The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 774: Inside the Elven Kingdom

For ordinary people, the injury of Leo’s palm should be considered very serious. At least seven bones showed signs of bone fracture, and the muscles of the arm were also strained. Basically, it was a loss of combat power, but for Leo. This kind of injury is not worth mentioning. If it was before, it is enough to give a dose of treatment. Now, the self-healing ability of the sixth-level psionicist is no worse than the treatment. The swelling of the fist disappears after only a while. It also became normal, and the bone fractures healed quickly, completely disappearing in up to ten minutes.

Although the battle is not as fierce as Leo thought, even if this mutant monster has powerful strength, it cannot be fully exerted. The battle is still relying on instinct, but after this battle, Leo has at least his own body. Has a more precise and detailed understanding.

For example, the strength of his body is far from the level of the sixth-level psionicist, otherwise, he will not be injured by using his current strength.

In addition, his knowledge of blood power has been strengthened a lot, and he has a preliminary prototype of the method of stimulating blood power, and if he wants to further find out the secret of developing physical strength, it depends on whether he can What was found on the strange head.

Leo did not deliberately torment him like that before, but forced him to concentrate all the strength of his body on his head, because when he evolved, Leo felt that his head should be the key to evolution. , So I thought about taking the entire head off and studying it.

Now, all the power of the monster is converging on the head, and with the death of the monster, the force has not disappeared. Instead, the eyeball in the middle of the forehead is the center, filling the entire head, even if the head is detached. The body can still maintain the magical scene of long horn burning.

Leo quickly retreated back into the crack of the ruins he had entered before, which was also the edge of the anti-magic field.

Losing the effect of the anti-magic field, Leo’s Spirit Net can be used again. While viewing the subtle situation inside the skull’s head through the Spirit Net, he took out a wizard potion and swallowed it, speeding up the injury. Healing speed.

After a while, Leo’s injury completely recovered, and he put his pair of gloves back on his hand again, then picked up the head of the special monster, and reached out to buckle the third eye on the forehead of the special monster. Down.

At the moment when the eye was snapped, the four strange flames and the long corners of lava immediately turned into four pillars of fire and poured into the eyeballs, and the strange skull's head quickly dwindled and quickly It was reduced from a huge half-size head to a fist.

"It's such a bad guy!" Leo muttered to himself as he looked at the strange eyeballs that had become half as precious stones.

Through the spiritual network, Leo has figured out that the source of the power in this head is the eyeball on the forehead of the special monster. This eyeball is also the most powerful psionic substance that Leo has seen in energy fluctuations. Only the energy fluctuations have reached The intensity of the energy fluctuation of the fourth-level psionicists is still the energy fluctuation generated after the loss of damaged energy. If it is intact, it may reach the level of the fifth-level or even sixth-level psionicists.

From this, we can know that after the evolution of this monster, as long as it is given enough time to digest and master the power of the body, then it will inevitably become a monster equivalent to the sixth-level psionicist, and then escape from here. Go out, not to mention Tao Sent, I am afraid that even the powerful existence that the Nivegard Empire can pose a threat to it is rare.

It's a pity that it met Leo just after it completed its evolution, and died in Leo's hands before it fully exerted its power. It is definitely the most stupefying monster.

However, for Leo, this is the best result, because all the evolutionary secrets of Jade Monster are in the eyeballs of his hands. He has plenty of time to slowly study the evolution secrets of Jade Monster and find out what is wrong with him. Helpful content.

After closing his eyes, Leo returned to the underground garden. He looked at the two roads. After thinking a little, he walked towards the main hall with columns.

He chose that because he felt that the source of the anti-magic field was there.

After entering the hall, there are a lot of skeletons of elves. These skeletons are all kneeling towards the stone pillar in the middle of the hall. There are various monster patterns carved on the stone pillar, among which there are special monsters. From the surrounding scenes, it seems as if an sacrifice ceremony was held here, and the objects of sacrifice are the kneeling elves around.

Seeing this scene, some speculation quickly appeared in Leo’s mind. It seemed that when these elves knew that the defeat was irreversible, they tried to recruit monsters from other worlds to fight for the elves. Even if they could not recover the defeat, they must give Humans at that time caused a lot of casualties.

It's a pity that they have successfully sacrificed and attracted a large number of peculiar monsters from other worlds. The strange monster was completely trapped underground.

However, the discovery here has unraveled a question in Leo’s mind, that is, why did these killer monsters that he killed had such a big difference from those that inhabited the ancient forests of this world, this difference is not The difference in appearance is the more essential difference in the body.

For example, the biggest difference between the two is that the monsters in the ruins of elves can engulf similar corpses to obtain the fuel needed for evolution, and the monsters on the ground have not documented this ability.

It is inferred as usual that if the special monster on the ground also has this ability, then a special monster with the energy level of the sixth-level psionicist must also appear and spread throughout the world, but the result is no, there is no such kind According to the news, all the monsters on the ground that are easy to kill have been killed by the demon hunters.

Obviously, the peculiar monsters on the ground came to this world through the intersection of celestial spheres. After arriving in this world, they were eroded by the forces of the world. The changes that have occurred in nature have lost the abilities that they should have. The blame is that the elves are summoned by other methods, and they still retain their original abilities, and because of the special environment here, they are eroded and assimilated by world forces much less, and eventually they can still have the most primitive phagoevolution ability.

After understanding this, Leo had a new understanding of the ruined elven kingdom. Obviously, the extraordinary power of this elven kingdom far exceeded his estimate, and it has reached the point where it can call creatures from other worlds to this. At the point of the world, this ability, if magnified indefinitely, is almost similar to the unique spatial ability mastered by several omega-level higher living bodies in the highest council of the universe.

Those higher-level omega-class living beings can directly tear apart a space fissure that ignores distance and time, and can call his fleet from a specific location in another galaxy through the fissure. This is simply more powerful than space transition and subspace navigation. The effect of the sacrificial ritual of the elven kingdom seems to be similar.

Leo is also very interested in this ability to sacrifice and summon, so he did not rush to find the source of the anti-magic field, but carefully looked for the corpses in the hall to see if anything related to it was left. .

However, what disappointed him was that after searching around, he found nothing, not even a piece of paper.

At this time, he focused his attention on the pillar as the center, and took a closer look. Unfortunately, this pillar is just a normal stone pillar, and it is no different from the surrounding stone pillars that support the roof. The patterns of the monsters on the surface are also just ordinary relief patterns, not strange objects with extraordinary power.

The disappointed Leo did not spend any more energy on this matter, and began to turn to the topic, looking for the source of the anti-magic field.

I saw him looking directly at the dome of the hall above him. I saw a beautiful chandelier hanging on the dome. After such a long time, it was still shining like new.

Although Leo doesn’t know much about the anti-magic field, he knows what anti-magic metal is. Obviously, the chandelier hanging on it should be made of anti-magic metal. Leo can obviously get close to and away from this chandelier. Felt the change of the power of suppression in his own body.

If only a chandelier is made of anti-magic metal, it is absolutely impossible to produce an anti-magic force field. Leo bought a bit of anti-magic metal from Flynn Gila on the ground before and tested it. One can imagine.

Therefore, in addition to the anti-magic metal, the anti-magic force field must have other forces playing a role here.

Soon, Leo noticed a series of patterns on the top of the chandelier. These patterns extended around and covered the entire roof, which Leo had seen before.

This pattern was recorded in several books that were found in the ruins, but unfortunately Leo did not understand its meaning so far.

After seeing the book, Regill said that the language recorded in the book was a very old language, and even before the appearance of humans on this continent, it was another world named Ain Ayr The language of the ancient ancestors of the elves, the correct reading of that language has long been lost, and now there are only a few elves in the elven ethnic group of Dor Brettana who understand this language.

Obviously, some of the wizards of this elven kingdom also understand this ancient language, and through this language, they have figured out a magic array system similar to Turing roots.

Although Leo couldn’t understand the meaning of these patterns, he still fully remembered these patterns and the chandelier below. In order to faithfully restore this anti-magic force field, he even constructed a A completely three-dimensional image, in which everything he saw was recorded, including a small crack in the wall.

After repeatedly confirming that he has fully remembered and there are no omissions, Leo walked again in this hall, and then walked out of the hall to another small room.

After entering this small room, Leo found that the previous effect of the anti-magic field disappeared in this type, and there were no decorations in this room, and there were not too many decorative patterns on the walls, only on the wall facing the entrance. A door-like pattern was engraved with that particular pattern, and Leo could also feel the energy fluctuation from this pattern.

Leo went forward to take a closer look. He found a flower in the pattern on the right hand side of the door. The shape of this flower is different from other flowers on the door. Flower, and its surface is much smoother than other places, it should be caused by people often touching.

After thinking for a while, Leo tried to spread the psionic power in his hand, and then touched the many irises.

At the moment of touching, it was felt that the psionic energy in the hand was flowing into the relief, but the dents of the relief showed lines of light, and these lines outlined the shape of a door.

When the last line was completed, the wall in the middle of the door disappeared instantly and became a portal resembling a crack in space.

Leo also once learned portal magic from Flinjella Vigo, and hope to learn this magic from Flinjella Vigo. After all, such a mature space-traveling technology is not even in the universe. .

However, Flynn Gila did not give this portal magic professor to Leo. Her explanation is that her teleport magic is not very good, and she often sends the wrong place. If she teaches it, it will only mislead Lei. Europe, put Leo in danger.

Leo could see that this reason was just an excuse. Flynn Gila did not intend to teach him this portal magic for other reasons, and he did not force it.

And he saw a portal of magic formation magic, naturally he would not let this opportunity pass, so he did not rush into the portal, but carefully studied the portal The magic circle, remembering the elder language patterns that are incomprehensible in the above, and dissipating the energy that forms the portal several times, and then re-energizing the energy, remembering the operating rules of the energy, and then starting to walk into the portal .

For people who often make interstellar crossings, the adverse reactions caused by the portal did not cause him any trouble. The moment he passed through the portal, he recovered his sobriety and carefully observed the surrounding conditions.

This is still a small house. Obviously, these small houses are equipped with portals.

Unlike the previous house, the door of this house is still intact and locked from the outside.

Something was dropped in the room, all of which were exquisite ornaments. It seemed that the elf had dropped it when he ran away.

Several of the ornaments are similar to the wine barrel Dent got the elf ornament, which shows that the wine barrel Dent came here, but he did not open the door, so he turned back and prepared to take the tool, and the result was never again. came back.

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