The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

: 1 day off, resume tomorrow, forgive me

Arriving in the main corridor of the upper bridge, Leo saw a large number of Weiya people walking back and forth in the corridor, busy with their own affairs, just now a Weiya man ran past him with a document , Catching up with the boss in front and letting him sign documents, it seems to be a work scene that will appear on every battleship.


   It's just that these work scenes appear too strange in this crystal spaceship, so after a moment of stun, Leo soon realized that these scenes were all holographic images.


  Only realizing this, he also felt extremely puzzled. Who actually opened this hologram?


It's just that his doubts didn't last too long, because a very realistic Veja stopped in front of him, like a real living creature, and said to Leo "Welcome to you, sir! May I ask What can help you?"


   Leo heard the words and froze for a moment, realizing that the hologram was talking to himself, and doubtfully confirmed, "Are you talking to me?"


   "Of course speaking to you, human guests from the Federation of the Earth." The holographic image composed Veya said very calmly.


  After being confirmed, Leo soon thought of a possibility, so he asked tentatively, "Are you an intelligent system for this spaceship?"


   "No, I am me, and my mother is my mother. If you call it in your earth language, the mother is Mia!" The hologram nodded, then signaled to Leo "Please follow me."


Leo didn’t say much to keep up. The holographic images around him were like real living people. When Leo blocked their way, they would choose to avoid. Some even showed some common arrogance and discrimination. Ou Yi produced the illusion that the Veja people on the spaceship were not dead but were alive in another form.


   Soon, led by this holographic image, came to the intelligent center area which should be the core of the crystal spaceship.


   After opening the door to the intelligent central room, the hologram stood next to the door and said, "Please come in! Mother is waiting for you."


   stood at the door, Leo hesitated for a moment, hesitating whether he should enter, and some information about the bionic intelligence appeared in his mind.


In the universe, intelligent auxiliary systems are available in almost every higher civilization, but fully intelligent systems or bionic intelligent systems do not exist, because the Supreme Council of the Universe imposes the highest level of injunction on bionic intelligence, strictly prohibiting any civilization from developing bionics Intelligent system, any event involving bionic intelligence is set as the primary processing event, the general situation is the coverage of destruction, including the development of intelligent system civilization.


According to the statement released by the Supreme Council, bionic intelligence is a threat to any kind of intelligent creature, and there is no possibility of evolution. It will only waste the energy of the universe and should not exist in the universe, but this statement is not Recognized by all cosmic civilizations, it is clear that no one says anything, but secretly many people speculate that the ban on bionic intelligence by the Supreme Council of the Universe may be due to other reasons.


Because in the view of the vast majority of cosmic civilizations, even if the bionic intelligence has the ability to think independently, but the bionic intelligence has no creativity, they can only rely on the existing technological power to equip themselves, and for the Supreme Council’s powerful interstellar As far as existence is concerned, the existing cosmic technology is not enough to pose a threat to them. If they need it, they can completely carry out a devastating attack on a galaxy beyond millions of light years, or directly create a Black hole.


Therefore, those doubtful cosmic civilizations believe that the Supreme Council will be so hostile to bionic intelligence for other reasons. For example, after the bionic intelligence has independent thoughts, it may undergo some kind of transformation, and it will be qualified to evolve into an omega-level higher living body. , Also qualified to pose a threat to the Supreme Council.


   Leo’s various understandings of bionic intelligence are also due to his own reasons. For a period of time, there have been some rumors circulating in the universe that biochemical people are also bionic intelligence and should be completely destroyed, including the Earth Federation.


This matter is considered to be one of the biggest crises encountered by the Earth Federation. Fortunately, the Supreme Council did not believe this rumor, and even the investigators did not send it, they directly responded, indicating that the bioman is not a bionic intelligence. This crisis To be resolved.


This crisis was also a turning point for biochemical people, because at the time of the original design, the life of biochemical people was very long, and the physical function was five times that of normal people, but after this incident, the Federation forced to modify the modulation of biochemical people. The system directly reduces the lifespan of the biochemical person to five years, and the physical function is only twice that of the normal person. There are only two ways for biochemicals to get extra life. The first is that someone is willing to pay a lot of money to buy life for the biochemicals. The other is to become a frontline cannon fodder like Leo, not only to participate in battles of all sizes and accumulate Fighting power, in exchange for life.


Because of the scourge of bionic intelligence, the lifespan of biochemical human beings has been reduced, and they have to rely on the battle between birth and death in exchange for lifespan. This kind of thing naturally also makes Leo, who is also a biochemical human, uncomfortable, and naturally has nothing to do with bionic intelligence. Goodwill.


And now, just in the room behind the door, there is a bionic intelligence that may already have independent thinking ability, which makes Leo not know what to do for a while, and consider whether to see this bionic intelligence is a Good choice.


  After thinking for a moment, Leo finally raised his leg and entered the spaceship's intelligent center room.


   After entering the room, Leo did not see the central smart device in the conventional sense. This room is just a semi-circular empty room. There are no furnishings and no objects in the room. At least it looks like this.


   However, Leo’s eyes have the mark of the real eye, and can see something that ordinary people cannot see. For example, this one may be a mysterious existence of a soul or other energy bodies.


"You are so special that you can see me." Leo didn't hide his line of sight, and the other party was also aware of it. Then he floated in front of Leo, and the shape of the light group gradually changed into a human form, turning into After looking like a human woman, she leaned in front of Leo and looked up and down, and said.


   "Your Excellency is the intelligent hub of this spaceship?" Leo asked a somewhat stupid question. After asking, he also felt a little nonsense and frowned.


   The other party didn't answer, but rather confused and said to himself, "No! Why are you clearly a human, but I feel like you are my kind?"


Although this sentence sounds endless, Leo can understand the meaning of this sentence, because he is very clear that the other party's sentence seems to be a hard time for the biochemical man who almost destroyed the Earth Federation. In conclusion, some of the existence of the Supreme Council is indeed correct, and biochemical humans are bionic intelligence.


Obviously, the other party feels that Leo looks like the same kind, because Leo’s soul comes from a biochemical person in the Earth Federation. Perhaps in the other party’s eyes, the bio-human combined with the artificial brain made by bionic technology and the soul generated by the biochemical person, and There is no difference in comparison with Him generated from the spaceship's intelligent center.


"Little guy, what's your name?" After curiosity, the other party quickly returned to normal, raised her hand and waved, and the surrounding empty scene became an Eastern style tea room. Then she sat on the floor and motioned to Leo Sit down and inquire while making tea that should be an illusion.


  Although Leo’s name made him feel a little awkward, when he thought of the other party’s age, he felt that the name was not excessive, so after sitting down, he answered faithfully, “Leo, Leo Dodd.”


   "I'm not asking about your name, but your real name." Mia shook her head and said clearly "You are still the name of bionic intelligence."


Mia’s question displeased Leo. After knowing that he has become a real person, he can’t wait to abandon his code for life, which shows that the identity of the bioman in the past is absolutely nothing for him. impression. But the question now seemed to unravel the scar, reminding him of some things that were not so good in the past and wanted to forget.


  After being silent for a moment, Leo finally chose not to resist, but instead reported the string of numbers buried deeply in his heart as "No. 74328."


"You don't seem to like your past identity?" Leo's thoughts were easily seen through by Mia, and she said with a chuckle. "You won't be so disgusted with you until you know what kind of future your past brings to you." It's over."


   "What do you mean?" Leo couldn't feel any power from the other party, but he had an inexplicable feeling that the other party seemed to know some secrets.


However, the other party did not seem to be ready to give Leo the answer directly, but suddenly reached out and pressed Leo’s body. Leo then saw that several window illusions appeared in front of him, and there were some in the window illusion. Data code for fast volume holes.


   Leo did not know what these codes meant, but he instinctively felt that these codes were very important. If there is a second brain, he may be able to unlock these data codes through the analysis of the second brain, but now he can only remember each line of code as much as possible, and study slowly when he has time.


The content of the code is very long, and it took a few hours to complete it. The evolutionary brain of the Leo Level 5 Psionicist can only barely remember these codes, and after the end, he has to automatically fall into a similar sleep. In deep consciousness, slowly recover the brain power and energy consumed during these hours.


Mia did not disturb Leo. In fact, she was also completely attracted by the codes. The secrets hidden in the codes far exceeded her estimates, and even most of them were mysteries that she could not touch now. She can only choose to forget, and delete the codes that make her feel very dangerous from her memory, because she knows that if they do not delete these memories, then she may be difficult to resist the temptation to crack these codes, and may eventually step by step Stepped into the abyss of untold tribulations.


For her, if she cracked these codes, she should be able to leave this ghost place and truly become an independent existence, but if the cost of cracking is a danger that she cannot resist, then the cost of cracking is too great. By the way, she is willing to spend tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years to find her way a little bit, anyway, she has enough time, there is no need to take those risks.


  After deleting the codes containing dangerous mysteries, the remaining codes became scattered, and the total amount was less than 20% of the complete code.


  Although the rest of the code can be cracked and incorporated into her life code, it is also good for her, but compared to the deleted code, this advantage is as insignificant as a drop of water in the pond.


After sighing, Mia suppressed the urge to re-excite the code from Leo. Some envy and jealous looked at Leo, who entered the deep consciousness, thinking of what he had wanted for so many years, this one completely evolved in front of him But the inferior life bodies without too much strength have so many easily, and can not help but lament the injustice of fate.


   Even Mia later had an urge to completely kill the same kind in front of her who had been completely evolved.


   Leo, who entered deep consciousness, did not know that he had just walked on the verge of death. His current energy was completely attracted by those codes. Because it is not a technical biochemical assistant specifically used to assist scientists, Leo’s knowledge of all biotechnology comes from some biological books that are open to the outside world, and he found that there are a lot of symbols related to biotechnology in these codes. He can only recognize from a small number of symbols that many of the codes are related to atoms.


Since atom is a concept that has been around for a long time, it was only a philosophical concept at the beginning. The civilization that created this concept is a higher cosmic civilization named meditator. Especially thinking about the big and empty issues such as the meaning of one's own race, the existence of consciousness in the universe and so on.


Although this habit is very detrimental to social development, it has to be admitted that this kind of thinking behavior can stimulate the spirit in disguise, so the technological level of this advanced civilization is very low, but it has various psionicists. It is one of the best in higher civilizations, and it also has at least five omega-class higher living bodies as protection.


   Such advanced cosmic civilizations put forward a philosophical concept 13,000 years before humans entered the universe. This concept is due to atoms. They believe that the most fundamental form of any life in the universe is due to atoms, which contains all the mysteries of life, and even includes the mysteries of evolution. This is naturally generated when the universe was first formed and is also indestructible.


   For this concept hypothesis, the vast majority of cosmic civilizations at that time sneered, thinking that this was a digestion, and it has no research value as countless joke-like concepts put forward by the meditator civilization in the past.


   But it was not until 1,347 years after the Earth Federation entered the ranks of cosmic civilization that this situation changed, because the Supreme Council of the Universe confirmed the existence of atoms.

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