Although there is nothing in the black market that is contaminated with mysterious objects, the jamming device is fully equipped in this black market. The moment he walked in, he felt a significant disorder in the energy in his body, and the mental network I can't clearly perceive the surroundings.

However, the strength of the jamming device here is slightly weaker for people like Leo. Leo can still understand the situation inside and outside the black market through fuzzy sensing and find the real person in charge of the black market.

"This gentleman, did you just come to Rutham? Please do not familiarize yourself here, can I help you?" At this time, a broker in the black market suddenly came forward Leo asked.

"I want to find the person in charge of the black market here, there is a big business to talk about, can you help me find him?" Leo took out a Savile gold shield and said.

Although the Velun and Minsk continents have been blocked because of dense fog, the Savile Gold Shield itself is made of pure gold, and its value has not only depreciated because of this barrier, but it has increased in value several times, so that the current French Empire The control measures of the Savile Gold Shield are not allowed to circulate. Only the Royal Bank of France can be exchanged for the corresponding French coins before they can be used.

However, the exchange rate given by Royal Bank of France is too low, so that those who hold the Savile Golden Shield are not willing to exchange it. In the underground world, the value of the Savile Golden Shield is still rising, and many underground forces The Savile Gold Shield is also being received, and the price is quite good.

This makes some people who have a way, and have a large number of Savill's Golden Shield in their hands, find reliable forces to exchange in the underground world, and the black market is their preferred exchange force.

So when the black market broker saw this Savile Gold Shield, he had no doubts about Leo’s words. He believed that Leo wanted to find the person in charge of the black market to exchange Savile Gold Shield. As for the introduction fee, the number of gold shields on the opponent's hand should be quite large.

So the black market broker, after receiving the remuneration paid by Leo, didn't even think about it, and led Leo to the office of the person in charge of the black market.

Soon the two came to the door of the office. The person in charge of the black market was in the office. Leo was able to sense the energy response of the other party and the unique family atmosphere. Obviously, the person in charge of the black market was a family, and from him This kind of energy fluctuation similar to the one captured by Mo Ning is probably a man made by the secret research institute of the French Empire.

However, the energy fluctuations of this family member are slightly weaker than those in the secret operations, and under the investigation of the spiritual network, the overall quality of his body is also much lower. It seems that he is not a warrior type.

"Wait here for me." The black market broker said to Leo, and then knocked on the door to announce his name. After getting permission from the person inside, he opened the door a little and entered the house sideways. , And then close the door carefully.

After a while, the black market broker opened the door and signaled Leo to go in. Then he went out and closed the door and left.

"Kran Purple Wine, or Bilis Red Qin Wine?" The person in charge of the black market saw Leo walk in, showing a merchant-like smile, and got up and walked to the side of the wine cabinet. While taking out two glasses, he used kindly The tone is like Leo asked.

"I don't drink, you can help yourself." Leo sat in his chair very casually and said.

When he saw Leo’s faction, the head of the black market brightened his eyes. In his view, there must be someone from that faction who came from that great force or aristocrat. The Savile Golden Shield in his hand must be indispensable, and his commission naturally It can't be less.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but show a clear smile on his face, put a glass back into the wine cabinet, and poured himself a glass of Cranberry wine, he returned to his desk and took a sip Liquor, moistened the throat, and then smiled and asked: "I heard that you have a batch of goods that you need to cooperate with me to deal with, I don't know how many of those goods?"

Leo smiled and said: "You made a mistake. I don't have a batch of goods for you to deal with. I just want to talk to you about a big business."

The head of the black market froze a little, and soon returned to normal, and asked, "What a big business?"

Leo Shen said: "I want to buy all the materials related to the royal territories."

The person in charge of the black market was completely stunned, and then asked him to keep his expression normal while extending his arms to the hidden weapons under the table: "You have too much information, it is difficult to get together in one time. And the price of this information..."

Leo did not intend to go around the corner again, and said straight away: "The price is that you can survive safely, what do you think?"

When his words fell, the hand of the person in charge of the black market was already placed on the hidden mechanical crossbow, and a tail was suddenly drilled behind him like a thorn towards Leo.

However, before he could remove the mechanical crossbow from the wooden board below the drawer, the tail-shaped sharp thorn hadn’t had time to touch Leo’s body, he stopped suddenly, as if it had become The stone can't move.

"Although, I am not afraid of your attacks, but your movements are too disturbing to the outside, which will make me feel a headache." Leo reached out and pressed the thorny tail back, and then took a very An elaborate mechanical crossbow was placed on the table, and the black market leader fixed by the psionic body was pressed back into the chair.

"You are a spy of the United Kingdom." This person in charge has obviously not experienced this kind of thing. He tried to make himself arrange in the inland zone. When the person in charge of this little black market just wanted to avoid fighting, he is now hiding. Not enough.

"No." Leo shook his head and said, "You don't need to know who I am, you just need to give me the information of the royal territory."

The person in charge of the black market said extremely hard: "It's impossible, don't you want to get any information from me."

Leo didn't say anything. He went directly to the person in charge of the black market, stretched his hand to open the eyelids of the other party, and then stimulated the spirit vision ability, and looked at it, while casting a transformation from the magician called the magician. Psionic skills.

After the exhibition, the pupil of the person in charge of the black market immediately enlarged, and the expression of the whole person became sluggish, and some resistance movements of various parts of the body also stopped, and the whole person became relaxed, like falling into a trap The state is the same when it reaches the deep surface.

Seeing the success of the operation, Leo did not talk nonsense, and directly asked: "Does the black market still contain information about the royal territories?"

The person in charge of the black market replied honestly: "Yes, the materials in the black market have not been cleaned up yet, and all the materials are kept in the archive room."

"Now take me to the archive room." Leo ordered again.

Upon hearing Leo’s instructions, the person in charge of the black market stood up and walked towards the door. Leo followed, and after they left the office, they walked into an aisle not far away, and came to the end of a few armed soldiers. Handle the door of the room.

The person in charge of the black market stood at the door and said, "Open the door and I will go in to read a batch of materials."

The guard soldiers did not see anything strange, nor did they ask Leo's identity, they opened the door directly, put the two into the archive room, and then closed the door.

After the two entered the archive room, the person in charge of the black market took Leo directly to the filing cabinet where the royal territory was stored.

Leo opened a drawer marked with a royal label, and did not ask the person in charge of the black market to bring a lamp over. Instead, he stood in the dark and flipped through the folders in the drawer with his vision.

Although the entire filing cabinet is very large and there are many files and contents in it, remembering these documents is not difficult for Leo. It only took less than half an hour to complete the files in the entire filing cabinet. It was all in his mind.

Subsequently, Leo restored the filing cabinet and left the archive room with the person in charge of the black market and returned to his office.

After returning to the office, Leo did not leave immediately, but directly relieved the psychic powers of the person in charge of the black market and allowed him to restore his mind.

"What did you do just now?" Although the person in charge of the black market just couldn't control his actions, words, and deeds, he still knew clearly what he had done.

"Your Excellency decided to conclude a deal with me, and sold me the relevant information of the Royal Territory." Leo said, taking a bag of Savile Gold Shield from the storage space and putting it on the desk, saying : "This is what you deserve."

The person in charge of the black market gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, that's not me..."

"Who knows?" Leo asked back, saying, "Everyone outside sees that you took it to the archives room. You told the archives guard to open the door. You accompanied me over the files in the archives room. And you have an extra Savill gold shield. You think you said you were forced. Will anyone believe it?"

Speaking of which, Leo also unblocked the psionic control of the other party's body. Although the other party regained control of the body, they were unable to support the body and sat down on the ground.

As Leo said, even if the person in charge of the black market ran outside and claimed that he had been suppressed by others, no one would believe that, because when the two went out, Leo and he were separated by a distance and both hands Put it in the clear, without any weapons, and when of course it is at the door, he is also under the protection of the door guard. From the perspective of normal people, there is no possibility of him being held hostage.

"You have only two choices now, one is to take my money and treat it as if nothing happened, as long as I don't say it is impossible to doubt you. The other is that you can be a loyal Empire, report what I have done to your superiors, but you will not know if your superiors will be willing to believe you." Leo said to him by crouching down, "If you are willing to believe, you think Can you still have a future?"

The person in charge of the black market smiled bitterly. Although it seems that he has two roads to beat, in fact he has only one road, because the other road to report does not work at all. He knows that at the moment of the report, he has become a suspicion. Subject, what was waiting for him was definitely not trust, but was directly treated as a treason by secret agents, and the final result was disappeared.

Thinking of this, he had a judgment in his heart, and then he stood up from the ground, directly picked up the Savile shield on the table, dropped the desk drawer, and then opened a safe and took out a copper from the inside. The stick-like thing was thrown to Leo and said: "Now you go out with this thing, I don't want to see you again. If you are still in Rutham before dawn tomorrow, I will report your matter immediately , No one of us can escape at that time."

Leo didn’t say anything, didn’t take a closer look at the copper rods he received, and after paying a salute to the person in charge of the black market, he took the copper rods out of the room, and when he went out, he deliberately showed the copper rods in his hands. In front of everyone, this is what the head of the black market wants him to do.

The effect of this is obvious. Everyone who saw the copper rod could not help but whispered, and was surprised that this thing could appear in Leo’s hands, but it was more envious that Leo could get it until Lei Ou left the black market and their vision was taken back.

Obviously, the bounty hunters in the black market thought that Leo spent a lot of money to buy the gadget from the person in charge of the black market, which can also disguise a reasonable source for the bag of gold shield Leo just paid.

After walking out of the black market, Leo quickly walked out of Rutham City and into the forest outside. On the way, he also looked at the copper rod in his hand with some curiosity.

This copper rod is not a singular object with special power, but only a part of a scepter. Judging from the pattern clearly visible on the copper rod, the copper rod should be the shard fragment of the temple priest during the first dynasty~www Compared with the third dynasty with sufficient historical data and the second dynasty recorded by the church, the history of the first dynasty in France is not much. Although the first dynasty was a country at that time, the internal system was extremely large. Some are still tribal. In addition to the emperor, there are still large and small tribal chiefs and leaders in the dynasty, just like the current Savile Kingdom.

And from various scattered historical data, the power of the French royal family in the first dynasty is not great, and the power of the priest in the Black Forest Temple is the greatest. It affects the entire dynasty like the church power of the second dynasty. All aspects of the dynasty.

However, this also makes Leo feel a bit strange. If this scepter fragment is just an antique, it will definitely not be locked into the safe by the person in charge of the black market, nor will it be so concerned by those who know the goods in the black market. Obviously, this scepter fragment without any extraordinary power has a special function that he does not know.

Although Leo was curious, he was not prepared to go back and find someone from the black market to ask for the details of this scepter fragment. Instead, he temporarily put the matter behind his head and hurried back to the villa outside Cambe Town .

List of chapters of the mysterious world under high-speed text hands playing steampunk

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