The Name of Eternity

Chapter 10 Universal Attributes

Li Hao was thinking, if he measured the bones again, he didn't know what the result would be.

But there was only one chance, and no one thought that the old Taoist of Qingqiu Mountain would make a mistake.

Since the bone measurement ended that day, he could clearly feel that the liveliness of Shanhe Courtyard had decreased. In the past, the ladies of each courtyard would often bring their children to play, or take him to eat some small cakes and specialties from the border or vassal states, and then let their children play with Li Hao, trying to get close to him from an early age.

But now two months have passed, and only the eldest lady, Wu Niang, and the young Jiu Niang have come to visit him.

But seeing that he was fine, they didn't come again.

However, occasionally, they would receive fruit pears and cakes from Changchun Courtyard.

Now that it was winter, they also received two sets of short cotton trousers and a cotton jacket made of fine wild animal wool, as well as a scarf.

Li Hao hung the scarf around the little girl's neck.


The next day.

At dawn, Lin Haixia was already practicing swordsmanship with Bian Ruxue in the yard.

Earlier, on the weapon rack, Lin Haixia asked the child to choose various weapons and practice them one by one to test her weapon talent. Bian Ruxue finally chose the sword.

After practicing, Lin Haixia found that she did have a talent for swordsmanship, so she taught her carefully and was occasionally strict.

At noon, Li Hao woke up slowly. He was not yet six years old, so he did not have to abide by the house rules. He had to go to Changchun Courtyard every morning to pay his respects to the aunt, so he could sleep in comfortably.

Seeing the little figure practicing hard in the courtyard, Li Hao shook his head slightly, secretly saying that it was pitiful. Then, under the service of his personal maid, he took the water for washing and had breakfast, and then routinely found the two servants who could play chess and asked them to set up the chess in the pavilion.

Not long after, a game of chess ended, but Li Hao found that he did not receive a prompt for the increase in experience points, and he could not help but be stunned.

Then he saw the font appearing in front of him:

{The third stage of chess requires a chess heart to continue to improve. }

Chess heart?

Li Hao was puzzled.

As if sensing his thoughts, the font gradually disappeared, and then another line appeared:

[To cultivate the chess heart, you need to have only chess in your heart and only love chess. ]

Very good, very straightforward explanation.

Li Hao was a little surprised that he could actually interact with this font.


The font disappeared.

Li Hao tried to call it a few more times, but there was no response. He didn't think about it anymore, but pondered in his heart, only love chess?

You have to condense a chess heart first before giving experience?

In the God General's Mansion, Li Hao had heard of the sword heart, the gun heart, and the sharp tongue but the soft heart.

But he had never heard of the chess heart.

That's right, playing chess and other minor arts are not worth mentioning in the God General's Mansion.

However, the chess heart should be something similar to the sword heart, right?

Listening to the gossips of the ladies in the courtyard when they were holding me, such as a certain young man who practiced sword every day since he was a child, holding a sword while eating and sleeping with a sword in his arms. After condensing the sword heart, his sword practice improved by leaps and bounds.

So, if I want to condense the heart of chess, I need to do the same?

But does Li Hao like chess?

Although he knew a little bit in his previous life, it was really just a little bit.

Playing chess... Who likes to play chess?

Playing poker is more fun than playing chess.

Work is tiring enough, who has time to do such brain-burning things.

Unless it is for novelty, occasionally change the entertainment experience.

Even if there is a panel that can improve the experience of chess, Li Hao only regards it as a tool to brush up the skill points. He needs to really fall in love with it and be devoted to it.

It's very difficult.

Li Hao was a little bit skeptical and asked the servant to play another game with him.

Then he believed in it.

This made Li Hao a little distressed, and his face wrinkled. He had just tasted the sweetness of cultivation, and you told me that I couldn't play chess to gain experience. How could this be possible?

Do I really have to hold the chessboard every day?

But if I don't have experience, why should I hold it?

Or should I move on to practice other arts first?

But I don't know what the chess mind is for, so I'll think about it first.

In the next few days, Li Hao moved the chessboard to his bed, put a blanket on it, and used it as a pillow.

When eating, he also placed the chessboard next to him, like a Buddha statue.

But this formalism didn't seem to have any effect.

Li Hao didn't ask the servants to continue playing chess. He would watch the little girl practice swordsmanship when he had nothing to do, or go to Tingyu Tower to flip through various books.

This day, when Li Hao was flipping through books in Tingyu Tower, he saw several pages of chess records in a book and couldn't help but be surprised.

The book recorded the interesting story of a famous person who became famous hundreds of years ago. The big man was humiliated when he was young, and when he sought revenge later, his enemy gave up martial arts and learned chess.

The big shot once said that when he takes revenge in the future, he will completely crush the opponent and make him completely desperate before he kills him.

As a result, the opponent has been learning chess for many years.

He took out his chess skills to compete on the spot.

The big shot was defeated miserably, but this man was still stubborn and really didn't kill the enemy on the spot.

However, he killed the whole family of the enemy, including women, children and children, and only left the enemy, saying that he would come again in the future.

But later, he was unable to solve the chess game until his death.

Li Hao couldn't help laughing after reading it.

The enemy seemed to be very familiar with the big shot. Although he couldn't compare with him in martial arts talent, he was smart enough to learn this trick to avoid death.

He suddenly felt that playing chess seemed to be a bit interesting.

Don't blame the Li family. Even he, in this martial arts world, felt from the bottom of his heart that playing chess was just entertainment and had no meaning.

But now, this idea has changed slightly.

{Chess record ‘Wanxiang’ has been detected. Do you want to include it? }

Fonts suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

Li Hao was surprised and suddenly thought that there was an illustrated book of chess records on the panel.

It can also be seen that he is indeed not interested in chess skills and only uses them as a tool to gain experience. In the past five years, he has never included any chess records.

At this moment, I felt a little ashamed.

Li Hao immediately chose yes.

Soon, an additional chess record named "Vientiane" appeared in the chess record collection on the panel.

At the same time, there is a prompt at the back that can be embedded.

Li Hao was confused and tried to choose embedding.

At this time, a line of font pops up:

{Please select the embedding target: physical way, sword way. }

Li Hao was surprised, what do you mean?

He thought about it and chose the physical way.

When I first started practicing, I experienced the feeling of a sudden increase in strength throughout my body, and I also looked forward to the path of the physical body.

[Embed successfully. ]

At this time, Li Hao suddenly felt a complex message coming.

This feeling was very familiar to him, and he digested it after a moment. Li Hao saw behind his panel:

[The Way of the Flesh: One Section (All Things)]

And the mottled messages in his mind told him what exactly happened.

Vientiane: The target is placed in all phenomena of heaven and earth, unable to see through, and can cover up all vitality.

Li Hao exerted it slightly, and his aura suddenly became restrained. The power and energy surging in his body seemed to have shrunk into countless pore cells, making them unobservable.

"Special attributes?"

Li Hao was shocked. He didn't expect the chess record to have such an effect. It was simply unbelievable.

With his second-level chess skills, he could somewhat understand this chess game. There are big mazes within small mazes, traps and traps at every step. It's no wonder that the big man couldn't crack it in his life.

However, after this chess record is embedded into the physical body, it will actually bring similar attributes.

If you just choose to embed the way of swordsmanship, will there be some confusion in your swordsmanship, making it impossible for people to discern the real killing move?

If combined with the extremely gorgeous sword moves of Tide Swordsmanship, it would probably be even more dazzling.

Li Hao glanced at the panel and saw that the embeddables behind the Wanxiang chess score had disappeared, which meant that he could only choose one.

However, this opened up a new world for him, so chess records are the way to go!

If you could collect various other chess records, wouldn't you be able to add various special BUFFs to your attacks?

Thinking of this, Li Hao became very interested and started rummaging around the building.

But Tingyu Tower is a holy place for warriors in the world, but not a holy place for chess players. For several days, Li Hao soaked in Tingyu Tower, but he only found three chess records in total, one of which was used to pad the bookshelf.

"Hidan", "Hidden Bow" and "Tiger Pressure".

Starting with three chess records, Li Hao studied them carefully, figured out their attributes based on the characteristics of these chess records, and embedded "Fei Dan" and "Hidden Bow" into the kendo.

"Tiger Pressure" is embedded in the physical way.

Flying section: The attack distance is doubled, with a super-distance strike effect.

Hidden Bow: The killing move is hidden, killing in one step.

Tiger Pressure: A small increase in strength, intimidating.

Three chess records brought great improvement to Li Hao.

It's a pity that although the Divine General's Mansion has everything, as a martial arts family, they don't have the habit of collecting chess records.

When Li Hao returned to the courtyard, he could only ask the servants around him to go outside to find chess records for him. However, these servants refused in every possible way, and no one dared to help the young master go further and further on the road of "not doing his job properly".

There was no other way, Li Hao could only seduce him with a huge reward.

In the days that followed, in addition to waiting for the chess records, Li Hao also began to slowly ponder his chess skills.

He took off the blanket on the chessboard by the bedside and put it back. He also removed the chessboard on the dining table. Occasionally, besides strolling in the yard, he would watch the little girl practicing her sword.

Xu Shi lost her parents when she was a child and lived in exile. The little girl had an extremely hard-working temperament. Under the guidance of Lin Haixia, her swordsmanship improved day by day.

"No, this move is not practiced correctly."

On this day, when teaching swordsmanship, Lin Haixia showed the stern side of an officer. Even though she was very satisfied with Bian Ruxue's swordsmanship talent in her heart, she would still criticize harshly if she made mistakes in practice.

The little girl held back tears and stubbornly practiced over and over again.

Li Hao shook his head helplessly. Although Uncle Lin was a good person, he might not be able to teach students according to their aptitude.

With a few fierce words, the little girl's sword moves were almost deformed.

At night, Li Hao looked at the little guy who was still practicing repeatedly in the courtyard and called her over.

"This posture is wrong. You need to bend your arms a little. Yes, this way, your waist shouldn't be too stiff..."

There was no one around, so Li Hao turned on the little girl and guided her step by step.

Bian Ruxue is not stupid, and she does have a talent for swordsmanship. Under Li Hao's guidance, she quickly developed precise postures and a good swordsmanship.

"Brother Hao, can you also practice swordsmanship?" After the little girl finished practicing, she looked at Li Hao with interest: "Then let's practice together tomorrow, okay?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to get up early."

Li Hao was startled and said quickly.

"Uncle Lin will definitely be very happy if he knows that you can also do swordsmanship." Bian Ruxue said expectantly. Although she didn't understand many things, she could tell that the elders around her seemed a little disappointed with Li Hao. .

The little girl was so diligent and hardworking, and she felt relieved in her heart. Everyone said that Brother Hao was not good, but she felt that Brother Hao was actually very smart.

"I don't know swordsmanship, don't talk nonsense." Li Hao hurriedly said, little girl, don't repay kindness with enmity and ruin your good sleep, I'm really going to cry to death.

Bian Ruxue was puzzled: "But you clearly..."

"Go, go to sleep, go to sleep." Li Hao rolled his eyes, drove the little girl away, and told her not to talk nonsense.

The next day.

In the courtyard, Lin Haixia looked at Bian Ruxue waving sword moves, and slowly widened her eyes.

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