The Name of Eternity

Chapter 23: Rapid increase in experience

Li Hao didn't hide anything and told the old man truthfully.

When Li Muxiu learned that it was Man Niu Jin, he nodded slightly without saying anything, and threw another backpack to Li Hao:

"Inside is the bait you used. Monsters in the Tongli Realm love to eat it. Which one you can catch depends on your luck."

After that, he took Li Hao downstairs.

"What about my fish basket?" Li Hao asked.

"Ha..." Li Muchiu laughed and said, "Let's talk about it if you can catch it. If you really catch it, you can share one with me."

"All right."

Li Hao didn't force it either.

As soon as the two of them came downstairs, they saw Li Fu waiting outside the building.

"Second uncle, what are you..."

Seeing the fishing rod in Li Hao's hand, Li Fu was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened slightly.

"No need to ask, let's go fishing." Li Muchiu glanced at him, obviously not interested in talking about the wood.

Li Fu suddenly wanted to cry without tears, and said: "Second uncle, Hao'er learned the strength of a bull in three months, and practiced it to a great extent. His talent in physical training is extremely high. You, you can't delay him!"

"You also said this yesterday, can you rephrase it?"

Li Muchiu took out his ears and said: "What's the point of practicing physical training? If you train until you die, it will only reach your level. Let me ask you, are you good at fighting? Can you stop ten thousand soldiers and horses?"

Li Fu was speechless.

The ten thousand soldiers and horses that Li Muchiu mentioned were naturally not ordinary soldiers, but the Yuanzi camp of the Li family. They were filled with the most elite warriors. Ten thousand soldiers and horses were enough to defeat half the city. There was no way he could stop them. .

"Hao'er, ignore him, let's go."

Li Muxiu seemed to be afraid that Li Fu would interfere with Li Hao's thoughts, so he took Li Hao's hand and left.

"Uncle Fu, don't worry."

Li Hao waved to Li Fu. Although this man had a serious and rigid personality, Li Hao would not ignore his care.


Li Fu opened his mouth slightly, trying to persuade him to stay, but when he saw Li Hao being dragged away, with his bright little face looking back, the words that came to his mouth suddenly seemed to be blocked by something, and he didn't say it for a while.

"Is it possible that such a huge palace cannot support a child?" 》

Yesterday’s words seemed to echo in my ears again.

Li Fu was silent.

Maybe, at this moment, Haoer is happy.

At least he can have a happy childhood...

The figures of the old man and the young man disappeared in an instant, leaving only the man standing there. After staring for a long time, he sighed softly...

It was like flying through the clouds and riding in the mist. Li Hao was held by Li Muchiu and flew high in the sky.

The various courtyards of the Shenjiang Mansion flew by at his feet. Li Hao saw the maids and servants in each courtyard who had gotten up early to fetch water and cook. He also saw the aunts who had already gotten up and walked in the courtyard, and the children who were sent to the martial arts field. Wu Niang, when you came to the gate of the hospital, you were still asking for something...

These scenes passed by in a hurry, and Li Hao couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that the world would be so colorful when he usually slept in.

"Are you scared?"

Li Muchiu lowered his head and asked calmly.

"Are you afraid of heights? It's okay." Li Hao said.

He felt no different from standing on flat ground under his feet, as if there was an extremely solid force supporting him.

The cold morning wind that came towards me seemed to be filtered out by something, leaving only the cool breeze blowing on my face and ruffling my hair.

Li Muchiu smiled slightly and said, "I'm going to speed up."

After saying that, Li Hao felt that the scene in front of him was suddenly blurry and fast.

In the blink of an eye, he had soared out of Qingzhou City and headed for the vast mountains outside the city.

Half an hour later, Li Muchiu and Li Hao slowly landed at a vast lake.

The lake stretches as far as the eye can see, with black water and turbulent waves.

If the water is green, it is deep; if the water is black, it is deep.

It can be seen that this large lake is bottomless, with only slight ripples on the surface at this time, and it looks calm.

But because of this, there is a creepy feeling of being in an abyss.

Surrounding the lake are several large mountains with open terrain, some steep and close to the lake, and some short, round and broad.

At this moment, the two of them landed at the foot of a mountain. Li Muchiu looked around and said seasonedly: "The water here is shallow, so you can set the hook here. I will go to the middle of the lake to catch the big ones. You can take this thing. The situation is critical." I can help you resist for a while, don't worry, if there is any movement on your side, just shout and I will arrive as soon as possible. "


Li Hao nodded and took the golden talisman handed over by the old man.

"Do you know how to bait? I'll watch you set the hook first."

Li Muchiu was not in a hurry to leave. With a touch of his hand, the boulder next to him turned into a fishing platform like weathering.

He waved his hand again and cleared away the messy grass around to prevent the fishing line from getting caught on these branches and weeds when swinging the hook. For a novice like Li Hao, it would inevitably take some time to clean up.

Li Hao jumped onto the big stone fishing platform and opened his backpack. Inside was a pack of soft red dough.

"To catch these little monsters in the Tongli Realm, just use dead bait. When you are strong enough, I will give you live bait to catch you. The probability of getting hooked will be higher," Li Muchiu said.

Li Hao was not picky. He nodded and skillfully pulled out a ball of bait, and immediately smelled a fishy smell.

He kneaded the bait onto the fishhook. The fishhook was about the size of a fist, and it took a lot of bait to cover it.

Li Muchiu was a little surprised when he saw Li Hao's posture and said, "Have you ever fished before?"


Li Hao asked: "Isn't that so?"

"That's right." Li Muxiu nodded, glanced at Li Hao, but didn't think much about it. He saw that this kid was smart from the few words he just met yesterday.

"This thing can cover up the smell on your body."

Li Muxiu took out a handful of powder from somewhere, patted Li Hao, and said, "Put down the hook. If you can catch one today, I will take you to play again tomorrow."


Li Hao nodded.

He immediately waved the fishing rod, threw the line to the longest, threw it a hundred feet away, and fell into the lake.

With the sound of the fish hook entering the water, a paragraph of fonts popped up in front of Li Hao's eyes:

[Fishing Road: Zero (1/100)]

[Fishing Experience +2]

Li Hao smiled in his heart. Sure enough, the fishing art in the game can also be included in the panel.

Moreover, what surprised Li Hao was that he only got 2 points of experience just by putting down the hook!

You know, I usually only get one point when I play a game of chess.

Only when you encounter a chess game with a little bit of skills, you will have 2 points of experience.

It seems that fishing is the same as chess, which means that the lake in front of you is a relatively dangerous lake, which is more difficult for fishing.

"Remember, be patient, don't make any noise, and don't disturb the underwater things."

"Don't look around, keep your eyes on the fish bladder."

"When you start fishing, you may feel a little boring, but when you get hooked, you will know that all the boring waiting is worth it."

Li Muxiu taught seriously, worried about Li Hao's childish mind, and gave up after a while.

After all, fishing is mostly done by old guys like them. A seven or eight-year-old child is in the period of hyperactivity, how can he bear this loneliness.


Li Hao nodded.

Seeing Li Hao's calm appearance, Li Muxiu smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said no more, watching quietly from the side.

Since he didn't cast the hook himself, he secretly released his spirit to check the underwater movement and saw that something was swimming towards him. It was two small fish of the fourth and seventh levels of Tongli Realm.

"It's worthy of being in the novice protection period. There is movement so soon. Let's see if he can catch it."

Li Muxiu was envious. Although he could secretly let the fish take the hook directly, which would greatly cultivate Li Hao's interest in fishing, his own love for fishing made him not allow anyone to do such boring things.

Not long after, Li Hao saw the fish bladder move.

His eyes lit up, and he endured a little, waiting for the fish bladder to sink more than half, and then he quickly pulled the rod.

This pull line was immediately stretched straight, and the other end of the hook caught something, struggling hard, and sending waves of huge force.

However, this huge force was like catkins in Li Hao's hands. He pulled hard, and the other end was pulled uncontrollably.

"Don't be too anxious, be careful of unhooking." Li Muxiu said hurriedly.

Li Hao's heart trembled, and he quickly relaxed a little. Then, under the guidance of Li Muxiu, he started to fish in a relaxed manner.

The black lake was surging with waves and huge splashes.

It took Li Hao more than ten minutes to pull up the exhausted demon fish. It was four or five meters long, with a mouth full of sharp fangs, and it could swallow an adult in one bite.

If someone fell into the water, it would definitely be a feast for this fish demon.

The fish in the Tongli realm has not yet learned to transform, and its intelligence has just begun to show. It only has a bloodthirsty and ferocious demon nature.

As the fish was pulled ashore, the font in front of Li Hao jumped out.

[Fishing Experience +37]

Li Hao stared slightly, what a guy, this time he almost lost half of the experience!

The fish demon came ashore, slapped hard, and actually opened his mouth and pounced on Li Hao ferociously, wanting to eat this human.

Li Muxiu flicked his hand casually, and the fish demon's body shrank and turned into a small fish like a bullet. He picked it up casually and threw it into the fish basket.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to open so quickly."

Li Muxiu laughed and said to Li Hao: "How do you feel? Are you tired? This fish is at the seventh level of Tongli Realm. The power it explodes under the water is even greater. Even the eighth level of Tongli Realm may not be able to hold the rod. You kid is quite capable!"

"Not tired."

Li Hao grinned.

"Okay, then you continue. It's just right. I'll use this fish as bait."

Li Muxiu was a little itchy. After speaking, he took the fish basket and took a step to fly away. In a blink of an eye, only a black dot was left.

Li Hao looked at it from a distance and found that the other party ran to the center of the lake. With his eyesight, he could only barely see a small dot.

Shaking his head, Li Hao didn't look at it anymore and continued to seize the time to gain experience.

Wrap the bait again and throw the hook.

[Fishing Experience +2]

Li Hao sat on the fishing platform, staring at the fish bladder and waiting quietly.

The example just now showed that if he could catch the fish, he would get more experience, so he did not distract himself.

Time passed slowly.

Maybe it was because he had been fishing for this fish for too long, and the splash was too loud, disturbing the surrounding fish. Li Hao sat there for an hour, and there was no movement in the fish bladder.

Could it have secretly eaten the bait?

This thought came to Li Hao's mind, and he wanted to pull the fish hook up to see, but he held back.

Just now he wanted to find a bug and repeatedly cast the rod, which was much faster than fishing directly to brush experience.

As a result, the second time he cast the rod, he only gained a little experience.

The third time, he didn't gain any experience at all.

Obviously, the frequency was too fast, and there was no movement of the hook, so the experience gained by just casting the rod was limited.

At this moment, the fish bladder that was standing still suddenly moved.

Li Hao's eyes, which were almost numb, suddenly lit up, but before he could continue to endure, the fish bladder instantly sank into the water and disappeared.

Li Hao hurriedly pulled the rod, and the line tightened with a humming sound, and was pulled straight. A huge force instantly came from the other end, which was as heavy as dozens of tripods.

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