The Name of Eternity

Chapter 255 Solve it at the same time (two in one)

Following Xia Linglong, there were other elders of the Xia family. Standing beside Xia Linglong, they all looked at the young man with curiosity.

This young man who stepped out of the Qingzhou Tianyuan God General Mansion was now in the Xia family Zhenwei God General Mansion, and was personally welcomed by their family head. This honor was not given to the Chu Gonggong beside Emperor Yu, who came here by order. He was only invited to enter the mansion and greeted outside the courtyard.

But at this moment, they did not find it strange.

After all, this was a duke who became a general at the age of fifteen and was appointed as a general!

"Hello, senior Xia Linglong."

Li Hao bowed and called him, which was considered a greeting.

Xia Linglong smiled sweetly, and her luxurious clothes showed her nobility. She had the grace and majesty of the head of the family, and the gentleness of a woman. She invited the young man into the mansion and treated him as a distinguished guest.

Along the way, in addition to the two elders of the Xia family, other famous generals and ladies of Xia Linglong's generation followed behind, curiously looking at this young man who was only fifteen years old and had already walked side by side with the head of the family.

"We can't even see through his aura."

The two elders of the Xia family also looked solemn. Rumors are not as good as meeting in person. Only when they met in person did they feel that the rumors about this young man were not exaggerated at all.

Arriving at the East Pavilion, Xia Linglong invited Li Hao to the guest seat, ordered someone to make tea and greet him, and talked to Li Hao.

"I heard that General Haotian had previously sacrificed himself to lead away the Zhuhuo God of the Taixu Realm for the sake of hundreds of millions of people in Liangzhou, causing him to fall into the Youdu-level dead river. I wonder when General Haotian will return?"

Xia Linglong asked curiously.

The appearance of this young man was silent. When all the states and His Majesty were looking forward to it, he appeared from Youzhou. She was a little suspicious whether their Xia family's intelligence network was paralyzed, or it had not been rectified for too long, breeding too many corrupt termites.

Li Hao was a little surprised. From what the head of the Xia family said, it seemed that he didn't know that the Dead River had been cleared.

So, Li Xiaoran didn't spread the news?

Li Hao's eyes flickered. The Li family's move should have other intentions.


Li Hao said, without going into details.

Seeing that Li Hao didn't want to talk more about the Dead River, Xia Linglong stopped asking. After all, now that the Merit Treasure House has been opened, the information about the Dead River is extremely precious, not to mention that it is a Youdu-level Dead River.

"For the matter of Liyang City, my Xia family thanks General Haotian on behalf of the people of Liyang."

Xia Linglong restrained her smile and said solemnly.

It's hard to repay a favor, but she didn't let it go.

This is Youzhou. The Xia family will eventually receive this favor. Even if it is a brave general sent by His Majesty, they have to remember three favors.

"It's a small matter, senior, don't worry about it."

Li Hao chuckled. He really didn't take it seriously. It was just a handy job.

It has nothing to do with fame and human relations. As a human, you can't just sit back and watch the demons slaughter.

Xia Linglong talked about the previous deeds in Liangzhou again, and used these to praise the young man to ease the unfamiliar atmosphere between them.

However, seeing that Li Hao only responded lightly, without any publicity or pride in his expression, Xia Linglong couldn't help but feel a little surprised. It was difficult for someone to remain calm under such overwhelming merits.

As the conversation progressed, she gradually felt that this young man was free and easy, and casual, like a chivalrous knight in the rivers and lakes, with chivalrous spirit and elegant gentleness.

She couldn't help but secretly compare him with the younger generation of the Xia family in her heart, but after comparing, putting aside the cultivation, this easy-going and flexible temperament has surpassed most of the young generation.

She sighed in her heart, the same ancient and solemn general family, why can the Li family cultivate such an unruly and intelligent child.

However, the Xia family followed the rules and regulations. Although they could become famous generals step by step, it was inevitable that the God General Mansion, which was glorious on the surface but already old, lacked some vitality.

In addition to her high talent in martial arts, Xia Linglong was also smart and familiar with other interpersonal relationships. When she wrote to invite Li Hao, she collected the information about the young man. During the conversation, she always spoke according to the other party's preferences, and did not directly invite Li Hao to take risks for their Xia family.

After all, asking for help in fighting against the master of the Gluttonous Valley was a bit embarrassing.

As the banquet was going on, Xia Linglong talked with Li Hao about poetry, songs, music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She had a little knowledge of these aspects. At this moment, when talking with Li Hao, she found that this young man was not just a hobby, but had a very deep attainment.

This amazed her greatly. It was hard to imagine that a young man with such extraordinary martial arts could still study other things. He was really a man of both literature and martial arts as rumored.

Fortunately, she had prepared in advance. She invited an old gentleman from the Hanlin Palace who retired in Youzhou to come to the mansion in advance, hoping that Li Hao would not feel bored when he stayed in the Xia family mansion.

Unexpectedly, when the old gentleman was invited to the banquet, he became excited when he learned about Li Hao's identity. He grabbed Li Hao's hand and recited the poems that Li Hao recited in the brothel one after another.

After each sentence, he asked Li Hao, did you write this too?

Li Hao felt a little embarrassed for some reason. He felt like he was being caught copying a book. He had never felt so guilty when facing the demon king...

"I have fought for three thousand miles, and my sword has been used as a million divisions!"

The old gentleman was trembling with tears in his eyes, saying, "Only a general with heroic spirit can write such a poem!"

During the banquet, Xia Linglong and the others were also shocked by the poems of Li Hao recited by the old gentleman. They felt their blood boiling. The strong liquor in their throats was like a raging fire, igniting their blood. They wanted to rush to the battlefield with swords and fight with demons!

Although they were military generals and did not study poetry very well, they could at least understand the good and bad and the meaning. At this moment, they were all shocked to see the young man.

The iron blood in the poem, the sonorous and lofty sentiments, and the domineering attitude of looking down on the world, and then thinking of the young man's achievements of defeating the elder of Longmen alone and fighting with the master of Taixu Realm, their eyes were shining, and they looked at the young man with love and complicated eyes like hungry wolves, and felt that they hated him for not having the surname Xia.

Why didn't the sons of their Xia family give birth to such a genius!

Xia Linglong's eyes also changed from the initial surprise to complex. She remembered two lines in the poem that the old gentleman read, which felt like her mood when she was galloping on the battlefield of demons.

I will not refuse to sleep in the open air.

I will drink blood instead of rouge.

She is a woman, but she smears blood on the battlefield to make herself powder.

Others embroider brocade handkerchiefs, but she embroiders the mountains and rivers of Dayu.

When I first heard the name of the boy, I thought he was a genius. Only when I saw his intentions closely did I realize that he was extraordinary.

During the banquet, Xia Linglong and many other Xia family members were amazed by Li Hao's erudition and talents. Halfway through the meal, Xia Linglong looked at the old gentleman in the Hanlin Hall talking happily with Li Hao. She sat aside, but her eyes were slightly absent-minded.

She suddenly retreated a little, not knowing whether she should tell the boy about the battlefield in the East Border and whether she should invite him to join the battle.

If this young man is given a few more years, he will surely be able to protect the entire Dayu in the future. Now he is asking him to take risks, which makes her feel guilty.

After the banquet, Xia Linglong was slow to speak. Li Hao had heard about the situation in Youzhou in Liyang City, especially the chaos in the east, with countless sacrifices.

He was surprised to see that the head of the family did not talk about this matter, so he asked:

"I heard that there is war in the east of Youzhou, and the situation is worrying. Do you need my help?"

Xia Linglong's heart tightened when Li Hao asked. Looking at the young man's sincere and bright eyes, she suddenly couldn't bear it, shook her head and smiled:

"Although there is war, my Xia family can pacify it."

"Head of the family."

Xia Yuanwu, the old man of the Xia family, saw Xia Linglong avoiding this and couldn't help but change color slightly.

Although he also admired this young man very much, Youzhou has now reached an extremely critical moment. This young man's strength is comparable to the ultimate learning realm, which is definitely a great help!

The other members of the Xia family saw what Xia Linglong meant, and their faces changed while they were a little complicated.

Their admiration and love for the young man made them feel reluctant, but they felt even more pained when they thought of the war situation in the East and the crisis in Youzhou.

In this contradictory and complex emotion, their faces looked a little unnatural.

Li Hao noticed it and was a little confused. He said to Xia Linglong:

"Senior Xia, just tell me what you want. Whether we can do it or not is another matter."

At this time, he also realized that the Xia family invited him here not just to thank Liyang City.

Xia Linglong's face changed slightly when she heard Li Hao's words. She stared at the young man. At this moment, the old gentleman in the Hanlin Hall also noticed that the atmosphere at the dinner table was not right. He stopped talking immediately and just looked at them quietly.

Xia Yuanwu and others looked at Xia Linglong, anxious in their hearts, and wanted to speak out, but due to the family rules and Xia Linglong's majesty, they did not dare to offend or transgress.

Xia Linglong and Li Hao looked at each other for a long time. She was silent for a while, sighed in her heart, and thought about the people of Youzhou. In the end, she said what she had said before.

"Master of Gluttony Valley?"

Li Hao's eyes moved slightly when he heard Xia Linglong's words.

This is also a great demon king. When Zhuhuo Shen did not reveal the power of the half-step Dao realm, the other party's status was equal to Zhuhuo Shen.

But compared with Taixu Realm, Gluttony Valley's foundation is still a little thin. It suddenly rose five hundred years ago. With its bloodthirsty and brutal style, it grew wildly and leaped to the top demon force in just five hundred years, which made people terrified.

Many border cities heard the reputation of Gluttony Valley and even dared not to defend the city and fled overnight.

If they were captured by other demon forces, there would still be a way to survive, and it might be possible to wait for reinforcements to arrive, but the demons in Gluttony Valley are extremely bloodthirsty and brutal. They can eat up a city overnight, and they will not even let go of mice.

As for the top demon forces, Li Hao had been reading about them as storybooks in Tingyu Tower.

"Is it only Gluttony Valley?" Li Hao asked.

Xia Linglong looked at Li Hao with a serious look in her eyes and said, "Yes, the Holy Palace and the Dragon Gate are besieging Qingzhou. Currently, only the traces of the Gluttonous Valley can be seen in Youzhou. There may be other forces behind it, but it is just a possibility."

"Besiege Qingzhou?"

When Li Hao heard Qingzhou, his eyelids jumped.

Liangzhou had just been pacified, and there was already war in Youzhou. Why was Qingzhou still under siege?

"What's the situation in Qingzhou?" Li Hao asked hurriedly. Many faces appeared in his mind, including the greedy woman, the two old men, the eldest lady, Yuanzhao, and the students of the Tan Palace Academy...

And the many snack shops on the street.

His heart tightened.

Hearing Li Hao's anxious words, Xia Linglong and others were surprised and immediately realized that the young man really didn't know about Qingzhou.

Maybe he just came out of the Dead River and didn't know much about the outside world... Xia Linglong immediately made a judgment in her heart. Seeing Li Hao so anxious, she felt disappointed and regretful. She knew that it was basically hopeless to ask Li Hao to help Youzhou, but she still told him what she knew in detail:

"I heard that Qingzhou has fallen for most of the time. The leaders of the Holy Palace and Longmen have taken action and fought outside Qingzhou in advance. They should still be fighting. But after the Gluttony Valley attacked Youzhou, we know less about the situation in Qingzhou."

When she said this, she saw the eagerness in the boy's eyes and whispered:

"If you want to reinforce Qingzhou now, it's still in time. My Xia family can lend you the battle flag to strengthen Qingzhou."

The battle flag she said meant that when Li Hao went to Qingzhou, he could send troops to fly the Xia family battle flag and disguise himself as the Xia family army to come to reinforce.

Although the battle flag of the Xia family is not as effective as Li Hao's, it is still very intimidating to the demons. After all, it means that the Xia family has entered Qingzhou and is a force. This makes the Holy Palace and Longmen who attack Qingzhou have to think twice, at least they can buy some time.

Li Hao heard the other party's words and knew that the other party was entrusting a part of the glory of the Xia family to him. This is a great favor to the God General Mansion.

He didn't have the heart to eat at this moment. He stood up and said: "I thank the Xia family for their kindness on behalf of the people of Qingzhou. Let's set off without delay."

Li Hao remembered the geomancy map of the 19 states. If I remember correctly, the eastern border of Youzhou happened to be the route to Qingzhou, but it was slightly off the direction.

"Then I wish General Haotian a triumphant return..."

Xia Linglong and many members of the Xia family also stood up and left the table, with complicated expressions. This young man came from Qingzhou, and it was also human nature to reinforce his hometown at the first time. They had no reason to keep him.

"Hmm? What are you still standing there for? Lead the way. Let's go to the East Territory and take care of the Gluttony Valley."

Li Hao was about to leave when he saw Xia Linglong and the others still standing there, just bowing and seeing them off, so he couldn't help but shout.


Li Hao's words startled everyone in the Xia family. Xia Linglong reacted and said in surprise: "You, you want to help us attack the Gluttony Valley first?"

"It's a handy thing, let's go quickly."

Li Hao said.

Hearing Li Hao's loud tone, Xia Yuanwu, the elder of the Xia family, couldn't help but say, "General Haotian, the Gluttonous Valley Master is at the peak of the Absolute Learning Realm. Although he hasn't mastered the Dao Realm, he is also very difficult to deal with. If you are really willing to help, we can attract him to the Minghe area of ​​Youzhou..."

"It's not that troublesome. Just help you kill him."

Li Hao interrupted him. Thinking that they would have all kinds of worries and doubts, he didn't waste time and said bluntly, "I can also deal with the Taiping Dao Realm. You don't have to worry."


Everyone in the Xia family was stunned and looked at Li Hao in shock, suspecting that the boy had made a slip of the tongue.

Li Hao had no time to waste. In the time he spent explaining to them, he should have been able to kill the Gluttonous Valley Master dozens of times.

He glanced at Xia Linglong and said, "Senior Xia Linglong, can you lead the way?"

Xia Linglong was stunned. Looking at Li Hao's casual eyes, she suddenly realized that the boy left the Dead River and was chased by the Candle Fire God without dying. I'm afraid he has made another breakthrough.

Could it be that he is already able to rival the Taiping Dao realm?

This idea is too horrifying, but this young man has created too many miracles in succession. She only felt her heart tremble. Although she couldn't believe it, Li Hao said so himself, so she could only choose to believe it.

"Okay, I'll lead the way for you!"

Xia Linglong was extremely decisive. She raised her hand and a long spear flew from a distance and landed in her hand.

"I'll go too."

Xia Yuanwu said quickly, also calling for his own weapon.

Regardless of whether what Li Hao said was true or false, Li Hao was willing to take action, and he could also help at this opportunity.

"You guys keep up with me at full speed, I might be faster."

Li Hao winked at Zhuhuo Shen, who nodded slightly, and suddenly turned his body, with flames sweeping over his body, changing from a young man to a ferocious beast with a fire lion dragon tail, with hooves like a unicorn and a lion, strong and majestic.

It soared into the air, exuding flames and a hot breath, and the heat wave swept across the entire Zhenwei Shenjiang Mansion.

Li Hao turned over, jumped onto its back and sat down, then asked Xia Linglong to point out the direction.

Xia Linglong and others looked at the young man sitting on the demon's back, and they felt like a god in the fire, and they were all shocked.

The young man turned out to be a demon, but none of them noticed it before!

Such means can only show that this demon is extremely terrifying, beyond their imagination.

Xia Linglong flew into the sky with a magic gun in hand, feeling the breath of the demon sitting on Li Hao, and felt waves of terrifying pressure, which made her heart palpitate. She had an incredible feeling that the demon's strength was stronger than hers!


Li Hao shouted.

His voice made Xia Linglong and others sober up. If there were some doubts and concerns before, now their confidence was doubled. Xia Linglong quickly pointed to the direction and said, "Over there!"


The flames swept, and the candle fire god ran with four hooves, quickly stepping on the fire and rushing at a high speed.

So fast!

Xia Linglong and Xia Yuanwu were both shocked when they saw it and hurried to chase after it.

In addition to the two of them, another old man from the Xia family was also shocked, but he stopped in mid-air and stayed to guard the Xia family's God General Mansion.

"Oh my God, am I seeing things?"

"Is that the mount of the Four Li Realms?"

"He said he was going to kill the Glutton Valley Master. Did I hear it wrong?"

"I don't know, but I heard that he defeated the Dragon Gate Elder before, and now... maybe he is even stronger?"

After Li Hao and Xia Linglong left, everyone in the Xia family was shocked and exclaimed in surprise.

The young man was elegant and gentle, and looked approachable, but at this moment he was a little more majestic, giving people a feeling of being unmatched.

The figure sitting on the back of the demon surrounded by the flames of the divine fire also ignited hope in their eyes. Maybe, the young man can really solve the chaos in Youzhou?


Li Hao sat on the Candle Fire God and rushed all the way.

Xia Linglong and Xia Yuanwu used the top body skills of the Xia family and flew at full speed, but they could only barely catch up. The two were shocked and could not see the details of the demon under Li Hao.

The old man of the Xia family who rushed to Liangzhou to help was not Xia Yuanwu, so he could not recognize the identity of the Candle Fire God.

The Candle Fire God rarely appeared, so few people recognized his appearance.

About half an hour later, under the guidance of Xia Linglong, they arrived at the second line of defense on the eastern battlefield of Youzhou.

Only the Candle Fire God could sustain this full-speed journey, and Xia Linglong and Xia Yuanwu were almost forced to use their unfading power, and their physical strength was almost exhausted at this moment.

After all, they were running at almost full speed all the way, and even the Four Li Realms could not bear it.

Fortunately, the unfading power they retained allowed them to still have combat effectiveness after arriving at the battlefield.

From a distance, Li Hao heard the sky-high roar coming from the battlefield.

His face was slightly gloomy, and it felt like the defense line battlefield in Liangzhou when he chased the old dragon.

Looking up, he saw a towering defense line standing on the plain in front of him, and countless demons were attacking like a torrent, and the magic circle on the defense line had been broken, and the human race and the demons were fighting in a melee.

Li Hao looked around and sensed that there were several powerful auras lingering behind the demon tide.

But these auras were not strong enough, at most they were at the level of defying fate.

"Master of Gluttony Valley, get out!"

Li Hao shouted softly.

The young man's sharp voice rolled out as fast as thunder in the sky, and in an instant, accompanied by a whistling wind, it spread throughout the vast battlefield, like thunder that shook the ears of thousands of demons on the battlefield.

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