The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 122: Trapped in a confused orc society

Little Augustus walked out of the place where the orcs arranged the negotiation.

The guards have heard more or less that little Augustus once defeated the outstanding warrior among the orcs and won the highest honor, so they did not stop little Augustus from wandering around.

Little Augustus walked by the orcs' city, and the orcs curiously watched the elves shuttle through their city.

The city of the orcs is in tatters, and the ground is muddy roads. It is rare to see roads rammed with specially burned mud, and there are no people who clean the roads, resulting in all kinds of **** on the roads.

Obviously they have so many people, but there are many people who do nothing all day long.

These people can arrange for them to participate in public society, build houses, clean public areas, perform management of public areas, and so on. As a result, the upper echelons of the orcs did nothing.

The brick and tile houses are not neatly planned, they are lined up in a mess, and there is not even enough safe distance between them.

Maybe people in the building opposite you can jump over the distance between the windows and run to your house. So in this kind of noisy, crowded, and no public security management city, it is simply It's incredible not to fight.

Orcs are everywhere on the street.

They rubbed shoulders and rubbed each other. In just such a short time, little Augustus had already met two groups of orcs fighting each other, and no one was in charge of this kind of thing.

He had never seen this kind of city.

"It's not so much a civilized world as it is an alternative jungle world."

"Here, people with big fists can live easily."

"It's hard for me to compare this crowded and chaotic city with the elves, no, even the pigmen city-states in the elves."

"These people who have left slavery have been enslaved for too long, and they have no idea of ​​their own."

"Leaving us, but let them decivilized?"

"Or maybe the current orcs are simply not ready to enter the city life independently?"

He walked to a very crowded street. The street was full of people, and pig farmers with vegetables, fruits and potatoes were everywhere.

Teams of orc soldiers were holding weapons and staring at these pig farmers.

here it is?

There are actually streets selling vegetables. What do the orcs use to trade?

Little Augustus released his magic power, and the tyrannical ice magic power formed a magical radial pressure around him, causing the bones of all the orcs and pigs to pierce.

He gracefully walked into this crowded and dirty street, as if a light entered the dark world.

All, the orcs and pigmen dared not approach him, making him like no one.

Little August couldn't help thinking about it. "The planning of the street is unreasonable. There are even people setting up stalls at the entrances and exits. No, they probably have no plans."

"These pig farmers are not selling vegetables, exchanging good seeds, farm tools, salt, handicrafts and medicines. Orcs do not have these. They are forced to move vegetables and food here for the orcs to choose."

"Are these the methods of taxation by the orcs?"

So, the pig farmers in the orc territory have been supporting a group of orcs who do nothing but fight?

Oh my God, this immature, deformed society, even without elves, can't last forever.

They explode sooner or later, and the elves have been keeping peace with these guys.

It's all eroded up to this point, how can it be peaceful?

The elves haven't been in contact with the orcs for too long, and they didn't expect the orcs society to be like this.

If there is no orc army to suppress, this deformed society of orcs would have already exploded.

But even now, I'm afraid they have reached the limit without knowing it.

Next, the society of the orcs is likely to erupt into chaos, famine, and plague.

There seemed to be two voices in Little Augustus's ears.

One is from Augustus.

Augustus said: "We have to conquer them again and bring them civilization. You can't let them continue like this."

"A race that does not have the ability to independently manage itself is not worthy of independence. To rule them is the responsibility given to us by God the Father."

One is from Pericles.

Pericles said: "These people are not citizens of our kingdom. We must respect the choices of other races. The people of God the Father have the right to choose the future they want."

"Just as God the Father never interferes with our choices, we must imitate the virtues of God the Father."


Little August shook his head.

What the father and the teacher said, he didn't agree with it.

I have my own ideas!

"We should take on the responsibility of being a good example of civilization."

"Among the orcs, there must also be orcs who are dissatisfied with the status quo. We should cooperate with them, lead them, bring civilization to them, and bring peace to us."

"But right now, the society of the orcs is more deformed and unstable than I thought. Father God is on top, why can these orcs live in such a place? The environment in which they live, in my opinion, is not as good as The wilderness and the mountains..."

One can’t live alone, so it’s better to live in an urban environment than a natural environment...

Maybe these guys haven't seen the city of elves for a long time, otherwise, they would never like to live here.

Gradually little Augustus came to the outskirts of the orc territory, and he passed through the pig village.

Pig people in the pig people’s eyes are very numb, which is a result of fatigue and malnutrition. There is no hope in their eyes, only the numbness of living in order to survive.

Pig people’s children and adults each have a big belly and thin limbs.

This is not a disease of wealth, but stunted growth caused by malnutrition. They look thin and short, and they are no longer the same species as the pigmen in the Elf Territory.

There are many children in a pig’s family. Count them carefully, even as many as a dozen.

These children are also agricultural laborers and eat little food.

When little Augustus walked through the farmland, he noticed that their agricultural technology was extremely backward and there were almost no agricultural tools.

Without iron or bronze, they can only use wood or even their hands to dig the ground, which is simply outrageous.

Little Augustus couldn't even believe it.

He rubbed his eyes and opened them again, still a group of pig farmers digging the ground with their hands. "These guys... I came here decades ago, they still have some ironwork."

"And they don't seem to have fallow land, so they just keep planting? Isn't this... the more you plant, the less yield?"

"Outrageous, simply outrageous, how can you successfully decivilize yourself in twenty-four years?"

An old pig man in the farm fell to the ground because of fatigue and hunger.

No pigman in the field looked over. They just worked on their own. Maybe they were accustomed to this situation, maybe because they couldn't do anything.

In short, very indifferent.

Little Augustus hurriedly walked over, and the place where his footsteps fell turned into ice, so there was no trace of mud that could stain his robe.

He stood in front of the old pigman and squatted down. "Old man?"

"Water..." The old pig man whimpered unconsciously. His stomach was huge and his neck was abnormally large, which seemed to be caused by lack of nutrition.

Little Augustus gritted his "

A silver spring gushed out and poured into the old pig man's mouth.

The pigmen and peasants around saw the water, as if going crazy, they all ran over, with greed and humble desire in their eyes.

"This is a clean water source."

"Master Elf, please give us some points. We rarely have access to clean water sources. The nearby rivers are very muddy, very dirty and dirty. We also want to drink clean and delicious water. Please give us some water. ."

"Please, give us some water, you are the messenger of God, you are the kindest person in the world."

"It's so sweet, my lord, don't drive us away, please, please."

Facing the frantic begging of these pig farmers, Augustus took a half step back, somewhat unable to resist.

However, he calmly asked, "Do you have any water containers?"

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