The Name of Eternity

Chapter 127: No Grass Left Behind (Update 1011, 7K 2-in-1)

While roasting his fangs with his palms, Li Hao asked Li Hongzhuang:

"The big demons that are attacking tonight, do you know the location of their lairs?"


Li Hongzhuang was slightly stunned and said: "What, you still want to destroy their lair?"

"Any questions?"

Li Hao was confused.


Li Hongzhuang was speechless. The problem was of course no problem. As long as it could be solved, let alone Li Hao, she wanted to solve it herself.

In the past, when she was guarding here, she could not leave, otherwise the demons would invade. Without her protection, these soldiers, with the help of several lieutenants, would not be enough to withstand the attacks of the three immortal demons.

After all, the original Cangya City had been breached. It didn't even have a magic circle wall, and there was no protection. The power of the three immortal demons alone was enough for the army to eat a pot.

"You first came here, and I haven't had time to tell you about the demonic forces outside Tianmen Pass."

Li Hongzhuang took her sword and started drawing on the sand in front of the bonfire.

She had no intention of talking to Li Hao about this before, after all, he was just a child.

From the news she got from Li He, she already knew that her seventh brother was planning to abandon Tianmen Pass. After all, the reinforcements sent over the years were getting less and less, and no one was repairing the broken city wall.

If this was not the territory of Dayu and the pass opened by their ancestors of the Li family, they would not have defended this place.

Now sending this child over to do the so-called handover is just to tell them that this place can be abandoned.

By the way, let this genius son who has conflicts with him bow his head and experience the dangers of the demon.

However, Brother Qi probably didn't expect that it was just the first night he came here.

This evil son of mine beheaded two of the three immortal demons who had been causing trouble here for many years!

If this achievement were to be rewarded based on merit in other border areas, he would probably be awarded a first-class special merit award. If he did not have a title, he could be directly crowned as a third-class earl!

"The three demons you saw tonight are the demon kings belonging to the three mountains."

Li Hongzhuang drew a circle with her sword: "This is our Cangya City."

Speaking of this, she laughed at herself. There was nothing that could be called a "city" around her.

"Three thousand miles to the east is the border city of Beilin Kingdom."

"In the middle of these three thousand miles, there is a mountain range, which is the first great demon force outside the country."

Li Hongzhuang drew a small circle and her expression became solemn:

"That's the Longshan Dojo, and the one who lives there is a ten-thousand-year-old true dragon, who calls himself the Dragon Lord!"

"That's the great demon from the Four Realms!"

After hearing her words, Li Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the circle in front of the sword tip.

"This is forbidden territory, no matter what happens, don't set foot."

Li Hongzhuang said seriously: "Under normal circumstances, the Dragon Lord will not leave the Longshan Dojo, nor will it attack our Tianmen Pass, because if it comes, it will be a violation of the territory!"

Li Hao nodded slightly, thinking of what he had heard in the past when he and his second master were fishing.

These four-level monsters outside the border do not dare to invade the country rashly.


It's very simple. The older generation of each divine general's house came to warn him personally.

This is like an agreement signed between Dayu and the Demon King of the Four Realms.

Don’t listen?

Either the elders of the Shenjiang Mansion took action, or the real person from the Qiandao Palace took action.

Don't dare not listen.

Although this majestic ancient dynasty has aged, it still has the foundation and courage to shock the world.

As for why it was just a warning instead of killing it directly, that is another matter.

There are not many of these big demons, but they are not united. If they are warned one by one, they can still be afraid. But if they are killed in large numbers, if the remaining ones are angered and all stick together, Dayu will suffer heavy casualties.

In the final analysis, Dayu no longer has the ability to kill all the demons around him.

After all, there are some troublesome beings among these monsters.

The real person from Qiandao Palace has been sitting in the imperial capital of Yuzhou all year round. He usually does not step out easily because he is worried that some monsters will directly lurk and attack the imperial capital!

At this time, Li Hongzhuang once again told Li Hao the regulations regarding the Si Li Realm Demon King's invasion of the realm, and then said:

"Although these Si Li Realm demon kings seem to be honest and do not dare to invade rashly, but now that our dynasty's military strength has declined, and Minghe has restrained the Tianzhao General's Mansion for seven or eight hundred years, these monsters are ready to move again."

"They themselves don't dare to take risks easily, for fear of being chased and killed, but they often indulge other demons under their command and come to test and invade."

"In this way, even questioning by the court is just a war of words and meaningless, so I can only endure it!"

Li Hao nodded and continued to listen.

He had asked the second master before, since the big monsters of the Four Realms did not dare to invade, why not let the older generation sit at the border? Wouldn't this be extremely safe?

But the answer I received was that there were not many of the older generation’s Silijing.

Secondly, in addition to these old demon kings who are similar to those who have been warned, other demon kings of the Four Realms will appear from time to time every few or ten years.

They came from more distant places, or came from deep mountains and forests, and were not familiar with Dayu.

They wandered into Dayu's territory and often acted unscrupulously, directly slaughtering cities and destroying areas. Some of them could even invade half of the state if they were not stopped in time.

The older generation needs to deal with these monsters, and there is no warning for such monsters that have violated the territory and caused mass casualties. They must be executed as a warning, which will inevitably lead to the outbreak of a war.

Many of the old generation of the God General Mansion also died because of this.

Seeing that Li Hao was just listening but had no questions, Li Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows and immediately started talking:

"Although the Taoist Master Longshan cannot enter the territory, if you appear in its territory rashly, it will have a reason to kill you, so you must not get close."

"The Chihu Jun you saw tonight is actually the mount under the command of the Taoist Master Longshan."

Li Hongzhuang's eyes became cold, and she said: "These demons in the Four Li Realms do not move themselves, but allow the demons under their command to invade and test repeatedly. Once they are injured or defeated, they will directly flee back. If you rush out to chase them, you will be caught and eaten by them."

Mount? Li Hao looked strange.

A real dragon demon king, with a tiger as his mount?

Dragon riding a tiger?

No wonder the tiger demon has chains on his body, most of which are restraints similar to saddles, and also become its weapon of attack and killing.

"Besides the Taoist master Longshan, the second demon king is to the north."

Li Hongzhuang drew another circle on the ground, but the range was much larger and closer to the camp:

"This is the Wan Yao Mountain Range, where there is a demon king who has been practicing for a long time. We call him the Wan Shan Demon King."

"The Wan Shan Demon King and the Dragon Lord are equally powerful. I don't know who is stronger. Anyway, if we meet him, we will definitely die."

"But it is also registered and warned. The six-toothed stinging pig you just killed is a fierce general under his command."

She then drew another circle in the south:

"There is a solitary peak here, But within a radius of 500 miles, no one dared to step in, and no demon dared to enter rashly. "

"Inside is the third demon king, the Holy Mountain Demon King!"

Li Hongzhuang glanced at Li Hao and said, "You may be familiar with the origin of this demon king. It once practiced in the Holy Palace in Yanbei and mastered the unique skills of the demon clan of the Holy Palace. It seems that it was once an elder in it. Now it has left and occupied a mountain here hundreds of years ago, calling itself the Holy Mountain."

"Your father has fought with the Holy Palace for more than ten years. The situation in Yanbei should be extremely complicated. I don’t know much. It’s a blessing that your father can return."

Li Hao didn’t speak, with a blank expression.

He heard the hint in Li Hongzhuang’s words: the war in Yanbei was difficult.

The other party probably thought that the conflict between him and the man was because the other party had not returned home for many years of fighting, and he was resentful and didn’t understand.

He didn’t explain anything about this, and there was no need to explain.

"Did the Beilin country invade the border?"

Li Hao asked.

Li Hongzhuang frowned slightly, and when she saw that Li Hao didn’t pick up her words, she sighed slightly in her heart.

As Li Hao's aunt and the younger sister of the seventh brother, she naturally hopes that the father and son can resolve their conflicts and reconcile.

But now it seems that there is no effect for the time being.

She no longer thinks about it, and her mind returns to Li Hao's words, saying:

"How dare the Beilin Kingdom offend openly? It just likes to do some small tricks secretly, such as worshipping the Taoist master Longshan and secretly sacrificing a lot of fresh lives every year to let him test us."

Her face was cold when she said this.

Li Hao frowned. Sacrificing living people to demons is something that only some extremely backward villages and towns in Dayu would do.

Mortals worship demons in exchange for protection or demon power, and use this to bully the villagers.

Once an incident occurs, the Demon Suppression Department will come forward to resolve it and kill all the people involved.

But now, other major countries are using this shameless method to target Dayu.

Sure enough, in the face of war, all means are used to the extreme.

After Li Hongzhuang finished speaking, Li Hao had some understanding of the situation outside Tianmen Pass.

"You killed Chihu Jun and Liuya Zhezhu last night. They should be furious and may attack again in the near future, or even tomorrow."

Li Hongzhuang's eyes did not retreat, but a cold murderous intent emerged.

Li Hao nodded slightly and asked: "Do they usually live in the Demon King's lair? Don't they have their own lair?"

"Of course not."

Li Hongzhuang said: "The Taoist Master Longshan is thousands of miles away from here. It takes a lot of time to run back and forth. Besides, which warrior likes to stay under the master's nose every day? They all have their own lair outside, which is more convenient for mating, eating and drinking on weekdays."

Li Hao's eyes moved slightly and said: "Do you know the location of their lair?"

"Are you really going to destroy their lair?"

Li Hongzhuang asked in surprise.

Li Hao nodded: "Since we are going to kill them, we will kill them all."

He said calmly, but Li Hongzhuang narrowed her eyes and smiled on her cold face:

"Well said, you are bold!"

Immediately, she drew two circles on the ground with her sword: "The spies checked before, and it seems that in these two directions, about three or four hundred miles away, you can check, but don't go too far, otherwise you will enter the demon's heartland and be discovered by the demon king, and then even the gods will be unable to save you!"

Li Hao glanced at the sloppy map she drew and wrote down the direction.

At this time, the fangs in his hand were almost heated.

He immediately restrained the blazing flames in his hand and used the animal horns to polish and carve.

[Carving experience +24...+19...+35...]

One experience prompt after another appeared, and Li Hao was polishing seriously.

After being roasted by the flames for half an hour, combined with the animal horns and huge power, the polishing progress of the fangs was rapidly improved.

Perhaps it was because the material of the pig demon's tusks was quite rare, experience tips were endless, and occasionally there would be large amounts of experience points.

When the barbecue was ready, Li Hongzhuang picked it up and started eating.

While Li Hao was still polishing, a prompt suddenly appeared on his carving path, and he had accumulated 500 experience points and upgraded to the second stage!

In a blink of an eye, two art points were obtained.

Li Hao couldn't help but sigh that it was really easy to obtain art points in this carving path.

However, he guessed that it was inseparable from the quality of the pig's teeth. If he carved an ordinary wooden sign himself, the experience points would probably increase by 1 or 2 points.

To verify this, Li Hao was halfway through polishing, and when he heated the pig's teeth for the second time, he used the animal horn to carve on the tree stump he sat on.

With the second stage of carving, he was already able to perform detailed carvings, which were lifelike.

He carved a little man in bib pants on the spot, but he only gave less than 20 experience points.


It seems that carving is indeed related to the quality of the materials, just like his painting and fishing. The more difficult it is, the more experience he gets.

Time passed quietly.

When the campfire dimmed, Li Hao finished the third grinding. The original curved long pig tooth was ground into a sharper crescent.

But it was still a little different from a sword. It was barely a huge heavy sword, and the blade was very blunt.

It might not kill someone by chopping, but it would most likely kill someone by smashing.

Li Hao chiseled a round hole at the root of the tooth to make it easier for his hand to hold it.

He told Ren Qianqian not to run around in the camp and to take care of the little white fox.

He picked up the crescent-shaped pig tooth sword and walked out of the camp.

"Are you going tonight?"

Li Hongzhuang returned to the small earthen mound and was stunned when she saw Li Hao's actions.

It was still late at night, in the early hours of the morning.

"In case they run away." Li Hao smiled. For safety, he took the opportunity to rest while grinding the tooth sword. At this moment, he had recovered 70% to 80%.


Li Hongzhuang was speechless. She didn't expect that this young man was more enthusiastic about killing demons than she was.

"Then you should be careful." Li Hongzhuang said. Although Li Hao was only in the Heavenly Man Realm, he was able to kill two big demons and escape unscathed. His actual combat ability was already at the level of the Three Immortals. With Li He looking after him, she was more relieved.

After all, it would be ridiculous to take care of the Three Immortals like a baby in swaddling clothes.

Li Hao nodded, then flew out and disappeared in the night outside the camp.



The whistling wind came, and Li Hao crossed mountains and ridges in the black.

The soul rushed out from his head, and under the moonlight, it patrolled the world and monitored the four directions.

Occasionally, he saw the remnants of small demons along the way, and he killed them with his own hands.

He went straight in one direction, left the wilderness outside the pass, crossed the forest, and climbed over several mountains, and rushed three hundred miles away overnight.

Li Hao finally smelled a strong stench.

There was still a lot of fresh blood and some monster limbs on the ground here.

He took a look and saw three corpses of monsters. Their flesh was torn and seemed to be injured and eaten by their own kind.

Li Hao looked forward and saw a mountaintop. There were all kinds of debris around it, and the stench was drifting over.

Without hesitation, Li Hao flew straight over.

"Madam, please be patient. Mr. Heilin has gone to Longshan Dojo."

In the huge cave carved in the middle of the mountain, there was firelight, and on the cave wall were several hideous shadows.

"Shut up, you cowards, if you were to cover the king, how could it die?"

A woman's low roar came from inside.

The cave was slightly quiet.

Suddenly, the sound of wind drifted into the cave.


The shadows on the cave wall suddenly started, and then two shadows shrank. It was two figures walking out from the corner, and the distance between them and the cave wall was shortened, and the shadows also shrank in front of them.

"You dare to stay here, you are brave."

A plain voice said.

In the dim moonlight at the entrance of the cave, Li Hao, carrying a pig tooth sword, walked over. Outside the cave behind him, under the cold moonlight, there were dead bodies of demons all over the mountains.

The death was extremely tragic, all of them were torn apart and killed in one blow.

"It's you!"

One of the middle-aged men with a burly figure and a leopard tail on his back suddenly changed color, his eyes bulged out, and he was extremely shocked.

He recognized the face of the young man, and the king was killed by the other party!


After being shocked, this thought suddenly appeared in its mind, and its body suddenly changed shape, rushing to another part of the cave, trying to escape.

But a sword energy suddenly chopped over, and petals seemed to appear around it.

Where did the flowers come from in the cave?

Then, the middle-aged man's body split apart and fell on the petals on the ground, his whole body torn and shattered in an instant.

With a whoosh, a soul rushed out of his body, terrified, but before he could escape, he was swept by another sword energy and his soul was instantly destroyed.

Seeing this, the other demon didn't care about what to say and also ran towards the depths of the cave.

Two minutes later.

Li Hao sat in the depths of the cave, in front of him was a huge bonfire built with several tree stumps.

Next to the bonfire were four demon corpses, no longer alive.

He flipped through two books of skills in his hand, collected them all in the panel, and then said to the strong and broad-backed woman kneeling in front of him:

"No other skills?"

"No, no more."

The strong woman said tremblingly, with deep fear in her eyes.

In front of this young man, they didn't even have a chance to escape. The sword energy was invisible, seemingly ignoring the distance and arriving instantly.

"You said that there are six more people under Taoist Master Longshan who are at the same level as your king?"

Li Hao frowned slightly. If the six three immortal realm monsters had attacked at the same time, Li Hongzhuang and the others would have been gone long ago.


"Then why didn't they join forces to attack Tianmen Mountain?" Li Hao asked.

"Big, the king said that the Dragon Lord will not let them capture Tianmen Mountain so quickly. In this way, they can slowly taste more delicious food and at the same time contain the Li family's military strength..." The majestic woman said with trembling eyes. Full of fear, but there seems to be a hidden ferocity.

"If that's the case, then why is it going to attack tonight?"

Li Hao asked again.

"The king said that it wants to eat that Li Hongzhuang. As for Tianmen Mountain, it will stay here to see if there are any other Li family members who will continue to guard it and eat one by one."

The majestic woman said, looking at Li Hao carefully. The young man in front of her seemed to be a member of the Li family.

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. Did he regard Tianmen Mountain as a fishing platform?

Borrowing Tianmen Mountain to eat the offerings from the Beilin Kingdom, while fishing for the Li family.

"Why are you delaying the Li family here?" Li Hao asked again.

"I don't know about this. Your Majesty didn't tell me." The majestic woman said with a pale face.


Li Hao stared at her.

"It seems..." The majestic woman approached nervously.


Suddenly, the fangs in her mouth swelled with a ferocious expression, turning into a huge lion's head, trying to bite off Li Hao's head.

But as soon as she rushed over, she was pushed down by Li Hao's palm from above her head, and her chin hit Li Hao's knees hard. The bones of the lion's head were obviously not as hard as Li Hao's kneecaps. It was like hitting a stone, and the bones were smashed out. The sound of bones breaking.

When the opponent's mind was buzzing and confused, Li Hao's palm had already reached the back of his neck. With a flick of his finger, sword energy shot out from his fingertips.

It penetrated the spine behind the head and neck, severed a section of the spine, and separated the head and body.

At this time, a divine soul flew out from the lion's head in panic. Li Hao blew on it and enveloped it with the power of the beast, crushing its soul.

After doing this, Li Hao's eyes fell on the two exercises in his hand.

Holding the hand tightly, the pages of the exercise book were broken into pieces and scattered to the ground along the fingertips.

Li Hao stood up, patted his butt, and walked out of the cave with the pig's tooth sword.

He stood in front of the cave entrance, and his soul flew out, with the mountain as the center, patrolling dozens of miles in all directions.

Use your soul to fly over and kill all the monsters you see within a thirty-mile radius.

I saw some wild beasts on the ground that were not contaminated with demonic energy, and I killed them all casually.

Including several ant nests behind the mountain, they all collapsed with a wave of hands, and even a group of small fish swimming in the nearby stream were crushed.

At the same time, sand was manipulated to fill both ends of the creek, cutting off the activity of this water source.

Without a water source, wild animals will not gather here, and the survival rate will be greatly reduced.

After doing this, Li Hao checked one last time to make sure that no life was missing before he lifted his feet and left, disappearing into the night.

One hour later.

Li Hao appeared in another hill basin.

This is the lair of the six-tusked stinging pig, and a little mountain patrolling demon is wandering on the hills outside the basin.

Li Hao casually picked up a piece of weed and struck it between his eyebrows ten miles away.

The mountain patrol flag in Xiao Yao's hand also fell down.

Li Hao walked straight into the basin. The stench of feces and urine that hit his face made him frown slightly. He immediately held his breath and rushed into it quickly.

Soon, the stench in the basin was mixed with the strong smell of blood.

Li Hao's figure rushed out from inside, holding his nose and leaving quickly.

The place where this pig demon is located can really smoke people to death...

This pig demon knows how to enjoy himself. In addition to the seven or eight sow demons, there are also two leopard demons and sparrow demons in his lair. His private life is quite exciting.

Running quickly under the night, Li Hao returned to the camp.

Li Hongzhuang was sitting on a hillock, holding a sword in her arms, as if she was sleeping with her eyes closed.

The sound of Li Hao's returning footsteps made her frown slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were a little tired, but she quickly suppressed them and asked, "Have you found it?"


Li Hao nodded.

"Is there no danger?" Li Hongzhuang asked, but after taking a look at Li Hao's body, she knew that she was asking too much.

"I almost threw up."

Li Hao said with lingering fear.


Li Hao smiled and said, "You should rest first."

Li Hongzhuang glanced at him and didn't ask any more questions. She closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Li Hao returned to the campfire. From the tent next to him, Ren Qianqian came out and said, "Master, you are back."

"Still not asleep?"

"Just fell asleep."

"Then go back to sleep."

"and you……"

"Don't worry about me, go and rest yourself." Li Hao waved his hand.

Ren Qianqian glanced at him and immediately knew that she could not be of much help. She said good night and returned to the camp.

Li Hao came to sit in front of the bonfire and looked at the surrounding night. He knew that Feng Lao was still accompanying him in the dark. He couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart and became more and more eager to become stronger as soon as possible. In this case, he could feel more relaxed.

"An extra meal tomorrow."

Li Hao murmured to himself.

"You said that, brat." A voice floated into my ears.

When Li Hao heard this, he couldn't help laughing and hummed hard.

The moon and the stars shine, and the night sky is clear.

The figures of an old man and a young man are covered in the night, and they both have a faint smile on their faces.

Li Hao did not rest, but practiced the body-refining exercises he had just obtained, a total of five.

But among them, only two are top-level, even better than the Thousand Dragon Saint Body of Tingyu Tower.

Perhaps only Li Hao, who has deduced the complete Taichu Gong, can compete with it.

These two exercises are "Five Zang Hunyuan Body" and "Mingyu Zhenmo Gong".

As the panel is recorded, the two exercises are also quickly upgraded to the highest level.

The large amount of memories that had previously flooded into his mind were now found by Li Hao. He reviewed them and then stood in front of the extinguished campfire to practice.

As his body moved, his bones all over his body seemed to emit a low thunder.

The blood, bones and flesh in his body all stimulated powerful power in the practice of the exercises, and at the same time greedily absorbed the energy between heaven and earth and continued to fill it.

Li Hao's body was rapidly transforming, and his skin color became delicate, smooth and tough.

Li He stood in the dark, watching Li Hao practice, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

This was the first time he saw this talented young master practicing during these days of tracking.

He heard from people in the mansion that they had never seen this young master practice, but he didn't expect that he would practice in the middle of the night.

However, with just this little time every day, can he practice to the point of being famous all over the world?

At this time, Li He suddenly saw that the energy between heaven and earth surged and quickly gathered towards the body of the young man.

Li He's pupils suddenly contracted, revealing a look of horror.

Is this practicing, or plundering?

The energy between heaven and earth gathered like a storm, and was infused into Li Hao's body like a funnel, and was absorbed by the Wuzang Hunyuan Body Kung Fu.

Li Hao's body was rapidly forged and tempered, and the internal organs, including flesh, blood, and meridians, were all condensed.

Waves of terrible power emanated from Li Hao's body, and his physical strength increased significantly.

Such a movement made Li Hongzhuang, who was far away, open her eyes slightly and look sideways.

After finishing a set of exercises, Li Hao felt that his strength increased a lot, his breath became more abundant, and his body became as tough as animal skin.

He continued to practice for the second time, and the third time.

As he practiced again and again, by the ninth time, the improvement brought by this exercise gradually reached saturation.

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