The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 906: Preparation before planning

Later, for a few days, Leo was completely like a patient with a great creation addiction. He spent time with other people to trade and use great creations. Many people rejected Leo’s transaction request, because it is also for them to use great creations. Their only fun to stay here, but some people were attracted by the trading conditions offered by Leo and agreed to Leo's trading requirements.

Although Leo’s excellent conditions are incredible, no one would think that he is not enough, because he can change from a general guard to a senior guard in just a few days, which in itself represents his ability and With luck, it is not impossible to achieve the supervisor level in the future.

It's just that these people who promised to trade didn't know that the people who owed their debts would disappear from here in a while, and they couldn't get the return they wanted.

Through the use time from the transaction, Leo used the dormant cabin for a long time for a few days, and stolen various memories. A little bit of the bottom of the seventh research room, the most important one is the Royal Treasury. The location has also been figured out.

The information about the Royal Treasury comes from the memory of the Cavaliers of the Royal Guard. He is responsible for transferring the Royal Treasury to the Royal Palace of Winter City together with several other Royal Guard colleagues, and he is also one of the supervisors responsible for the protection of the Royal Treasury, so Now the Royal Treasury basically has no secrets for Leo, which also includes the method of entering and leaving the treasure and the location of some security devices in the treasure.

The location of the Royal Treasury is above the top floor of the Seventh Research Institute, where there is another layer, but it is not a wreckage of the Rockross spaceship, but a passage excavated to facilitate the exploration of the spacecraft wreckage. , Turned into an underground chamber, and above the underground chamber is the feast palace in the Royal Palace of France.

There are only two roads leading to the Royal Treasury, and one walks directly from the Palace of Feast, where there is a team of Royal Guards stationed.

The other is from the top laboratory of the Seventh Research Institute, where there is a passageway directly leading to the gate of the Royal Treasury. Although it is not like another road, there is a team of Royal Guards stationed, but there is also a team responsible for laboratory safety. The knight guard stood there.

For Leo, even if there is no extraordinary power, it is not difficult to solve these knights silently by his own blood power, and it is simpler to enter the treasure house.

The only thing he needs to consider is how to leave Dongling City after finishing all this.

Leo found Sylvia to tell the information and problems he had obtained, and Sylvia said very confidently: "You don’t have to worry about this, I still have access to a secret channel , We can go from that secret passage..."

"You should know Count Brown?" Leo interrupted her, and asked dizzyingly.

Sylvia was stunned for a moment because she knew who Count Brown was, so she asked, "How do you know him?"

Leo Shensheng said: "I know the story of Count Brown from the memory of a knight of the Royal Guard. He should be an empire."

After hearing Leo's explanation, Sylvia opened her mouth and said nothing, but her face was a little ugly. If someone else said this, she would definitely doubt the intention of the other party, but Leo’s words, she was 100% convinced.

Only in this way, their troubles will be greater.

The identity of this Earl Brown is not simple. The Cliff family where he belongs is also the old noble family of the French Empire. Every adult man of the Cliff family is a qualified knight, so their family is also called the cradle of the imperial knight. . When the former French emperor was in charge, he was already the minister of maritime affairs of the French empire. He was in charge of half the empire navy and all ocean-going merchant ships in his hand, which is a high weight.

However, his secret identity is the head of the anti-intelligence organization in the northern part of the United Kingdom. He established the United Kingdom’s intelligence agency in the French Empire nearly half of the country, so the entire United Kingdom’s intelligence personnel in the French Empire He has mastered at least 60%.

The reason why such a high-weight French empire noble wanted to surrender to the United Kingdom of France, in addition to some amazing conditions created by Rupert Fitz, the main reason is that the French empire did not attach importance to the development of the Navy.

Although the Minister of Maritime Affairs is one of the seven real power ministers of the French Empire, its power and status are at the bottom. If there is no funds, no staff, no manpower. It didn't matter at all, but he was really a minister of maritime affairs for more than ten years. From an ambitious young man in this busy and inactive position, he was already frustrated, middle-aged and elderly. Those who think will not be reconciled to continue to live in this way.

Rupert Fitz was also able to persuade Earl Brown to join the United Kingdom through this mentality of Earl Brown, but now it seems that Earl Brown’s joining was probably premeditated, and even the power to help the United Kingdom form an intelligence organization is also ulterior motives. of.

Judging from the current situation, once the French Empire starts, all the intelligence networks in the United Kingdom will be lost, and the manpower developed over the years will be wiped out.

Thinking of this, a trace of anxiety appeared on Sylvia’s face, and Shen Sheng said: "It seems that we must find a way to leave here as soon as possible, and after returning to the United Kingdom, while Count Brown has not yet started, Transfer staff."

Having said that, she was worried that Leo did not understand the importance of this matter, and she also told Leo the identity of Earl Brown.

Leo hesitated a moment, and said, "Does this Earl Brown know about us coming to Winter City?"

Sylvia was stunned for a moment, his face slightly gloomy, and said: "It should be known that I have contacted the intelligence network here. Earl Brown is the chief person of the intelligence network here, so he must know that we are coming to the winter city It’s just, he shouldn’t know our identity in disguise now, otherwise, he told Louis X that I might have already started to hate Louis X for me."

"What about them?" Leo asked again.

"They should also be fine. Earl Brown should not expose his existence for these people. If the secret path is found, the first person to be suspected should be the secret path creator, Earl Brown, so he will definitely release Mister, they went back to the United Kingdom, and he might be waiting for my big fish now."

"So what shall we do now?" Leo asked.

I have to say that Leo also feels that the situation is a little funny now. Before coming to the Winter City, they thought that the trouble was to find the Royal Treasury, sneak into the treasure room, and get the contract ring. It should be easy to leave the Winter City, but now it is difficult and It's easy but it's reversed. It's the easiest thing to dive into the treasure trove and get things, but it's harder to leave the winter city and return to the United Kingdom.

Sylvia thought for a moment and said, "Remember the small airship we saw before?"

Leo quickly understood the other party's thoughts and said, "Do you want to leave with a small airship?"

Sylvia nodded.

Leo thought for a while and said, "It's okay, but there are a few problems. One is where we don't know where the small airship is..."

Sylvia replied immediately: "I know where it is docked, in the palace, very close to the feast palace."

Leo added: "Even if we know the location of the small airship, but when we went there, it was a question whether there was enough fuel to fly us to the United Kingdom."

Sylvia explained: "As far as I know, the small airship is specially used to perform special tasks, and every time it is used, it needs to be maintained for at least half a month, so it should still be under maintenance. As for fuel issues , This does not matter, we are not going to fly to the United Kingdom.

Hearing Sylvia's explanation, Leo froze a little, and seemed to think of something saying, "Do you want to go to the Black Forest?"

"Yes!" Sylvia nodded and said, "Without the contract ring, the Black Forest is a forbidden place for the empire, and your relationship with the White Deer borrowed from the Black Forest should not be difficult, so The Black Forest is the safest passage for us."

Leo Wenyan thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with Sylvia's decision.

After that, the two discussed a hands-on time, and it was set for the day after tomorrow. In addition to the fact that the day after tomorrow, both of them rested, it was also because Leo also needed a day to dig through the maintenance pipeline, and by the way also dig into a database aisle.

When he returned home that day, Leo dug through the maintenance pipeline. Although the rocks that stuck the pipe were very hard, when Leo applied blood power to his hands, these rocks also became soft and muddy, which was very easy. Was dug away.

The next day, Leo followed the pipeline to the archives, found the maintenance channel that was dedicated to the archives, and entering the archives had become easier.

Because things went very well, Leo also explored in the laboratory on the second floor, not only found other maintenance channels to the top-most laboratory, but also went to the top laboratory to check the situation.

Arriving at this top-level laboratory, Leo immediately understood why he saw so many people's dream bubbles, but there was no one from this laboratory. It was not that the laboratory's people did not need to sleep and would not dream. Because this laboratory is a large Turing root array, the interior of the laboratory has been transformed into thirty prismatic rooms, each room corresponds to a Turing array, and all Turing arrays are Being connected together, it produces a mysterious force that is enough to isolate the exploration of outside forces.

This Turing rooted formation was obviously funded by the tower wizard. Leo saw a lot of shadows from the stone ball that blocked the real eye on the outskirts of the city of Milia. The same technique is just a difference in strength.

Although the Turing Array in this laboratory may be slightly weaker than the stone ball with three-dimensional roots, according to Leo’s estimation, it is also very weak. Since it is affected by the surrounding The limitation of the mysterious power can still play some role in blocking the connection between the inside and outside of the laboratory, which shows the strength of this Turing circle.

And a more intuitive point is that the bone that made most of Leo's body disappear has not affected this Turing circle.

Yes, when Leo surveyed in this laboratory, he found that the bone he had taken as a credit was placed in one of the small laboratories. Such wonders, wizards’ wonders, and shamans’ wonders, but more of them are church wonders, and the people in the laboratory seem to be looking for the kind of imprisonment of all forces in the bones through the attenuation of the power of the wonders. secret.

Not only this bone, there are also many mysterious objects in the Weilun world civilization in the laboratory here, and there is even a book of 13 ancient **** knowledge of the madman.

That madman's knowledge is placed in the middle of the laboratory, and is also the core of the entire Turing circle of the laboratory. It is the strongest place of the circle, and everyone will actively bypass it when passing there.

This is not because they know about the danger and bypassed it intentionally, but because there is nothing in their consciousness, they will walk subconsciously when they pass there, and they will think they detour in their consciousness. The act of walking is actually going straight, as if the space there has been dug away.

At the beginning, Leo was also regarded it as an open space. Knowing that he was analyzing the Turing root array here, he found a few obvious breakpoints. In that inexplicable influence, I was able to get rid of it, and I really felt the energy fluctuation of the thirteen volumes of ancient **** knowledge of the madman in that laboratory.

In his memory, a madman's knowledge called the Book of Void appears to have the same additional effect as it is now. It is said that the Book of Void will make anyone who sees it forget his existence, Only those who can see through the world's falsehood can really see this book.

As for how to see through the false, no one knows the method, but the qualification to see this book can be obtained by another method, that is, in the hands of the three madman knowledge of the sigh of the night god, the book of stupidity and the false truth Any book can see this book of void.

Now Leo can see this book of void, which is probably also related to the power of the nightmare in his body, but he does not get the full sigh of the night god, so the effect should be greatly reduced, which makes him a At first I was not able to find the laboratory.

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