The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 784: Dangerous manor

From the beginning of entering the manor, everything I saw in the eyes was a strong architectural style in the era of the Elven Kingdom. When I saw the most important building in the center of the manor, I saw a building with a strong Nefgard style. Houses, so that anyone, even those who do not understand architecture, will have a strong sense of violation. In the eyes of those who are critical, they will want to push it down and rebuild it.

Although the builders of the manor realized the sensory discomfort brought by the difference in style, they deliberately added some elements of the elven kingdom, such as the decoration of the eaves of the eaves, the doors and windows, when building this Nilfgarde style house. The shape of the house and the overall color of the house, etc., but even this modification still cannot completely eliminate the sense of violation of the style gap.

   Just like the style of the main building, after the ancient elven script on the floor spread here, it was artificially changed into another pattern, a magic array pattern belonging to the warlock.

   These warlock magic array patterns are very cleverly hidden in places that ordinary people can't detect. They are covered with various ornaments, and the whole house is enveloped in them.

At this moment, Leo is completely certain that Josh Manor is a conspiracy from beginning to end. Although he is not clear what the other party is doing for this purpose, he can be sure that the other party's goal is definitely not suitable for the Baron Josh family. Even if he understands the ancient elven language, he even perfectly blends the magic circle of the ancient elven language with the magic circle of the current warlock to create a new magic circle. The strength of the other party is extraordinary. It is definitely a world warlock. The top character.

If such a powerful character really wants the life of Baron Josh, there is no need to waste time playing such tricks. As a result, Baron Josh’s family can’t waste much energy. He secretly controlled Baron Josh to build a magic The manor in the array obviously has a deeper intention, but Leo wondered if he had realized this intention.

Because from various circumstances, the purpose of this behind-the-scenes person does not seem to be achieved, because if he arranges such a big game, once he succeeds, it will naturally cause a big commotion in Taocent, but now it is just dead Joe. The Earl of Shi family, the wine merchant’s family and their servants, this kind of casualties and the identity of the deceased are obviously impossible to cause any commotion to Tao Center, the only negative effect is that it has become the Tao Center folk legend In the forbidden area.

"Since such a large layout has been completed, it is impossible to do nothing and just discard it, unless..." Leo looked around and said to himself: "Unless he was no longer here, maybe There is another, more important thing waiting for him, which is less important than him. It may also be that something happened that held him back."

  Thinking of this, Leo began to search for various major events in this world in the past two years, and finally locked in a place on Sinide Island.

If there is anything related to the warlock and has a huge impact on various warlocks and mages in this world, then the Sinide Island incident is definitely at the forefront. After that incident, whether it is a female warlock or a male The influence of warlocks in this world has been reduced to the extreme. Many warlocks died in that conflict. The warlocks who had laid this round may also be among the victims. They are more likely to be injured and unable to appear.

"Vigoftez!" Leo soon thought of Geralt's enemies. This man seemed to fit the identity of this behind-the-scenes man very well, and this man was also capable of doing so, plus his Identity, it is not impossible to know Baron Josh, and the time is just right.

The discovery in front of him also made Leo’s interest in this place even stronger, because the night **** sighed that if the remaining pages of the book were really in the hands of Vigoforte, then he and Vigoforte would definitely There is a battle. If we can pass this manor’s magic circle now and have some understanding of the overall strength of Vigofortez, then he will occupy a part of the opportunity before the battle.

After discovering the secret of this manor, Leo did not continue to walk to the manor’s main building, because he didn’t know much about the magic circle of this world warlock. Obviously, the power that caused him to hallucination should be related to this magic circle. Undoubtedly making another move, he decided to quit for the time being, wait for the magic circle here, or find some assistants, and then come back.

As for the stone pillar of the monster relief, he did not move, because this stone pillar is exactly the center of the magic circle of the whole manor. Once this stone pillar is moved, the whole magic circle will produce unpredictable changes. After a year or two of accumulation , I am afraid that a lot of energy has already accumulated inside this magic circle. If it bursts out at once, maybe something bad will happen.

   The decision-making Leo exited the manor from the original road. When he re-opened the door, he stood at the top of the door and looked at the manor’s main building with Lingshi.

  In his spiritual vision, the manor returned to its original grand scene again. The garden was manicured and guests walked in the garden. There were laughter from the manor, which made people unable to resist the urge to join.

   Leo carefully felt the influence of the illusion in the manor on him, remembering the various reactions of the body in this influence, so that he would be able to break free more easily in the future when he encountered the same situation.

  After leaving the manor, Leo rode back to Flinjela's residence.

At this time, Sylvia had not left. She was discussing with Flinjella where it was appropriate to build a temple for the lake’s fairy goddess next to Selavi. Geralt might feel that the conversation between the two was a bit boring. He left a long time ago, and it seems that he would meet Bellan Estate and his friends.

  After the two of them saw Leo came back, they got up one after another, asking if Shizhu had brought it back.

   Leo shook his head, and then under the eyes of the two puzzled, he told them everything he found on the manor and the inferences he made.

Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia had nothing, but Flynn Gila was completely stunned. After a while, she recovered and asked a series of questions: "Really? That manor is really Is it a large magic circle? Wouldn’t you be mistaken? Why didn’t I see it?"

Leo didn't explain, and then walked to the desk, picked up the pen on the table, and quickly drew it on a piece of paper. Soon a clear view of the Josh Manor overlooking the location appeared on the paper, and then He also painted some ancient fairy tales, connecting each small square in the garden with Daguang in the center of the manor.

  Now looking at Josh Manor, a simple magic circle appears in front of the two, but there is still something missing in the center of the magic circle.

"Damn!" Flynn Gilah's face became very ugly. As a consultant to the Duchess, although she apparently assisted the Duchess in some government affairs, in fact, it was more about managing some special Tausent crowd.

However, there is now someone so quietly arranged a large circle that is indistinguishable from the good and evil demons so close to Buckland. If this matter spreads to the ear of the duchess, then she will Facing the blame for dereliction of duty, even if she was a relative of the Duchess at that time, I am afraid that she would not want to stay in the position of Duke's adviser.

In addition to being annoyed, Flynn Gila quickly calmed down after hearing Leo’s speculation about the black hand behind the manor, and fell into contemplation. After a few moments, she slowly said: "Your guess may be That’s right, it’s possible that the estate was designed by Vigo Fortez and let Josh’s idiot build.

  Sylvia asked why she was so sure, and she said the things she remembered carefully.

It turned out that Vigofortez had tried to buy a manor here three years ago. Although it was nominally for vacation, but in fact no one knew, Flynn Gila knew the danger of Vigoforte, So the transaction was secretly blocked.

Just one month after Vigofortez left, Baron Josh moved to Tausent, and the manor he bought was not far from where Vigoforteze took his fancy, and there were rumors that Baron Josh and Wei Goftez’s relationship was also unusual. At that time, Flynn Gila also felt something was wrong. It was just that the manor transaction was completed at that time, and Baron Josh was also very honest, without any abnormal movements, just concentrate on building the manor, so She didn't think about anything else.

Now after listening to Leo’s words, Flynn Gila found that she was being fooled by Vigo Fortez, and almost became a sacrifice for Vigo Fortez’s conspiracy, plus the previous use of Vigo Forteze’s night God sighed the broken page to control her emotions and was extremely annoyed, so now it is even more new and old hatred, and put it in her heart. If Vigo Fotez is in front of her, she may have already shot.

   "What should I do now?" Sylvia noticed that Flynn Gilah's mood was not right, and then shifted her attention and said, "Do you want to tear it down?"

   "No! It cannot be demolished." Leo shook his head.

Flynn Gilah's attention turned to her current topic from her anger at Vigoforte, and she asked in a puzzled way: "Why? Since the manor concealed the conspiracy of Vigoforte, wouldn't it be Keep it there and wait for it to break out?"

"Now forcibly demolishing there will only make things worse." Leo patiently said the effect of the elven magic array arranged in the manor, and then said seriously: "This manor has been built since the completion of the construction. From one day, I have been accumulating power around me. The events of one or two years have accumulated to an extremely large level. The surrounding birds, beasts and insects felt the danger there instinctively, and they all escaped. It will only let the power accumulated there be released in an instant. What kind of disaster will happen at that time, I think you should be able to predict it."

   Flynn Gilah looked pale and still looked at Leo unbelievably, saying, "What you said is true? Is there really such a danger there?"

   "You can take a look now," Leo didn't explain. He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Josh Manor, saying: "After you have experienced it for yourself, you shouldn't have such doubts."

  Fringe Gila didn't respond to Leo's proposal, just lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

  Looking at Flynn Gila's look, Leo seemed to guess what he said and said: "You said that you had visited the Josh Manor before, so you must have encountered that illusion, right?"

  Fringe Gila's face became more and more ugly. Obviously what happened at Josh Manor made her a little reluctant to speak, so she shifted the topic bluntly and said: "What are you going to do now?"

  Leo directly issued the condition: "I need to know your warlock's knowledge, whether it is a spell or a magic circle, I must understand."

   Flynn Gilah thought about it and asked, "What are you willing to pay to exchange this knowledge."

   Leo smiled and said, "Just exchange it for the things that help you solve Josh Manor, how?"

   Flynn Gylla glared and stared at Leo unpleasantly, "You don't have a little chivalry to do this."

   "You forgot, I'm not a knight." Leo shrugged and said.

   Flynn Gilah turned to Sylvia and said, "Don't you say something?"

   And Sylvia shrugged his shoulders like Leo and said, "I won't intervene in his affairs, nor will he intervene in my affairs."

"The two of you are a perfect match." Flinjela gritted her teeth, her eyes swept back and forth over Leo and Sylvia, and finally took a deep breath, saying, "Without the consent of the Warlock Assembly~www. can’t pass on my knowledge to you, but the person who comes tomorrow is Aalto of the Blue Mountains. He is not a member of the sorcerer’s assembly, and he has no other organizational constraints, so he You can pass on his knowledge to you." Then, she paused and said, "I can pay Aalto for you, but I have a request."

   "What requirements?" Leo asked.

   Flynn Gilah thought for a moment and said, "No matter what you research from Josh Manor, you must copy it to me."

   Leo frowned and said, "The magic circle in Josh Manor is mainly composed of ancient elven language. Even if I copy it to you, can you understand it?"

   "I really don't understand, but some people can understand." Flynn Gilah said aggravatedly: "What if you don't understand? That's also my thing, you don't need to care at all."

   Leo thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes, I can agree to your request."

Flynn Gila may feel that she has pulled back a game from Leo, her face is a little more beautiful, then she led Leo to the study, specially selected some books from the shelf to Leo, told her these The books are the most basic knowledge. Before Aalto of the Blue Mountains will come tomorrow, it will be good for him to read it. Then he will pull Sylvia away from the study and continue what they have not finished before.


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