The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 883: Empire Special Operations Office

These two days were extremely difficult for the people in Cambe Town. After the earth-shattering avalanche, almost half of the snow and gravel used in Cambe Town was submerged. Fortunately, the disaster was discovered. Early, the people in the town were evacuated in time, and when the avalanche reached Cambe Town, it had weakened to the extreme, which did not completely destroy the entire Campbe Town.

Compared to the town of Cambe, those frontier camps set up in the Rum Mountains are really miserable. The climbers’ association in Cambe has sent people to check after the disaster. The frontier camps, not much smaller than the town of Cambe, have been completely destroyed by avalanches.

The only thing to be thankful is that it is winter, not the season of mountaineering, so no mountaineers come here, and the frontier camp is not open. Only the Mountaineering Association sent a few unlucky eggs to stay there, taking care of some facilities in the frontier camp. The people there basically have no possibility of surviving. Although they have not yet found their bodies, the Mountaineering Association is still sending people to search and rescue, but everyone knows what the result is.

The Mountaineering Association has blocked three groups of people to enter the mountain area in search of survivors. Among these three groups are local residents, enthusiastic travelers, and a large number of reserve militiamen in the town. Among these people, game purchase businessman Colin It is a special existence.

Compared to other people who forced to join the search and rescue team in accordance with the Imperial Rescue Law, Colin actively asked to join the search and rescue team. He behaved so positively, not because he was an enthusiastic person, but because he was A secret agent of the Empire Special Operations in Sardinia. His men were in the vicinity of the stepped mountain of Rum when the avalanche occurred.

The Empire Special Operations Office was established directly by the emperor three years ago. At that time, the special operations office’s main responsibility was to deal with the penetration and invasion of the Empire by the transcendence of the United Kingdom.

It is precisely because of the particularity of the mission that the Special Operations Office has great power from the beginning of its establishment. Ordinary agents like him can dispatch local police stations and gendarmerie at any time to assist in investigations and Arrest suspects.

A department with such a great power will not make the authorities in power feel at ease. All this department is divided into three divisions according to the management area. Each division does not belong to each other and can only be commanded by the headquarters in the Imperial Capital.

However, the three divisions have a strong and weak distinction because of their geographic location and the opponents they need to face. The southern division directly faces the United Kingdom, so it has a greater resource tilt and more manpower. More than that, there are more than 100 standing staff, and there are six or seven hundred non-staffed personnel. The power of the branch minister is already large enough to mobilize a main battle group to assist under limited conditions.

The branch in the west directly faces the Black Forest. Although there seems to be nothing over there, no one from the United Kingdom can pass through the Black Forest to reach the Empire, but the monsters hidden in the Black Forest seem to have entered in recent years. During the activity period, many hidden family members appeared in the surrounding area of ​​the Black Forest, posing a great threat to the surrounding villages, mines and towns. Therefore, the power and resources obtained by the western branch are also extraordinary.

Only the eastern branch is located in the hinterland of the empire. It is patrolled by the imperial fleet near the sea, and there are layers of defense by the police, the gendarmerie, and various intelligence agencies, so that basically no extraordinary people of the United Kingdom can penetrate here, so The eastern branch has the least overall resources. When the whole department has the least staff, it has only six permanent staff, and Colin is one of them.

Colin himself was not a natural transcendence. He was originally an ordinary soldier. He was injured in the war with the United Kingdom, because the battlefield was not treated in time and effectively, resulting in extensive necrosis of one arm and legs. Intemperance.

If you lose one arm and both legs, the whole person can be said to be useless. Even if there is care of the Imperial Logistics Department, food, shelter, etc., there is no problem, but for me, that state is more uncomfortable than death.

Like most disabled warriors, Colin thought about committing suicide and ending a painful life, but fortunately, before he made up his mind, one thing happened to rescue him from the abyss.

At that time, a person from a secret research institute in the Empire came to the Logistics Department to arrange for the recruitment of volunteer experimenters in the apartment where these disabled fighters lived. According to the explanation of the person at the time, the process of the experiment would bring extreme pain, and normal people simply could not bear it. That kind of pain can only be sustained by the soldiers who have experienced the cruelty of the battlefield and the despair of life. The benefits of the experiment will make it possible for the broken limbs of the soldiers to return to normal, and will also gain some beyond The ability to imagine.

At that time, for those who had fallen into despair and had considered suicide, the appearance of this secret research institute was undoubtedly like a life-saving straw, even if this person repeatedly reminded applicants that they would suffer extreme pain and death. Danger, still cannot stop those desperate people from seizing this straw.

As a result, after signing the agreement for the voluntary experiment, the people who signed the agreement were taken to a secret laboratory in batches on the third day to accept various experiments.

Regarding the details of the experiment, Colin was reluctant to recall a little until today. If possible, he even hoped that someone could erase that memory.

He still remembers that during that time he no longer cursed the self who signed the experimental agreement. He wanted to commit suicide countless times, and even wanted to bite his tongue as some stories say, but these are all Failed, and he also knew from the people in the institute that the so-called tongue bite suicide does not exist. Even if the tongue is bitten, as long as the trachea is not blocked, it will not die.

He didn’t know how he had survived that period of time. He only knew that one day the researcher told him that the experiment had succeeded, and then he recovered his ability to think normally, and he realized that he had lost his hands and feet again He came back, and he also found that he possessed some extraordinary abilities and some abnormal organs.

Although the mutated organ makes him feel that he is moving towards dehumanization, he does not care. For him, he can regain his hands and feet, and can live like a normal person again, without having to be subject to that strange sight all the time. Attention, it is already the best result.

And he knows that he is very lucky compared to his fellow comrades who came to the institute, because from the crazy scholars in the institute, he knows that he is the only one among those who successfully completed the positive mutation. Experimenters, other people either died in the mutation, or completely mutated into monsters.

For this reason, he also invited those scholars to take him to see one of the losers, and that inhuman form cannot be forgotten even today.

When he left the institute, Colin thought he would return to the army, because there were also special departments in the army, but what he did not expect was that he was even assigned to the secret organization of the Empire Special Operations Department and became one of them. Secret agent.

Although he was not very comfortable in the Special Operations Department at the beginning, he made a lot of mistakes, but fortunately, the mission of the East Division was not particularly heavy. The result of the mistakes was only to get some reprimands and no greater punishment. , Not even life-threatening, and this also gave him time to adapt.

However, as he adapted to his current department work, he felt that his work was a little too easy and he could not exert the kind of power he now has. He longed for more difficult tasks and more power.

This situation changed more than a month ago, and Colin also got the task and power he hoped to get, but he was not too happy about it.

He still remembers that he suddenly fell ill that afternoon, and the whole person had a high fever, and it felt like he was going to die, except that the disease came suddenly and went quickly, and he got sick late at night, and he returned to normal, at least on the surface The above is normal.

At that time, he did not care about this matter, because the various missions that occurred suddenly attracted his attention in the past. In the eastern counties and cities, there were news of monsters attacking humans. Some monsters were killed by patrolling military police on the spot. Yes, but more monsters killed the police and military police who stopped them, and fled into the forest.

Because of the sudden appearance of these monsters, the headquarters of the Imperial Capital increased the voluntary input of the eastern part, dispatched nearly two hundred personnel at a time, and also gave the branch secret agents great authority to mobilize the army.

As one of the veteran members who initially joined the Eastern Division, Colin was logically promoted and assigned to four men, and he was assigned to the Rum Mountain area to be responsible for the safety of this generation.

Although the location of the Rum Mountain is remote, it is still the focus of the Special Operations Department. Except because in the eyes of these secret agents, there is no place in this tense period of constant occurrence of the cannibal monster that is absolutely safe. Because here is the key place to hunt down cannibal monsters.

According to the information received, a large number of cannibalistic monsters escaped from the encirclement and suppression led by the special operations, and fled northward. It seems that they are preparing to escape into the northern ice sheet to avoid the hunt of the empire. According to various analysis, Lang Mufeng is the most likely place to cross the Vinoway Mountain Range, so the Lam Peak mountain area has become the last line of defense to prevent these man-eating monsters from escaping.

The various battles that took place in the mountains of Rum more than a month later proved the analysis of the Imperial Intelligence Service. Colin has led his men to intercept three batches of cannibalism monsters. There have even been two casualties among his men, but The number of casualties was quickly replenished, and an additional five were added.

Although the mission was carried out smoothly, because of the successful completion of the three interception missions, Colin’s position was promoted, but he was not happy in his heart, because he found that his body had problems, and the mutated body organs after the experiment After stabilizing for a few years, a sudden change occurs, the mutation has begun to expand, and the dominant variant organs appear on the surface of the body.

All kinds of anomalies made Colin think of the monsters that appeared in all parts of the country on the day he had a high fever. I think that his body's mutation may be related to it. If he does not stop it, he may become those who are The monsters chased by the Special Operations Department are the same.

It is precisely because of fear that Colin has no mental tasks in the past two days. Instead, he has put his mind on how to prevent his body from mutating. Even this time he did not have the task of killing several human-eating monsters. He led the team in person, but handed it to his deputy. As a result, he did not wait for the news he wanted. Instead, he lost all his contacts because of the avalanche. It seems that he is already fierce.

Colin was not worried about the above punishment. After all, even the most serious casualties in this kind of natural disaster can be understood, but he must find the bodies of his men and monsters, because the recovery of these bodies is the hardest part of the special operations. According to the regulations, if he can’t find all the bodies, he will face the punishment for dereliction of duty. Losing his current position is small. The worst thing is to become an investigator and accept the loyal review of the Special Operations Department’s Internal Affairs Department.

In the rigorous censorship procedure of loyalty censorship, it is absolutely impossible to hide the obvious mutations on his body.

So he went to the mountain with the search and rescue team, either to find the corpses of his team members and cannibal monsters, or to become a fugitive, over the Rum peak to the north.

"Mr. Drink it!" The local hunter who had dealt with Colin took out a skin bladder and passed it to Colin, saying, "This is a specially prepared cold wine, take a sip, take a whole The sky will be warm."

"Thank you." Colin said thanks, took the sac and absently took a sip.

The hunter took the skin sac, wiped the mouth of the skin sac, took a few sips of his own, and then re-plugged it, carefully put it back into the waist, and commanded the hunted beast he trained specifically for hunting while making a cry. It was the same as deliberately finding time to pass the topic, and asked Colin “It’s really surprising that you have a wealthy big guy to join the search and rescue team, because someone you know has also disappeared in the avalanche?”

Colin, who didn’t like being questioned, frowned, and there was a trace of displeasure in his heart, but he didn’t show the displeasure, but nodded slightly, saying, "I have a few guys who came in the other day. The mountain then disappeared. Although hope was slim, I still wanted to go into the mountain to find them, even if they couldn't find them, they would have to find their bodies."

"You are such a good boss!" The hunter praised him.

At this time, the leader of the search and rescue team in front may feel that it is not efficient for everyone to gather together, so he greeted everyone loudly and divided the search and rescue team into ten teams, each of which found a place to search for the past, maybe it was a station It was so close that Colin happened to be with the hunter.

The two of them searched into the depths of a mountain forest, and they didn't know how long they searched. Colin suddenly felt a kind of fatigue in his body and wanted to sit down and rest.

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