The Name of Eternity

Chapter 270 Return to Cangya City

Qingzhou, in a city.

Demons were entrenched in the city, corpses were everywhere, and blood was spilled on the collapsed buildings.

Some demons were eating the remains of some soldiers on the ground, hollowing out their internal organs, and scattered organs, broken hands and feet all over the ground.

Some survivors in the city were driven to the empty spaces of destroyed buildings and fenced up, like pigs in a pigsty, shivering.

Coolies, merchants, scholars, and martial artists were all crowded together at this moment, without any difference, all fish on the demons' chopping boards, left to be slaughtered.

There were weak and delicate young ladies from aristocratic families who wanted to cry, but they were covered by their mouths for fear of angering these demons.

Their grief was just a noise to the demons.

"Who can come to save us..."

Everyone was in a panic, looking eagerly into the distance, praying that Dayu's army would come to suppress the demons.

From time to time, some people were picked out and taken to a nearby place to be torn to pieces and roasted, making screams and making the rest of the people tremble.

Some people were so scared that they were pissing and shitting, and collapsed on the ground. When they were picked up by the demons, they were as soft as if they had no bones.

In the sky, a figure sitting on a raging fire came roaring from a distance.

Passing by this city, the speed slowed down a little. When he saw the tragic scene in the city, the face of the young man in the raging fire was gloomy. He didn't see how he acted, and a breeze suddenly blew between heaven and earth.

This breeze turned into dozens of sharp sword qi, which shot out at a high speed as fast as a shadow.

The demons in the city fell one by one, and the rest were startled by the change, but they could not see the enemy. When the ground was full of demon corpses, they noticed the young man sitting on the back of the red flame demon above their heads.

Waves of terrified roars and pleadings sounded, but without exception, all of them were pierced through the head by the sword qi.

In a few breaths, all the demons in the city had died.

Only corpses were left, and the demons that were still eating, with arms in their mouths, fell into the dust.

This sudden change stunned all the survivors in the city who were trapped and waiting to be slaughtered. Among the martial artists, there were also masters of the Divine Wandering Realm who kept a low profile and waited for opportunities. At this moment, they quickly noticed the red flame monster in the sky and the figure of the young man on its back.

"Someone is coming to save us!"

"It's the general of the court, it must be the general of the court!"

"That's the general's mount, not a demon!"

In an instant, with the shouts of some warriors, others also saw the red flame figure above the city. Some mortal old men were dim and could not see that far. They could only see a ball of fire, as if a god was hanging in the air. They knew that it was the savior, the generals in the court who were roaring and marching.

For a time, the survivors in the city were sad and knelt down to thank and shout.

Li Hao sighed lightly, dealt with these demons, and confirmed that there were no omissions before letting the Candle God continue on his way to the next city.

Before returning to Liangzhou, he thought of the cities where a large number of people had been devastated, and he just happened to deal with them when he returned.

Some cities had been pacified by the Li family's army, and some had not yet been pacified. Some of the demons in these cities had already retreated, and some greedy ones still occupied the cities and harmed the people.

The faster the speed of recovering lost land, the fewer casualties.

Not long after Li Hao left, two figures rushed over with a whistle, one old and one young.

The young girl in blue clothes looked down at the city, then raised her hand and waved. On her wrist was a golden bracelet with nine small bells on it, which made a crisp tinkling sound at this moment.

Then, a series of black auras rose from all over the city, and it seemed that there were screams and hideous roars like wronged souls, drilling into the bells on her wrists.

Soon, all the black air that flew out from the cracks of the corpses and broken walls was absorbed and disappeared.

Ying Xiaoxiao put down his wrist, looked at the ruined scene in the city, shook his head slightly, and then followed the old man at the tea stall beside him to continue to gallop out.

About two hours after they left, there were bursts of horse hooves on the ground in the distance, and the battle flags were flying. It was the army sent by the Li family to quell the rebellion.

When the army entered the city, they saw the demons that had been cleared out long ago, and they were all surprised.

After asking the martial artists in the city and some famous old families, they learned that there was a general riding a red demon who came here to annihilate all the demons.

Hearing their description, the Li family soldiers looked at each other in surprise.

The scene above Qingzhou City is still vivid for them. I am afraid they will never forget it for decades. Isn’t that General Haotian?

When these people asked the officers about the name of the general, these Li family soldiers did not hide it.

Soon, the word "Haotian" spread among these survivors. Some business families proposed to fund the reconstruction of the city, build a golden statue for General Haotian, suppress the demons, and build a temple for him.



In less than a day, Li Hao rode on the Candle Fire God and circled most of Qingzhou. Until he did not see the demons in more than a dozen cities, Li Hao turned around and asked the Candle Fire God to go to Liangzhou.

The rest of the place can be left to the Li family army to slowly clean up.

The next day.

In the slightly humid morning mist, Li Hao sat on the back of the Candle Fire God and came to the border of Liangzhou.

When he saw the familiar Longguan Road, Li Hao's eyes showed a bit of nostalgia.

Looking from the sky, the former Longguan Road was like a giant dragon extending from the border, with lush greenery on both sides and birds and beasts singing in the mountains and forests.

Li Hao got off the Candle Fire God's back and asked him to transform into a human form to avoid scaring the people in the city.

When the two walked towards Longguan Road, suddenly, an old man's voice came from behind.

"Young man, are you going to Cangya City?"

Li Hao turned his head and saw a grandfather and grandson picking herbs. Their backpacks were full of herbs, mushrooms and other things picked in the morning.

He was slightly stunned and couldn't help laughing. It seemed like time went back to two years ago.

The old man in front of him obviously didn't recognize the young man in front of him, the young man who advised him not to step into Longguan Road two years ago.

But Li Hao recognized him, and he smiled and said, "Yes, go to Cangya City."

"The Longguan Road is ahead."

The old man shouted to Li Hao, and the familiar words that were exactly the same as before made Li Hao slightly stunned, but the old man smiled and shouted:

"I wish you, the young heroes of the noble families, a bright future!"

Li Hao slowly smiled and said, "I also wish you a good harvest every day."

The old man smiled, waved his hand, and left with his grandson.

We are all passers-by in the world, a quick encounter, simple care, and simple blessings.

Li Hao watched the old and the young go away, then turned around with a smile and continued to walk towards Longguan Road.

Two years have passed, and there have indeed been great changes here.

The former dangerous place now has some signs of prosperity. Those young people who come here in an endless stream to visit and pursue fame have obviously brought a green leaf to the prosperity here.

There was one less tea stall on Longguan Road, but there were many more vendors on the roadside. Li Hao's steps became faster and faster, and he felt more relaxed. He felt like he was going home.

Feng Lao has been waiting for a long time. Qianqian should have reached a bottleneck in her cultivation.

I wonder if the little white fox has digested the strange state.

Many thoughts surged in his mind, and soon, Li Hao came to Cangya City.

Looking at the city, the magic array covered it, and the top of the city was full of flags with his name written on them, fluttering in the strong wind.

Li Hao covered Xiyan with the Dao domain to cover her breath. Li Hao didn't need to worry about the Candle Fire God. Except for the magic array in the imperial capital, few other magic arrays could sense the existence of the Taiping Dao domain. This was the upper limit of the Sitianjian's ability.

After all, the old Sitian had passed away, and his successor seemed to have failed to pass on his ability.

After entering the city, in just a few months, the changes here were already somewhat obvious. The streets were cleaner, and there were more vendors in the city, but they were more orderly.

This is a border city, it is rare to have such a scene.

Compared with the increasingly crowded city, there is a vast open space in the center of the city, and in the center of the open space is just a simple and plain fenced courtyard.

In the dark outside the courtyard, there are soldiers of the Heavenly Master Realm patrolling in secret.

Li Hao's mind swept over and saw the girl dancing with a sword in the courtyard. He smiled slightly and said:

"I'm back."

In the courtyard, Ren Qianqian, who was practicing sword, was stunned, and then looked around in astonishment.

Soon, she realized something, rushed out of the fenced courtyard, and saw the young man not far away from the courtyard.

"Young, young master?"

Ren Qianqian was a little stunned. The appearance of the young man in front of her changed a little, but the tone of the mind made her judge that it was Li Hao at once.

However, when those people came before and saw Li Hao's clone dissipated, didn't they say that the young master was dead?

Ren Qianqian was a little confused, suspecting that she was dreaming. She rubbed her eyes, and when she could see clearly again, she suddenly burst into tears and ran towards Li Hao.

"Master, you are still alive..."

She threw herself into Li Hao's arms and cried.

Li Hao was a little surprised. After she cried for a while, she felt that the clothes on her shoulders were wet, and her heart was a little warm. He said:

"Silly child, why are you crying? I'm back now."

After Ren Qianqian calmed down, Li Hao took her into the courtyard.

The Tianren Grandmaster who was secretly following was stunned. He thought that Li Hao was a child of a noble family, but according to the words of the sword servant girl, the other party was General Haotian? !

Many people widened their eyes, their faces were full of shock, and then they were extremely excited.

Previously, Li Tiangang and others came here to try to confirm whether Li Hao was really dead through his clone. After learning that Li Hao's clone had dissipated, they confirmed it.

And the news they confirmed was also spread, causing the whole Cangya City to wail.

But now, Li Hao is back again!

The general who pacified the rebellion in Liangzhou, the peerless young man, he is back!

Soon after Li Hao entered the courtyard, several Tianren masters who could not control their emotions rushed in and asked Li Hao if he was really General Haotian.

Seeing these masters with red eyes, Li Hao felt a lot in his heart, nodded and admitted, letting them know that he was back.

The news spread quickly, and the whole Cangya City was alarmed. Countless people rushed over, and the courtyard was bustling.

In the courtyard, Li Hao had already introduced Zhuhuo Shen and Xiyan to Ren Qianqian, and also briefly asked about what happened during this period.

Li Hao was a little surprised to learn that his clone had dissipated, and then he understood why they all thought they were dead.

It may be caused by cutting off the bloodline, or it may be caused by being too seriously injured. Li Hao is ready to reshape another clone.

Even if the original clone did not dissipate, the clone’s strength has been fixed from the moment it was condensed, and there will be no memory sharing and transmission between the clone and the original body, and the same is true for strength.

Therefore, the original clone was obviously too weak compared to the current one.

However, before refining the clone again, Li Hao planned to find some secret manuals of soul-refining and object-controlling techniques.

Now that his control has broken through the seventh stage, as long as he finds some more secret manuals of soul-refining and object-controlling techniques, he can quickly improve the upper limit of the Soul-Wandering Realm and the Fifteen-Li Realm.

Now, he has cultivated the Tongli Realm, Zhoutian Realm, and Jihun Realm to the extreme state.

However, the Soul-Wandering Realm and the Fifteen-Li Realm are still a long way from the limit.

The Heavenly Man Grandmaster Realm and the Three Immortal Realms have also mastered the extreme state.

When the Soul-Wandering Realm and the Fifteen-Li Realm are perfect, Li Hao can consider challenging the limit of the Four-Standing Realm.

"Where is Master Feng?"

Li Hao asked Ren Qianqian, somewhat surprised.

He has been back for so long, but Master Feng has not appeared yet. Even if he wants to go fishing, he should not go too far.

After all, Master Feng is a man who keeps his promises.

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