The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 748: Morning luck

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"Did you find something good?" Leo asked, looking at Sylvia who was coming.

"A box of gems." Sylvia handed the box to Leo and said, "Although it is a little smaller, it should be able to exchange a lot of money."

Leo took the box and looked at the gems inside. As Sylvia said, these gems are a bit small and should be the scrap of other gems. Although this is not worth the whole gem, some jewelry processors will need it. Of broken gemstones are used to embellish jewelry.

"It seems that you have gained the most from this trip. I only got a few books." Leo handed the books just to Sylvia, then turned around and looked around, saying, "The reason why this is The emphasis on protection should be for those medicinal materials and books, but unfortunately these two most precious things are damaged due to poor protection, and ultimately leave the most worthless things."

"It's already very good to have gains," Sylvia flipped through the books at random and handed them back to Leo, saying: "Maybe these books are very precious or not necessarily, and their production materials have also been specially The anti-corrosion treatment, the few books so carefully treated by the owner here, should not be ordinary books, maybe the mystery about the extraordinary power of the elven kingdom is hidden inside."

Leo smiled and took over the few books, refusing to comment on Sylvia.

The two searched around the basement again, and found nothing else before turning around and leaving.

After returning to the ground, Leo closed the entrance again. Although the water in the pool was exhausted and the entrance slate was a bit striking, the pool was completely dry in a few days, plus some dust, it can be seen that there is an entrance person There should not be many.

The two returned to the ruin camp, and some asked with ridicule whether they had found the treasures of the elven kingdom.

Regarding these ridicules, Leo and Sylvia were very calm and said nothing. They took the two baked rabbits from the caravan chef and sat on the previously laid blanket and enjoyed it.

Seeing Leo and Sylvia did not refute, everyone was also bored, no one said anything to the two, and talked about their own affairs.

After dinner, there were bards in the caravan. He took the opportunity to sing a few widely circulated poems, such as the prediction of Hoarfrost, such as the demise of Sintra, the story of the demon hunter and so on.

Because the bard seems to have only these few songs, the caravan people have long been tired of listening, so nobody cares about him.

However, Leo was somewhat interested in this bard, and when the other party packed his piano, he greeted him and asked him to come over.

Seeing that Leo, a foreigner, greeted himself in the past, the bard felt that his opportunity to make money came, and he quickly gathered up and asked in a pleased way: "Do you want to listen to songs?"

"No." Leo shook his head and asked when the other party showed a disappointed look: "Listening to your accent doesn't seem to be a Taucent?"

"I'm the northern Bovis, the northernmost kingdom." The minstrel calmed down when he saw that Leo had no intention of listening to the song, and replied very briefly.

Leo asked again: "From the northern country to the south of Taosent, it seems that you should have experienced many countries, have you seen many things?"

The bard seemed to realize what Leo wanted to do, and his tone became more enthusiastic. He asked, "Does this gentleman want to listen to the story? To know that I have been to more than a dozen countries, what Swiss Dania, I’ve been to Leiria and Livia. If it’s not a matter of funding, I may have written my collection of stories of the Northern Peoples at the University of Oceant."

"Since you have been to so many places in the northern countries, tell me something about the northern kingdom!" Leo said, took out a golden shield, handed it over, and said: "This is regarded as yours remuneration."

The minstrel hurried to take the gold shield. Although this currency is not Taocent’s currency, the gold is real. This gold coin has been his reward for the past month, and his heart is naturally overjoyed.

However, he is still very professional and ethical. After the surprise, he quickly suppressed the joy in his heart and calmed his emotions as much as possible. Then he asked what Leo had to listen to first, and then started from his hometown. Bovis in the north began to talk.

Leo and Sylvia listened very carefully. Every time the bard finished a country, they would ask some questions. These questions are all common-sense questions, and there are no state secrets involved, and the bards are naturally not. Stingy answer.

The bard spoke for a few hours in a row because of what he said. Leo also bought two small barrels of wine halfway through and throated the bard before the other party could continue.

After the other party said a few things about the Nilfgarde Empire, the time had passed into the middle of the night, most people had fallen asleep, and the minstrel had become too tired, feeling in his heart that he was just collecting Leo. A gold coin is somewhat uneconomical.

However, after Leo took out another gold coin to thank him for his account, the minstrel was in a much better mood and secretly decided to write a poem to these two generous foreigners.

Leo didn’t know the bard’s plan, even if he knew it, he just smiled and wouldn’t take it seriously. He is now memorizing the country, system, humanities, customs, etc. about the world that the bard just said. The content, which focuses on memory is the matter of demon hunters and warlocks.

Originally Leo just wanted to hear the customs of this world from this bard, but I did not expect that this bard still gave him a surprise surprise, that is, this bard once used to be with a man named White Wolf The devil hunters have stayed in the same caravan and some things have happened.

From this bard population, Leo knew something about the demon hunter, such as the appearance of the demon hunter, such as the demon hunter's swordsmanship, etc., but the most important thing is the attitude of people in this world to the demon hunter .

Leo originally thought that the attitudes of people in this world to elves and other non-humans are already bad enough, but what they did not expect was that these people's aversion to demon hunters should be more than enough. In their mouths, the demon hunters are a group Freaks, all the ugly things in the world are concentrated on the demon hunter, as if looking at the demon hunter more often, and talking to the demon hunter, they will be poisoned.

It's just that, from the bard's talk about the things the devil hunters do, it feels like these demon hunters are all warm-hearted and good people. They only charge very meager rewards to deal with some dangerous monsters, sometimes even not. Money, but also money to those victims who were attacked by monsters, could not be connected with the freaks in these populations.

Although I don’t understand why the people here hate the demon hunter so much, Leo knows that he wants to pretend to be a demon hunter without any trouble. Although he who can master the demon hunter’s seal can perfectly pretend to be a demon hunter, but in view of the demon hunter Man's situation in this world makes him only give up this best disguised identity.

In the second half of the night, it was very calm. The experienced wandering knights arranged the attendants to take charge of the vigil. The caravan also arranged some people to assist. Although the woods in the middle of the distance were somewhat abnormal, they were very cautious and did not go up to check the situation. The bonfire burned more vigorously, and the abnormal situation soon passed.

In the early morning, when the sun was shining on his face, Leo was already awake. He gently removed Sylvia’s head from his arm, climbed from the blanket, and found a container. Get the fresh water in the stream outside the ruins.

At this time, the wandering knights also got up early, groomed by the stream, and conducted some routine training.

When Leo filled the container with water and was ready to return to the ruins, the newcomer among the wandering knights could not help shouting at Leo: "Mr Leo, you said you are a knight of the flange, and I also want to see the law Lan Lan’s swordsmanship, I don’t know if there is any honor to compare with you?

Leo stopped and looked at him and said, "Forget it! Not suitable!"

"Why? Are you afraid of losing?" The newcomer irritated Leo. At this time, the wandering knights all around gazed at him, as if looking at the bustling. This also made the newcomer feel that he rarely got an attention. I did the right thing myself, and the look on my face was even more interesting.

Leo was silent for a while, looked at the wandering knights with a smile on his face, and said, "I just think it's too boring to compare with you. If you want to compare, you guys! Let me deal with you alone. Everyone."

Leo's words naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of all the wandering knights. They pulled out their weapons one by one and shouted to give him a good look.

The cries of the knight also reached the ruins above. The caravan people ran out to see what was going on, and found that the wandering knights were pulling out knight swords, pointing at the foreigner. It seemed that something was going wrong, last night. The bard who had received many benefits immediately ran and called Sylvia, and Sylvia was disapproving and slowly walked out of the ruins, standing at a high place where he could see the whole territory below, There was no idea of ​​persuasion.

Below, Leo ignored these clamoring wandering knights and turned to the old knight Capello, who always looked awkward, and asked, "I don't have the right weapon on hand now, can you lend me the sword? ?"

The old knight Capello was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "I have two swords, which one do you want to use?"

"Both are needed. I used two swords." Leo walked over, picked up two knight swords from the old knight, and then walked back to the wandering knights, without taking the long sword from the scabbard. Take it out and say to several people: "Go! Don't waste everyone's time."

Seeing Leo do this, several wandering knights were furious. They no longer thought about what they had to draw out their long swords. They were ready to teach this foreigner in front of them. They forgot who provoked.

However, even if he was very angry, these wandering knights still did not choose to siege, but let the first provoking newcomer take the first shot to test the opponent's details.

The newcomer didn't even think about it. He pulled out his long sword and rushed towards Leo. There was a lot of momentum to get Leo dry on his own.

However, although the sword of this wandering knight is fierce, it is not fast. Leo escaped easily, and then Leo just inserted the long sword in his hand, and the other party couldn't hold it. Impulsively, the foot was tripped and fell heavily on the ground.

"I said, let's go together! We will act as morning luck and move our bodies." Leo did not look at the wandering knight who fell behind him, and lifted his long sword towards several other wandering knights. , Said.

The other wandering knights are not the kind of fledgling newcomers. They have experienced a lot of battles. Their vision is not comparable to the newcomers. They can see that Leo’s swordsmanship is extremely strong, just like Leo said. Unable to cause any trouble to the other party, they glanced at each other, then pulled out their long swords to spread out, and walked towards Leo, surrounding him in the middle.

The people standing on the ruins were all attracted by the fight below. They all held their breath and looked forward to the next fight. As for whether someone would get hurt in the fight, it was not their concern.

Only Sylvia watched this farce rather boringly, and also wondered why Leo did it.

At this time, several wandering knights had formed a circle of encirclement. The novice knights who had tripped before also climbed up from the ground, surrounded Leo together, and took the first shot, vowing to restore the stigma of being tripped, while the other few The wandering knight saw the newcomer They also cooperated with the shot and locked all the retreat of Leo with a long sword.

However, in the face of this siege that had nowhere to hide, Leo looked very relaxed. The long sword in his hand danced quickly, and its tricky angle blocked the long sword that came over, and accurately offset each long sword. When they came to the swords of other long swords, let them beat themselves, and then while they forcibly closed their swords, they slapped the swords of the long swords on the chests of the people and pushed them away easily.

Later, these wandering knights besieged Leo by various means, but each time the other party cracked easily, and they were always able to easily transfer the attacks against him to other people.

At this time, they thought about whether they should find someone to hug each other, so that the other party can't move, and then attack, but this is definitely not a little bit of the glory of the knight. If there is no other person watching, it would be ok to do so. They don’t have to admit it afterwards, but now many people are watching the ruins above. They really do that, so they don’t have to mix in Taocente.

Just when these wandering knights entered and exited the valley, and did not know what to do next, the old knight Capello said aloud: "Enough! End! You few guys have lost, don’t you see? Are you merciful under His Leo? Otherwise you will be dead when you first shot."

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