The Name of Eternity

Chapter 218 Slapping Li Tiangang

Hearing Li Muchiu's words, Li Tiangang couldn't help but change his color and immediately shouted:

"Second uncle!"

Li Muchiu raised his head, stared at him deeply, and said:

"He is my good friend. Even in front of His Majesty, I will say this. My personal relationship with him is pure and clean. I have never asked him to do anything for the Li family, and he has never done anything for our Li family. Anything!”

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, paused, and his face became a little ugly:

"In addition to entrusting him to take care of Hao'er for me, but that is your child..."

Feng Boping interrupted: "Taking care of Hao'er is of my own free will. It has nothing to do with whether you, old guy, entrust me with it. If you don't tell me, will I ignore Hao'er? Just because Hao'er roasted seven for me. Nian Yu, I will protect him for the rest of his life!"

Li Tiangang's eyes narrowed slightly, seven years?

In this way, Li Hao has been in contact with this Thief Saint for seven years.

Thinking of this second uncle's hobbies, he immediately inferred the general situation and sighed inwardly.

It seems that Haoer has been affected since childhood.

"Leaving Hao'er at home was my biggest mistake and the thing I regret the most."

Li Tiangang took a deep breath and said to Li Muchiu: "Second uncle, I will not pursue your influence on Hao'er, but now, I ask you in the name of True Dragon that you must sever ties with him and never interact with him again. !”

Li Muchiu's expression changed and he looked at him in shock and anger: "You want to order me as a real dragon?!"

"That's right."

Li Tiangang looked cold and serious, restraining the anger in his heart:

"Second uncle, don't forget the blood flowing on our bodies and the surname we bear! Although my father is gone now, no one can restrain you, but our Li family's thousand-year family rules have been like this for generations. Could you be the same? Want to resist?"

Li Muchiu looked at him in shock and anger, but in the end, his eyes were full of disappointment.

He closed his eyes, and after a long time, he opened them again, but his eyes contained indescribable pain and vicissitudes. He said in a low voice:

"I spent the first half of my life wandering around and did a lot of wrong things. I feel sorry for my father and let him stay alone in the lonely city. I will never break the rules again. My life was given to me by the Li family, so I will burn it all for the Li family... "

His body trembled slightly, and he slowly turned around and looked at Feng Boping.

Looking at each other, Li Muxiu's eyes burst into tears: "Old Feng..."

Feng Boping's body trembled slightly, but a smile slowly appeared on his face and he said:

"Old Li Tou, why are you crying at such an old age? Didn't I say that even if we are far apart from each other, we can still drink the sun and the moon together, and we can gather and leave together. You and I have already reached the age of accepting our fate, accept it..."

Li Muchiu's fists were clenched tightly, and his whole body was trembling. His fists were very strong and heavy, and he was known as the Saint of Boxing, but he could not break the shackles of his bloodline or the shackles in his heart.

Half-step invincibility is not truly invincible after all.

Once you take that half step, you can never take it back.

"Second uncle, this is good for you all. Don't blame me, Li Tiangang, for being ruthless."

Li Tiangang said in a deep voice.

Li Muchiu's back was shaken and he didn't speak, just silent.

Feng Boping smiled at Li Muchiu, then glanced at Li Hao's clone, with regret in his eyes, and said: "But I promised Hao'er that I would guard Tianmen Pass for him for three years..."


Li Tiangang looked at him, but his expression was not so good, and he said coldly: "If you really care about Hao'er, you should know that your reputation is notorious, and being entangled with Hao'er will only bring burden to him!"

"Do you want to destroy him? He will inherit my Li family's true dragon in the future, and he will be so radiant. If people know that he is colluding with you, how will they be discussed?"

Feng Boping's cheeks twitched slightly, and he wanted to retort, but when the words came to his lips, he just smiled in a low voice:

"That's right, I'm just a solitary passerby in this world. I can't compare to the splendor of your Divine General's Mansion, and I can't reach you..."

He shook his head mockingly, looked at Li Hao's clone, and whispered: "Hao'er has grown up and doesn't need anyone to take care of him anymore. If he can come back from Minghe, no one will dare to come to Tianmen Pass today." Violation, even if someone does come, I am afraid that this old man will not be of use, it must be the existence of the Taiping Dao realm..."

He muttered to himself, smiled again, and looked at Li Hao's dark side clone with kind and gentle eyes:

"My child, the road ahead is up to you."

"It's a windy and snowy journey, and I can only accompany you until this point."

The dark side Li Hao looked at him blankly and wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. In the end, he only said two words: "Don't leave..."

Feng Boping's lips trembled slightly, but he just smiled, then turned around, looked at the vast world, looked around, and looked at the direction of Cangya City in the distance.

His eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't say anything, but his figure suddenly stepped out and disappeared into thin air.

There is no trace technique in the world. If he wants to leave, no one can stay.

This technique was created by him, and combined with his martial arts, he can bring it to its extreme.

The breeze passed by, holding up the corner of Li Muchiu's clothes like a small hand, drifting for a while, and then falling down again.

Li Muchiu was as silent as a stone, without a sound.

Li Tiangang glanced at him and knew that the second uncle was in a bad mood. He whispered: "Second uncle, it's time for us to go to Longcheng Minghe. I'll go there first to see what's going on there..."

Li Muchiu did not respond.

But in the distance, a whistling sound suddenly came, and it was accompanied by a surprising voice:

"Second brother, Tiangang?!"

Hearing this voice, both of them were shocked. Even Li Muchiu suddenly raised his head and looked towards the place where the voice came from.

I saw a figure speeding towards me. He was wearing a tattered gray robe, dressed like a beggar, his hair was scrawled and unattractive, but that face and the knife on his waist were none other than Li Xiaoran!

"Fourth child?!"

Li Muchiu was stunned.

Li Tiangang was also stunned, and for a moment he suspected that he was dazzled. His eyes focused on the light, and then he saw clearly that it was really the fourth uncle!

Is he back? Why are you here? !


When Li Tiangang and the two were shocked, Li Xiaoran saw the dark side Li Hao next to him. He couldn't help but be stunned, and almost screamed out in surprise, but soon, he noticed that something was wrong with the Li Hao in front of him, and his aura was not that strong. .

Moreover, he was dressed cleanly, so how could he look like he was in tatters when they parted?

Previously, Li Hao was chased to the death river, but after experiencing the Liangzhou War, his hair was stained with a lot of demon blood, and his clothes were torn and in tatters due to the war.

"Why are you the only one back, where is Hao'er?!"

Li Muxiu confirmed that the person in front of him was really Li Xiaoran. He was stunned and couldn't help but asked hurriedly. His eyes widened violently, and it seemed that all the energy and blood in his body were tense.

Li Xiaoran came back to his senses and said quickly: "Second brother, don't get excited. Hao'er is fine. He still has some unfinished business. He is only one step away from clearing the Ming River. Now he is heading to the Great Wilderness."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Li Tiangang and hesitated, not knowing whether he should say it or not.

After all, the ancient holy clan Ji family is a sensitive word.

Li Tiangang had been fighting in Yanbei for more than ten years. The war ended. Naturally, he heard about such a big event later and knew that it was related to the girl from the Ji family.

"He went to Dahuangtian?"

Li Muchiu was stunned, but when he heard the other party say that Li Hao was fine, his tense body slowly relaxed, and he immediately asked: "The Great Wilderness is so dangerous, what is he doing there, and how long is he going to go for?"

"You should be back soon." Li Xiaoran said.

It's just a matter of sending the old man of the Ji family back to the realm of the ancient saint clan. It shouldn't take much time.

At this point, he saw that the two of them wanted to ask about Li Hao, so he smiled and said, "Is the person next to you Hao'er's clone?"


Li Tiangang nodded. When he heard that the other party said that Li Hao was fine, he also looked relieved. But when he heard that the other party had gone to Dahuangtian, his expression changed slightly, and he suddenly thought of that woman, his wife.

He couldn't help but feel a little in his heart. Could it be that the child went to find his mother?

During the previous fight between father and son in Qingzhou, he later heard that the reason why Li Hao slapped Li Rumeng was because the other party insulted his wife and told Li Hao about his wife.

"This child..."

He couldn't help but grit his teeth, his face became tense again, and his heart was full of worry.

Not even he dared to visit the Ji family of the ancient holy clan, let alone Li Hao.

"Let's not talk about Hao'er for now. Look at who I brought back to you."

Li Xiaoran said to the two of them.

As he finished speaking, a voice came into the ears of Li Tiangang and Li Muchiu:

"Tiangang, the second child..."

Hearing this old and familiar voice, Li Tiangang and Li Muxiu were startled at the same time. Their hearts were shocked. They looked up in horror and saw a shadowy heroic soul floating out from behind Li Xiaoran.

That mighty body and kind face made the two of them stunned, as if they were in another world.


Li Tiangang's pupils shrank tightly, he was stunned for a moment, and then he rubbed his eyes vigorously.

When he saw it clearly again, all the thoughts in his mind were instantly thrown to the back of his mind, and tears suddenly welled up in his eyes:


His knees weakened and he knelt down in front of Li Tianzong, his face wet with tears:

"It's because the child is unfilial and incompetent that he couldn't bring you back early!"

Li Muchiu stared blankly, his eyes a little red, and said: "Brother, are you freed from Minghe?"

Li Tianzong quickly raised his hand and helped Li Tiangang up. In response to Li Muchiu's question, he nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I am free now and can go home!"

Li Muchiu's old body trembled slightly. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and lowered his head.

Time seems to have taken off his coat. This old man who has gone through many vicissitudes of life is now like the energetic young man in brocade robes. His shoulders are twitching and his head is lowered as if suppressing his throat, but his voice is choked:

"Brother, it was all my fault in the beginning. It was me who was playful and asked you to guard Dragon City alone. It was me who killed you!"

"In these years, it was me who should have suffered in Mianhe..."

Li Tianzong was slightly startled. He gently raised his hand and patted Li Muchiu's shoulder.

When he saw the tearful face of this brother who grew up with him as a child, his eyes became a little more moist and he said softly:

"As a true dragon, I should have gone out to fight in the Dragon City battle. It has nothing to do with you. Even if you were there, it would just be that our brothers died there."

"Fortunately, you're not here. I heard from the fourth child that the Li family is now fully supported by you. You are the Li family's Dinghai Shenzhen..."

When he said this, he smiled and said: "When my father beat you, do you still remember? He made you kneel in the courtyard for three days and three nights. When I went to secretly deliver food to you, I said that no one except me would Besides, you may be the most capable person in the Li family in the future, and you really did not disappoint me."

Li Muchiu was stunned, looking at his eyes, the brothers were looking at each other at this moment.

They both look like old people.

But the years seem to have picked up the wind again, blowing them back to their youth...

Just like in that courtyard, on a hot summer day, the eldest brother was practicing in front of the wooden pile, and the second brother was sitting mischievously by the pool.

The eldest brother looked at each other gently as before, but the naughty second brother hugged his arms and turned away with a look of disapproval.

But now, the eyes that have faded over time meet at this moment, and all the words melt away at this moment.

Li Muchiu's face was filled with tears. This old man who had been on the battlefield for a long time had never shed a tear even though he had crawled out of the corpses of hundreds of thousands of monsters. However, he was now bursting into tears.

The knots and scars in his heart that had been in his heart for many years were eliminated at this moment.

It turns out that eldest brother never blamed him...

Li Muchiu's body trembled slightly, but slowly, he put away his emotions and wiped away the tears on his face, revealing a rare blush on his old face.

He quickly interrupted, thinking of the business, and asked quickly: "Brother, how did you get out? Didn't you say you had to clear the Qianhe River? You just said you haven't cleared the customs yet..."

"This is complicated."

Li Xiaoran said from the side: "But in general, I have to thank Hao'er. It was his help that allowed the elder brother to escape."

Speaking of this, he felt sour in his heart. Although he escaped, he also perished.

But on his way back, Li Tianzong told him not to tell others about this. Li Tianzong just wanted to go home and take a look, and then leave quietly.

"Thank you Hao'er?"

Li Muchiu was stunned, and immediately thought of the child who had repeatedly created things that surprised him, his heart couldn't help but move, and his eyes were filled with relief and love.


When Li Tiangang heard Li Xiaoran's words, his body was shaken when he just stood up, and he said, "What does it have to do with Hao'er?"

"What a big deal!"

Li Tianzong took the words and chuckled: "I heard from the fourth child that Hao'er is your son, Tiangang. You really gave me a good grandson! It's amazing!"

Li Tiangang was stunned. He never expected that even his own father would be so fond of that child. Is he really... that good?

"That child doesn't know the rules and is loose by nature. He didn't rush into you, did he?"

Li Tiangang couldn't help but ask, a little cautiously.

At this time, he was no longer the general and marshal holding the magic sword, but became the son in front of his father.

Li Tianzong was stunned and said with a smile: "What are you talking about? That child Hao'er is lively and cute. He is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and his talent in martial arts is comparable to the reincarnation of ancient saints. He has been in the dynasty of Dayu for several years. For thousands of years, he has been regarded as a top talent!"

"Moreover, he is very sensible. There is nothing unruly or red tape. Although my Li family needs family rules, the family is a family and the country is a country. There is no need to be rigid in everything at home."

Li Tiangang's heart was shaken and he was stunned for a long time, speechless.

If it were other people's words, he might not be able to listen to them, but his father said so. He suddenly had some doubts, had he done something wrong all along?

Was it...too harsh on that child?

Or is it really too much?

Everyone who had come into contact with the child seemed to favor and appreciate him. Was it because of his noble status in the Divine General's Mansion, or was it just because of the child himself?

Li Tiangang's thoughts were spinning, and various memories of getting along with Li Hao after returning from Yanbei passed quickly through his mind.

But before he could recall it carefully, Li Tianzong said gently: "I heard from the fourth child that after Xiaojiu leaves, you will succeed Xiaojiu and become the true dragon of the Li family. You must have worked hard these years."

Li Tiangang came back to his senses. When he heard this gentle care, he felt that the blood all over his body seemed to tremble.

With a plop, he knelt down in front of Li Tianzong again, lowered his head in tears and said:

"Dad, dad, I am incompetent, my child. I am not worthy of being the real dragon of the Li family. Third brother and sixth brother are all gone. I failed to take good care of them. I failed to protect this family!"

His shoulders were shaking. He had never cried when the Liangzhou border was breached. His tears had long since dried up in Yanbei, and they had also dried up at the Li family's funeral.

But at this moment, I cried like a child again.

Li Tianzong was slightly startled, thinking that he had asked some questions about Li Xiaoran's family on the way. Six of his nine children were killed in the war, and some of them were sacrificed when he was still in the Divine General's Mansion, such as the eldest and second child.

I just didn't expect that after he left, other people would have troubles one after another.

Seeing Li Tiangang crying uncontrollably in front of him, his eyes also showed deep sadness, but he restrained the sadness, smiled, and gently held Li Tiangang in his arms:

"Son, I don't blame you. It's me who didn't do a good job as a father. If nothing happened to me in Dragon City, and if I could step into the Taiping Dao realm earlier, nothing would happen to you."

"Dad, how can I blame you? You are already strong enough."

Li Tiangang couldn't help but said that his emotional release was temporary. Years of war career made him quickly restrain himself at this moment.

He wiped away the tears on his face and grabbed Li Tianzong's heroic arm: "It's okay now. You are back. When I step into the Taiping Dao realm in the future, I will go and bring Xiao Jiu back!"

When Li Tianzong saw that he had regained his confidence and pride, a smile appeared on his face, he patted his shoulder and said:

"I know you can do it. Hao'er will also inherit the true dragon. Give him a few more years. Hao'er will lead our Li family to eliminate all the demons and restore the Li family to the glory of our ancestors!"

When Li Tiangang heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he nodded: "When he comes back from the Great Wilderness, I will let him inherit the true dragon."

"You haven't inherited it yet?"

Li Tianzong was a little surprised. The true dragon inheritance was better when he was young. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, with the help of his ancestors, his cultivation speed increased dramatically, and he could quickly pass the period of genius and become a real strong man.

"I was supposed to inherit it, but was driven away by Tiangang."

Li Muchiu stood aside and said coldly.

Li Tianzong was stunned and couldn't help but look at him doubtfully.

Li Xiaoran's expression changed slightly. On his way back, he deliberately avoided the matter between Li Hao and Li Tiangang. He didn't want his elder brother to be worried and worried about this matter before his heroic soul dissipated.

"Second brother, what are you talking about?" Li Tianzong asked.

"Brother, you can ask him yourself."

Li Muchiu took a deep breath and wanted to taunt Li Tiangang a few words, but thought that his eldest brother had just come back and it was rare for father and son to be reunited. It would be meaningless for him to sarcastically mock him, so he restrained himself immediately.


Li Tianzong looked at his son.

Li Tiangang faced his gaze, but did not think about hiding it, and said:

"Dad, when Hao'er was born, Yanbei was in trouble. I was transferred to Yanbei to fight. I thought of leaving him to practice in the house, and my sister-in-law and the others would take care of him. However, in the years when Qingqing and I were not with him, this child learned Everything is wrong."

He said: "He was not doing his job and practicing well all day long. When I came back, I disciplined him a little bit, but he drew his sword against me. For this reason, he even had a fight with me. Finally, he ran away from home in anger and came to Tianmen Pass. Fight with me..."

"You fart!"

Li Muchiu's previously restrained anger broke out at this moment, and he said angrily:

"What's wrong with Hao'er? My elder brother also said that he is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Although he likes these things, he never delays his practice because of them!"

"Isn't his cultivation high enough? It's far beyond that of his peers!"

"Now he is fifteen years old. At only fifteen years old, he is already in the third level of immortality. He can kill the demon king. Who in the world can do that?!"

"You and your wife have not been with him for more than ten years. Hao'er was poisoned by the Liu family and lost the divine blood. Before he could take revenge, it would be better for you. Just because Xiaoba's daughter complained, you gave Hao'er a slap in the face. , and didn’t listen to his explanation, you said you were just a little disciplined?”

"Without your discipline these years, is Hao'er any worse than others?!"

Hearing Li Muchiu's words roared out in one breath, Li Tiangang's expression changed slightly and he felt they sounded familiar. He said:

"But if he puts all his energy into practicing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, he will only cultivate higher!"

"Then stop eating and sleeping, and train to the death for me all day long!"

Li Muchiu said angrily: "That is your son, not a wooden man, not a stone, he is flesh and blood!!"

Li Tiangang opened his mouth slightly, but was speechless.

When Li Tianzong heard the argument between the two, he immediately understood what was going on. His face turned ugly and he said, "Then what happened later? Why did Hao'er run away from home?"

"Of course I can't stay any longer because of his so-called 'discipline'."

Li Muchiu glanced at Li Tiangang hatefully, but his eyes showed sadness. He still remembered that day when the sky was full of wind and snow:

"That kid said that his surname is no longer Li, and he would rather die outside than in the General's Mansion!"

"He doesn't want to be beaten to death by his own father!"

Li Tiangang said angrily: "How could I want to beat him to death? I just taught him a lesson..."

A crisp sound suddenly interrupted his words.

Li Tiangang's head tilted to the side, his eyes were shocked, and he was stunned for a long time. Then he turned his head and saw the pale figure of his father Li Tianzong, with anger all over his face.

"How could you force that child to say such a thing!"

"How sad should you make that child to say such heartbreaking words!!"

Li Tianzong was so angry that he looked at him trembling all over.

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