The Name of Eternity

Chapter 100 The Ultimate Sword Art, the Sword of God!

The next few days.

Li Hao walked out of the Divine General's Mansion and walked around Qingzhou City with Bian Ruxue.

Take her to eat delicious food, watch dramas, and listen to storytelling.

He also went to the nearest lake outside the city to catch dragonflies and butterflies for her. He used the hinges of a sword manual book to make butterfly specimens and put them in it for her.

Both of them are extraordinary people, but they still have smiles on their faces when they do these little things that ordinary people do.

During an outing in the wild, Li Hao brought a paper and pen scroll and painted Bian Ruxue one after another. There were hundreds of paintings with different backgrounds and angles, and he had no experience left in the painting.

But Li Hao did not paint for her for experience.

On the outskirts of the city, it was not the black water demon lake that the second master Li Muchiu took Li Hao to, but another small demon lake.

Li Hao brought his fishing rod to go fishing, with Bian Ruxue sitting next to him, and the white fox Xiaorou lying in the girl's arms, playing with the girl.

When she was tired of playing, the girl held her chin with her two small hands and watched Li Hao fishing quietly.

Seeing the young man staring intently at the fish float with the same seriousness as when he was a child, a slight smile appeared on her lips.

The courtyard of her childhood seemed to appear in front of Bian Ruxue's eyes.

In that courtyard, when I was practicing my sword, I would hear that childish cry not stained by time coming from the pavilion not far away:

"Oops, Uncle Lin, you landed in the wrong place again!"

"The chess piece doesn't fall in the frame, it falls on the cross seam!"

"Uncle Lin, you lose again!"

Every time she got tired from sword practice, she would look up at the pavilion. When she saw the boy's figure, she felt particularly at ease.

The cheerful laughter seems like it was yesterday, and it still echoes in my ears vividly at this moment.

The boy stared at the fish float in the lake, while the girl stared at the boy's profile, both of them seemed to be in a trance.

Suddenly, the fish float moved.

The young man tugged on the fishing rod, as if he were lifting a bow to draw it full. Soon, a fish demon in the Tongli realm was pulled up.

For monsters below the Soul Succession Realm, fishing rods made of these tough metals and special fishing lines can be used to fish.

"Brother Hao is awesome!"

The girl who was in a trance also came back to her senses, clapped her hands and jumped for joy.

Li Hao smiled, shot the fish demon to death in the air, and threw it behind him. Seeing that it was getting late, he also put away the fishing rod and picked up the fish guard from the bottom of the water. There were a few ordinary fish inside.

He let it go.

Then he put away the fishing stools and called to the little white fox, Ruxue said to the other side: "Let's go home."


Bian Ruxue smiled and nodded. Li Hao was carrying everything. With her little hands behind her back, she followed Li Hao with cheerful steps.

The smoke from the picnic in the mountains has begun, and the two of them have returned home by the lake.

The pace home was not fast, and I passed by the crop fields outside the village, and there was a melon field.

There was only a native dog guarding the melon field outside. Li Hao smiled and asked the little white fox to attract the native dog's attention while he stole a watermelon from another place.

Hold the watermelon in your arms and run away. When you are far away, you throw it away, sprinkle two taels of silver, and throw it into the melon pit.

Going to the hillside in the distance, Li Hao cracked open the big melon, revealing the bright red flesh. He handed it to the girl, half of it for each person.

Li Hao didn't pay much attention to it. He just buried his head in it and started to eat it. The juice overflowed.

Bian Ruxue, on the other hand, was much more elegant and ladylike. She touched the hilt of the sword lightly with her finger, and the blade was unsheathed. With a flash of silver light, the watermelon was cut into several crescent-shaped pieces.

She handed a piece to Li Hao, and Li Hao also took it and started eating it.

"It's such a comfortable day like this..." Li Hao sat on the hillside, holding his palms back on the ground, looking at the setting sun in the distance, and the afterglow shining on the world.

When Bian Ruxue heard Li Hao's words, she paused slightly in her eating action, then smiled and said, "Yes."

Li Hao smiled, picked up his own half and finished it, while Bian Ruxue gave two pieces to the little white fox. After they all finished eating, they went home together.

Seeing that Li Hao and Bian Ruxue came back late, and their boots and trouser legs were covered with mud, Li Tiangang said to Li Hao:

"You take Xue'er to a better place to play, don't go to those messy and dirty places, and you have this fishing rod. If you go fishing, what will happen to Xue'er? Will she be boring? She should think more about others. think."

Li Hao listened expressionlessly, seemed to smile, nodded, just hummed, then turned and left.

Bian Ruxue quickly said to Li Tiangang: "Uncle, it was actually me who asked to watch Brother Hao fish. He is very good at fishing and he also likes fishing. I can tell."

Li Tiangang loved and liked this unmarried daughter-in-law very much, his eyes were soft and authentic:

"Of course I know he likes it, but it's rare for you to come back, and you can't always rely on him and accompany him in everything. If one day I'm gone and you have such a soft temper, it will be very hard."

"Uncle, don't say such things, you will be fine." Bian Ruxue said quickly.

Li Tiangang smiled and said: "Good Xue'er, don't worry about me, you should think more about yourself."

Bian Ruxue was slightly startled and nodded, "I will."

A few more days.

Li Hao accompanied Bian Ruxue to play in the city, and there happened to be a temple fair in the west of the city. After hearing the news, the two went to play, watching sparkling silver trees, watching mortal acrobatics, and watching shadow puppet shows.

The temple fair was coming to an end, and the two of them were still a little unhappy.

Li Hao held a lot of purchased things in his hands. He did not bring any personal guards by his side to avoid making him and Xue'er uncomfortable.

"Are you happy?"

Sitting on a stone on the side of the street, the two of them side by side, looking at the sunset outside the city wall, Li Hao smiled.


Bian Ruxue's eyes were full of smiles.

Li Hao turned his head and stared at the profile of her face. It had to be said that there were still vague outlines of her childhood, but there were some changes. After all, she had grown up and matured.

It is also more beautiful and dazzling.

However, although brilliance is beautiful, it comes at a price.

Just like a shooting star, so brilliant, but fleeting, burning all life.

Li Hao watched quietly, and the two of them just sat quietly.

After a while, Li Hao said: "Do you want to continue like this forever?"

Bian Ruxue was slightly startled, turned her head and looked at Li Hao.

The two looked at each other, and there were many things in each other's eyes.

Bian Ruxue slowly turned her head, with a relaxed smile on her face, and said, "Of course I want to."

"Really?" Li Hao asked, but his eyes glanced at the sword in her hand.


Bian Ruxue's smile faded slightly. At this moment, she seemed to understand that Li Hao had noticed something.

She couldn't help but sigh deeply in her heart.

"Brother Hao, I may have to apologize to you."

Bian Ruxue turned her head and stared at Li Hao again. The relaxed smile on her face was gone, but her eyebrows were slightly frowned, with a bit of sadness and helplessness.

Li Hao was silent for a moment, and the hope in his heart slowly sank with these words.

Seeing Li Hao's silence, Bian Ruxue's chatterbox seemed to suddenly open up. After sighing, he lowered his head and said to himself:

"I know, Brother Hao, you are very kind to me. I can't repay your kindness to me."

"It's just that I want to take a look, give it a try, see the scenery at the top of the sword, and see if I can reach the top."

When the girl talked about the sword, her low and soft voice contained a trace of unshakable tenacity.

Li Hao's lips moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Just watching the girl's lowered eyebrows quietly, at this moment, in addition to the familiar contours on her face, Li Hao also saw another familiar thing.

That is the look in the eyes of countless geniuses who are rushing for fame, like moths to the flames, risking their lives to pursue them.

"Actually, once you see that scenery, you will know that the ordinary and ordinary life like ours now is the happiest." Li Hao said softly, as if sighing.

Is the joy of playing these days still no match for that sword heart?

Bian Ruxue looked up at the sunset and said, "Maybe, but if I don't take a look, I'm afraid I will never be willing to accept it. I want to see the ultimate in swordsmanship, and I also want to see what the master said about swordsmanship." The ultimate, the power of the god’s sword!”

"Is it the sword of God..."

Li Hao shook his head and smiled. There are countless swordsmen in the world. This saying has been circulating since I don't know how many years ago.

There are thousands of swordsmanships in the world, various schools, and various sword styles, which have multiplied to the extreme.

However, these are not the ultimate in kendo!

The ultimate sword, called the sword of God!

No one knows how to draw the sword, no one knows how to slash or stab the sword.

No one knows whether that sword really exists.

However, countless people spread rumors that if one could comprehend such a sword.

It can kill gods, destroy ghosts, slay monsters, suppress demons, kill everything in the world, split the sun and moon into pieces, and fill the sea!

Such a sword is the ultimate pursuit and ultimate goal of swordsmen in the world.

Li Hao looked through the deeds of many masters in Tingyu Tower, and even the deeds of some past sword masters. There are records that they had learned from each other, fought and communicated with each other in order to understand this sword technique!

Rumors about the God's Sword were the most widespread and popular eight hundred years ago. That was also the moment when sword cultivators were most obsessed with it, and they were crazy about it!

But then it gradually became less popular, because no one has understood it yet, so it is regarded as a legend.

In addition, if a topic has been discussed for hundreds of years, you will get tired of hearing about it, and no one will argue or discuss it anymore.

I didn't expect that the girl in front of me would have such thoughts and wishes.

Was it instilled by that bad old man?

Li Hao thought of the old man who rejected him. He originally had neither good nor bad feelings towards him, but at this moment, he felt a trace of anger.

"Is this all what your master taught you?" Li Hao asked.

Sensing the slightly aggravated tone in the young man's words, Bian Ruxue's face changed slightly, she glanced at Li Hao, and then shook her head:

"No, the master just mentioned it casually. This is what the master pursues, but he never forced us. This is just a path I want to explore."


The anger in Li Hao's heart subsided and he said: "If you practice swordsmanship, I can accompany you, and I can teach you."

Bian Ruxue couldn't help but think of what happened in the courtyard when she was a child.

She sighed secretly, today was different from the past.

"The God's Sword has no rules and no records. It is just a legend and cannot be taught. Maybe when someone actually displays that sword, the grace of that sword will become concrete."

Bian Ruxue said softly: "I know you can also use a sword, but this sword is already a Taoist sword. Even my master cannot teach it. Only by spending a lifetime of effort to understand and explore can I have a chance to get a glimpse of it."

Li Hao was silent.

Indeed, the opponent has a sword master as his teacher, so he has no need to teach him the sword.

He looked at the girl and stared at her: "Are you serious that you have given your heart to the sword?"

When the way of kendo enters the heart, one will become obsessed with it, but there is still a certain distance between obsession and madness.

This can only happen if you truly fall in love with the sword.

Bian Ruxue met Li Hao's gaze and did not dodge this time. It seemed that since it involved the sword, she did not want to dodge or escape.

"Yes, so I want to go and see."

"But what if you can't see it?"

"So I want to try."

"Countless swordsmen have pursued it in vain. This is a legend. No one can do it. Do you want to give up the happiness that is within your reach for such an illusory legend?"

Li Hao looked at the girl in front of him and was somewhat incomprehensible. He had already entered the Dao of many arts, but he had never been so crazy.

Bian Ruxue was silent for a while, and then said: "If I don't try to climb once, I may regret it for the rest of my life!"

Li Hao couldn't help but smile and sighed.

The infatuated men and women in the world, countless grievances and hatreds, aren't they all because of this kind of unwillingness to give up?

However, flowers may bloom again, but people can never be young again...

Li Hao sighed and said, "What was your original plan?"

Bian Ruxue saw Li Hao sighing non-stop, and showed some reluctance in her eyes, but she still bit her lip and said:

"In my sect, there are two choices, the world and the sword. In fact, the two choices can also be chosen in parallel, but in that case, it is still considered to be the world."

"Because the sword is pure and unique."

"Only the unique can reach the extreme!"

She said faintly: "I have made a decision when I came down the mountain this time. I plan to accompany you first, and then continue to hone my sword skills!"

"Wait for the future..."

When she said this, her tone softened, her cheeks suddenly blushed slightly, and she secretly glanced at Li Hao. Seeing that Li Hao was also looking at her, she couldn't help but turn her head away:

"Wait for the future when you, brother Hao, want to start a family and career, I will come back and marry you and have children."

When Li Hao heard this, he could only sigh in his heart, because he knew that the other party had not finished speaking.

"Then what?" he asked.

"Then, I will continue to pursue my sword path." Bian Ruxue said this, the redness on her cheeks gradually faded, and she said seriously.

Li Hao understood her plan and said, "But getting married and having children will delay your time for a year. In this way, it can't be considered the ultimate with all your heart."

Bian Ruxue nodded, she knew this.

If she really wanted to pursue the ultimate, the best way was to completely cut off from Li Hao.

From then on, only the sword would accompany her.

But everything in her childhood made her unable to break away.

That kindness was too heavy and too big.

She understood that without Li Hao's help, she might not even have the opportunity to pursue the sword path, and it would be impossible for her to even become a disciple of the Sword Saint.

The Li family used the best foundation-building medicine and the best alien blood to shape her bones. Li Hao also used the most extreme precious blood extracted from the three thousand year old demon corpse killed by Li Tiangang at the border to dissolve her blood.

Only in this way can she create the supreme ninth-level talent!

This gave her the opportunity to pursue the sword.

How could she forget this favor?

If she forgot, her heart would be incomplete, and her sword would be incomplete.

How could she reach the top and become the ultimate swordsman?

Therefore, even if there were defects, she was willing to delay for a year.

Giving birth to a child for Li Hao was what she wanted in her heart, and the only way to repay Li Hao.

"Have you decided?" Li Hao looked at her.

"I have decided." Bian Ruxue said seriously.

The corners of Li Hao's mouth moved slightly, knowing that persuasion was useless.

The other party had already given his heart to the sword.

He couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little ridiculous.

In that courtyard, four years of wind and snow were not as good as her eight years of companionship with the sword.

Yes, maybe in terms of time, he only had half.

How could he catch up?

But he was alive, and the sword was not.

He thought of the dark night of that courtyard and the bright galaxy in the dark night.

He thought of the first time he saw the crying little girl and comforted her heart that had been hurt by the loss of her father.

He thought of the two little hands that day in the warm sunshine, making a pinky promise in the courtyard:

"You have to be obedient, as long as you stay here, I will come back no matter where I go."


"Don't change, you said, whoever changes is a puppy."

"Okay, okay."

Who could have expected that the child who smiled dotingly and verbally perfunctorily that day would actually give his heart.

The letters that flew from the Southern Sword House were like ellipsis after the oath, to be continued.

However, the people in the courtyard were still waiting for the arrival of the spring breeze, while the girl who was nine thousand miles away had already given her heart to the sword.

Li Hao never expected that the little girl who followed the master that day would really go far away.

Maybe I was too happy that day and mistook the goodbye as an agreement...

Li Hao thought of fishing by the lake a few years ago. Second Master Li Muxiu saw that the young man was extremely talented and could not help but teach him his unique skills.

"Half-step Invincible Fist".

After teaching, the old man asked: "Do you know why my boxing is only called half-step?"

The young man guessed: "Could it be that Second Master, you only created half of it?"

The old man smiled and shook his head: "Everyone in the world thinks so, but it is not true. This half-step is the complete version."

The young man asked: "Why is it called half-step?"

The old man said: "Because half-step can be invincible."

The young man did not understand.

The old man continued: "Because if a person steps all the way, it is easy to lose strength. Once the enemy dodges, he will fall into trouble... This is also the case in life. Don't take it too seriously, otherwise it is easy to lose your heart."

Don't take it too seriously, or you'll lose your mind easily...

Li Hao just came to his senses at this moment, and it turns out that half a step is a state of mind, not a real half a step.

This is also true for boxing, and so is life.

Otherwise, he will be defeated...

Li Hao looked up at the sunset glow, and finally sighed deeply.

Bian Ruxue's heart trembled slightly when she heard Li Hao's sigh, as if she felt that something was lost.

She tightened her sword slightly, and finally let it go gently. This might be a result that she had expected long ago, so why should she be sad at this moment?

She sorted out her mood, looked up at the young man in front of her who was as bright as the stars and the moon, and asked with a relaxed smile: "When did you realize it?"

Li Hao slowly retracted his gaze, looking at the smile on the girl's cheeks like the sunset glow, which was so beautiful that it made people forget themselves, but his eyes were smiling, and he did not stop to stare, and said:

"Maybe from a long, long time ago."

"A long time ago..." Bian Ruxue was stunned, and then looked at Li Hao in confusion: "Why?"

Li Hao smiled, without explaining.

The content of the letter and the frequency of sending letters are enough to explain something. People are emotional animals and are naturally sensitive to emotions.

This time, the other party went down the mountain and did not go directly to Li Mansion, but tried to conquer the Dead River first.

The Dead River has been infiltrated, the village has been destroyed, and the civilians trapped in the Dead River will die. It doesn't matter whether it is conquered sooner or later, it just depends on the mood at the time.

"This time when you return to the mansion, I will take you around Qingzhou. Are you really happy?" Li Hao asked.

Bian Ruxue nodded slightly: "Happy!"

"That's good."

Li Hao also nodded and smiled, but this smile was missing something.

It was really happy, but it still couldn't save the heart that had already rushed out.

Half a step, half a step... Why did I take a few more steps...

Li Hao shook his head and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Bian Ruxue asked.

Li Hao's eyes fell on the sunset, and he said, "I laugh at this beautiful scenery, but it's a pity that people are busy and busy, and pedestrians on the street are rushing around. Who has the leisure to stop and look up?"

Bian Ruxue was silent for a moment. She knew that Li Hao was not talking about pedestrians, but about her.

So she spoke for the "pedestrians": "Maybe they have to work hard for life and for their ideals... The word ideal was taught to me by you, brother Hao."

Li Hao couldn't help laughing, and suddenly stood up with great enthusiasm: "You are right!"

But then he said, "However, if you really want to, you can still squeeze it out by just looking up for a moment. It depends on whether you are willing."

"What's the point of that?"

"Of course it's meaningful. Isn't the purpose of life for the moment of looking up?"

It seemed that they were both serious about each other, and then they were silent.

I don't know how long it has been.

Li Hao's face had put away all emotions, with a slightly tired look, and said: "I am a little tired from walking around today, you go back first."

Bian Ruxue was silent for a moment, nodded gently, and stood up and said: "It's getting late, it's time to have dinner in the courtyard, you should come back as soon as possible, don't let your uncle wait too long."

Li Hao's mouth curled up slightly:

"I have waited for him for fourteen years, what's the harm if he waits for me for a little longer?"

Bian Ruxue was slightly startled, her lips slightly opened, wanting to say something, but found that there was nothing to say.

She suddenly felt an inexplicable pain and sadness in her heart.

This was something she had never felt when practicing sword.

She was very pure when practicing sword, but she is not pure now.

Bian Ruxue left first, and Li Hao sat down with a full armful of snacks and juggling toys bought from the temple fair.

Looking at the things in his hand, the girl did not take anything away, so Li Hao couldn't help but smile.

If she really liked it, how could she not take it away?

She just picked up the sword and herself, and left like a breeze.

Is the sword really so charming?

Li Hao looked up and thought to himself, if he has the chance in the future, he will climb up to the top of the sword path and take a look.

See how many sword path corpses are buried under the cliff.

And is there really the sword of God on the top of the cliff!

The sunset also turned red, like an orange peel crying blood, and the sun is about to set today...

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