The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 777: Repair magic circle

"Who is the person who arranged the portal magic circle?" Leo asked very directly.

Although Leo's tone of questioning was a little rude, Esiris was not displeased, but his face showed a look of joy, because Leo only glanced at it to know that it was a portal magic circle, then it also represented Leo is very likely to repair this magic circle.

So, she answered truthfully: "This is the goddess at the beginning of the temple's construction, which made a mysterious caster not worth it. The name of the caster has not passed down. I just know that he once claimed to be from a tower called a tower. local."

Hearing the words of Asiris, Leo was stunned, but he was not too surprised, because when he saw the Turing roots contained in this magic circle, Leo was already able to determine the portal The Magic Circle definitely has wizards from the Velon world involved.

"Can it be repaired?" Asiris asked quietly.

If it is a different person, it may be helpless to see this magic circle, but it is not a problem for Leo.

Leo looked carefully at the damage of the magic circle, and saw three cracks from the wall that split the complete portal magic circle into three. The damage can be said to be very serious, and it is difficult to repair.

Leo asked curiously: "Can you tell me how this portal magic circle was destroyed?"

"Originally we followed the oracle of the goddess before the disaster, and started the magic circle to send the whole temple to the promised land of the goddess, but when the magic circle started, a force suddenly broke the magic circle, It also affected the portal constructed by the magic circle, and finally fixed the temple in this eccentric place." Asiris sighed and said: "If it is not for the goddess to anticipate that we will have this disaster, will sink. The sleeping coffin is handed over to us, maybe we are all driven by the environment here at this moment."

Talking, Asiris motioned Leo to follow her, and they walked all the way to the side hall of the temple. Although the outside of the side hall is a kind of very common masonry building, it is full of science fiction. Huge spaceship cabin.

The moment the two walked in, all the lights in the cabin lighted up, revealing the situation inside to Leo.

I saw that the dormant cabins that Leo saw before were densely distributed throughout the spaceship cabin. Not only are the dormant cabins on the ground, but also the dormant cabins are hung neatly on the walls and ceilings, roughly counted, at least More than three thousand.

"The seventh colony fleet Berkeley troop carrier!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Leo's eyes fell on the Earth Federation logo not far away, and soon recognized the above content, and his mind also emerged. A large number of related materials have been published.

The Berkeley troop carrier is not a silent generation in the history of the universe of the Earth Federation. In fact, its reputation is very great. Many people even think that the Berkeley troop carrier event should be the first year of the Earth Federation universe. It is not It is the beginning of a new era for the Earth Federation to join the Les Alliance.

The reason for this is that the disappearance of the Berkeley troop carrier is the first time the Earth Federation has discovered the existence of subspace, and it is for this reason that the Earth Federation is considered by the Supreme Council of the Universe to be regarded as a universe civilization.

Specific content of the incident, the thirteenth colony of the Earth Federation has a war with aliens, and the thirteenth colony is a new colonial planet, where the population is still very small, and there are not many troops, so it is impossible to communicate with the aliens. The Star Fleet contends, and then asks for help from the surrounding colonial planet. At that time, the two colony planets closest to the thirteenth colony sent troops to the thirteenth colony, and the Berkeley troop carrier was one of them.

However, it is strange to know that the end of the war, no shadow of the Berkeley was seen on the battlefield of the thirteenth colonial planet.

Afterwards, the Earth Federation sent an investigation team to investigate the disappearance of the Berkeley troop carrier. As a result, after finding the trajectory of the Berkeley troop carrier, they discovered that the Berkeley had entered an unknown cosmic energy that was not yet very clear. Unknown space, and left a missing space crack in its missing place.

After researching here, the people of the Earth Federation determined that this crack is opposite to the subspace often mentioned by higher cosmic civilizations, and because of this crack, the Earth Federation soon developed the technology to enter the subspace, and then ranked among the highest in the universe. List of cosmic civilizations recognized by the Parliament.

Today, this troop carrier that started Earth Federation’s subspace research is here, even if it is just a dormant cabin component of the troop carrier, but it is enough to give Leo some association.

Asiris pointed to the dormant cabin around her and said, "The goddess used divine power to create a world in the sleeping coffin, letting our dormant fellows sleep here, but the soul can live in that world. Without suffering the silence of the real world outside."

Leo asked again: "Since this is the case, what about you and the elves just now?"

Asris explained: "We cannot stay here forever and need to find a way to leave, so we selected some people who did not enter the world created by the goddess to sleep forever, but separated out and woke up every time they slept for a while. , Looking for a way to leave here." While talking, she led Leo out of the side hall, walked back, and said while walking: "Ten years ago we found a way to project part of our spirit onto that piece. On the ruins, there has been no progress in finding a way to leave here. Until yesterday, I got the oracle of the goddess in the coffin of Sleep, and I know that someone who can repair the portal magic circle will appear. That’s why we will temporarily summon people to put their spirits into that ruin, and then I will see you.

"Goddess Merritelli?" Leo thought of information about the triune goddess.

Although there are also spirits in this world, compared with the spirits in the Velon world, the spirits of this world are obviously reluctant to appear in front of people, and only promulgate some oracles through the mouth of the highest level of the church, which also makes the religion of this world change. It’s very complicated. Ordinary people simply cannot have gods in those religions, and the gods in those religions are just fake gods.

However, how the religion of this world has changed, the belief of the goddess Meritelli can always be passed down. At first, he was just the belief of the elves, but as it gradually spread, even many people have believed in the goddess Meritelli, and the goddess Meritelli It is recognized as the real goddess.

Such a goddess gave oracles to her followers, predicting in advance that Leo would go to that ruin, and let the believers go to Leo for help. This also means that the goddess may also follow her secretly, even knowing He understands Turing roots, otherwise it is impossible to give believers such a certain oracle.

Perhaps it is already used to being followed by the gods. Leo was not surprised and puzzled by the attention of the Meritelli goddess. He seemed very calm. After returning to the room where the portal magic circle was located, Leo carefully looked at the damaged ones. Place, said: "I need some materials."

Asris immediately replied: "Some magic metal is also stored in the temple's warehouse."

Leo sat on the floor very casually and said, "Then you will teach me the old elf language now! Let's end this as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Esiris also smiled on his face, and immediately sat across from Leo. On the ground, he began to draw the patterns representing ancient elf language with his fingers, and explained each word very carefully. Meaning.

Leo also listened very carefully, even if he encountered a puzzled place, he did not interrupt it. Until the end of the explanation of the vocabulary, he asked some questions.

Teaching one by one like this, and soon after more than two hours, Leo completely learned this very complex ancient elven language, which surprised Asiris, even a little unbelievable, and tried There were a few questions for Leo to answer, and Leo quickly gave the answer, and the answer he gave was more perfect than the answer that Estris thought.

In fact, in Leo's opinion, this is just a matter of course, because he has mastered a large number of ancient elven language texts and mastered the writing of the text through other channels in advance, and now all he has to do is to know the basic meaning and the combination of words and sentences. The law has almost completely mastered this esoteric language.

After mastering the language, Leo found that the ancient elven language is very similar to the Gamorian language in some aspects. Both languages ​​contain mysterious power when they are combined according to a certain rule. After that, a very powerful extraordinary power can be produced.

The high tower wizard who came to this world obviously took a fancy to this point, so he learned this language and combined it with the Turing roots of the Camoray language to arrange this Magic circle.

After mastering the ancient elven language, Leo turned his attention to the broken magic circle on the ground. He was not just looking for a way to repair the portal magic circle at the moment, but also decomposing the magic circle to find out A method that combines two mysterious languages.

Although Leo is only initially mastering the ancient elven language, his mastering of Turing roots is no longer necessary for the tower wizard, and soon he used the Turing roots in the magic circle as a breakthrough point, and soon The entire magic array is decomposed in consciousness, and the distribution law of Turing roots is moved at the same time. The function of each part of the magic array is analyzed, and the layout rules and damages of those ancient elf words are further found. What is the ancient Elven language?

About half an hour later, a repaired portal magic array was reassembled in Leo's brain. After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, Leo painted it with psionic energy.

At first, Esiris did not believe that the portal magic circle that had trapped them here for hundreds of years was easily repaired by Leo, but when she watched Leo draw the complete portal magic circle, and After explaining the repair method and driving principle of the magic circle, she was completely stunned.

The reason for this is not only because she does not understand what Leo said, but also because she feels Leo really repaired the portal magic circle as he said.

Over the years, she has been expecting the portal magic circle to be completely repaired, they can leave this dead place, and now Leo has found a way to repair the portal magic circle in just a few hours. She felt a little unreal, even the excitement that should have appeared did not appear.

Leo didn’t care what the other party’s emotions were. He didn’t plan to repair the portal magic circle by himself, but instructed Esther to repair the damage of the portal magic circle a little bit according to his instructions. Asiris did not think much, honestly took out the required materials according to Leo’s instructions, and then carefully re-made the materials into the form needed, and repaired the damage of the portal magic circle a little bit. .

Compared with Leo's repair in his head, the actual repair process is obviously more difficult, and it also requires some problems that have not been encountered before, so Leo had to change the repair program. Fortunately, the repair process It was quite smooth, even if some errors occurred in the middle, it did not affect the overall situation.

I don’t know how long it has passed. At Asris, the last melted magic metal was poured into a breakpoint in the magic circle. As the magic metal cooled, the entire portal magic circle was completely repaired.

"Repaired?" Looking at the portal magic circle intact in front of her eyes, Asiris looked at Leo incredulously and asked in confirmation.

"Yes, it's fixed!" Leo nodded.

"Somewhat not real." Asris sits in front of the portal magic eyes are filled with a blank look.

Leo looked at Asiris, wondering if the other party was suggesting a punch should be given to her to make sure she was not dreaming.

Just when Leo was thinking about whether to punch, Asiris seemed to recover, stood up, smiled at Leo, and said, "Let your smirk laugh, for so many years, I have been working hard I was always looking for a way to repair the Portal Magic Array. Now that the Portal Magic Array disappears, I feel a little empty in my heart."

Leo did not intend to stand here to hear Esiris say her mood, and said bluntly: "Let's try it first! Only after we have tried it will we know if it has been repaired."

Asiris nodded, and then let Leo stand a little further, and then she began to activate the portal magic circle according to the method taught by the goddess Meritelli.

I saw a ray of light shining out of the magic circle and instantly spread to the whole room. Leo only felt that his eyes were white, and he fell into a temporary blindness that had never been seen before, and soon his vision was restored, just No longer in front of the temple on the subspace debris, but returned to the underground ruins of the elven kingdom.

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