The Name of Eternity

Chapter 32: Children's King Li Hao

Hearing the child's instructions word by word, He Jianlan's expression became slightly tense. She nodded slightly and said warmly:

"My aunt will tell you. You don't have to worry about it. Follow the second grandfather to practice well and listen to his old man's words. Don't make mistakes. You can also go to the martial arts field to practice when you have time. You are always welcome there."

Previously, Li Hao was not asked to go to the martial arts field because he was worried about being bullied. Now Li Hao has embarked on a spiritual journey. Going to the martial arts field can exchange ideas and practice actual combat, which is helpful for his practice.

After Li Hao and Li Fu retreated together, He Jianlan couldn't help but sigh softly.

Next to her, Xuejian saw her appearance and asked cautiously: "Why are you sighing, madam?"

"Xiao Qi is busy with military affairs in Yanbei. Maybe he has forgotten about it. The same goes for this couple. We haven't seen each other for so many years. I don't know how to send more letters home and take care of this child. Hao'er is actually very sensible..."

He Jianlan whispered to herself softly, her tone a little helpless and a little reproachful.

Seeing her clever mind, Xue was suddenly startled and said, "Could it be that what Madam just said was you..."

He Jianlan glanced at her, and Xuejian immediately shut up and lowered his head. He couldn't help but quietly raised his head and looked outside the courtyard. The little figure had already swayed away.

It turns out that Madam’s care and greetings just now were all made up on her behalf, but the young master took them seriously...

Return to Shanheyuan.

Before Li Hao had time to take out the drawing board, he received another letter from his servant. When he saw the signature, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and his slightly disappointed mood also dissipated.

Although he didn't have much contact with the couple in Yanbei, strangely enough, he couldn't help but miss them a little in the dead of night.

Maybe it was the warmth of that embrace that resurfaced in a certain sleep.

Or maybe it's those real eyes that he hasn't forgotten yet.

The letter in my hand came from Jianlu, and it was naturally sent by that cute little girl.

Since she went to Jianlu, she would send letters back every once in a while, one every three to five days at first. Later, the letter said that the sword master was under strict supervision and wanted her to concentrate on her practice. The frequency of sending letters It gradually decreased, but now I still receive one every month.

There is no more daily content recorded in the letter. After all, I have said too many times that the practice in Jianlu is very boring and repetitive. This is how practice is, and it is inevitably boring to master basic skills.

Li Hao opened the letter, sat on a lounge chair in the sun, and read every word without missing a word with a smile.

I also saw a typo in it, as well as a circle and a cross. I wrote a certain word wrong, and I didn’t know how to write it, so I skipped it.

In Li Hao's mind, he seemed to be able to picture the little girl sitting at her desk in front of the letter, scratching her ears and cheeks, and couldn't help but laugh.

The letter records her recent meals and the precious medicine that the sword master master got for her. Her practice has reached the fifth level of Zhou Tian Realm, and her meridians have reached twenty-one. She is practicing Sword House. The most powerful luck method in the world.

Li Hao once heard that the second master said that Jianlu's luck method is the Xinghe Sword Qi Jue, a top-notch method that can open up 49 meridians if practiced to the perfection of the Zhoutian realm!

Compared to the Li family's 54-meridian "Dragon River Divine Vein" technique, it is only half as good.

In addition, the little girl has actually opened up the Taiyin Nether Vein, which is deeply loved by the sword master.

Seeing this, Li Hao couldn't help but feel happy for her. The Dragon River Divine Meridian Technique was not taught to outsiders and could only be practiced by direct descendants. Even if Bian Ruxue was his fiancée, the ladies from various colleges, including the aunt He Jianlan, were not qualified. Practice.

However, the techniques they can practice are all top-notch techniques, but they are just slightly inferior.

If one is extremely talented and can open up two special channels, he or she can make up for the gap in skills. But obviously, there are very few people with such talent in the world.

After reading the letter, Li Hao called his servant to prepare a letter with pen, ink and paper for him.

He swayed and slowly finished writing an article, telling about his recent studies in painting, cooking, etc., as well as some fun he had while fishing, and that he had made friends with an interesting senior.

Of course, the name of the Thief Saint was not mentioned in the letter.

After all, this Feng Lao was a villain in Dayu and was disliked by all the forces. Only Er Ye, with his free and easy temper, could make close friends with such a person. However, outsiders did not know their relationship. Otherwise, you must be cursed loudly and loudly behind your back, you are an official and a traitor!

After finishing writing, Li Hao drew a small expression as usual, encouraging her to practice harder and encourage her together.


The letter was given to the servant to send, and Li Hao brought the drawing board and painted as usual. Now he painted the second section of the road, and his painting skills were more exquisite than before.

It seems that the sketch has not changed much, but in fact, it is found that the eyes are becoming more and more focused, as if staring at the drawing paper.

Before the painting was finished, a group of figures rushed outside the courtyard. They were noisy. From a distance, someone could be heard shouting at the top of their lungs: "Brother Hao, we are here!"

I looked up and saw three little kids running over.

They are the only son of the sixth wife, Li Yuanzhao.

Wuniang's second son and three daughters, Li Yun and Li Zhining.

On the day when Bian Ruxue said goodbye to Jianlu, they were both direct "classmates" and came to Shanhe Academy to say goodbye to him, so they also got to know Li Hao.

Later, the boy named Li Yun came repeatedly to inquire about Bian Ruxue and asked her when she would return. Only then did Li Hao realize that this little brat with barely even hair dared to miss his little girl.

However, he is not as knowledgeable as this little kid.

——Just beat his butt hard and swollen.

Then, after a lot of intimidation, the little brat didn't dare to complain to Wu Niang. After all, it's boring for adults to intervene when children fight.

Of course, it's mainly because he can win.

Since then, Li Yun has been a little bit afraid of Li Hao when he sees him, but he didn't dare to come to Shanheyuan again. Instead, he later pulled his sister and another old six to be brave and come together.

After several contacts, Li Hao easily became the king of the three children.

"Brother Hao, the monkey you talked about last time was suppressed, and you haven't finished talking yet. What happened later?"

Li Yuanzhao's short and fat body trotted to the drawing board, but his little dirty hands didn't dare to touch the drawing paper, for fear of being hit on the head by Li Hao.

"Yes, yes." Li Yun also nodded repeatedly, his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and he had long been subdued by Li Hao.

Next to him, the little girl Li Zhining handed Li Hao a food box, her eyes sparkling, and she said, "Brother Hao, this is the crispy biscuits made by my mother. We have all eaten them. They are delicious. I bring this to you."

"I haven't eaten them yet." Li Yuanzhao immediately spoiled the show and stretched out his dirty little hand that had just finished practicing martial arts in the martial arts field to take it, but Li Zhining twisted her body to avoid it and gave him a fierce look.

The little fat boy looked at her aggrievedly.

Li Hao smiled and didn't say anything. He took the food box and opened it. A fragrant smell filled his nose. He picked up a piece and tasted it. It was really good. Then he distributed the rest to several people and said, "You can move a small stool over by yourselves. I will tell you while you eat."

"Uncle Zhao, chair!" Li Yun immediately shouted at the top of his voice.

Li Hao knocked his head unhappily: "Zhao Bo is also someone you can't order around, go get it yourself!"

Li Yun covered his head, a little timid, muttered something vague, and then pointed to a servant and said: "You, bring me a stool."

The servant didn't dare to disobey the order, and smiled and went to move it obediently.

Li Yuanzhao and Li Zhining were familiar with the place, ran into the house to find a small stool, and sat down obediently next to Li Hao.

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