expectations. Except for Chi Guang, who is a dark horse and is too eye-catching, the results of the others are similar to their reputations."

"It is only slightly inferior to the most powerful Holy Son in the Holy Land, but it is also extremely terrifying."

"This Qingfeng should be someone who can definitely represent us in the Canglan Realm."

Many people looked at Li Hao frequently and felt a little surprised when they saw Li Hao painting. Li Hao seemed to have spare energy and a relaxed mind.

"This Qingfeng is not simple either. When we actually compete later, we may be able to see who is stronger!"

"However, this fight, the final battle, is probably between the Red Light and the Twin Buddhas."

Not only Li Hao, but Lin Shuhai was also hard to see through, but despite this, everyone still felt that the twin Buddhas were the most monstrous and terrifying.

Li Hao painted silently, and the brush and ink flowed on the painting. As two more people came out after more than ten minutes, Li Hao's painting was completed.

Tips from painting experience, forty-two thousand!

Seeing this rich experience, Li Hao was stunned for a moment, a little frightened.

These twin Buddhas actually have forty-two thousand experiences!

This experience value is close to that of Canghai Emperor!

The other party is a semi-saint.

In other words, the true strength of these twin Buddhas is most likely only slightly inferior to that of the half-saints!

Li Hao narrowed his eyes, stared at the other party, and then turned to look at Chi Guang. The other party's experience in painting was 35,000. This was from previous paintings. It is unknown whether the other party has made a breakthrough now.

But looking at the way the opponent kept jumping in front of him, it was obvious that he had made a small breakthrough.

Li Hao put away the painting and felt a little relieved, but then he felt doubtful. He looked at the twin Buddhas, but saw that they were in a trance again, and the previous smile seemed to be an illusion.

Li Hao's eyes flickered and he glanced at the other person without trying to figure it out. Then he picked up the brush and painted Lin Shuhai.

On the battlefield, the remaining five geniuses finished one after another.

The sorting time is fifteen minutes away, and the battle for the top twenty is over.

After Li Hao finished painting Lin Shuhai, he gained 37,000 experience points, which was slightly stronger than the previous red light.

Li Hao was a little surprised and looked at the indifferent scholar who looked like a scholar. The other party noticed Li Hao's gaze and smiled back at Li Hao.

Li Hao nodded and put away the painting. At this time, the Buddhist referee came forward and listed everyone's time.

Those who were unsuccessful had already noticed that their time was outside the twenty, and their faces were gloomy.

"I was almost eliminated!"

Zhao Qingshu was frightened when he saw this arrangement. He was on the edge and a bit dangerous.

But there are two or three backers behind.

"I didn't expect that there were only five people who could make it into the first five minutes. This is a bit of a gap!"

"In the first ten minutes we were able to enter, there were only six of them. I don't know if they were hidden."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

At this time, the Thousand-Eternity Buddha slowly raised his hand, the cracks in the void closed, and the clouds and mist in the sky were shrouded, revealing the scene in the floating demon realm.

From the reflected cloud projection, Li Hao saw the previously defeated Semi-Saint Spider Demon lying on the ground, looking listless and yawning.

As if sensing the reflection, the Semi-Saint Spider Demon looked towards the void. Dozens of purple spider eyes narrowed, faintly seeming to sneer.

Li Hao's eyes flashed, and the Buddha could reflect the floating demon realm at will. There was no guarantee that he would not be able to see through his previous battle.

However, as long as he doesn't show off the ultimate realm of immortality, it won't be a big deal since he will have to expose some of his methods in the subsequent fights.

Earlier, the semi-holy spider demon wanted to explore how his divine blood absorbed the killing resentment. Li Hao looked at the Buddha and asked, according to the spider demon, could the other party have also reached the end of all power?

If so, the other party's body has become a god.

But the gods are regarded as demons in the land of saints. This Buddhist supreme should know the inside story, but he did not reveal it...

Li Hao looked thoughtful.

At this time, the Buddha said: "This is a semi-holy demon who was captured by me to save and guard the spirit beads. He is also the one who will be tested this time."

He looked peaceful and said with a calm smile: "If you can snatch the spirit pearl from his hand, you are already a genius of your generation. Even though you are defeated today, you don't have to worry about yourself. You can practice with concentration. There is still the possibility of becoming a transcendent saint in the future."

After hearing the Buddha's comfort, those gloomy-faced geniuses obviously recovered a lot.

There are people outside. Today's defeat really hit them hard, but Buddha's gentle words made them have a greater favorable impression of Buddhism.

Those who were watching the battle were all horrified. They did not expect that the forty people before had actually snatched the spirit beads from the hands of the semi-holy demon. No wonder it was so difficult!

"Below, the boundary stone is reflected, and the top ten are competing. Are you all ready for advancement?"

The Buddha looked at the crowd. Although his eyes were not focused on any one person, the twenty people who had advanced earlier, including Li Hao, all felt that his eyes were looking at them, and they were kind and gentle, making people feel the care of an elder.

Following the Buddha's instructions, Bodhisattvas stepped out from the Holy Mountain of Buddhism. On all four sides of the battle platform, huge black stones like monuments rose between heaven and earth, scattering divine light and connecting with each other.

This is the boundary stone. The divine light in the stone reaches the sky, reflecting the brilliance of the boundary stone formation in the far distance of the entire Canglan Realm. In an instant, the sky above the clouds and mist reflected the grand scene of the entire Holy Mountain of Buddhism.

Such grand scenes can be seen in all dynasties and big cities in the Canglan Realm.

The towering Holy Mountain of Buddhism, the solemn and solemn temples, and the millions of princes, princesses, and sons of noble families who came to watch the battle.

The most important thing was the three saints standing there, and the many geniuses standing tall. This scene made the entire Canglan world boil in an instant!

"That is the Buddha, the Buddha of a thousand generations. It is said that he has endured thousands of sufferings and has comprehended everything in the world!"

"He is the Sage of Literature, the most holy in the hearts of scholars like us!"

"That is the Sword Saint, the ultimate goal of swordsmen in the world!"

"There are so many people. Are those the top geniuses of my Canglan Realm? I cultivated the Three Immortals at the age of 25 and claimed to be a dragon among men, but compared with those geniuses and monsters, I am still too weak!"

"I heard that some saints are in the realm of Taoism before the age of 30, and have mastered many extreme realms and magical powers, the top of the same realm!"

"The twin Buddha sons of Buddhism are said to be less than 20 years old, but he seems to be different. When he was born from his mother's womb, he was surrounded by Buddha light and magic. He reached the peak of Tongli at the age of three and the Three Immortals at the age of ten!"

"That is the reincarnation of a saint. I heard that he is the reincarnation of an ancient Buddha in Buddhism. It is incomparable."

Countless people discussed that many princes of dynasties and families had no chance to go to the holy land of Buddhism, so they had to look up at the sky in the family.

The grand scene reflected in the mist is like the gods and Buddhas in the sky, which makes people excited.

On the top of the Buddhist holy mountain, Li Hao and others also saw this scene. The boundary stone has been opened, and the real Tianjiao will compete below!

In this battle, if the performance is amazing, it will attract countless believers on the spot. When the temple is built afterwards, there will be countless incense, which can greatly shorten the accumulation of sainthood.

Lighting three incense sticks is only the first step to sainthood. The more incense you need in the future, the better. The more incense, the stronger your strength. The main force of the road of incense sainthood, in addition to your own holy way, is the power of incense!

"It's finally started."

Chi Guang's eyes showed surging fighting spirit, and the eyes of other Tianjiao also became eager, while those who failed to be selected had a gloomy look, and some showed unwillingness and envy in their eyes. Even if they just went on stage, they would be seen by hundreds of millions of people in the entire Canglan world and become famous!

At this moment, with the order of the Buddha, Li Hao and others went on stage one after another, twenty people stood in a row, with different temperaments.

Among the top 20, eight were from Buddhism, only two were eliminated, while five were from Wenzu Holy Land, four were from Jianzu Holy Land, and the remaining three were Li Hao, Chi Guang, and Su Yun, three independent people.

Seeing that only two were eliminated from Buddhism, many people were secretly surprised. This session of Buddhism had a strong foundation.

As everyone's waist cards soared into the air, under the eyes of the three saints, the light of the avenue enveloped them, rolling like a hurricane, shooting out pairs of waist cards.

Everyone looked quickly and found the opponent corresponding to their waist cards.

Li Hao saw that his opponent was a young arhat from Buddhism.

The other party also looked at Li Hao, smiling, neither happy nor sad.

Li Hao nodded slightly to the other party, then turned around and walked off the stage with the others.

Although there was a conflict with Buddhism in the mortal world, to be precise, it was Li Hao who had a grudge with the Buddha, and the Buddhism in the Land of All Saints was another matter. Li Hao did not intend to extend the hatred and resentment to him, and everything was dealt with separately.

The battle stage was vacated and handed over to the first-time fighter.

Li Hao saw that the first battle was against Lin Qingying, and her opponent was a Buddhist saint.

As the battle began, both sides showed their extremes, and strange phenomena appeared. The entire battle stage was filled with violent power. Lin Qingying displayed the softest sword intent, and the sword energy was as sharp as ice flakes, constantly interlaced, but the Buddhist saint was also extremely powerful, with a Buddha statue reflecting it, as if blessed by the golden light of the Buddha's body, showing a fierce power.

Li Hao noticed that there was a group of sword energy brewing in Lin Qingying's abdomen, filling the previous lack of Tao fetus.

Compared with the battle before the battle with the Haoyue Saint, her combat power did not decrease much, but improved, and she had some understanding of the Void Sword Dao.

As the battle ended, Lin Qingying won.

The Buddhist saint was defeated, and his face was not very good, but he still put away his emotions, said to Lin Qingying, "Nice to meet you", and then turned to leave the stage.

Lin Qingying put away her sword and looked towards Li Hao, with a smile on her beautiful face.

This smile was reflected in the clouds, making the young masters of the noble families watching the battle in countless cities in Canglan Realm all have golden eyes.

"Who is that fairy? She is so beautiful!"

"Is she from the Sword Ancestor Holy Land? I will go to the Sword Ancestor Holy Land tomorrow and give up the knife and follow the sword from now on!"

Countless people were boiling, calling Lin Qingying's name, the sound was shaking, and the gorgeous first battle made Lin Qingying's reputation spread throughout Canglan.

Li Hao also smiled back and was happy for the other party.

After Lin Qingying stepped down, Chi Guang appeared next.

His opponent was Zhao Qingshu in the Wenzu Holy Land.

When Zhao Qingshu saw his opponent, his face was miserable and he secretly cried out that he was unlucky. But when he thought about how Li Hao had defeated him, and how close his master was to Li Hao on the Holy Mountain, it would be shameful if he easily admitted defeat to the opponent's defeated opponent!

Then let's fight!


Zhao Qingshu lost very quickly. Chi Guang did not intend to show mercy. He raised his hand with a fire element magic power, and Zhao Qingshu's heart flames burned all over his body. The jealous fire in his heart burned like wild grass, and the speed of the fire surprised Chi Guang a little.

However, despite losing, Zhao Qingshu still exploded his sea of ​​books magic power, and the sky was full of sword lights and shadows, brilliant and gorgeous, but it was quickly burned out, which made people sigh.

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