The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 841: Grandpa Ice Bear

   Chapter 841 The Overconfident Ice Grandpa

   Buvilles is the capital of the Ice Bear County in the north, and is also the seat of the family castle of the ice princes. It is also the most prosperous and lively place in the seven northern counties.

   Because Buvilles is located in a circular valley with a lot of geothermal hot springs, even here is one of the places closest to the endless edge on the north side, but the temperature here is not low at all, it can be said that the seasons are like spring.

Because of the special temperature in Buvilles, the lords and nobles of Ice Bear County, during the harshest winter, as long as there is nothing in their territory, most of them will choose to come to Buvilles for the winter, precisely because of This habit makes the aristocrats in Bingxiong County have very deep feelings, and they are intermarried with each other, almost all of them are relatives.

   Plus, the large and small nobles of Ice Bear County all have more or less the blood of the Renault people, which makes them extremely united inside.

There is a proverb in Deliyat that speaks of the nobility of the Ice Bear County. The general idea is that as long as an aristocrat of the Ice Bear County is offended, even if it is only a country gentry, then he must also face the nobility of the entire Ice Bear County. Revenge, and the united Ice Bear County is definitely a decisive force in the entire aristocratic circle of Dailyat.

   Only. Probably because of the influence of their own Renault bloodline, Ice Bear County went up to the Grand Duke and down to the knight. It seemed that they did not like to intervene in the outside of Ice Bear County. As long as those things did not damage the interests of Ice Bear County, they would not care. For example, to whom does the throne of the kingdom belong? In the eyes of the nobility of Ice Bear County, it is not as good as whether their barn is filled with such private affairs before the winter.

However, this default rule of not interfering with other things was broken by this ice-duke Grand Duke Lazio Fran. He not only intervened in the battle of belonging to the throne, even after the new queen succeeded to the throne, he also violated his home. Training, ran to Dai Lisa as a palace.

Although it wasn’t long before he was deprived of the duties and rights of Miyazaki by the new queen and rushed back to Buvilles, the nobles in Ice Bear County knew that this was not the end, because after the grand duke was driven back , Became crazy, and often heard him cursing the new queen loudly in the castle, and also deliberately found some women who resembled the queen to be maids, and they were more devastated and tired of these women. Will be executed directly.

   No difference Lazio Fran’s hatred of the new queen has completely made him irrational, even losing his mind, like a lunatic.

The most serious thing in the recent period is the Duke’s cousin, Came Fran, Earl of Snow Deer, who has just returned from the Royal College of Deliat and inherited the title and territory. At the end of the family banquet, he just said With a word of praise to the Queen, Lazio Fran blinded her eyes. Six of the nobles who were discouraged at that time also suffered from Lazio Fran’s beatings, one of which was extremely prestigious in Ice Bear County. The president of the Society of Pharmacists, Ados.

Campbell Fran has a high reputation among the folks in Ice Bear County. When he was very young, he rescued a pair of civilian brothers and sisters under the mouth of a furious ice bear, and when he grew up, he was kinder. Treating the poor people of every Ice Bear County will often provide relief to the civilians who are lacking in supplies after entering the winter, so the civilians in Ice Bear County also call him the benevolent Cambe.

  Asdos, the president of the Society of Pharmacists, is more prestigious than Campbell Fran.

Because Ice Bear County is next to the endless ice field, the climate is cold and harsh, and there are no medical school doctors willing to come here to stay here, so many people in Ice Bear County choose to go to the medical school to study, and when they are ready, they return to the ice. Bear County.

But after seeing the flower world outside, everyone's body and mind were attracted, and the cold and lonely Ice Bear County was also forgotten by them. Only the poor Ados returned to Ice Bear County. He spent a lot of time collecting and organizing the unique herbs of Diary, improving the prescription, treating patients, recruiting apprentices, and finally founded the Pharmacist Society, which is unique to Diary, and became the first in the Pharmacist Society. President.

  The establishment of the Society of Pharmacists has reduced the mortality rate of the entire Dialyat by more than half, so President Ados has become the most respected person in the entire Dialyat except the Queen.

However, these two people who were respected by civilians were injured by Grand Duke Ice Bear just because of a sentence, which made the people in and around Bing Xiong County feel dissatisfied with Grand Duke Ice Bear. Lazio Fran is arguably the prince of madness.

Ordinary folks are dissatisfied with the Ice Bear Grand Duke, and the nobles of the Ice Bear County, except for a few of the nobles who are closely related to the Ice Bear Grand Duke, the rest of the nobles respect the Ice Bear Grand Duke even if they come to Buvilles After the winter, I will not go to the annual winter party again, lest I be beaten because of a mistake.

But obviously the actions of these nobles have angered Grand Duke Ice Bear. Before this winter banquet, he sent all the nobles in Ice Bear County, including the lowest gentry, to the messenger, with a very strong command tone, demanding all The nobles must go to the Ice Bear Castle in Buvilles to attend the wintering feast, among them the snow deer Earl Cambe Fran and the president of the Society of Pharmacists Ados in the last wintering feast. .

Although he did not make clear in the order what would happen if he did not come to participate, but when he thought of this increasingly mad ice grandpa, this year, especially the recent crazy behaviors, they would think of the consequences. It will be very serious, so I dare not resist one by one, all came to Buvilles in advance, waiting for the winter banquet to be held a few days later.

Due to concerns about the increasingly crazy actions of Grand Duke Ice Bear, the atmosphere of this winter's winter festival in Buvilles is not warm. The streets of Buvilles are a bit deserted. There should have been many artists to come here to perform, a large number of tourists and people Gathered here to celebrate the arrival of winter, but now the entire Buvilles is as quiet as a dead city, the people are staying at home, the tourists are hiding in the hotel, and the nobles also choose to stay in the hot springs they booked In the hotel, there is no contact with the outside world.

   All of them are not only worried about when the mad ice bear grandpa went crazy again, what crazy actions he made, but also when the queen and the army of the church came over and a war broke out.

Because, not long ago, Grand Duke Ice Bear did a crazy thing. On the daily church prayer day, he killed the bishop who was teaching the believers, smashed the statue of the goddess of snow, and removed the goddess of snow. The sacred church, and ordered to expel the Ice Goddess Church from Ice Bear County.

Although there are not many devoted followers in the Ice Goddess Church in Ice Bear County, with the full development of the Ice Goddess Church, almost all the people are pan-believers of the Snow Goddess. Daily life, the practice of the ice bear grandpa has undoubtedly angered all the people, and these people are more worried about the attitude of the queen and the church. They are unwilling to wage war with the queen and the church for a madman.

"Relax, she will not come in these few months, and her army will not appear on the border of Ice Bear County." The Ice Bear Grand Duke, who is regarded as a madman by the nobles and people of the entire Ice Bear County Lazio Fran stood at the highest point of the Ice Bear Castle at this moment, staring at the deserted city below, calmly answering the doubts of the nobles who were still loyal to himself.

At this moment, Grand Duke Bingxiong was not as crazy as outside rumors. He seemed very calm and wise. Coupled with his already outstanding Weigan figure and his junior high school temperament, those who were loyal to him still treated him With strong faith, he did not abandon him like other nobles.

  A noble asked boldly: "Can you tell me something, what do you want to do? Let us be prepared."

Lazio Fran turned to look at the nobleman. The nobleman seemed a little nervous. Then he slapped the nobleman's shoulder and said, "You don't need to know too much, just do your own thing in the usual manner. ."

   Hearing Lazio Fran’s words, the nobleman dared not ask any more, bowed his head, and responded.

Later, Lazio Fran waved towards them, indicating that they could leave, and then changed a direction, which was the direction of the national capital, Lisa, and at that moment the calm and wisdom on his face subsided, and the rest Only gritty, and gritted his teeth, said: "Lia Venisten, since I can help you to take the throne, I can also pull you off the throne, and the humiliation I will taste will make you tenfold taste."

   After saying something cruel, he turned and wanted to leave, but at this time a snow eagle flew from a distance. The snow eagle circled in the air and flew into the eagle nest tower not far away.

Seeing this scene, Lazio Fran frowned, and then did not leave, but waited for a while, a rush of footsteps came from the entrance and exit, and then his secret agent manager held a red sealing wax The secret letter came out, and after seeing him, quickly walked in front of him and handed him the sealed wax secret letter.

As a result, after the secret letter, Grand Duke Bingxiong's face showed a little dignified look, checked the seal on the seal wax of the secret letter, and found no trace of cracking, then crushed it, took out the secret letter inside, He looked at it quickly.

"Huh! I will find someone to assassinate me. It seems that I am right. I am busy with that matter. I dare not transfer her from Dai Lisa. This can provide me with a few months. Time," Lazio Fran said with a smug smile on his face. "Several months are enough, it's enough! Now she has sent assassins to assassinate me, just giving me a handle." said, He turned his head to look at the secret agent manager next to him, and said: "Immediately monitored any outsider in Buvilles, I want to know their actions."

   "Yes, master." The secret agent nodded immediately.

The place where they speak is the highest place in Buvilles, the tallest minaret tower in Ice Bear Castle, from which you can overlook the whole city, and it is also the most suitable place to talk about hidden things, because here no one can steal Hearing their conversation, at least until today.

However, when Grandpa Ice Bear laid out his plans with confidence, he did not know that someone was standing on the hillside outside Buvilles watching him, and listening to every word they talked to, this person was just Leo rushing from Cullenville.

In fact, Leo had rushed over to Buvilles in the early morning, but he did not enter the city. He could feel the atmosphere in the city was not right, so he decided to understand the situation inside the city before considering it. Next step.

Therefore, he has been using the spirit net outside the city to monitor the situation inside the castle. I don’t know whether it is because of the influence of Leah Venistan or because of other reasons. There is no interference device in the ice bear castle. , So that her spiritual network can still give back a variety of information clearly after expanding its coverage.

   Just now he has noticed the actions of Grandpa Ice Bear and others and learned the content of their conversation.

   Regarding the fact that Grand Duke Ice Bear is going to use him as evidence to deal with Leah Venisten, Leo can only smile contemptuously and don't care.

  Don't say if Duke Ice Bear can catch him, even if he can catch him, it's impossible to threaten Leah Venisten.

Because he is very clear that Leah Vinistan, who is getting another demigod origin first, is still very is still not ordinary people can deal with, not to mention the army of so many fanatics around her , The Knights of the Church and those nobles who were loyal to her, it was almost impossible for Grand Duke Ice Bear to pull her off the throne.

Unless Grand Duke Ice Bear and the two countries in the south cooperate to send troops from the two countries to drag down the people of Leah Venistan, and let either the king of the hills or the **** of all things die and shoot, either It is impossible to defeat Leah Venisten, who is already a demigod.

Through the exploration of the spiritual network, Leo already knows the situation inside the Ice Bear Castle. It is not difficult to kill the Ice Bear Grand Duke, but he is not prepared to do so. He is ready to wait for a suitable opportunity to solve the Ice Bear Grand Duke And, by the way, cause a little trouble to Leah Venistan. When he is going to leave, Leah Venistan will make some noise.

Although Leah Weinstein didn’t show it clearly, Leo could still feel that Leah Weinstein did not give up what he told him in the palace at the time, so he decided to take advantage of Leah Weinstein Stan first completed the transaction when he was still weak, and left here as soon as possible. As for the other part of the transaction, to protect her recovery power, he never considered it. At most, he would only leave when her power recovered almost, otherwise, wait, She was fully recovered, and it was not certain that she and Sylvia could still go.


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