The Name of Eternity

Chapter 288 The whole country is shocked

"Can he reverse right and wrong with just one edict? It's not that easy!"

"Let those guys in the Buddhist sect stabilize their people and spread the truth. This is a good opportunity to undermine the credibility of the imperial power and ruin the incense of the Jiang family!"

The Demon Sheep Lord said with gritted teeth.

Spread the truth... The purple-patterned graceful woman felt that these two words together seemed a bit strange.

But she quickly agreed and left with the black-robed young man.

However, when they were about to fight back, suddenly, some traces of top demon forces appeared in various states.

These demon forces raised their banners and ordered demons such as mountain spirits and river monsters to bypass border cities, sneak into the territory of various states, and attack cities where Buddhist disciples gathered.

"The Buddha is dead, Dayu will fall!"

"Your Buddha has been killed by our demon king, why don't you surrender quickly!"

"Kill, kill them all!"

These demon forces include the remnants of Longmen, the remnants of the Holy Palace, the Ancient Demon Palace, and the Xingyue Academy, which has extensive influence among demons and teaches skills to train demons, comparable to Dayu's Hanlin Palace.

This Xingyue Academy has always remained neutral among the demon forces. Unlike the retreat of Taixu Realm, Xingyue Academy never participates in disputes and does not interfere with Dayu Divine Dynasty. However, this time it also went down the mountain and started a war with Dayu.

Among these invading demons, the leaders are all great demons in the Three Immortal Realms. Among the top demon forces, their status is second only to the demon king elder.

They raised the flag and ordered the attack with great momentum.

As cities were ravaged and demons attacked, the remarks that were originally denounced by the Buddhist high-ranking officials for favoritism and shielding were instantly shattered.

Relying on a piece of imperial edict alone can only win the trust of the world, but now the rampant demons in front of them have made many Buddhist disciples realize that their Buddha was really killed by demons!

After all, those demons are raising their flags and shouting!

They can't help but believe it.


Youzhou, Xia Family.

Secret reports from many states and cities came in. In the meeting hall, Xia Linglong received the reassurance from the eunuch and returned from the imperial palace.

At this moment, demons in various places are in chaos, raising their flags, and seem to be about to launch a general attack on Dayu, making people everywhere panic and the people in panic.

"It was really the Demon King who took action?"

In the meeting hall, many Xia family members were surprised. They thought it was the young man who killed him, but they didn't expect that there was another hidden story.

Several older generations such as Xia Yuanwu revealed a trace of shock in their eyes.

Their Xia family has done a lot for His Majesty, and the old sister-in-law is good at taming demons. Some secrets are kept secret, so they only heard some rumors and it is difficult to disclose them.

But now... everything in front of them seems to confirm some of the rumors they had caught before.

Xia Linglong was a little absent-minded. The reassurance given to her by the eunuch before made her feel at ease, and the current situation... Is this the bottom line that His Majesty gave to General Haotian?

Her thoughts were in a trance until the discussion below ended. Someone asked how to send troops to deal with the demons that invaded some cities where Buddhist disciples gathered in Youzhou.

Xia Linglong came back to her senses, her mind turned quickly, and after thinking for a while, she said:

"Now that the demons are making trouble, we must be wary of other places. Let the city guards over there cooperate with the Buddhist disciples to hold on. You lead the troops to guard other cities and don't let the demons attack from the east and west."

Everyone was surprised and looked at Xia Linglong with some doubts.

Instead of helping the city being invaded, they transferred troops to other safe cities to guard?

This decision seemed a bit strange no matter how you looked at it. It didn't seem like a stupid decision that Xia Linglong could come up with.


Some people hesitated and started to argue again.

Before Xia Linglong could speak, Xia Yuanwu had already glared and said, "Didn't you hear clearly? Just do what the head of the family said. Do you know more or does the head of the family know more?"

Seeing that the older generation also said so, some people who had doubts before suddenly stopped talking and immediately understood that there must be another reason.

After all, the intelligence they saw was different from the intelligence in the hands of the head of the family.

As a general, he knew best that mastering intelligence was the first move. Only decisions made based on intelligence were the most correct decisions. Otherwise, relying solely on enthusiastic assistance might break the upper-level plan and ruin things.

They had been fighting for a long time and had heard of countless military cases, such as using thousands of soldiers as a guide in desperate situations to counterattack out of the city, etc., and finally won a great victory.

There are always sacrifices in war, and this kind of sacrifice is not only charging and breaking through the enemy lines, but also luring, ambushing, and killing soldiers, etc.

That's why there is a saying that the first requirement in the army is obedience!

There was no more objection in the meeting room. As everyone left and went to execute the order, Xia Linglong also looked at several uncles and aunts, and they all saw the thoughts in each other's eyes.

Xia Linglong didn't say anything, but went deep into the Xia family to meet the old lady who lived in the farmyard.

"There are indeed spies among the monsters, your majesty."

The old lady sitting in the rocking chair, with wrinkles on her face, spoke shockingly, and slowly told Xia Linglong this secret news.

She intervened in this matter, but did not violate the imperial order, and never revealed it to Xia Linglong, the current head of the family.

This is not because she doesn't trust Xia Linglong. First, this is because the emperor personally gave her a secret order, which cannot be spread outside, and she is unwilling to secretly violate it; second, Xia Linglong knows this matter, which will not benefit the Xia family, but only harm.

Because when a person knows something, it is very difficult to pretend that he is ignorant, and the responses made during long-term marches and transfers will always reveal flaws.

The third thing is that although she knows that there are demons that are under His Majesty’s control, she doesn’t know which ones they are, so it’s meaningless to tell them.

But now that His Majesty has taken the initiative to reveal his traces, Xia Linglong also guessed that she no longer had the need to hide it.

Hearing what the old lady said, Xia Linglong was stunned, and then Qingcheng's beautiful face was filled with shock and horror.

It's actually true!

Your Majesty must have buried too deep a secret!

In this case, this attack was obviously organized by that majesty himself.

If this spreads out, many people's three views and cognitions will be destroyed.

The human emperor actually sent demons to attack the city...

"Now, Your Majesty has used all the secrets buried thousands of years ago for that child. You are really doting on him..."

The old lady shook her chair and sighed, with a hint of envy in her eyes.

Who in the whole world can receive such favor from that emperor?

I'm afraid that none of his brothers and princes have ever received such favor...

Xia Linglong was a little absent-minded and did not respond.

The old lady glanced at her and said softly: "Do you find it a little incredible? When His Majesty summoned me to discuss this matter, I was as shocked as you are now, but soon, I admired His Majesty so much that I had nothing to say. "

Xia Linglong stared at her.

The old lady continued: "Can all the demons in the world be killed? Obviously not. If the Dynasty of Dayu is a piece of fat meat, then there will always be flies eyeing it."

"But if the piece of meat is already surrounded by flies, will there be new flies joining in?"

"No more..."

Xia Linglong was stunned, feeling goosebumps rising up, and the hairs all over her body stood up slightly.

Is this His Majesty's plan?

"Those demonic forces..." She opened her mouth slightly.

"If my guess is correct, there are basically His Majesty's secret agents who can grasp the movements of demons at all times. Your Majesty's plan is to let the secret agents directly replace the leader of the demons one day. If my guess is correct, then Xingyue Academy... ...It must be the most profound move Your Majesty has made.”

The old lady said softly with her eyes shining.

Xia Linglong felt her scalp numb. She had never thought that His Majesty was so terrifying.

"Since Your Majesty has such a secret, why hasn't Your Majesty ever..."

Xia Linglong's thoughts turned and she opened her mouth slightly. If His Majesty used the intelligence of these secret agents, their casualties could be reduced a lot!

You know, there are powerful men from the five great generals' palaces here, and they have also fallen among them.

The old lady shook her head slightly and said: "It is precisely because of the tragic losses that these secrets were buried deep enough. I am afraid that the Buddha Lord never thought that His Majesty could be so cruel."

Xia Linglong was stunned.

"That Jiulang of the Li family, if he hadn't been a strong-willed man who hated evil and fought his way out of the border alone, he would not have fallen. There were traces of His Majesty's influence on Anzi that time, but it's a pity..."

The old lady shook her head slowly. She always pays attention to these things, especially when she knows some inside information. If she observes again, she will see many traces that ordinary people cannot see.

"In other words, Lord Buddha was really killed by General Haotian, but Your Majesty... still prefers him, and now you are even willing to expose these thousand-year secrets for him?"

Xia Linglong felt a little unbelievable. What kind of preference should this have to lead to such action?

Killing the second most powerful man in the world, there was no suspicion or fear, but he did not hesitate to expose the hidden secrets that had been hidden for many years. Even the most favored prince in the dynasty would not get such favor!

There was also a hint of complexity in the old lady's eyes.

"It is indeed an extreme preference, but in addition, it is also because that young man is irreplaceable. With such a talent, if he does not become a saint, no one in the world can become a saint. It is difficult to understand that His Majesty can actually be so relieved. Yes, if you leave this world in the hands of that child, he should be treated by your majesty as a future orthodoxy."

"Future orthodoxy!"

Xia Linglong's pupils shrank, and the blood all over her body seemed to surge.

The weight of these words is too heavy!

The Lord Buddha planned for two thousand years to spread Buddhist temples all over the city, and all he wanted was a stick of incense.

Buddhism and Taoism have been fighting for many years, just to become the Taoist lineage of Dayu and inherit all the incense from Dayu.

Now, that General Haotian will replace the real person in Qiandao Palace and become the object of worship in the future?

The old lady glanced at Xia Linglong, the complicated look in her eyes did not disappear, and whispered:

"Do you know what this means?"

Xia Linglong came back to her senses and looked at the trace of sadness in her eyes. She was startled for a moment, and suddenly realized something, and felt that her heart seemed to have sunk to the bottom.

When Taoism appears in the future, does it also mean that the current real person... is about to die?

In addition to Youzhou, many figures from other places are also watching this chaotic demon attack in various places.

A few old guys have vaguely understood some traces behind the demon, but they are not sure.

Perhaps we can only confirm by asking the Xia family. After all, the Xia family is good at locking down the demon's lifeline.

But obviously this kind of thing cannot be tested, and the dragon's whiskers cannot touch it.

When demons from various places attacked places where Buddhists gathered, the Buddhist arhats were frightened, angry, and furious.

As soon as the Lord Buddha died, these demons came to attack, and their Lord Buddha was actually killed by these demons!

Many people who had escaped from Wuliang Mountain and witnessed Li Hao killing the Lord Buddha were shaken at this moment. There were imperial edicts in the past, and demons raising flags to attack later. In addition, demons have always done many evil things, and their witchcraft is sinister, and they have already penetrated deeply into the world. People's hearts.


"Avenge Lord Buddha!"

"My Buddha is compassionate, I want to kill the monster!"

Many Buddhist monks took off their cassocks and went into battle to fight with demons.

At the same time, in the imperial palace hall.

The ministers who had previously denounced Li Hao were trembling with fear. Some even directly claimed that they were seriously ill and were recuperating at home and did not dare to go to court.

Emperor Yu sat on the throne and threw out the investigation files from the Demon Suppression Department and the Criminal Department.

"The truth has not yet been revealed. Those who previously threatened to depose the duke and strip the generals of their names easily slandered loyal ministers and good generals. Do you know your guilt?"

Although these majestic words were spoken in a low voice, they almost made many people weak in the knees.

question? How to question?

The Demon Suppression Department and the Punishment Department are two very powerful departments. The Punishment Department is under the control of the Li family. It would be fine to say that the Li family is partial, but the Demon Suppression Department is a department directly under His Majesty's control.

Moreover, news of the chaos in various cities has already quietly spread to the imperial city.

Now that the truth is out, who dares to argue?

Emperor Yu looked at some pale-faced ministers, snorted coldly, and asked Chu Jiuyue to pass the order.

Soon, wailing and crying sounded in the hall.

One by one, those who had been entrusted by Buddhism to receive benefits from Buddhism or who believed in Buddhism themselves were dragged out of the hall.

They wanted to argue, but the emperor obviously didn't want to listen.

In front of Xuanhuang's gate, heads rolled down one after another, blood splattering.

When many other courtiers went home from court, they could still see some eunuchs washing there. However, the blood was washed away by the water, but it spread even wider, making it more conspicuous and dazzling.

On the other side, the two graceful women with purple stripes who were about to contact Buddhism to spread the truth heard the news from Tianji Palace. They were stunned and shocked. They immediately and angrily asked Tianji Palace to quickly order the demons to retreat.

Who allowed them to represent demons and take over this big pot?

They also wanted to use this matter to kill the boy who was in the way.

However, there were disputes in various places, and although the elders of the demonic forces from all sides hurriedly summoned them, it was already too late.

Emperor Yu's counterattack was too fast and fierce, without warning, but he quickly broke their plan and did not follow their route.

It is said that people's hearts are unpredictable and prone to suspicion, but the emperor did not do what they wanted, and even spent a lot of money to save the young man.

"I thought we were the only ones lurking on the side of the human race, but I didn't expect these damn humans to have secretly planted a nail in our place!"

The young man in black robe also came to his senses, his face turned red with anger. At this point, the Buddhist sword was completely useless.

Even if the two Bodhisattvas and some Buddhist disciples can continue to use them, they alone are weak and can easily suppress any divine general's palace. They cannot cause trouble in front of the Dayu Dynasty.

Without the riots incited by middle- and lower-class Buddhist disciples, there would be no chaos. Bodhisattvas, Buddhist disciples, and a few Arhats who would only separate their heads and necks if they were forced to call for it can firmly believe in the truth, but the people below have all pointed their fingers at demons. .

"Buddhism is a bunch of useless things..."

The graceful woman with purple stripes also looked ugly. In the end, she chose to give up the need to continue negotiating with Buddhism and returned to the secret palace outside Dayu State.

After the two explained the matter, the old man with a cane also fell silent.

Such a major event as the death of Lord Buddha was easily resolved by the emperor. Countless Buddhist disciples who were rioting in the Nineteen States were also used by his majesty with a clever move and became the sharpest spear in his hand. He was furious. demon.

Too cruel.

"Show it to the Holy Son and leave it to the Holy Son to make the decision."

Demon Sheep Lord also showed a fierce light in his eyes: "Since he is feinting, let's make it real!"

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