The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 789: Redhead woman

     Leo's blue glowing fist collided with the fallen ghost soldier's sword, and there was no earth-shattering scene at the impact.

   Leo stepped back just a few steps because of the power transmitted from the sword, and a psionic rune magic circle appeared on his fist.

At this time, a sparkling crystal was produced on the blade hit by the fist, and then spread out instantly, spreading to the whole ghost giant, turning the ghost giant into a crystalline giant, and then instantly like broken glass The same broke apart, turned into countless crystal light spots, and was pulled into the middle of the rune magic circle by Leo's rune magic circle, forming a soul crystal.

   "Sure enough!" Leo's face smiled when he saw the soul crystal in his hand.

  In fact, when he first came to the manor and determined that there were a lot of ghosts around him, Leo was thinking about ways to deal with these ghosts, and the best method in his grasp was the soul trap.

   It's just that the soul trap can only passively wait for the ghost to get close to have an effect. This obviously does not meet Leo's needs. Leo wants a soul trap that can be used at any time in combat.

   While learning various warlock knowledge with Aalto in those days, he also took the time to think about this question, and soon found the desired answer in the magic of the crystal old man.

  The crystalline magic of the crystalline old man itself contains an effect that can attack the soul, but this effect is not completely aimed at the soul, but only the effect attached to the crystalline magic, so the damage to the soul is not particularly high.

However, there is a spell in the crystal old man's spell called imprint. This imprint can engrave other magic on the crystal magic book. When using the crystal magic book to cast crystal magic, it will produce magic effects other than crystal magic. .

  It's just that each engraving can only engrave one kind of magic, and erasing the previous engraving will cause extremely difficult damage to the crystal magic book.

Leo was originally going to use this engraving technique to imprint the thunder gun on the crystal magic book. The magic in the crystal magic, such as the crystal soul spear, was the same type of psionic power or skill as the thunder gun. If you can combine the two, the power might be doubled.

   However, as the crystalline magic book became a crystalline serpent, and the thunder gun was a psionic skill, he was not sure whether imprinting could be applied to it, so he temporarily put this idea aside.

  The current situation reminded Leo again of this engraving technique, so Leo decided to engrave the soul trap on the crystalline serpent first to see how effective it would be, and later consider whether to engrave the thunder gun.

Now, all the crystal magic that Leo can cast can produce the effect of soul trap, and the combined effect of crystal magic and soul trap far exceeds his expectations. It is so easy to combine a large number of ghosts. The ghost giant has broken up into a soul crystal.

However, the disappearance of this ghost giant does not mean the end, but the ghosts who originally attended the banquet in the manor all appeared at the moment, their bodies twisted and intertwined, and they became an indescribable monster. , Rushed towards Leo.

Leo, who had been preparing for it, also completely released his hands and feet. As he exhibited crystal magic through the crystal snake, dozens of cone-shaped crystal soul guns appeared instantly around his body, and after he released the shackles, Like a guided weapon, he rushed towards the ghosts and monsters around him and instantly hit the ghosts and monsters, breaking them up and turning them into crystalline soul stones.

   After Leo repeatedly cast the Crystal Soul Gun three times, all the ghosts that appeared around them disappeared, leaving only the Crystal Soul Stone with a gleam of light.

   Leo uses psionic power to collect all the crystal soul stones into his hands, leaving only one, and recovers all other crystal soul stones into the storage space.

Later, while casting crystalline magic, he crushed the crystalline soul stone in his hand. I saw that the soul petrification made countless light spots. After flying around Leo for two laps, he fell on him and then seemed to melt. Generally, it spreads out along the surface of his clothes, practicing into one, forming a crystalline protective layer.

  After doing this well, Leo walked towards the stone platform in front.

  Although the distance between Shitai seems very close, because of the special space here, he walked for a long time, and estimated that it took about seven to eight hours to walk to Shitai.

Obviously, this is also a test, a test for the spirit. If the average person walks for such a long time and finds that there is no change in the distance between him and Shitai, he may also comfort himself psychologically in the first hour or two. Then in the following time, he will continue to self-doubt whether the stone platform in front of him is an illusion, constantly guessing that he cannot reach the end and other psychological tests. As long as he is a little hesitant, he will quickly give up and look for other clue.

However, this test is completely useless for Leo. This journey seems to him like a walk in the garden. He also took advantage of this time to concentrate on the latest knowledge of warlocks. And the crystalline magic system in the crystalline magic book, there is no waste of about eight hours.

Standing in front of the stone platform, Leo saw the sighing page of the night **** in front of him. Through the resonance of the power of the nightmare, he knew that this piece of page was really the sigh of the night god, but he was also confused. Because this is really too simple, it is so simple that he feels a bit fake, and even many of the coping plans and means he has prepared for this matter have not been exhibited.

   Therefore, Leo did not rush to take down the remains of the night **** sigh suspended on the stone platform, but walked to the stone platform and carefully checked the surrounding conditions.

  After searching three times repeatedly, the cautious Leo has determined that Shitai has no problems, and his intuition has not felt any danger.

  After confirming that there was no danger, Leo walked to Shitai and reached out to grab the remaining page of the night **** sigh in his hand.

   While catching the night **** sighing residual pages, he was still very careful to spread a nightmare force on his palms to avoid the palm skin and this residual page touching at the same time.

At the moment when the power of the nightmare on his palm touched the remnant of the night god's sigh, the remnant of the page instantly turned into a black mist and penetrated into Leo's hands, and then directly poured into his Back.

Leo only felt a tear from the soul spread throughout the body instantly, the kind of pain he had never felt before, even compared to the biggest pain he had felt before huge difference.

   Even if Leo was prepared in advance for such severe pain, he was still caught off guard. He was comatose on the spot and this was the first time Leo was comatose because of pain.

  Almost at the same time as coma, Leo’s consciousness entered a pure white world that was completely opposite to the previous one.

"Hello there!"

While Leo was still adapting to this pure white world, a voice suddenly sounded behind him, Leo immediately made some defensive moves instinctively, but he found that all the power in him had disappeared, including the newly acquired Blood power.

   "Don't be so nervous, I'm not malicious." The voice behind me said in a very gentle tone: "Although I am from the night god, we should be regarded as one, and we will not and cannot kill each other."

   Leo knew that his own means could not be displayed now, so he simply put down his guard and turned to look at the source of the sound behind him.

   I saw that standing behind Leo was a red-haired woman in the daily uniform of a senior officer of the Earth Federation. After seeing the woman and the dress, Leo was completely stunned, and then his face became extremely ugly.

After seeing Leo's complexion change, the red-haired woman looked at the clothes on her body, then changed a mirror to take care of herself, looked at Leo puzzled, and said, "Why are you angry?" This woman is the woman who left a complete image in the deepest part of your memory, and you seem to have a deep feeling and sadness for her. According to common sense, you should be very happy and excited when you see her, why is it so What about anger?"

   "Can you see my memory?" Leo's eyes narrowed slightly and he heard a deep voice.

The red-haired woman smiled and said, "Did I not say that? We are one, and your memory is my memory." Then she looked at the red-haired woman in the mirror again and said, "Does Lilith?" ?A very special name."

   Leo did not speak, just stared at the other person, silent.

In fact, Leo’s heart was completely messed up at this moment, and his heart had never been so messed up, which made him do not know how to deal with it for a while, and he could only report silence and try to adjust his breath to calm himself down. , I have forgotten that I am now in a conscious space, not the real world.

   The reason why Leo suddenly behaves abnormally is entirely because of the red-haired woman in front of this unknown existence change.

  Although Leo entered the world and became Leo Dodd, he gradually gained the feelings of ordinary people, but this does not mean that Leo, who was a bioman at the time, had no feelings at all.

In fact, Leo had some affection for a red-haired woman when she was a cyborg, and that red-haired woman was a supervisor assigned to him by the federal government, mainly responsible for supervising them. Command execution status of the biochemical combat team.

Although this woman is a government-appointed supervisor, she has a good relationship with Leo’s combat team, and unlike most other humans, she does not treat biochemicals as tools for throwing away. During the battle on the battlefield, Leo, who was a bioman at the time, gave her a trace of what he could not describe at the time, but now he has a very clear sentiment, and the other party obviously has no feelings for him. Things have rarely been heard before.

It's a pity that the difference between bioman and human is not something that can be erased by a little affection. Eventually, the red-haired woman was transferred to leave the combat team, and forever disappeared from Leo's life. Leo also returned to the same rules as before. Lifestyle.

Today, such a woman who has left a trace in his heart appears again in front of him, and Leo also has the emotions of ordinary people at this moment. All kinds of emotions have surged for a time, so that he who does not have such experience does not know how to deal with it. .

   "What the **** are you?" Leo took a deep breath of nonexistent air, and then deliberately digressed and said.

   "I am you." The red-haired woman smiled and said.

   Leo was silent for a moment, and suddenly he seemed to think of something, and said, "You are the second head!"

   "I said, I am you." The red-haired woman repeated the previous sentence again. Although she did not give a clear answer, this attitude is now equivalent to defaulting Leo's guess.

   Leo's puzzled red-haired woman said, "Aren't you already gone? Why did this happen?"

   "Have you heard of the rumor that the second brain will disappear naturally?" the red-haired woman replied.

At this time, Leo also thought that in the Earth Federation, there have been no rumors that the second vice brain automatically disappears. Most cases rely on surgery and other methods to remove the brain area where the second vice brain is located, and then repair the brain with repair fluid. , Physically solve the second vice brain.

   "Where is this place?" Leo asked again.

   "This is our consciousness space." The red-haired woman replied.

   Leo tried to continue to ask, "Did you pull me here? Why did you pull me here?"

"No! It wasn't me who brought you here, it was you who brought me here." The red-haired woman shook her said: "Because after the broken pages of the night **** sigh are injected into your body, you The life form of will be improved again, and it is very close to the seventh-level psionicist. Once we become the seventh-level psionicist, we are equivalent to the higher-order lifeform. By then, there will be too many two consciousnesses, which need to be solved. Drop one. Your instinct knows this crisis, so it created this space of consciousness and brought my accidental second consciousness into it."

   "You mean that only one of us can exist." Leo frowned and said in a deep voice.

   The red-haired woman shook her head and said, "Wrong, only you can exist, I will inevitably integrate into you."

   Leo thought quickly, and then said: "So you will become like Lilith, and I want to make me unable to start after seeing you."

The red-haired woman didn’t panic, but shrugged naturally, saying, “Although I don’t dislike reintegrating with you, I also want to have an independent consciousness. Since I have the opportunity to fight, I naturally Can't give up."

   Leo was silent for a moment and said, "How can you be conscious?"

"I also want to know." The red-haired woman pouted and said, "But I just know that it is related to the imprint of the night god. That thing should be more weird than you expected. If possible, it is better to stay away from it, but I guess you should not obey."


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