The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 829: Initial survey

     The three people who continued on the road didn't talk about the scene they saw last night, but speeded up their journey.

  I don't know if it was the good luck brought by that scene last night. They didn't encounter too strong snow and snow all day, and they walked smoothly. They almost came to Cullenville in the evening.

Before leaving, Leo collected some information on Cullenville. He found that Cullenville was not just a fishing town, it was also the second largest sea port in Daliat, and the largest fishing port. There are countless catches in the North, and the people who live in Cullenville are either fishermen or catch plus workshop workers.

Unlike other places that have already begun to use steam engine devices to handle catches, Cullenville has always used manual operations to handle catches, and the original delicacy of the silver barracuda makes the supply of catches here in short supply and the prices remain high. , Is one of the world's high-end ingredients.

Cullenville started from a small fishing village and has now become the second largest sea port. It has undergone seven expansions before and after, just because the builders disregarded the urban planning, which made these several expansions make the roads and urban areas of the entire city very chaotic. Almost everyone who came to Cullenville thought that Cullenville was a huge maze, and he didn’t know where he was going if he didn’t pay attention.

When the three Leo came to the outskirts of Cullenville, Cullenville, covered in blood mist in the distance, appeared in front of them. The blood mist was very thick, and the strong sea breeze could not blow them away. The buildings in the city were in the blood mist. It is also unclear.

  At this time, an army stationed here for a long time to prevent others from intruding stopped the three people, and also said that Leo was like those idle hunters, ready to drive them away.

However, after showing the certificate issued by Miyazaki Kri Faw, these army people understood that Leo was invited by Miyazaki to investigate the blood mist, so they no longer prevented the three people from entering, just looked at the eyes of the three people. A little more sympathy, as if they had foreseen that the three would go back and forth.

   "Anything left by the people who went to the city to investigate?" Leo suddenly stopped him when the soldier officer was about to leave with him to continue patrolling elsewhere, and then asked.

The officer looked at Leo in full armor, and then looked at the two abyssal swords, then turned to the soldiers on the side and said, "Take them to the warehouse and give them what they left behind. "

   heard the command that the soldier immediately walked in front of Leo, let the three follow him, and then walked one end to the north, and came to an abandoned village on the outskirts of Cullenville.

   Now this small village has become a barracks for the army, because it is not on the front line of the battlefield. The guards here are very lax. They just asked the soldiers a few words and did not verify the situation. So they let them in.

After that, the soldier brought three people to an empty space, pointed to the room in the middle of the empty space, and said, "All the things you asked for are in it. The person from the investigation team was also missing there before, and the head sealed it up. It’s the same as before, we haven’t touched it yet."

Leo could see that not only the soldier was very worried about this house, but also the other soldiers in the barracks. They did not dare to get close to this house, and even demolished the houses around the house to make room , Leaving only this house erected here alone.

   "Is there anything weird in this house?" Sylvia also found something wrong and asked the soldiers directly.

   didn't know whether it was because of Sylvia's amazing appearance, or because of her ability. The soldier, who was still a little nervous, calmed down a little, and then told about the house.

It turned out that after the accident of the last investigation team, some soldiers with empty pockets in the army were thinking about whether they could find something from the investigation team's relics and sold them, so they switched positions with the soldiers who patrolled at night. After falling into the night, everyone fell asleep, and slipped into this room by duty to prepare to steal the contents of the room.

After   , no one knew what happened to those people in the house. It was only when a group of soldiers behind them came to change their guards that they found out that they were gone, and they alerted the officers in the army.

At the beginning, the officers just thought that these soldiers left their posts without permission and ran to a nearby town to have fun, but when they searched the hut, they found that all the soldiers who were missing were here, but each of them dug out He closed his eyes, pierced his ears, cut off his tongue, peeled off the skin from his chest to his abdomen, and these people were still alive at the time and did not die.

   After the investigation, it was found that all the tragic injuries on these people were caused by themselves, and the things they took out were neatly placed in some jars inside the house.

Because of this incident, the people in the entire military camp knew what the missing investigative team had previously found from Cullenville. It was only sent by the royal palace to investigate, but they could not find anything. Things were temporarily sealed here, and the people in the military barracks also worried about what unforeseen disasters they would encounter, so they removed all the buildings around the house and created a simple isolation belt.

  After listening to the soldier’s account, Sylvia turned to Leo and asked, "What do you think of this?"

   "There is a force there, much like the power of criminal karma." When the soldiers introduced the situation, Leo's spiritual network had already understood the situation there, Shen Sheng said.

   finished, he walked towards the room, Sylvia and Tessa Moka followed.

  When he came to the door of the house, Tessa Moka frowned and looked at the disgusted look on the house's face, saying, "There is something very evil in it."

  Sylvia glanced at the other person and said, "We don't need you to tell us about this kind of thing."

   Leo also opened the house door at this time, walked in, and said to Sylvia who was about to follow up, "Don't come in first."

  Finally, he closed the door without waiting for Sylvia to respond.

  Sylvia frowned and didn't say much, standing with Tessa Moka outside the door and waiting.

The reason why Leo did not allow Sylvia to enter this room is because the power of this room is a little weird. When he opened the door, he felt that the crystal snake in his arm was going to move. Obviously, there was a similar sin in the room. The source of the power has an inexplicable attraction to the power of the abyss. He is worried that the blood of the abyss dragon in Sylvia will be attracted by this force, and what unforeseen changes will occur, so he stopped Sylvia at the door. outer.

Entering the door, Leo looked at everything in front of him. This room was converted from a warehouse and divided into upper and lower floors. The upper floor should be a resting place, while the lower floor was a place for research, and some were placed on the lower floor. Tables and racks, some material bottles and tools are placed on these tables and racks.

  Leo sensed the source of the power of sin karma through the crystal snake, and walked directly to the source.

   saw that he walked to the second floor and found that the beds and wardrobe on the second floor were moved to the side artificially, and there was a large open space in the middle.

   There is a pattern similar to the magic circle on the open ground. Some transparent jars containing human wonders such as eyeballs, tongues and human skin are placed around the magic circle, and it seems to be performing some kind of ritual.

There is a book in the middle of the magic circle, but this book is very special, it can't be seen at all with ordinary sight, and can only be seen clearly through the spiritual sight. This book is also a force similar to sin karma. source.

   The book was right in front of me, but Leo did not rush forward to pick up the book, but took a closer look at the magic circle arranged on the ground.

This magic circle is very different from the Turing root layout of the Velon world. There are no mysterious elements related to the Velon world. It is conceivable that this magic circle should not be in the Velon world, just like the runes of Leo. Arrays, sorcerer magic arrays are from other worlds.

Leo tried to find the content related to this magic circle in the knowledge of the abyss and sin, and soon he found some clues. In this magic circle, there are two symbols representing the eternity of the two monsters in the abyss. The guilt of Yutos and gluttony.

There is not much information about these two monsters. Leo just knows that these two monsters are wandering between the abyss and the sin abyss. They are two very famous monsters in the abyss, and there seem to be many abyss creatures who want to kill them. , But they can always survive, which means that they have extraordinary strength.

   "Is this calling Jutos and Ka?" Leo looked again. The scene in front of him was more like a sacrificial scene, and he couldn't help but think of what he had done in the Flinjella Manor.

   He soon determined that the magic circle was not dangerous, because the magic circle itself seemed incomplete, and the whole ritual was not completed in the end.

Thinking of this, Leo stepped up and picked up the transparent books on the ground. At the moment when he picked up the book, Leo felt a force of both abyssal and sinful aura penetrate into his body, Some auditory hallucinations appeared in his ears, and a complete magic array pattern and ritual flow also appeared in his mind. A strong impulse came out of his heart, wanting to complete this magic array and ritual.

   For ordinary people, this urge is strong enough to make anyone lose their senses, enough to make them do anything crazy, but for Leo, this urge is like a breeze that only makes him feel slightly cool.

And the power that penetrated into him was too soon to be disturbed, and was immediately swallowed by the crystal snake, and as the power was swallowed, the transparent books in his hand also showed the shape, the surrounding energy that caused the crystal snake to move abnormally The volatility also subsided.

The book in Leo’s hand is made of some kind of animal skin, and the surface is engraved with symbols and patterns that can be mad at a glance for ordinary people. He did not rush to open the book, but took it The book came downstairs, opened the door, and motioned for the two outsiders to come in.

  Sylvia and Tessa Moka entered the room and immediately saw the book in Leo's hand.

The two reacted differently when they saw the book. Tessa Moka's face became very ugly as if she saw something terrible, and she closed her eyes, turned her head to the side, and took two steps back. Stay away from this book.

   And Sylvia stepped forward, looking at the book in Leo's hand with a look of excitement, with a smile of surprise on his face.

   "What do you recognize this book?" Leo asked after seeing Sylvia's performance.

"Hmm!" Sylvia nodded, then looked at Tessa, and said covertly: "Among the knowledge I got, there is a record of this book, but in memory, this book should have been It’s just ruined."

"This book really should be destroyed. You can feel the evil of this book with just one glance." Tessa Moka suddenly interrupted at this time and said: "I can even feel the distortion of nature in this book, this This book is completely anti-natural product, I suggest to destroy it better."

"A fool will ruin it!" Sylvia glanced back at Tessa Moka, then shouted at her: "Do you know the value of this book? You don't understand anything, even Will also shout to destroy it!"

   "Humph!" Tessa Moka didn't refute but just grunted.

   "What is this book called?" Leo asked.

   "It's called Confession!" Sylvia said in a deep voice.

   "Confessions?" Leo couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he heard the name, because from this name, it seemed like he was talking about a church book, not an abyss book.

"The name is weird, right!" Sylvia smiled and said: "No one knows how this book appeared in the abyss, but only knows anyone who has seen this book Abyssal creatures, if they cannot bear the power of confession, they will confess their past faults from their hearts, and then they will sacrifice all their most precious items to confession, including life."

   "If it can bear the power of confession?" Leo asked again.

   "I don't know." Sylvia shook her head and said, "As far as I know, there seems to be no abyss creatures that can bear the power of confession."

  After listening to Sylvia’s description, Leo frowned slightly, and a suspicious expression appeared on his face, because he couldn’t feel the power of this confession.

   "This confession is fake." At this time, Sylvia raised the book and carefully looked at the pattern on it, suddenly said.

   "Fake?" Leo was not surprised, because he had the same idea just now.

"If it is a true confession, I am afraid that you and I have been infected by it just now, and then you are crazy. How can you still have such a quiet conversation?" Sylvia responded briefly, and then touched his finger on the cover Touch, said: "But even if it is fake, the value of this book is extraordinary, the cover of this book can be made using the skin of the peeler."


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