Compared with the information provided by Flynn Gila Vigo, the various materials provided by Regill are obviously more practical, not only the map of the ruins of the elves close to the surface, but also a large number of underground monsters. These underground Most monsters have been mutated due to environmental reasons. With these data, Leo can be more prepared.

   In addition, Leo also refined some wizard potions, not only for himself, but also for Sylvia.

Although with the power of Sylvia, plus Geralt, Regill and the knights who followed her, it was almost impossible to be dangerous in Taocent, but in order to avoid accidents, he prepared for Sylvia Some drugs used to improve physical fitness and treat injuries.

Because of Flynn Gila Vigo, the Duchess of Tausent dissipated a lot of concerns about Sylvia, and no longer rejected the matter of allowing Sylvia to form a knighthood, and let Flynn Gila Speak to Sylvia. If Sylvia is willing, she can enlist her Knights of Widowsant and allow her to form a knighthood and accept the Principality’s employment to inspect the Principality’s borders.

As for Sylvia was originally just to meet her knight dreams for many years, she was not very interested in the formation of knights and the like, but with the determination of the goal of Vigo Foz, Sylvia felt her Sooner and Leo will leave this world sooner or later, so I have something in my heart that I want to leave in this world to prove that I have been here, so she also officially began to consider the matter of forming a knighthood.

For the vast majority of people, the formation of a knighthood is not a simple matter. It is not just about convening a few knights and then announcing the establishment of the knighthood. This involves the knighthood’s structure, rules, personnel authority, etc. A series of complicated matters, not to mention an ordinary person, even a learned aristocrat may be overwhelmed by these things.

But these things that have caused other people a headache and it will take a few years to sort out, have become the easiest thing here in Sylvia, because she has a very perfect system of the French Knights as a Knights template No matter whether it was internal regulations or staffing, she even copied the badge of the Knights.

For the formation of the Knights, he also selected Grace, a noble and respected old knight Maripo from the knights gathered around him, as an assistant. Already completed initially, waiting for Sylvia to go to Buckland to be a knight.

   For this reason, Sylvia decided to go to Buckland with Leo, and after Leo participated in his own ritual, he went to the ruins of the underground elves.

"Yes." Leo nodded and agreed after hearing Sylvia's request, and then said: "However, before that, we should go to a place, which may make your knighthood more justified, even better than It must be formalized by the duchess."

  Sylvia was stunned for a while, but soon became aware, saying: "Is the heart island of Lake Salavi?"

Leo nodded and said, "The knights of Taosent believe in the five virtues of the knight, and the source of the five virtues of the knight is the fairy in the lake. Obviously this fairy in the lake is the same as the lady in the lake in our world. exist."

   "Are you sure?" Sylvia questioned.

"I have a lady in the lake on my body. When I was close to Lake Selavi, I could feel her existence, and she could also feel my existence." Leo turned to Sylvia and said, "Just We went to the heart island of Lake Selavi. Under the attention of others, you won the knighthood of the fairy in the lake. In that case, there will be no accidents in your cover in Buckland."

  Sylvia smiled and said, "Do you think there will be an accident when I accept the envelope in Buckland?"

"Aren't you aware of it too? Instead of going directly to Buckland from Flynn Gilah, instead stay here and build up the basic framework of the Knights first," Leo gently shook Sylvia's Hand, said: "And with your strong character, if you don't really feel unsure, how can you let me stay and wait for things to be determined before heading to the underground elf ruins?"

  Sylvia did not deny that he only leaned on Leo, and said nothing extra.

  The next day, Sylvia summoned some of his prestigious knights and said that he would go to Lake Heart Island to receive the baptism of the five fairy virtues in the lake and let them be spectators.

Regarding Sylvia’s proposal, her men were naturally willing to obey, and they believed that Sylvia, as a knight of light, was fully qualified to receive the baptism of the knight’s five virtues, but they were still a little uneasy in their hearts, and they did not know the hope The baptism accepted by Sylvia is not the same as what they believe to be.

Although the stories of the fairy and the knights' five virtues in Lake Towson are almost a household name, because no one has ever seen the fairy in the lake, the vast majority of people do not think that the fairy in the lake really exists. There is no church or other religious organization of the fairy in the lake.

The reason why Tausent connects the fairy in the lake with the five virtues of the knights is mainly the lake in the heart island of Lake Selavi and the five ancient stone tablets around the pool. On the stone tablets are carved the knights must obey The five virtues of virtue, wisdom, generosity, bravery and mercy, and the lake's heart pool is bottomless and is said to lead to the palace of the lake's fairy.

There is a default ritual among the knights in Taocente. As long as a knight recognizes that he has the five virtues of the knight, then the knight is eligible to go to Lake Heart Island to be baptized by the five virtues of the knight, and this one has been baptized by the five virtues. The glory and prestige of the Cavaliers will even surpass the champion of the Cavaliers Conference.

But not everyone is qualified to go to Lake Heart Island. If the knights with insufficient five virtues go to Lake Heart Island, they will either get lost due to the fog in the lake and will never be able to reach Lake Heart Island, or they will board the lake. Heart Island never finds the five stone tablets carved with knights' five virtues.

So even if the knights who respected Sylvia thought that Sylvia was eligible for the baptism of the five virtues, they still felt a little uneasy, if Sylvia did not board the lake, or did not find the five virtues on the island Stone tablets, then the prestige she has just established may be severely hit by this, so they will feel uneasy.

However, if Sylvia can successfully obtain the baptism of the five virtues of the knights, then the establishment of the knighthood will become smooth, and there will be no more obstacles in the sense of justice. The only thing to be careful of is the reluctance of the new knighthood. People.

It’s not enough to ask the knights in the knights to observe the ceremony, but they must also invite others, so Sylvia also invited Geralt and Flingila Vigo, and also invited two Taoscent through the warlock. Some prestigious nobles, as spectators.

  The next day, the heavily armed Sylvia and Leo arrived at the shore of Lake Selavi, where the specially prepared boat docks were waiting for others.

Among these people, only Geralt had seen Leo wearing abyssal armor. Others had only heard of Leo and had not seen Leo’s full body armor, especially those knights were the first. See Leo himself this time.

These knights who voluntarily followed Sylvia knew that the object they followed had a companion, but they had never seen it, and they felt that such a perfect knight in Sylvia should not have a partner, so it is always the existence of Leo. There is a certain disgust.

However, after seeing Leo, they could not help but bow their heads, because they felt that Leo had an inexplicable power in her body, which was even ten times stronger than the Duchess of Tausent they saw. One hundred times, in the face of this might make their souls tremble deeply.

   The knight was pretty good. The other two nobles invited to watch the ceremony seemed to see something horrible, their legs became soft, and they almost sat on the ground.

And Flynnila Vigo, who had met Leo a few days ago, was also surprised and surprised by the changes in Leo's body at the moment, because the invisible power exuded from Leo's body at the moment made her think of Nigeria. The Emperor Ensil Theris of the Vogard Empire is even more powerful than that emperor.

   It's just that Flynnila Vigo doesn't think that this is what happened to Leo's body, but feels that Leo's current power comes from a gorgeous and mysterious armor.

  However, the sorceress did not know that the role of this armor is not to create power, but to suppress power.

Because with the continuous development of the body's potential, the suppression of the life level that Leo's body should have from higher living bodies has become stronger and stronger. Because of the special bloodline, Sylvia has not yet gradually increased the power of Leo's body. Especially sensitive, but others can clearly feel Leo's changes.

With his current power, if there is no abyssal armor to block it, let alone ordinary people, everyone in the audience except Flynn Gila Vigo and Geralt can barely withstand this power, other people will definitely be affected by this This kind of might is suppressed to lie on the ground, just like facing the gods. This kind of suppression of the upper and lower levels of the essence of life is not the size of the force that can be changed.

   "Everyone is here, let's go." When he came to the dock, Leo looked at the crowd and didn't say anything. He walked directly to the next boat and said.

  Sylvia also nodded, motioning the others to get on the boat, and then the group of people swam towards the lake island in the center of Lake Selavi in ​​front.

  After the boat was halfway down, dense fog began to form on the lake, and everyone knew that the test was coming.

   It's just that what happened later surprised and shocked everyone.

Because according to the notes left by the knights who were baptized with the five virtues, after the dense fog was generated, the five fingers could not be reached. The only thing the people on the boat could do was rowing, and only those who had the qualifications of the five virtues could row the lake. Heart Island, while other unqualified people will paddle and paddle back to the shore where they left off, and the dense fog on the lake will disappear when the boat docks.

But the scene that is now in front of everyone is not the same thing. In the dense fog just created, a straight channel appears in the fog, separating the dense fog twice, forming two fans up to tens of meters Foggy wall, and the end of the channel is Lake Heart Island.

   "The fairy in the lake! This is the fairy in the lake!" cried a knight in surprise.

Maribo’s Grace, who was appointed as an assistant by Sylvia, immediately echoed: "Yes! It is the fairy in the lake who agrees with the five virtues of the knights in Sylvia, so there is no need to test the adults and directly open up a pass. The road to Huxin Island."

   Hearing the words of Knight Grace, the two nobles nodded appreciatively, and looked at Sylvia, who was fully armed, to pay a respect.

   It's just that they didn't know. At this time, Sylvia was also surprised by the scene in front of her, and secretly tapped Leo's palm with his fingers a few times, like asking if it was all done by Leo.

   And Leo's answer shook his head slightly, indicating that this wasn't what he did, and pointed the finger at Huxin Island.

With the mark of the lady in the lake, he can clearly feel the presence of the fairy in the lake at this moment, and the fairy in the lake can also sense and the mist on the lake is in the lake The female fairy had previously made rules for this lake, but the channel that appeared now was an invitation from the female fairy in the lake, but she did not invite Sylvia, but Leo.

A group of people soon came to Huxin Island. After boarding the island, the mist on the lake dissipated. They found a trail that was opened by the predecessors in the woods on the island. After walking through a small hill and a dense forest After that, they came to the lake heart pond very smoothly, and they also saw the ancient stone monument of the knights' five virtues.

At this time, all the knights who came with them knelt on one knee and paid tribute to the stone monument of the five virtues of the knight, while Sylvia walked alone to the lake heart pool. What she needs to do now is very simple, holding up the water in the pool , Poured on his head.

   After coming to the pool, Sylvia looked at the pool where you could not see it. Although she couldn't see anything, she could feel the presence in the pool watching her.

   Then she took off her helmet, took off her armor, and then took the pool water with both hands and poured it on top of her head.

Seeing that Sylvia had completed this seemingly simple ceremony, all the knights on one knee all cheered, and the two nobles from Taocente bowed to Sylvia to show respect .

And just when Sylvia stood up and turned to leave, the pool suddenly had an abnormal reaction, and I saw a ray of light emanating from the pool, making people feel like there was a sun in the pool. The sight was shocked and completely speechless.

  :. :

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