The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 764: A Probe into the Duchess

After a bit of conversation, Geralt also felt that Felin Gilavige was not bad, and was very comfortable with her, not being suppressed all the time like when she was with Ye Naifa. During the conversation, Flynn Gilavige was able to speak words that fit her heart every time, which made Geralt gradually have some good feelings towards Flint Gilavige.

When Geralt returned to Belland Manor, Flynn Gilavige also came to the manor with her. She didn't come to Belland Manor only because of Geralt, she also wanted to see now The knight of light rises to fame.

I have to say that the Cavaliers of Light have become the biggest topic of the Duchy in addition to the hoarfrost prophecy during the recent period. When Geralt faced Sylvia, he did not hide his envy and reputation. Jealous.

Geralt, who is doing the same thing, is treated as a monster from beginning to end. Don’t mention the reputation. Even the commission that he gets will be scolded. In short, no matter what he does, others look at it. His eyes are full of hostility, contempt and fear.

However, Sylvia is different. The emotions of worship and awe are filled in the hearts of everyone who sees Sylvia. Every time Sylvia clears the monsters, she does not want to accept any mission commission, but those The villagers took the initiative to send the commission to her, and in many cases the number was quite large.

And Sylvia was not stingy, and gave away some commissions to some poor villagers, which further enhanced Sylvia's reputation. In just a few days, several praises were given The poetry of the knight circulated in Towcent, and many religious fanatics even thought that she was the savior who saved the world before the appearance of hoarfrost.

Also because of Sylvia’s beautiful appearance, gorgeous armor, strong strength and extraordinary perfect reputation, she also won the attention of the knights of Taossen. The conference ended in a hurry, and could not leave. It became idle every day and could only be left in the tavern. When it was drunk, it struck. It has become one of Buckland’s public security issues.

  Although the majority of these knights are wandering knights, there are also many noble knights who are quite well-known, and the sheriffs who maintain the security of Buckland are unable to deal with them effectively.

When Sylvia appeared, all the knights paid attention to this knight of light. Some knights who did not accept her reputation went to the challenge. As a result, they were easily solved by Sylvia under the eyes of everyone, and many of them won this knight. The champion knights who won the conference, which also made these knights happy and satisfied with Sylvia, and voluntarily gathered around Sylvia to help her fight against monsters and robbers. There have been vaguely gathered more than 20 knights, plus The servants and servants of these knights have begun to have the same scale as the knights. The only thing missing is official recognition.

  However, judging from where Sylvia lives now is the Duchess’s holiday estate, many people think that Sylvia has been officially recognized, and the establishment of a new knighthood is almost a matter of course.

  The Knight of Light has gathered such prestige among the people in a short period of time, and has obtained the support of so many knights, which naturally aroused the attention of the senior officials of Tao Sent.

In fact, the information about Sylvia had been placed on the desk of the Duchess Anna Henry Yeta long ago, but she was busy with other things and did not read it, and she knew that she only remembered this information now. She came out and looked at it carefully, and after looking at the information, she also asked her lover Dandrian about Sylvia.

Nonetheless, she doesn’t know much about Sylvia. She just knows that Sylvia comes from a country called Fran, a knight, and an equally powerful knight companion. The two came here The purpose is to participate in the Cavaliers Conference, but because of the Count Britta’s affairs did not eventually fail to participate.

In addition, Sylvia and her knight companions are upright knights with knight spirit. These days of living in Bellan Estate did not enjoy any life, but ran outside with Geralt to help those attacked by monsters. Ordinary people,

On the surface, these data seem to be no problem. Sylvia and her cavalier companion are normal, and they are worthy of respect as the rumored Knight of Light, but Anna Henry Yeta always feels that there is a problem in these materials. .

For example, to participate in the Knights Conference, in her view, even if there is the matter of Count Brittany, if Sylvia and her knight partner want to participate, they can still participate. There is no such thing as not being able to participate. . Two other foreign knights came to Taocente to solve the crisis for the people here, which seemed to be a good thing, but there were problems in the eyes of the rulers, especially when they heard that the knight of light would distribute the rewards to the poor At the time, it made the Duchess feel a little uneasy.

When I heard that a large number of knights had gathered around the knight of light, these knights usually lived in the town outside the Bellan Manor. When the knight of light came out, he would follow him and fight against monsters and robbers, even the knight of light. The attitude towards them is very cold, without any reward, they still follow the tirelessly, this news makes the Duchess feel a crisis.

So she will let Flynn Gilavige go to the manor to test what Sylvia wants to do. If she just wants to get the official recognition of a knighthood like other wandering knights, she doesn’t mind letting herself There is one more wandering knight in the country, but if there are other ideas, she will be exiled from the country before Sylvia gains more prestige.

Flynn Gilavige met Sylvia very smoothly, but at the moment she saw Sylvia, she suddenly had a sense of inexplicability, feeling that the other party's eyes were a little wrong, as if she were her The goal is similar.

After the initial introduction, Flynn Gilavige didn't immediately have a deeper conversation with Sylvia, but met each of the female squads of Geralt one by one, and quickly relied on superb words. She was integrated into the crowd, and then she heard about the ruins of the Elven Kingdom by Regil, knowing that Leo, who had not met, looked for the ruins of the Elven Kingdom, so she thought this might be Sylvia and Leo came to Tausent's purpose.

  Flynn Gila suddenly said, "I know that a ruin of the elven kingdom is still intact, but it is very dangerous there. Many people entered the treasures of the elven kingdom and never came out again."

   "Where?" Sylvia asked with interest.

  Not waiting for Flinjela to speak, Regill said in a deep voice: "Isn't the ruin of the kingdom of elves what you said is Buckland's?

   "Yes, that's right there." Flynn Gilah nodded.

Buckland is a city built on the ruins of the Elven Kingdom. In that city, especially the Buckland Palace, has well-preserved Elven Kingdom buildings, but for ordinary people, they do not know that the ruins of the Elven Kingdom are not just The part on the ground is actually much larger than the part on the ground.

  The first generations of Duke of Buckland were trying to explore the ruins of the elven kingdom below Buckland. After all, no one knows whether the elven kingdom that has entered the end of the road will bury any terrible backers in its own ruins.

But as the generations passed, the so-called backhand they worried about did not appear, coupled with the lack of gains in the exploration of the ruins, but many people were damaged, which also made them put down their idea of ​​continuing to explore the ruins. The generation of Anna Henry Yeta has completely forgotten the ruins of Buckland underground. Only those who are interested in the ancient elven kingdom, such as Flynn Gilavige, will also collect relevant information.

   "That's not a good place!" Regill shook his head and said with a deep voice.

"It's really not a good place. It's very dangerous. As far as I know, several powerful warlocks have also been trapped there, so I don't suggest that you and your partner go there." Fu Lingila nodded and agreed with Regill's words, but then added a sentence, saying: "However, the ruins of the elves that have not been explored by Taosent are very few, and it may take several years. To find a ruin that has not been explored."

Sylvia shook her head and said: "No need to find anything else, just the ruins of the elves below Buckland! Leo likes this kind of exploration that is dangerous and difficult enough." Then, she turned to Flynn Gila Dao: "Ms. Wei Ge, please sort out the information you collected about the ruins. When Leo returns, you can give it to him directly."

   Flynn Gila froze for a moment, and asked, "Why? Lord Sylvia, don't you go to explore the ruins of the elven kingdom?"

Sylvia shook her head and said, "No, Leo has other things to find the ruins of elves. I'm not very interested in the ruins of elves." Then, she looked at Flinjela deeply and said, : "Leo is also very interested in illusion, I think Ms. Wei Ge should be able to share a common language with him."

Sylvia’s words and eyes made Flynn Gila feel a little puzzled, and she became more and more unable to see what the purpose of Sylvia and Leo was, but she noticed a small detail, that is When Sylvia mentioned that Leo was interested in illusion, Regill gave her a meaningful look, which made her realize that Regill might know something.

In the evening, Leo returned to the manor. Sylvia first saw Leo and explained the situation. In fact, Sylvia did not need to explain the situation. Leo already knew when he entered the manor. Flynn Gilavige is in the manor, not because his mental network perceives the other party, but because of the slight fluctuations in the tattoo on his back and the power of the nightmare.

If it was before, this slight fluctuation may be difficult for Leo to feel, but now as Leo continues to develop the body’s potential, the ability to perceive is also rapidly improving, and any abnormal fluctuations in the body, no matter how subtle, The same can be felt.

It is precisely for this reason that Leo can be sure that the power of Flynn Gilavige should be related to the broken pages of the night **** sigh, but the other party has not been in contact with the broken pages for a long time, and is not eroded by the knowledge of the ancient gods in the broken pages. Otherwise, Leo now needs to face a lunatic or madman whose brains are filled with ancient **** knowledge.

   "It seems that Flynn Gilavige is the person we are looking for." After Sylvia finished, Leo said with great certainty.

  Sylvia was stunned for a while, then Shen Sheng asked: "You have sensed the broken pages of the night **** sigh?"

   "No." Leo shook his head and said, "But I felt some energy fluctuations in Franz Gilavige's night **** sighing pages. In the past, she should have briefly touched the night **** sighing pages."

   "It looks like we are going home." Sylvia said rather reluctantly.

Sylvia can now be said to be extremely satisfied with Tao Center, where she not only fulfilled her knightly dream, but also established a great reputation in a short period of time, and has a group of followers who gathered herself She has even considered building a knighthood, and now she wants to She inevitably has some regrets.

"It's too early to say these." Leo shook his head and said, "I just said that Flynn Gilavige had been in contact with the pages of the night **** sigh, but it does not mean that she knew the pages of the night **** sigh. Where, maybe she didn’t know what she was in contact with when she was in contact with the residual pages. It’s too difficult to get the information about the residual pages from her memory. Let’s go, let’s go to see the Duke Advisor.”

   said, he walked towards the manor's living room, and Sylvia followed with a smile.

The two arrived in the manor's living room one after the other, while Geralt was chatting with Flynn Gilavige, Regill was reading through the books, Dandrian went on a date, and the others were on the manor's training ground. Inside, train your skills and abilities.

   "Hello! Ms. Vige, I'm Leodord." Leo walked directly to Flynn Gilavige and introduced herself actively.

After seeing Leodord, Flynn Gilavige didn't know why she suddenly had an inexplicable sense of intimacy. This feeling came from her heart and her soul, as if Leo was her long-lost friend and sibling. of.

   "Charm!" When this kind of intimate feelings began and began to affect the state of mind, Frenjira immediately became alert and suppressed the strong sense of closeness, watching Leo with vigilance.

It’s just that Leo didn’t pay attention to each other’s attitude and sat in the chair opposite Flynnila, very directly asked: "Ms. Vige, I want to ask, your warlock ability comes from your uncle Ya Torres Vige?

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