The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 597: Mother of Montenegro

The airship did not stop over the battlefield, but flew directly over the battlefield, and flew towards the outer suburban coast of Pender Port.

Seeing that the airship actually crossed the line of defense, the Revolutionary Army responsible for the Pander Port fortification immediately panicked. They thought this was the King’s airship, whose purpose was to bomb Pandel Port, just like the French Empire bombed Milia City. The tactics are the same.

So, they immediately dispatched a cavalry squadron and drove back from the mountain path towards the port of Pander. They were extremely instructed to inform the port reserve army to defend and evade before the airship arrived at the port of Pander, so as to avoid premature attacks and loss of the army. serious.

But they didn't know that the airship had no intention of approaching the city of Pandall Port. After flying over the defense line and entering a relatively desolate hill behind, the airship quickly landed from high altitude.

After a certain height from the ground, he lowered the rope ladder. Leo, who had already prepared it, climbed down the rope ladder, and then the airship took the rope ladder, climbed back to the sky, and flew northward. The whole process was very fast, only a few minutes before and after. Because it is geographically remote, it has not been discovered.

Leo had confirmed the direction of Pandall Port on the airship, and immediately moved to Pandall Port after landing, but he did not take the main road and always shuttled through the sparsely populated mountains.

In order to prevent Wang's spies and spies, the Revolutionary Army has set up checkpoints and dark whistle on the main road. Although Leo's ability, it is not difficult to pass these levels and dark whistle, but he is not prepared to do so.

According to his speculation, there must be some measures specifically aimed at the extraordinary in these levels and dark whistle, and even without knowing what measures, even he is in danger of being exposed.

Although traveling through the forest, the road is not completely unobstructed. In fact, in order to avoid people walking through the forest, the Revolutionary Army has placed a lot of traps in the forest, and the hunters in the mountains are recruited as patrols to patrol the forest. .

In just over ten minutes, Leo had already arrived in the mountain forest earlier than the three patrol teams, and in one of the patrol teams, two family members with mutations had been found, and they were two Shenqi family members.

There are many ways to divide the clan, including different divisions based on the gods, different divisions based on the bloodlines of the clan, and also the division based on the degree of variation, and Shenqi clan is also one of the division methods.

As the name implies, the divine clan clan is the clan clan who has received the revelation of the gods, that is to say, the clan clan's blood source is still alive, and it can also reveal miracles and divine power, so this division of clan clan is also called a dead spirit by some blasphemy.

Although the clan with the Divine Enlightenment sounds like finding a backer for yourself, the blood line mutation rate on the body will be much faster than that of the general clan without the gods, but this is not a good thing. They were in contact with the gods at the source of their blood, and they would often hear some unintelligible **** whispers.

Those **** whispers have extremely powerful mysterious powers. The ordinary people will go crazy when they hear them, and the gods will not be too good when they hear them. Every time they hear the **** whispers, they will test their own willpower. Successfully passed, then their willpower can be quickly strengthened, and with repeated tests, they will be strengthened to the point of ignoring this **** whisper, but as long as they fail once, their ending will be the same as ordinary people. Crazy, and even worse, their bloodline power will repulse them and let them completely become the kind of dehumanized monster.

The family members of the two patrols should have just started the blood power, and the mutations on their bodies are not large, and they are not very conspicuous. If Leo did not find that the two people had very weak energy fluctuations, maybe he would People are treated as ordinary people.

However, the current situation of these two people does not seem to be good. Although the bloodline of the clan family that they inspired did not mutate too much, they would still hear the whispers of the gods, and this whisper would kill their will a little.

It's just that, including themselves, and those of the patrols did not know their actual situation, they just thought they were sick, and Leo's view that the willpower of the two should be difficult to support the next It's time for the blood vessels to become more active, and it may even happen in these two days.

In fact, Leo's judgment was a bit wrong, because not long after he passed by the patrol, the willpower of the two god-starting families was completely lost in a whisper of the gods, and they The bloodline power of He also completely lost control, and the two became two crazy monsters one after another, making a fatal attack on the surrounding companions.

These patrol members are just local hunters and farmers temporarily recruited by the Revolutionary Army. Wherever they have seen this monster, they are all terrified, so that in the face of the attacks of two out-of-control family members, they did not have time to make the action and they all died. In the hands of two dependents.

Leo also noticed when the two clan were out of control, but because he was too far away, he could not stop it, and even if it could be stopped, he did not intend to stop it because of his mutation from the two clan. Judging from the situation, these two clan families are probably man-made clan groups, not real **** clan groups.

Before becoming a clan, a real deity clan will receive rigorous training from the church where they belong. Until the side effects of becoming a clan can be resisted, the church will let him become a clan, and this kind of artificial clan is often created by the evil **** church. Because, in order to create a warrior that can be controlled by them, so around these family members must be accompanied by believers waiting for the fruits to be harvested.

Leo, who already has a lot of information, can analyze the variant forms of these two family members, who is the evil **** that caused their mutation, Jurosatom, the mother of Montenegro.

Montenegro is a huge mountain in the folklore of the Kingdom of Marais. It is said that this mountain is taller and bigger than any mountain in the world. Its top is connected to the sky. There is a **** there. The **** of Montenegro lives in the **** In.

Later, I just didn’t know what happened to the God of Montenegro that angered the King of the Hill and was killed by the King of the Hill, while the Black Mountain fell apart. The fragments of Montenegro were scattered in the Kingdom of Marais, which was still a plain, forming the current Kingdom. Nineteen mountains inside.

The legend of the mother of Montenegro is the mother of the God of Montenegro. A very mysterious existence. After the death of Montenegro, he revenge the king of the hill and was injured by the king of the hill. Then he lurked and established an underground church to fight against the king of the hill. The Orthodox Court also divided the mother of Montenegro, Jurasatom, among the evil gods because of the king of the hill.

Just like the body of each clan of the gods after mutation, it has a unique characteristic. For example, the clan of the sky master will grow some feathers, the clan of the sea **** will have more tentacles, and the clan skin of the hill king will change. Very rough and hard, etc.

And the clan of Jurosatom, the mother of Montenegro, also has this unique feature, that is, their clan will have a pair of goat horns. The higher the variation level of the clan, the larger the goat horn, and according to the clan The shape of the horns has become different.

For example, the horns of the family clan with pure body mutation will be straight like two long swords, and the body and spirit will be mutated so that the horn will be slightly complete, and according to different abilities, different symbols will appear on the horn, and the pure spirit The mutated clan horns will be set up, and the scriptures of Jurosatom will appear on the horns. To a certain extent, the pair of horns have become a special device similar to gods and wonders.

The bodies of these two out-of-control family members have expanded several times, and their faces have been completely twisted and deformed, unable to describe their appearance in words, and the pair of goat horns like swords above their heads are extremely eye-catching.

Leo can see that although these two families have been mutated and out of control, their body mutations are complete. They are very similar to the warriors of the mother of Montenegro in the data. It is obvious that their out of control mutations should be Manipulated, the people behind the scene want to make them mutate like this.

Now for the people behind the scenes, it should be time to harvest the fruits.

Leo, who was originally rushing to leave, also stayed with interest, hiding his body in the jungle, quietly waiting for the follow-up development of the matter.

As expected, the middle-aged men dressed as revolutionary officers quickly approached this side while the two out-of-control family members treated their companions who had just been killed as food. A few bells with strange shapes were shaking.

After hearing the bells, the two out-of-control family members quieted down instantly. The whole seemed to be a puppet puppet, and the body shook slightly with the frequency of the bells.

Soon those people came to the two out-of-control families, one of them took out the same things as the two iron rings, put them on the necks of the out-of-control families, and then recited some sutras to the iron rings. Things like text.

There was a faint yellowish light shining on the iron ring immediately, and the monster-like figures of the two out-of-control families gradually faded, and the two out-of-control families became human-like, but even if their shapes were reduced, they looked Still very tall, but at least within the range accepted by ordinary people.

Although these two out-of-control family members reverted to human form, their spirits and souls, which had been torn apart by the whispers of the gods, were obviously unable to recover, and it is the iron ring on their neck that now controls them.

After harvesting the fruits they made, the three evil gods didn't control the dead corpses on the ground anymore. There were beasts in the forest that would help them wipe out the corpses. The missing of this patrol team could just be put on the king's secret army. .

Afterwards, these Cultists who were officers of the Revolutionary Army led the two out-of-control family members under their control and left the forest. They did not know that they were in the dense forest not far away, and looked at their What you do, every move.

Leo did not come forward to stop them. He watched them leave quietly and turned around to continue his journey.

Leo is not surprised at the members of the Revolutionary Army who have the mother of Montenegro, because the king of the hill is the national church of the Kingdom of Marais. As a firm enemy of the king of the hill, the believer of the mother of Montenegro will naturally join the revolution in secret Army, the only question is whether the leader of the Revolutionary Army knows that the cultists of the mother of Montenegro are in their own army.

Although there is no evidence, Leo feels that the leader of the Revolutionary Army should know this, and may even actively contact the Church of the Mother of Montenegro and ask them to send people to join the Revolutionary Army. The reason may be to resist the king’s extraordinary.

The world is becoming different. Leo felt it when he was in the Inge Kingdom. The most direct feeling is that all kinds of transcendents have begun to increase, and the things in the special game have also increased. Since the Kingdom of Inge is the case, the Kingdom of Maris on another continent is certainly no exception, so the Kingdom of Maris must also have an organization similar to the Special Bureau, with a large number of extraordinary people.

When the strength and combat power of the two sides are similar, the top-level combat power becomes the key to the victory or defeat of the war. If the transcendent of the other party sneaks into the local barracks and kills the commander of the other party before the war begins, then The war situation is likely to reverse.

The revolutionary army from the bottom cannot naturally have as many transcendental effects, so the only way for them to fight against the transcendental Wang is to resort to forces that cannot be put on the table.

"Witch Group?" Leo suddenly thought of the Witch Group holding a party here. He couldn't help thinking whether they would also intervene in this civil war in the Kingdom of Marais.

Although he encountered several patrols on the following, he did not encounter any abnormalities anymore, and soon Leo arrived in the suburbs of Penderel Port.

Port Pandel is not a big port in the Kingdom of Marais, and the construction of the port city is not like the other big port cities with various tall buildings. Most of the buildings here are low-rise brick buildings, the highest The building is the chimney of a smelter outside the city.

Although, not long ago, the fleet of the Kingdom of Marais had attacked the port of Pender, but their fleet did not seem to have any powerful heavy weapons, so the damage to the city was not very large, only a few warehouses near the pier, wooden dock , Destroyed, as for the buildings in the city have not suffered any damage.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the port city does not seem to be particularly tense, and it is completely different from the tense war atmosphere outside. The people of Marisport still work and live as usual, and they are not affected by the war at all. The only thing that can see the shadow of the war is There are many more sentries in the urban area, and a pass issued by the Revolutionary Army is required to enter and exit different blocks.

In addition, the barracks built outside the city are also very eye-catching, but the atmosphere inside the barracks seems to be very tense now, a large number of troops rushed out of the barracks, and some propaganda vehicles drove into the urban area, as if to promote some evacuation methods Such things made the atmosphere of the originally peaceful neighborhood become extremely tense.

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