The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 855: Back to Dai Lisa

The time it took to return to Dai Lisha was much longer than the time to go to Belem Ice Lake, because when going back, they encountered the first extreme cold ice storm after Dairyat entered the winter, although With the capabilities of Leo and Sylvia, it was not difficult to walk in an ice storm, but their pack animals could not walk for a long time in the ice storm, which made them have to temporarily live in a small village on the road. day.

With the pass signed by the Ice Queen, the two received the best care in the village. From the conversation with the villagers in these two days, they learned that this winter's extreme cold ice storm came much earlier, but the Queen was in This was anticipated more than a month ago, so officials were sent to supervise overwinter food reserves, house reinforcement, storage of heating firewood and so on, so this time even though the ice storm was a lot earlier, it was not given to Dai. What trouble did Liat’s folks cause.

In addition, Leo and Sylvia also learned an interesting news, that is, they existed to avoid the ice storm, and there were several out-of-control clan on the night not long ago, all of them turned into monsters and attacked Villagers.

   And a task force sent by the queen at that time arrived in time to save the villagers, causing very few casualties.

  In this case, two messages aroused Leo’s interest, that is, the Queen’s task force for these variant family members can appear in time after the incident, and it feels like it is known in advance that there will be mutations in the family.

Another thing is that the weapons used by the task forces are not difficult to hear from the description of the villagers. The weapons used by the task forces are very different from the weapons of the Velon world. They are neither firearms that use special bullets nor use. Mechanical weapons such as steam engine crossbows seem to use some kind of energy weapon.

The villagers described a beam of light shooting from a silver-gray box and hitting the monster, and then the monster collapsed on the ground like a bone was pulled away, letting others bind it and bind it. This weapon and effect Let Leo think of the riot weapons commonly seen on spaceships.

Unless it is a warship or a special spaceship, ordinary civilian spaceships rarely add defensive armor to the inner armor or walls of their own spacecraft. This is not only because of money, but also because of weight. If you use high-power fog such as energy weapons, it is likely to penetrate the hull and cause damage to the hull.

For safety reasons, energy weapons and weapons of mass destruction rarely appear in the guard equipment of civilian spacecraft. Most of them are riot weapons such as stun guns and paralyzed guns. These weapons have no object. What destructive power can't penetrate the ordinary armor, but it can subdue most of the living bodies similar to humans, just like the members of the task force that villagers see to subdue the families.

From some details, Leo speculated that they should use a paralyzed gun that acts on the spinal nerves. This gun fires an ultra-high frequency sound wave, using sound wave vibration to destroy the nervous system to achieve the role of paralyzing the enemy, and the villagers saw That light is actually ultra-high frequency sound waves.

  It reminded him that Leah Vinister had already possessed some weapons of cosmic civilization, and mastered the methods of using them, and among those weapons, it should not be the best among them.

After Leo made the inference, he also told Sylvia his inference, and Sylvia only showed a little surprise, but soon returned to normal, and said that since Leah Wei Nistan grew up in the engine compartment, so it shouldn't be difficult to master these things.

   After hearing Sylvia’s words, Leo couldn’t help but look down at the universal recorder on his wrist.

Although Sylvia made sense, Leo did not think that Talli would teach Leah Venistan any knowledge about weapons and equipment, and if Leah Venistan really mastered weapons With knowledge such as equipment, then she will not be disadvantaged in the battle with Saran the King.

  However, neither Sylvia nor Leo spent much effort on this matter, because no matter what Leah Venistan mastered and possessed, it had little to do with them who were leaving.

The extreme cold ice storm continued to weaken after three days. Leo and Sylvia also said goodbye to the village and continued to walk towards the direction of Dalisa. At this moment, the earth was covered with a thick layer of snow , Pack animals walking around in the north all the year round, using their broad soles to easily support their bodies in the snow, slowly moving forward.

Perhaps to avoid the disorientation of people walking in the snow, Deliyat built a tower at each main road with a tower guard and some food. If someone is in the snow If you are killed, you can find the lights and come to the tower to take refuge.

  On the white ground, the two followed the route provided by the light tower, and spent several more days to return to Dalisa. It happened that this time, Dalisa's winter festival was coming.

The winter festival of Deliyat is a fixed festival, but the timing of the winter festival is not fixed. Towns near the endless ice sheet in the north will pass the winter festival earlier than the towns in the south of the kingdom. The election was held on the sixth day after the first extreme ice storm, and this time happened exactly the day after Leo and Sylvia returned.

Leo and Sylvia immediately received the invitation of Leah Venistan’s winter festival banquet when they returned to Dalisa. They originally planned to reject the invitation, and they planned to leave after a little packing. When she found Tessa Moka, she found that she had not recovered, making them have to stay here for a few more days.

Compared to seeing Tessa Moka a few days ago, she is much better at this time. At least those plants have disappeared, and she has returned to human form, but the greenish-blue color of her body makes her look strange, and she has not yet Wake up from a coma.

Both Leo and Sylvia can feel the vigorous vitality contained in Tessa Moka, and can also sense that Tessa Moka is passing vitality to send messages to the two, telling them that they should wake up in these two days come.

Therefore, Leo and Sylvia did not say much, and decided to stay here for two more days. After the winter festival tomorrow, they will leave regardless of whether Tessa Moka wakes up or not. For a bigger snow beast, just tie Tessa Mocha inside the tent on the back of the snow beast.

  The next day, Leo and Sylvia did not participate in the winter festival banquet held by Leah Venistan in the royal palace, but went to Dai Lisha district to participate in various events held by various communities and guilds in the city.

Leo has also seen the winter festival held in Ice Bear County, but it may be due to the plan of the ice bear grandfather at that time, so that the winter festival in the capital of the ice bear county has no atmosphere for the holiday, and now the winter festival of Dai Lisha Obviously a lot of fun.

Various events are held in the city, and people can be seen everywhere, including local citizens, businessmen, and foreign travelers who specialize in the winter festival. Jugglers from all over the world will perform on the street. While earning a lot of applause, they also earn a lot of money. Those priests of the Ice Goddess Church will also come to join in the fun. They send their own choirs and sing the Snow Goddess poetry on the streets. Believers' praise.

However, when the whole city was immersed in the joy of the festival, there were also some small discords, that is, some drunk good people threw themselves into the family of the clan to make trouble, and the result was beaten without saying. Was caught in prison by the City Guard.

Although, due to the strength of the Ice Queen, the ordinary people of Dailyat and the families who moved here have always maintained a relatively peaceful state, there is no constant conflict like other places, and the situation is like fire, but as the world changes, more and more The body mutations of many clan families are becoming more and more obvious, and some clan groups are completely mutated into non-human monsters in front of people. The ordinary people who witnessed all this will naturally feel frightened and disgusted. All kinds of rumors began to spread under a calm situation for a time. With.

   Among all the rumors circulating, one of them is the most widely spread. That is to say, the body variants of these families are diseases, and normal people will be infected and become monsters if they are in long-term contact.

Although the rumor was quickly suppressed by the official of Deliyat, and the incident was defined as the spy of the enemy country, intended to undermine the stability of Deliyat, this rumor is still widely spread among the people It has also been recognized by many people, which has caused many cracks in the originally fragile peaceful relationship between the ordinary people of Deliad and their families.

"It seems that Deliad, a family refuge, is probably not far away from the turmoil." Leo and Sylvia were not far away watching the situation here when those people were making trouble. When the troublemakers were taken away, Sylvia couldn't help but sigh.

"It won't be so bad, I think Leah Vinistan should have thought about this situation, and she should have a countermeasure." Leo shook his head, denied Sylvia's inference, and reminded: " Don’t forget, Leah Venistan is transforming. When she finishes evolution, the problem in your eyes will no longer be a problem."

Sylvia did not refute Leo’s words. In fact, after returning to Dalisa, although she didn’t see Leah Venisten, she had already felt a strong force being cultivated from the palace. The power made her just feel that there was an urge to surrender. If it wasn't for the dragon bloodline in her body to wake her up in time, maybe she had already become a champion to Leah Weinstein.

   After this episode, the two went on a stroll in the city, or watched a juggling in a pub, or went to the store to buy some local gadgets, and had a very leisurely life.

  At noon, the two of them bought some food and came to the edge of the city's central square.

   At this time, the square had been hired by the municipal government to transform it into an ice rink, and many people played here.

   Leo and Sylvia found a relatively quiet place, eating while looking at the lively crowd in the ice rink.

   At this moment, Sylvia suddenly said: "I gave that thing to her."

   Leo was stunned for a moment, and soon realized what Sylvia was saying, so he asked, "What about her reaction?"

   "She shouldn't have it yet." Sylvia shook her head and said, "The thing was given to the court attendant as a gift. According to some inspection procedures, it may take some time before she can see it."

"Well." Leo nodded, as he was about to say something, suddenly the snow in front of them flew up, and instantly turned into the look of Leah Venisten, only to see her with a serious look Leo and Sylvia said, "Come see me at the palace."

   After speaking, he dissipated the body. The whole process was quick and did not attract the attention of others around him.

   "Is she an order?" Sylvia said with a stunned smile.

   "It seems that the thing touched her a lot." Leo frowned and said.

   Sylvia put the food in his hand into the mouth regardless of the image, then patted the debris on his hand, chewing the food, and said: "It's a heart-wrenching guy!"

The two ended their play in Dai Lisha City and returned to the Ice and Snow Church, but apparently Leah Venisten could not wait, and had already sent someone to wait outside their Before they changed clothes, they led them to the palace and all the way to the private garden of Leah Venisten.

From the mouth of the attendants, they knew that the garden they were going to was the forbidden area of ​​Leah Venistan, and no one including Gong Xiang was allowed to enter. In a way, Leo and Sylvia were the first A guest who set foot in this private garden naturally alarmed the other nobles attending the banquet in the palace, so on the way, the two could see many nobles with curious eyes looking at them, and seemed to be guessing their identity. .

   Soon they came to the corridor leading to the garden. After the court attendant arrived at the door, they stopped and signaled the two to go in by themselves.

   Leo and Sylvia didn't think much, they walked directly into the passage, and soon came to the gate of the garden.

  However, after seeing the gate at the entrance of the garden, Leo and Sylvia couldn't help laughing, because this gate should be made of two armor plates, and it looks very similar to the inner wall steel plate in the engine compartment.

Leo stepped forward and opened the door. The garden where all the nobles of Deliyat were very curious appeared in front of them. After seeing the garden, he and Sylvia could not help but smile because the garden and the The garden seen in the engine compartment is exactly the same, not only the layout, but even some plants are exactly the same, obviously rearranged according to the garden, and at the moment Leah Weinstein is standing in the garden with the wooden doll .

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