The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 812: Back to Velon

Because of the previous experience, the last page of the night **** sigh was absorbed smoothly. The spiritual power of Leo did not increase. The power of the nightmare grew a lot, but Leo felt the nightmare. The growth of force is still far from the limit. It seems that the astrological chart of the origin nebula on his back is a bottomless hole. The huge nightmare power generated by the remnant pages of the night **** sigh is like a stone falling into the river. It can’t turn any waves. .

Leo is not sure whether his current situation is normal, but he is sure that his situation has never happened before, because according to all the people he has seen who have been exposed to the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods, they are all mad Die, never heard of turning books into something that absorbs power.

After he recovered from the surge of nightmare power, Leo did not immediately put on his armor, but tried his best to control the sinful atmosphere in the body, and asked Sylvia to check his back to see if there were any patterns on the back. Variety. As a result, Sylvia told him that there was no change in the pattern, only that there were more stars.

"Three days!" Leo said suddenly, wearing armor.

"Three days?" Sylvia froze for a moment, realizing what she said, "Is it the dense fog that brought us back?"

"Well!" Leo nodded, then pointed to the south, saying: "The location should be right next to the Golden Tower of the capital of Nivelgad Empire."

Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia couldn’t help but smile and said, “It seems that the Emperor Nilfgard is going to lose sleep over the past few days.”

Two days later, as Sylvia said, the city of the Golden Pagoda in the Nivelgad Empire began to martial law, and the city began to have rumors of His Majesty the Emperor’s insomnia, and the source of all these reactions was just because of The two were near the city of the Golden Tower.

Soon the information about Sylvia and Leo fell on the table case organized by the various forces of the Nilfgarde Empire. When seeing the information submitted below, everyone's attention fell to the light. For Cavaliers Sylvia, not only what happened in Taocente, but also the fact that they encountered those noble guards disguised as city robbers on the road, and no doubt such a record can be placed in any country. Call it perfect.

However, what makes everyone wonder is that even if this knight of light is so powerful, it does not make the emperor, who is famous for his blood, so nervous.

It is precisely because of this doubt that the attention of some smart people has shifted from the shining knight of light to the unknown knight mate.

However, the intelligence gathered from various sources shows that this knight, also wearing a gorgeous armor, does not seem to have any impressive record. He did not appear when he was against the aristocratic guards disguised as robbers. Ordinary knight who can rely on the knight of light.

However, this doubt soon disappeared, because someone with the Emperor Guards revealed a message that the iron-blooded emperor, His Majesty, had been hijacked by the partner of the Knight of Light, and after the hijacking, he had not pursued Revenge, this is completely contrary to the emperor's work rules.

In this case, they have successively obtained some other information that ordinary people can't get. At this time, they only knew that the man hidden behind the light of the Knight of Light was a real horror monster, and also understood why The emperor will be so nervous, because if it is true at the time of the rumor, then it is not difficult for the person to break into the palace and kill the emperor.

Leo's strong performance also made some people think carefully, they think they may be able to cooperate with Leo.

One of the nobles could not help but act, secretly trying to get in touch with the other party, but the person sent was cut off by the other party directly, and the noble family was hanged the next day In the Millennium Square, it also reminded everyone of the spicy and iron blood of the emperor, and all the careful thoughts that had just been produced were suppressed.

Leo and Sylvia did not know what kind of movement they made in the south of the Golden Tower City, and they did not know that an arrogant guy they solved easily caused a noble family to be hanged. Walking leisurely south, he soon reached the outer suburbs of the city of Jinta.

Originally, they thought that they would definitely encounter a lot of Niefgarde army interception, but the result made them a little surprised. They walked all the way to the outskirts of the city of Golden Tower without encountering any obstruction. They feel strange.

But weirdly weird. As they planned, instead of going into the city of the Golden Tower, they turned a corner and walked towards a royal hunting ground next to the City of the Golden Tower.

And they did not enter the city of the Golden Tower to let the emperor in the palace slightly relieved, but wondered why they would go to the hunting ground, because in his view, Leo and Sylvia should have every move For the purpose, the two will come here for a long journey and they will definitely not want to play on the hunting ground. There must be other purposes.

So he secretly ordered the agents of the empire to follow him to see what Leo and Sylvia wanted to do.

Others in the city of the Golden Pagoda shared the same thoughts with the emperor, doubting their actions, and also curious about the purpose of the two going to the hunting ground, and also sent some people to the hunting ground to investigate the situation.

These trackers have different levels of abilities, so naturally it is impossible to escape Leo’s spiritual network. For these trackers, Leo is too lazy to deal with them. After reaching deep into the mountainous area of ​​the hunting ground, he stopped after he sensed the location. Come down and make a simple rest camp with Sylvia, because according to his estimate at least the white fog will not appear until night.

And their behavior made the snoopers feel a little puzzled, because from various circumstances, they seemed to be like camping, and did not see anything unusual.

A little bit of time passed, most of the snoopers retreated because they did not find anything useful, and only a few people remained in the hunting ground, quietly watching Leo. They sat leisurely by the campfire and grilled Holding food, drinking wine.

Soon it was dark, because of the temperature difference between morning and evening, some mist began to appear in the forest of the hunting ground. Although the mist appeared suddenly, it was not a big deal, and everyone did not notice. Changes in fog.

At this time, Leo and Sylvia, who were moderately concerned by them, stood up next to the bonfire, then walked to their respective horses, turned their horses, and followed Sylvia to the reins in their hands. Going up seems to let Leo take her with her.

This move felt strange in the eyes of those who watched, but did not think too much, thinking it was just a habit when the two got along.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding mist suddenly became thicker, and soon his fingers were out of sight. As for the figures in front of Sylvia and Leo, they were also surrounded by mist, and they could only blur the light of some campfires.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly had an idea. They thought that Leo and Sylvia might come here just to wait for this thick fog.

Although some people want to go to the bonfire to check the situation, they are more aware of walking around in such dense dense fog, that is to find a way to die, the best way is to stay in place and wait for the fog to disperse.

So they still tolerate the emotion of exploration, patiently waiting for the fog to dissipate in place, and as time goes by, the fog finally fades away, and at the campfire in front of them, the two people they monitored disappeared By the way, it was their horses that were missing together.

In surprise, they immediately rushed over to check the situation. The people who stayed here were all veterans of tracking. They also knew each other. After greeting each other, they looked around the campfire. They were all surprised to find out. No matter how they searched, there was no trace of Leo and Sylvia leaving.

It stands to reason that two horses carrying heavy objects should leave a lot of horseshoe marks on the soft forest soil, just like the series of footprints on the road when they came, but now there are no such footprints, which is contrary to common sense. Leo and Sylvia disappeared without leaving any trace of leaving.

"Do they fly?" Someone could not help guessing.

Everyone couldn't help but give the man a glance. If Leo and Sylvia would fly down, it is possible that because of intelligence, both of them seem to have the ability of similar spells, but the horses under their crotch are not able to fly. Monsters can only be two people flying away with two horses full of items, but even such large flying monsters like petrified lizards and griffon beasts can't do this kind of thing.

"What about the portal?" someone said again.

Everyone else shook their heads. Everyone on the scene had seen what the portal would look like. Things around them would definitely be sucked into the portal, leaving unique portal marks on the ground, which are more than horseshoe marks. Be obvious.

After repeatedly looking at it several times and found nothing useful, these spies returned to their respective owners, reported the situation, and finally did not give a useful answer to the disappearance of the two, which also became a Mystery.

The disappearance of Sylvia and Leo gradually spread to the north and reached to Taucent. Both the members of the Knights of Light and the priests of the Church of the Lake Fairy believed that Sylvia and Leo should be Was taken into her heroic palace by the lake fairy.

For a time, the hunting ground outside the city of the Golden Tower has also become a holy place for the Church of the Lake Fairy, and many believers of the Lake Fairy will travel south according to Sylvia and Leo, as conditions permit. The route, the pilgrimage to the hunting grounds, and Sylvia and Leo are also very mysterious because they come and go, and the magical merits established during that time have gradually become a legend.

Leo and Sylvia, already in the thick fog, did not know whether they would become legends after they left that world. They were more concerned about the things in front of them at the moment. The fog came out and returned to the dead forest of Lobe Mountain.

However, it is no longer appropriate to call this forest a dead forest now, because at the moment there are countless plant-shaped monsters they can encounter that imitate other people.

Now these monsters are looking for something. When Leo and Sylvia came out of the thick fog, they immediately noticed, and turned to this side in unison, one by one revealing all kinds of gruesome The expression rushed towards them.

Sylvia wanted to drive horses and slash these monsters, but was blocked by Leo. Leo saw that he directly took out several manipulator mines he made in Taocentre from the storage space. Then threw them at these monsters. The grenade burst in the air instantly, and the strong mechanical force threw out all the small saw blades on the grenade, cutting these monsters wantonly.

These saw blades are not ordinary saw blades, and there are also engraved soul campfire runes that have a strong effect on the soul.

As Leo expected, all the plant monsters cut by the saw blades will take over instantly regardless of the size of the injury, and then the souls that are blurred into a gray fog will be drilled out of the body of these monsters, and the soul of the saw blade will be bonfire Attracted by the runes, the moths rushed to the fire and quickly turned into soul crystals.

In less than a moment, all the plant monsters that could be seen turned into soul crystal stones.

Leo used psionic power to grab the soul crystal stone from the ground, collected it together, put it in the pocket on the horse, and then used the spirit net to check the surroundings, pointed in one direction, and said: "Go Come on over there."

The two drove their horses slowly towards the direction determined by Leo Spirit Although some monsters were encountered on the road, these monsters were all killed by Sylvia's spear.

After walking for about ten minutes, the plants in the forest in front of me started to become a little different. They were no longer full of plants that had never been seen before, like the dead forest in the past, and the plants here were some common plants in the Weilon continent. And, in the dense trees, you can also see a long abandoned road.

When the two drove their horses on that road, they felt something abnormal behind them, and then turned their heads to look at it, only to see that the dead forest in which they were still alive had disappeared, and the forest behind them also changed back. normal status.

Seeing all this, a trace of nostalgia appeared on Sylvia's face, and turned to Leo and asked, "Do we still have a chance to go back there?"

"Maybe!" Leo did not have a definite answer. He followed what seemed to come to him suddenly, and immediately came down, and then carefully checked the items stored on horseback.

"Damn it!" After checking it, Leo couldn't help but cursed, because he found that all the special psionic materials he had specially stored were broken and could not be used at all.

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