The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 573: The secret of harvest

As the corpse-receiver's projection disappeared completely, Leo's sight through the vision also disappeared, and he returned to the normal space, and the original hustle and bustle had been restored to the empty ship on the previous moment.

What happened just now was very long in Leo’s feeling, as if it took a whole day, but in fact it was only a second or less, and a sailor who walked behind him even just raised his foot. , Has not dropped his feet.

The people on the ship didn't know that there was a god-like presence projected near them, and they were swallowed up by the world, but the people on the ship didn't know, but it didn't mean that nothing else knew nothing about what happened just now.

The Snow Queen is a very magical ship. Its hidden ability allows it to capture any extraordinary energy fluctuations around it and feed it back to the captain.

The old captain who was resting in the captain's room was awakened by the flashing alarm light in the room, but when he rushed down the console to check the specific situation, the alarm light disappeared, if not because the alarm light inspired the ship His defensive mechanism did not calm down because the alarm was lifted, maybe he would think that what he had just seen was just an illusion.

Although the alarm has been lifted, the old captain did not have any thoughts of relaxation. He carefully checked the condition of the ship and found any abnormalities.

With a trace of doubt, he walked to the desk-like console, and then disguised his body. The whole person began to twist and change. His body was elevated, his limbs were separated into six limbs, tentacles grew on his head, and his glasses split into a dozen. The mouth also split into a dozen petals, and the whole person looked like a weird humanoid insect.

After completing the mutation, he inserted his twelve upper limbs into the circular holes on the edge of the console, and in turn pressed the twelve buttons hidden in it in accordance with the opening method.

Immediately after completing the opening method, the console split open and a finger-sized crystal pillar protruded from underneath.

The tentacles on the forehead of the old captain stretched out flexibly, rolling up the crystal stone column, and then skillfully stuffed it into a groove around the size of the stone column.

At the moment when the stone pillar was inserted, a ray of light emerged from the stone pillar, projected on the top of the captain's chamber, and a projection filled with secret words was made.

The old captain's eyes all looked at the whispers that were constantly flashing in the projection. At first, he seemed very casual, but his body shuddered involuntarily, because he found the cause of the alarm just now, and this reason made him feel incredible. , Makes him panic even more.

After finding the desired information, the old captain used his tentacles to remove the crystal stone column, and then put it back to the previous position to restore the console to its original state. After that, he also changed his body back to the appearance of human disguise.

The old captain walked to his desk, picked up a very old typewriter from the one under the table, and put it on the table, ready to type something.

But when he put his hand on the typewriter, he hesitated again, because he felt that if he really passed the contents of the record and analysis to the queen through this special typewriter, he would not only be unable to get any awards, On the contrary, it will be scolded by the Queen because it is so absurd. Even if he saw the record of the ship himself, he still could not believe it.

"Is there a **** falling nearby just now, is this possible?" The old captain sat at the table and hesitated for a long time, unable to help himself to himself.

It is no wonder that the old captain will doubt the record of the ship, because the cipher language just seen is converted to mean that a **** fell just around the ship just now.

Not to mention whether there are really gods falling around the ship, even if only the gods appear near the ship, then it is impossible to be as calm as now, and it will definitely be accompanied by various movements, such as the sky is covered by dark clouds, The sea is rolling and surging so obviously that it makes people feel the strength of their body.

But just now he didn't find any anomalies at all, not even a big wave. In this case, the news was passed to the queen, and he felt that the consequences of doing so would probably be abused by the queen, or even directly transfer him back to the kingdom.

Thinking of this, the old captain still thinks that one more thing is worse than one less. It is better not to bother the queen over such unexplainable things.

So he put the printer that he just took out and put it back in the safe under the table to lock it up and continue the things that were just interrupted and not completed.

At the same time, Leo had returned to his goose cabin, closed the door, and lay on the bed. The whole body and mind sank into the secret knowledge that had just been obtained from the sign of the corpse collector.

The knowledge is very complicated, and there are a lot of light and shadow memories of unknown meaning, and these light and shadow memories are very dangerous. When Leo tries to see what these light and shadow memories are, the brain's thinking will be inexplicably confused, if not his will. The force is strong enough, maybe he is crazy now.

Therefore, after sinking his brain thinking into memory, he will immediately carefully separate these light and shadow memories that make him feel and their dangerous, and seal them separately.

The whole process was very slow. In the next few days, Leo will clear the memory in the cabin except for appearing on the deck when eating.

Old Belem came to him in turn, also for the treasure hunters who were planted seeds, because he could obviously feel that the other party seemed strange from some of the behaviors of those people, so he thought of Leo The ability to borrow Leo's ability to check the real situation of these people.

But Leo refused the request of Old Belem, because he was concentrating on controlling the light and shadow memories, and there was no way to use the spiritual network distracted.

In this way, it took him five days to completely strip away the light and shadow memories that made him feel extremely dangerous, separate a part of the brain, and establish a memory lock to temporarily seal these light and shadow memories, and then explore it later when he has the ability. .

Although the light and shadow memories were cleared, it was not too late. The remaining memory fragments became more fragmented due to the stripping of the light and shadow memories. Just like the gravel in the sand pile, they needed enough patience and strong analytical skills. Only then can this gravel-shaped memory fragment be restored into a memory segment that can be understood by him.

It took about two days for Leo to repair the first memory segment, and the moment he repaired it again, he felt that the memory was not in danger and could not wait to absorb it into his memory.

Although the repaired memory is only a small part, but the content is extremely huge, when Leo absorbs, he must always be opposed to the guest by this memory, affecting his thinking, so the time it takes to absorb this memory There is no need to repair this memory.

It was not until the Queen of Ice and Snow finished her nearly ten days of air travel and sailed into the sea east of the Pearl Island Chain to the largest transit port in the sea, that Leo did not fully absorb this memory.

In this memory, although there is no information about the origin of the corpse collector, he knows some things that are important to him, that is, Yam Island, Lake Town, and other places where the corpse collectors can enter are only Subspace is also a part of the entire world, just like Leo’s current Velon world.

In this memory, the corpse taker has been to a large number of worlds through the connection of various waters and the attraction of the priesthood beliefs. Some worlds have the same special power as Velen to treat him outside, but there are more worlds. Like the island of Yam and the town on the lake, He can enter that world, but he cannot escape from the waters, because water is his source of life for him, and once he escapes, his life will disappear, just like a person cannot leave the air .

In the world that he can enter, most of them, like the town on the lake, have established a belief system similar to the priesthood of the corpse collector. Through these belief systems, the corpse recipient can travel through these worlds at will, and will not be affected by these worlds. Repulsed by the power.

There are also some that he accidentally discovered the world in the sea. These worlds are not like the Velon world, which has almost absolute repulsive effect on him.

Although those worlds repelled him, they were more or less within the range that he could bear, and in these worlds, Leo saw that many worlds had shadows of all territories, because he saw In those worlds, there are special species such as the Ash Butterfly that will only appear at the end of everything.

He didn't like these worlds because he could feel the longer he stayed in that world, the more chaotic his thoughts would be, the less he would leave, and he would eventually be assimilated by that world.

This is not his guess, but he did see that there are spirits who have been assimilated by that world, and it is not yet a batch.

Because this memory of the assimilation of the gods of all the end places is very complete, Leo read the memory as if he were on the ground, feeling that the gods in the memory walked aimlessly like the walking dead, Feel the kind of almost desperate breath, and the more interesting point is that these gods are all demigods like the corpse taker, and are not true omega-level higher life forms.

Although this part of the memory reveals a lot of secrets about the world, it also generates more doubts, because if the world is actually calculated according to the size of the world in the memory of the corpse recipient, then the area of ​​the world is extremely large, It is definitely much larger than the largest habitable planet Leo has ever seen in the universe.

Although there are a lot of larger planets in the universe, the problem is that these planets are huge, dense, and gravity is terrible. They can even attract light like black holes, which is not suitable for them. Any living creature.

And more importantly, the main composition of this world turned out to be water, which is simply a violation of the physical laws of the normal universe, so the doubts in Leo’s heart have not been reduced by the absorption of this knowledge, but have become more.

In addition, in this knowledge, Leo regretted that he did not have the ability and method for the corpse recipient to travel through the ocean and other waters. The only gratification is that he knew that this ability came from the ability of the corpse recipient. If he could Mastering the power in the imprint of the corpse collector may also be able to have the ability to travel through the world, of course, the premise is that it will not be discovered and captured by the corpse collector in the process of walking.

In addition to some secret knowledge about the composition of this world, Leo also gained a little secret about the power of the corpse collector from this memory, or the power secret of the corpse collector.

In a way, the spiritual powers of the corpse taker and the death **** Gain are almost the same. They are both the embodiment of the power of death, but the difference is that the death **** Gain is only interested in the souls of intelligent creatures, while the corpse taker is like It is a corpse recycling bin, not just human corpses, even animal corpses, insect corpses, even the corpses of gods are within his collection.

Just like the soul is the source of power for the death of Gain, these corpses are also the source of power for the corpse collector. He can continue to collect corpses to enhance his power. The higher the life level of the collected corpses, the more power he gains Large, even produce qualitative changes.

For example, the reason why the corpse collector can produce a trace of wisdom is because he accidentally collected a corpse of a god.

The sign of the corpse collector also has the function of collecting the transforming power of the corpse, Leo can also control this power, but after carefully studying this power, he is still hesitant about whether to use this power and how to use this power.

The reason for this is because he discovered that the method of improving the strength of the corpse collector has great Eventually, the corpse collector may even fall.

Any force that can be quickly promoted will inevitably have some unavoidable drawbacks, such as the death of Gain by guiding the soul back to the world to obtain the power in the soul, but he will also be affected by some more mysterious obsessions in the soul It’s just that he has a very good family, which can help him share these obsessions, so that he can minimize the impact of abuse.

Similarly, the corpse taker collects the corpse, and at the same time gains strength from it, it will also be affected by some unavoidable obsessions in the corpse, but he is not like the death of Gain, and a family member who has an incomparable fit like a net weaver shares these disadvantages for him. In the end, these malpractices all fell on him, which is the main reason why he is a demigod that is extremely close to the higher-level living body of Omega level, but only possesses some animal instinct wisdom.

In addition, there are many types of corpses collected by the corpse recipients. It can be said that they are cold and cold, and they are not essentially the same as the souls guided by the death and the cause of death. These forces may not affect the corpse harvester for a period of time, but when he needs to evolve life, these forces will inevitably become his biggest obstacle, so that he will never be able to evolve into an omega-level higher living body.

. m.

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