The Name of Eternity

Chapter 135 Fatal Attributes

The falling winter snow is falling, covering the world with silver.

Gusts of cold wind blew through the pass.

In the small fenced courtyard.

Ren Qianqian was practicing sword practice in the snow. The sword wind whistled and rolled up the flying snow around her. Her body moved with light steps, shuttling back and forth like a butterfly, and her sword was light.

"Sword moves are just appearances, you have to understand the charm and true meaning of the sword's trajectory."

Next to him, Li Hao was squatting in the snow, carefully piling up a snowman.

He patted and trimmed it with his palms. From time to time he would raise his head to glance at the girl practicing the sword and give some advice.

Ren Qianqian stopped when he heard this and asked in confusion: "The trajectory of the sword?"


Li Hao nodded and saw that the snowman was missing two branches for hands. He immediately stood up and bent down to pick up a branch outside the nearby woodshed:

"Look, like this."

He took the branch and shook it gently, and the snow on the branch shook off. Then he flicked it gently, and the branch swam back like a flower, catching all the snow that had just been shaken, and it returned to its original state. It looks like it was just picked up.

Ren Qianqian was stunned.

"Your sword must be linked to the surrounding environment so that it is close enough and sharp enough." Li Hao said.

He returned to the snowman, gently shook the snow off the branches, and then inserted them into the snowman to serve as two small hands with dead branches.

Ren Qianqian fell into deep thought and looked down at the sword in her hand. After a while, she started practicing again.

In the past few days, in addition to Li Hao's occasional advice, Li Hongzhuang and Song Qiumo would also give her some advice in their free time.

But their guidance, like Li Hao's, will not stop at superficial sword moves, but will start from the perspective of a master and explain their respective understanding of the way of swordsmanship at a deeper level.

This kind of guidance has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that it is like wind and fog, and it is difficult to understand.

The advantage is that if your understanding is high enough, once you understand its meaning, the progress of the sword will be rapid. Controlling the sword with the sword's intention is equivalent to understanding and pursuing your own master's path in advance.

Ren Qianqian continued to practice his sword.

Li Hao continued to build a second snowman.

Outside the pass, suddenly an old horse galloped towards me.

The red-blooded horse galloped into the pass and stopped outside the small courtyard.

Li Hongzhuang, who was looking after the fire in the kitchen, noticed the situation and rushed out of the small courtyard.

"Are you... Liangzhou Xuanzi Camp?"

When Li Hongzhuang saw the silver brand on the veteran's armor, her eyes suddenly brightened and she said, "Fifth brother has come to Liangzhou? Is he here to help?"

The veteran turned over and dismounted, quickly bowed and saluted, and handed over the military report with both hands:

"The general has just arrived in Liangzhou and has sent me to deliver military reports to the commander-in-chief."

Li Hongzhuang raised her hand to take it and quickly looked through it.

Soon, her face changed slightly, and her eyes suddenly became sharp and cold:

"These monsters actually dare to plot against Liangzhou!"

After closing the military report, she took a deep breath and said to the veteran: "It's a long journey, why don't you come in and take a rest."

"No, the general is still waiting for my reply. Commander, do you have any news for me to bring back?"

The old man lowered his head and said respectfully, feeling surprised in his heart. He rushed all the way from outside the pass and saw many monster corpses along the way. Even the once majestic Cangya City was destroyed by monsters as rumored. I thought this was a miserable military camp, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a cozy little courtyard with a fence.

Reply... Li Hongzhuang thought that in addition to the information about the demon in the military newspaper, there were also letters home filled with concern.

She was told to be wary of monsters, asked about her current situation, and asked her to take good care of Hao'er and retreat at any time... She didn't say much, but she could feel the warm concern of the fifth brother.

"Just a moment."

Li Hongzhuang turned back to the hospital and asked Li Hao for pen and ink. She quickly wrote a letter home and handed it to the veterans waiting in the snow outside the hospital.

The veteran stuffed the rolled-up letter home into his sleeve, got on his horse, said goodbye to Li Hongzhuang, and drove away with a whip.

After the veteran left, Li Hongzhuang called Li Hao and handed him the general's report.

"Fifth brother said that the demons outside Liangzhou are ready to move, and some cities have even been infiltrated by demons. These demons plan to cooperate with the inside and outside, and have a tendency to invade Liangzhou, so they came here specially to take control."

Li Hongzhuang glanced at Li Hao: "Our Tianmen Pass, there may be a large-scale attack by demons in the near future!"

Li Hao picked up the military newspaper and read it. When he saw the care of the fifth uncle mixed in it, he immediately thought of the impression left by the family dinner that day and a few words with him.

He recovered his thoughts and responded to Li Hongzhuang: "When the soldiers come, we will block it. When the water comes, we will cover it up with the earth. When the demon comes, we will use the cauldron!"


Li Hongzhuang smiled bitterly, and then thought that there were two Si Lijings standing guard, so there was no need to panic. If a situation really happened, it would still be possible to retreat in time, but she didn't know when these demons would invade.

The general newspaper was put away, and Li Hao invited a few people to have lunch.

After the snow, there are abundant water sources in Guanzhong here.

Li Hongzhuang's hair, which was originally greasy and coiled, had not been invaded by demons in the past few days, and she had relaxed. After washing, it became as silky as green ink, floating behind her shoulders.

The bright red armor stained with blood has also been cleaned, and he is still wearing the armor, ready for battle at any time, but with his hair flying, he looks much fresher than before, like the female general walking out of the painting.

Li Hao built several large wooden barrels and boiled snow into water at night to create his own hot spring.

Soaking in the wooden barrel, eating barbecue, drinking wine, and casually chatting with Mr. Feng, the life was very pleasant.

This borderland seems to have become a holiday and leisure place.

There was heavy snow on the ground, which meant it was miserable and cold, but because of the shelter, there was no need to worry about the wind and snow.

In the following days, Li Hao took Song Qiumo out hunting during the day, hunting demons, and returned to the courtyard to rest at night. His life was very regular.

The demons he hunted gave him a lot of painting experience, and he was about to upgrade to the sixth stage.

During the hunting process, his fishing experience was also slowly increasing, slowly extending to the bottleneck of the sixth stage.

Unfortunately, the three immortal monsters nearby seemed to have heard some news and evacuated from the vicinity of Tianmen Pass.

Li Hao found several caves, which were stinking and had the breath of the three immortal monsters, but from the mouths of the small monsters caught nearby, he learned that the big monsters inside had left for many days.

Li Hao collapsed these caves casually and left obscure fish marks here. If a demon passed by, he could come and explore next time.

Days passed.

While Li Hao was hunting demons, his master's state of mind was slowly improving.

At the beginning, he was arrogant and asked the master about everything in the world.

This is much more difficult than the ordinary master's way.

The world behind the gate he kicked open was more vast than he could imagine.

What is the universe?

What is the origin of the universe?

Li Hao has been thinking about this question.

Mountains, rivers, fish, insects, animals, etc., are all the universe.

But there are too many. If you learn from them one by one, even if you have a lifespan of 100,000 years, ordinary people cannot learn them all.

Li Hao has the sixth stage of the perception of the physical body. He can understand the artistic conception of the universe at a glance. It is not difficult to master them one by one, but what Li Hao wants is not diversity, but unity!

He wants to integrate the artistic conception of all things into one. In this regard, he is looking for trouble and can only do it by himself.

In the process of hunting everywhere, Li Hao and Song Qiumo are also traveling around the mountains and rivers outside the pass.

From understanding oneself to seeing the world.

Li Hao saw shrubs, flowers and plants, the bright moon and the stream.

He saw the snow melting in the sun, and the young leaves stubbornly standing under the heavy snow.

All things have a power, but what is the common point of this power?

Snow can freeze everything, but a ray of sunlight penetrates it.

Although young leaves are weak, snow cannot kill them.

Although birds and beasts can walk and destroy trees, they shiver in the snow and rush back to their nests after foraging.

Therefore, what is the power of all things?

A gust of cold wind blew across his face. Li Hao looked at the distant mountains and nearby forests. He seemed to touch something in his heart, but it was fleeting.

As the weather gradually turned to winter, there were more and more snowy days.

Today, two demons in the 15-li realm were hunted again. Li Hao returned with Song Qiumo.

The number of demons in the wilderness outside the pass is still much greater than that in the territory.

Outside the fenced courtyard, Li Hao built some houses one after another.

Now that there are no demons coming, these houses are built and there is no worry that they will be destroyed immediately.

Li Hongzhuang asked: "Are you planning to rebuild the original city?"

Li Hao just smiled: "If the demons don't come all the time, it's not impossible."

Li Hongzhuang was thoughtful.

These days, she occasionally left the camp and went outside to look for traces of demons.

But the demons nearby were all wiped out by Li Hao. She went deep into the outer territory of the Wanshan Demon King and did not venture deeper, but the number of demons in that area seemed to have decreased a lot, and there was no feeling of a large army of demons gathering.

This was somewhat inconsistent with the military report sent by the fifth brother.

But she did not doubt the intelligence of the fifth brother, but she couldn't help but have an idea in her mind.

Could it be that these demons planned to take a detour because there were two Sili Realm masters in Tianmen Pass?

This conjecture could not be confirmed. She could only plan to wait and see after a while. If there was still no movement outside Tianmen Pass, she would send a letter to inform the fifth brother and let him be on guard against other places.

Every once in a while, Song Qiumo would go to the nearby city to purchase supplies, vegetables, noodles, seasonings for food and drink, and drawing paper that Li Hao needed.

On this day, after Song Qiumo returned, he brought back some extra good things for Li Hao.

A chess manual and two volumes of famous paintings.

These were all found by Li Hao on his behalf.

Li Hao was overjoyed when he received the chess manual and famous paintings, and immediately recorded them in the panel.

The chess manual is "New Learning of Chess Classics".

It is a chess manual that helps beginners get started quickly.

After thinking about it, Li Hao integrated it into the Imperial Way, and the corresponding characteristics immediately emerged:

"New Learning of Chess Classics": The speed of controlling objects is increased by 20%.

Compared with the other chess manuals, the characteristics brought by this chess manual seem ordinary, not as exaggerated as the Seven Star Lighting, but it is the same as the Wanxiang attribute. Once equipped, it releases effects all the time and is a passive skill.

It does not require additional consumption of Li Hao's strength, has no side effects, and is a permanent percentage increase.

In the future, when his speed of controlling objects is increased to a higher level, this 20% increase will be even more impressive.

As for the two famous paintings, Li Hao could not judge what special attributes they would bring, so he could only try to embed them into the physical way and the Imperial Way respectively.

A famous painting is "Shrimp in the Bright Spring", which is embedded in the physical body path and brings the attribute of 20% affinity with water.

Li Hao didn't understand what this attribute was, but he could feel that after touching the snowflakes, he seemed to have a particularly intimate feeling.

It is also more comfortable when soaking in hot springs.

If you practice ice-related skills, it seems to have a bonus effect.

Apart from this, it is currently useless.

Another famous painting, embedded in the imperial path, is "The Yellow Bird Catching Insects", which depicts a classic allusion, the scene of a mantis catching a cicada and a yellow bird behind.

The attribute it brings is very strange:

When the attack is not revealed, it has a 1% fatal effect!

This effect seems to be similar to "Hidden Bow". The killing move is hidden, and the attack power can be doubled when it is not exposed.

But the hidden bow doubles it, and it is a 100% probability.

But this is 1%, pitifully small.

However, the words "fatal effect" seem to make people imagine.

Could it be that, ignoring the realm and defense, once hit, there is a 1% probability of a sure kill?

If so, then the effect of this famous painting is a bit terrifying.

However, Li Hao thought about it carefully and felt that it was wrong. This effect seems a bit useless.

If the realm is low, you can kill instantly by raising your hand, and there is no need for its fatal effect.

If the realm is high, it is easy to see through his attack and it is difficult to hide.

Unless it is in a fierce battle, you fail to notice him and get attacked by him.

But this kind of sneak attack opportunity is rare. If you really sneak attack, it is difficult to hit with a 1% probability. If you really hit, the luck consumed is simply exaggerated. You have to be careful when walking normally, so as not to accidentally fall to death.

However, no matter what, adding an attribute is better than nothing.

This extra power does not require him to practice, it is like picking it up for free.

Seeing Li Hao's high spirits, Song Qiumo smiled and told him another piece of good news:

"In addition to these, I also found out the whereabouts of a famous painting. I heard that it is in the hands of a master."


When Li Hao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up slightly: "Can I buy it? What are the other party's requirements?"

"I just heard about it. I haven't contacted the master yet, but I have found out about his whereabouts. He should go to Dayue City in Liangzhou in the near future."

Song Qiumo said: "I heard that there was a grand event in Dayue City some time ago. Tianjishan invited masters from all over the world to discuss the Tao. The master should also go to this grand event."

"Master discusses the Tao?"

Li Hao was a little surprised.

This incident was also mentioned in the interesting stories recorded in Tingyu Tower. This is a grand event that happens once every sixty years.

Invite masters from all over the world to verify each other's martial arts.

These masters will also bring their own juniors to go there. Even if they just listen outside the venue, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of martial arts.

Most of the Grandmasters retreat to the mountains and practice in the mountains. They usually do not step into the secular world and concentrate on studying their own Grandmaster martial arts. Only such a grand event can invite them to come down and learn from each other to verify their martial arts.

It is said that at the previous grand events, some amazing juniors, after listening, kicked open the gate of heaven on the spot, and jumped from the fifteen-mile realm to become the Grandmaster of Heaven and Man, and their names spread all over the world!

There are always one or two such juniors appearing at each grand event.

Therefore, in addition to the Grandmasters, those geniuses in the fifteen-mile realm will also rush there upon hearing the news.

"Dayue City is quite a distance away from here. If you run at full speed, it will take a day to go back and forth..." Li Hao said thoughtfully.

Song Qiumo said: "Dayue City has a city formation. Although I have the order issued by the Dayu Dynasty, I am limited to Qingzhou and can only travel freely to various cities in Qingzhou. As for Liangzhou, I need to go to the state government to register and review first, and I need Song Yufeng to come forward to guarantee me."

Li Hao knew that Song Qiumo could not help him with this matter.

Registration and review are both time-consuming.

Especially for this kind of Great Demon King in the Four Li Realms, all states are very cautious about him.

After all, once the order is issued to let him into the city, if the Great Demon King suddenly starts killing people in the city, it will quickly destroy the city.

I am afraid that before the news of the destruction of the city is reported, the Great Demon King can quickly sweep to other places and cause continuous destruction, which will cause great damage to the entire state.

Moreover, the princes and nobles in the city are also very repulsive to such things.

The Great Demon King is like a tiger out of the cage. Even if you are told that it will not hurt people, no one is willing to take the risk.

Li Hao looked at Li Hongzhuang and said, "Senior Hongzhuang, can you help me go to Dayue City?"

Li Hongzhuang didn't expect Li Hao to be so obsessed with a famous painting, but she had seen Li Hao painting these days, so she could understand that this nephew seemed to have put all his thoughts on these unorthodox ways, and was not keen on cultivation.

Except for that night, she never saw Li Hao practice again.

He has a terrifying speed of cultivation, but he has no interest in cultivation. His realm is the best among his peers. Li Hongzhuang can only say that God has fed Li Hao food and forced him to eat it!

"I'm too lazy to run. If you want, why don't you go there yourself?" Li Hongzhuang said.

She has no interest in these famous paintings. She loved them when she was a child. She also embroidered and traced famous paintings and embroidered them on handkerchiefs.

But after she picked up the sword, she never touched the needle again.

The paintings in her eyes are only the wind and snow outside the pass, and the countless demons to be killed.

Li Hao was a little helpless. After thinking about it, he thought it was feasible.

In recent days, all the demons within 300 miles outside the pass have been killed by him.

The demons farther away seem to be fleeing and hiding, and the number that can be hunted each time is not much.

Even if he leaves this place for a few days, it won't be a big deal.

"If you want to go, I'll watch over you for a few days." Song Qiumo saw what Li Hao was thinking and said lazily, leaning on a chair covered with soft blankets.

Li Hao smiled and said, "Thank you very much, senior."

Song Qiumo rolled his eyes at him lightly, as if he was dissatisfied with the word "senior", but didn't say anything.

With Song Qiumo watching over him, Li Hao could rest assured.

The effect of him staying here is far less than that of the other party.

Li Hao guessed that the reason why no demons were found these days was probably because the news of Song Qiumo's fight with the Dragon Lord spread among the demon circles outside the pass, letting all the demons know that although the Tianmen Pass was empty and the original army had retreated, it was now more terrifying than the army guarding it.

Without the demon king personally coming forward and risking being wanted to invade the border, this place will be unshakable!

"In this case, Qianqian, you get ready and follow me to Dayue City. There seems to be a martial arts temple over there. You can go to Jihun by the way." Li Hao stood up and said.

Ren Qianqian's eyes lit up slightly, and she quickly responded.

Li Hao rubbed the little white fox's head: "You have also entered the Jihun realm, where should you go to Jihun."

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