The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 754: Women's squad in the past timeline

When Leo and Sylvia arrived at the manor, they did not go to the main manor on the hillside where the disappearance occurred. Instead, they came to the house where the workers lived, and asked for more detailed information first.

After all, most of their understanding of the disappearance of the manor came from Capello, and most of the things Capello heard about have been spread for several rounds. I am afraid that it has already been far away from the facts, so it is directly from the mouth of the parties. It is necessary to obtain information.

However, when they arrived at the workers’ house, they found that there was no one there. From the dust inside and outside the house, the workers here had apparently been away for several days. It seems that the situation here is more than Capello. The description is much worse.

"Someone came before us." After Leo and Sylvia inspected the house, Sylvia said first.

"A total of six people, and have not left." Leo knows the situation better than Sylvia. When he checked the house, his mental net had already understood the surrounding conditions. The inspection of the house just just wanted to see The other party’s reaction was nothing, so after giving a hint to Sylvia, he turned to the woods not far away and said, "We are the knights who received the mission on the bulletin board. We came here to investigate the manor. The missing case is not malicious."

As Leo's words fell, after a while, he saw six men and women lead six horses out of the woods.

Seeing these six people, Leo was a little puzzled, because through the spiritual network, he knew that a few people just discussed whether they should go out of the woods, which also made him understand that these six people should also be the people who received the task, but only in After seeing the six people, he found that they were a little different from the adventure team he understood.

An old man who looks like a scholar, although pretending to be very good, the blood on his body is enough to show that he not only has knowledge, but more importantly, Leo feels the energy fluctuations belonging to the blood family of Moonlight City from him. Deliberately determined that the other party should also be a blood race. From the perspective of energy fluctuations, his strength is slightly worse than that of Dawson Queven.

The other minstrel, with a lot of bells and whistles, holds a lute in his hand. No matter how he sees the other person’s physical condition is not much better than that of ordinary people, I am afraid that if something happens, it will be a burden.

Next to the minstrel was a man with a distinct military scent. He wore a heavily worn armor. From the badge of the armor that was deliberately worn off, he should be a soldier of the Nilfgarde Empire.

On the other side is a woman wearing a green short shirt and carrying a bow and arrow. The posture that leaked from the muscles and standing of her arm is not difficult to see. She should be an excellent archer, if not her pair of elves. Ears, Leo might think she is an elf in this world.

Next to this woman, there was a young and short woman. At first glance, Leo almost thought she was Javier, because her appearance was very similar to Javier, but he soon realized This is not Ji Weier, because she is much younger than Ji Weier, and her hair color is not silver-white, and there is no scar on her face, and her physical condition is even more incomparable than that of Ji Weier.

However, what really caught Leo’s attention among these six people was the white-haired warrior surrounded by other people. I saw this person with white hair and pale face. The pupils of his eyes were like snake eyes, and there was a scar on the corner of his eyes. , Wearing special soft armor, there are many small devices on the soft armor, storing things such as medicine bottles, and behind him are carrying two swords and a wolf head ornament hanging around his neck.

Seeing this person, Leo quickly came up with a person mentioned by Javier, so when the person came and didn’t stand still, he asked the person: "Your Excellency is the demon hunter. Lot?"

The man froze for a moment, nodded, and said in a slightly husky voice, "Yes, I am Geralt, who is your Excellency? Have we met before?"

"We never met, I mentioned you from a friend's mouth." Leo took off his helmet, smiled, and said, "My friend's name is Javier."

"Givielle?" Geralt didn't respond for a while, but soon realized who Leo was talking about, quickly stepped forward and asked anxiously: "You mean Shiri, right? You? Say it's Shiri?"

"Yes, she usually asked me to call her Shirley." Leo nodded and responded a little strangely to Geralt. When he thought about the situation when Javier appeared, he comforted Geralt: " You don’t have to worry, Sheely should be safe by now, although she is being hunted down by wild hunting..."

"Wait, what do you say? Shirley was hunted down by wild hunting?" Geralt immediately interrupted when he heard Leo's words, and asked in disbelief: "Is the hunt that you said the wild hunting is in folklore?" Wild hunt?"

"Wow! Wild hunting, aunt, did you hear? It's wild hunting!" The woman behind him who was very similar to Javier pulled the clothes of the female archer beside him, and said excitedly.

The female archer next to him looked upsetly at the girl and said, "Tell you! Angulaan, I am not aunt, I am called Miss Milwah."

"Don't you know?" Leo looked at Geralt in surprise and didn't seem to be lying, and he remembered Javier telling Geralt and she were separated in a wild hunt, In other words, Geralt should know about wild hunting.

At this moment, he suddenly had a guess in his mind, saying: "Your Excellency Geralt, do you still remember Livia?"

"Livia?" Geralt froze for a moment. He felt even more confused about Leo's words. He could remember many things that happened in Livia, but he didn't know what the other person was saying. which one.

And when Geralt showed an incomprehensible look on his face, Leo already had an answer in his heart, and said: "If you can’t remember, you don’t have to remember, that’s not a very important thing. I introduce myself. Now, my name is Leo Dodd, a knight from Fran, this is..."

"I'm Leo's wife, Sylvia Belmont, and a knight." Sylvia also took off her helmet, revealing her beautiful face.

The bloodline of Geralt and the old scholar was normal, while others were shocked by Sylvia’s looks and costumes. They never thought that such a mighty armor was so beautiful. Women.

Among these people, the bearded man wearing a bells and whistles couldn't help but played the lute a few times in his hand, preparing to sing a song towards him, but was immediately caught by the Nilfgarde warrior beside him It’s clear that this is not the time for this moustache.

Geralt also introduced to him and the people around him: "I am Geralt of Livia, this is my friend Regil, Dandrian, Cassirer, Milwa..."

"And me, and me! Angouran!" said the girl who resembled Javier eagerly jumped up.

"Yes, and Angula!" Geralt smiled and said.

"Nice to meet you." Leo nodded toward the crowd.

In this way, Leo already knows one thing, that is, the time he is in now and the time when he met Javier are not the same timeline, he is now at the previous time, which is mentioned by Javier The Holocaust of Livia has not happened before.

Moreover, he also knows who these people are in front of him, because Javier mentioned these people, they should be the temporary squad that Geralt had previously formed in order to find Javier, but they seemed to be in addition to Geralt and Other than Dandrin, everyone else died when she rescued Javier later. Javier was very sad and sad when she mentioned them, especially the one who died in her arms, and she looked very close to her Angran.

After introducing himself, Geralt didn't seem to prepare to digress. He asked Leo: "Your Excellency Leo, you mentioned that you have seen Shiri, please..."

Leo interrupted Geralt and said, "Sorry, I did see Javier, but not now, nor in the past, but in the future! So you now ask me where Javier is, I It’s not very clear, but I know you will reunite in a short time."

Geralt was completely at a loss as to what Leo said, not knowing what he was talking about.

Others feel the same way. Angullan directly said: "Uncle Knight, you speak like those divination monks who cheat money, and they are completely incomprehensible."

However, the blood race called Regil among them seemed to understand Leo's words, and there was a thoughtful look on his face. When Geralt was going to continue to question, he pulled Rajlot's clothes and replaced them. Geralt said: "I think I already know what you mean, Your Excellency Leo, and hope that what you said will come as soon as possible."

After that, he turned to Geralt and whispered, "I will explain to you later."

Hearing Regill's words, although Geralt was still anxious about the whereabouts of Javier, she still endured and did not continue to ask Leo.

Leo Zhao said to everyone: "It seems that you should have taken the task of Earl Britt and came here to investigate the disappearance. I think we can cooperate."

"How do you cooperate?" Geralt temporarily let go of Shiri's affairs and asked Leo with interest.

Leo thought for a while and suggested: "We each have our own methods of investigation, but mixing together is not conducive to the investigation of the matter. It is better to do our own investigation. Come back here at noon and tell the clues of the respective investigation, see See if each other’s clues can complement each other, so you can find the cause of the missing case faster."

Geralt was silent for a while, looked at his companions, and when they saw them all nodded slightly, they said, "Yes, just do it!"

"Wait," Dandrian said suddenly. "What if the investigation yields results, Earl Britt's mission bounty?"

Leo thought for a while and said: "We don't need mission bounty, we can give you all. We only need Earl Britt to guarantee our knighthood. After all, our country has no reputation here, and knighthood cannot be. Obtained proof, we need someone to guarantee us, in order to have the status of a knight, and to be able to participate in the knight meeting.

Dandrion looked at the two in surprise and said, "What are you not a knight like this? I think those knights are really nothing compared to you."

Angulan on the side nodded vigorously, agreeing.

Sylvia said for the first time: "If you judge whether a person is a knight based on appearance and clothing, then this knighthood is too low, do you think?"

"Really." The opposite Nifergarde warrior Cassir nodded deeply.

"In this case, let's look for clues separately!" Geralt now seemed to know what Leo had just said from Regill's mouth, so he didn't say anything more, so he decided.

As a result, the two groups were separated in the worker’s living area. Geralt walked along the road of the plantation to the upper manor, while Leo and Sylvia remained in the living area to find out if they existed. Other clues.

Although they searched the wooden houses where these workers lived just now, the search on that side was very random, and many subtle places were not checked, plus Leo’s attention was attracted by Geralt and others at that time, so that time The search did not play its role, and this time Leo searched more carefully.

In the process of searching Leo soon found a useful clue, there is a secret dark box under the floor of a room, some money and a diary are collected in this dark box .

Judging from the fact that there is still money in the dark cell that has not been taken away, the owner of this room should also belong to one of the missing persons, and the diary he left can provide some clues.

Leo took the money to Sylvia after taking it out. Although there was a taste of not self-collection, I wanted to come to the missing people. I am afraid that they have already been killed, so the money has become unowned. There is no moral or legal problem.

After opening the diary, Leo quickly flipped it around, and read the diary normally.

Most of the content in the diary is as expected by Leo. It is a daily trivial matter. For example, who offends the owner of the diary, he will squeeze it down and will have to retaliate in the future. For example, if you dream of marrying a lady, go to the sky and so on. Boring text, but at the end of the diary, the owner of the diary faithfully recorded everything he saw and heard at the time, and his fears were revealed between the lines, thinking that he might also be the next victim, and as expected, he really became The next missing person has to say that his prediction ability is very strong.

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