Although it came out of the mountain abyss, it was an alpine snowfield that could not be seen. But compared to the deep and steep abyss, the snowfield with many pine needle plants in front of it was obviously more comfortable and more pleasant. Be at ease.

After walking out of the high mountain abyss, although it was still a few hours before dark, the team did not immediately go outside the mountain, but under the leadership of Barack, who was familiar with the terrain, found a mountain depression that was suitable for camping and was ready to be here. Encamp for a night's rest and move on tomorrow.

"Aren't you ready to do it now?" Standing on the edge of the snowy hill on the side of the mountain, Leo looked at the evacuation team camping below and couldn't help asking Su at the side.

"It's not time yet." Su said very calmly.

Leo did not ask for more details. He turned to look at the abyss that seemed to be the Tianmen, and said, "That Barak should not be an ordinary person."

Su Wenyan also turned his head to look at the exit, nodded, and said, "He may be a clan who has not stimulated blood, but has the ability to stimulate, that is, a clan who does not know who it is."

The reason why Leo and Su say this is because they found that the abyss exit that they just walked through is not simple, and the exit is so huge. Obviously, even if they are standing far away, they can see where the exit is. The mountain seemed to be split open, forming a straight crack in the middle.

It stands to reason that anyone who sees this magical scenery should have curiosity, and will involuntarily want to step forward to find out, in this way, the place of this abyss will definitely spread and be known by others, and this can be overturned The secret road in the Dibia Mountains will naturally become a well-known thing.

But in fact, this secret road before Barak led the people through, no one except Barak knows, and this is because of the influence of the wreckage of the eagle **** in the abyss.

Just at the moment when they came out of the abyss exit, the two people who had been suppressed by the power of the eagle **** felt that the imprisoned power recovered instantly, and they also found that an invisible power penetrated their hearts and their brains. Among their souls, let them intentionally or unintentionally forget the experience they just walked through the abyss, and actively ignore such an obvious entrance to the abyss.

Leo, who possesses the spirit of the ninth-level psionics, and Su, who possesses the divine nature of darkness, can resist this invisible influence on the soul and soul, but for ordinary people, it is obviously impossible to resist the role of this power Under the influence of power, they will gradually forget the location of this secret passage, and even forget the existence of such a secret passage. This should also be the main reason why there is no such passage of the secret passage outside.

However, Barak, an ordinary person, was able to discover this secret passage, and remember that the secret passage was not affected by the power here. More importantly, Barak had walked through this abyssal secret passage many times, but never encountered it. What a danger, it can be seen that Barak is not as ordinary as it seems on the surface.

However, even if Barak had amazing secrets, Leo and Sue were only curious and did not intend to take any further action.

"He should do it tonight," Su said suddenly.

"What do I need to do?" Leo asked calmly.

Su looked at Leo and said, "Like what the weavers ask you to do, you only need to clean up all the Black Forest clan and ancient beasts close to the camp. As for the war between me and him, outsiders can't intervene. "

"No problem." Leo responded.

Seeing Leo's calm and indifferent look, Su frowned, and immediately reminded: "If you are in such a disagreeable state of mind, you may die tonight, because the Black Forest family and ancient beasts that will appear tonight will Far more than the number you have seen before, there are some clan with real power, I don’t want to be defeated because of you."

Leo did not get nervous because of Su's reminder. He still said calmly: "You don't have to worry, I know what I should do."

Although Su was still uneasy about Leo’s mentality in her mind, it was not easy to say anything. Fortunately, she still had some reliable backers. Even if Leo had problems besides, it was enough for her to accomplish her purpose. .

So Su did not further discuss the details of cooperation with Leo, and his body walked directly into the shadow of a pine needle forest and disappeared.

Seeing that Su had left, Leo was not idle. After observing the surrounding terrain, he quickly moved towards one of the vital terrains.

Although in Leo’s eyes, as long as the coming Black Forest clan and monster have no more than his psionic power level, he will not bring him any danger, but he will not be taken lightly because of it, but like a battle of life and death. Look at the fight tonight.

Through rich positional combat experience, Leo quickly found more than a dozen of key points of attack in the area around the camp of the evacuation team. Basically, as long as someone tries to attack the camp, then it must inevitably pass through these dozen of key areas, so He decided to place a lot of traps in these areas.

The trap set by Leo is not the kind of attack trap for instant killing, but the riot rune and magic circle he learned from the dream world, and in order to avoid accidentally injuring those patrolling hunters, he will slightly modify the conditions of the magic trap. After a while, it is no longer triggered by touch, but needs to sense the psionic response at close range.

In addition to magic traps, Leo has also arranged some primitive hunting traps and alarm traps in other secondary areas, in order to enable the enemy to infiltrate from this direction, he can first find out.

After the traps were laid out, the sky gradually dimmed. Although it was still early, the sun was blocked by the mountains, making the surrounding areas of the refugee camps into the night ahead of time.

Leo took a closer look at the traps that had been placed before to ensure that there were no mistakes, and then began to sort out the combat items he needed. After drinking two bottles of psionic restoration potions, he found one that could watch the whole piece. The hills of the zone await the start of the battle.

The first battle was much ahead of Leo’s expectations. Just when it was dark and the camp started to ignite a bonfire, Leo’s trap in a secondary zone was triggered, and it was not one or two departures, it was two. More than a dozen hunting traps are triggered continuously.

In order to cope with the subsequent battle, Leo did not cast witchcraft, but rushed directly to the area where the trap was triggered, and soon he came to the secondary area where the trap was triggered.

However, there are no enemies here for him to solve, because the intruders who triggered the trap have all died under the sharp wooden thorns of the trap mechanism, and were held by these wooden thorns, maintaining the moment they died before. Gestures and expressions.

Leo also didn’t know whether these intruders belonged to family members or monsters, because they were all big rats that walked upright, and they were all covered with wallets, holding all kinds of cold weapons in their hands. It looks like a kind of intelligent race different from human beings.

"This is a ratman, an alien that should have been extinct." At this time, a black shadow of Su suddenly appeared beside Leo. She looked at the upright mice and said.

"Is this the Ratman?" Leo quickly thought of the Ratmen mentioned in some fairy tales. Because the places where the Ratmen were mentioned in those stories were only taken in one stroke, plus the fairy tales, he didn't think of this alien.

Su looked at the dead ratmen and asked Leo: "Can you handle it?"

"No problem." Leo simply responded, and ignored Su, but walked to the corpse of the murmur, dug out the tail and eyeballs of the murmur, and then collected the weapons from the murmur. Pick it up and find out what you can use.

At this time, the shadow created by Su with his talents also dissipated, and just before it was completely dissipated, Leo suddenly turned around and raised a hand to the place where Su was before and quickly painted a magic rune. Those The dark spirit remaining in the air can instantly gather in his hands, wrapped in the power of the shadow created by his bloodline, and quickly analyze the mysteries of its power.

"Shadow Doppelganger." Just as if the power of the shadow produced by the bloodline itself had such a talent of Su, he almost analyzed Su's dark spiritual energy, and a new one quickly appeared in Leo's mind. Shadow witchcraft. ·

"Come again!" Leo hadn't had time to familiarize himself with the new shadow witchcraft learned from Su. The trap he had set was set off again, only this time it was a trap of a rune rune.

"Roar!" Almost as soon as Leo felt the trap was triggered, a violent roar came from the direction of the trap, and then he saw the trees in that direction collapsed one by one, and the ground accumulated Snow also flew up due to the impact of some forces, forming a snow mist.

Let’s not mention Leo for such a big movement, even the people in the camp of the refugees have found it. Obviously the ordinary people in the camp were frightened by such a big movement, and the panic emotions spread in the camp, many people gathered in the camp At the entrance of the camp, it looks like I want to go out to check the situation.

However, Barak immediately stopped the actions of these people. Instead of letting these people leave the camp, not even the hunters were sent, but let everyone reinforce the fence around the camp, loosen the tent that had been fixed, and move it. After a while, all the tents can take care of each other. He then asked the hunter to find existing materials to arrange a large number of traps, which can play a defensive role when someone attacks the camp.

It’s just that people who are a little smarter know that if an unknown object that can create such a large amount of movement really comes to attack the camp, it is simply impossible to resist with the current defensive facilities in the camp. These arrangements are at best only to seek a psychological Comfort only.

However, this wave of fear and trembling in the camp soon ended, and the flying snowflakes fell back to the ground again.

Leo did not go directly there to check the situation, but stood on the spot and cast a shadow clone of witchcraft just now.

I saw that at the moment Leo's spell was completed, the shadow on the ground beside him suddenly bulged like a bubble, and then a blurry shadow humanity struggled to arch from the ground, and soon Formed a human figure.

Then, driven by Leo’s mind, this shadow avatar disappeared from the spot instantly and moved to the place where the big movement just happened in the distance, and Leo and this shadow avatar fully shared vision and hearing, and it will be the first time. The messy scene was in my eyes.

Counting roughly, lying on the ground with a dozen or so corpses, Leo can only recognize three family members and a monster from them. The three family members are the Dustin Hound, the light cocoon, and the son of the hill, The monster is a personal scorpion.

Neither the clan nor the monster are recorded in the books of the Velon world. The reason why Leo knew them is because the information fragment of the web weaver has a lot of information about the clan and the monster in the Black Forest.

Unfortunately, the information is not detailed, just tell Leo the value of some organs in these clan and monsters. As for the formation and origin of these clan, these pieces of information are not mentioned, and Leo is the only one who can be sure of the son and the ma of the hill. The king of the hills believed by the kingdom of Reis has nothing to do with it, just that the name sounds like a connection.

Leo stepped forward to quickly harvest valuable things from these corpses, and also looked at the signs of destruction and wounds on the corpses, basically already able to speculate what happened recently.

Obviously, a roar from the hill child just now, judging from the scene, the hill child should accidentally step on Leo’s pre-arranged riot rune was beaten by the riot rune Hit, so it triggered the strongest riot in the heart of the son of the hill. The irrational son of the hill immediately attacked all the movable objects around him. Eventually he killed many clan and monsters in the Black Forest, and was also killed by the clan and monsters who survived, and the remaining clan still alive He and the monster seem to be worried about other traps in the forest.

While harvesting the valuable things of these family members and monsters, Leo also used the spirit net to investigate the surroundings, and soon found several monsters that looked like giant arthropods hiding in the snow, but Judging from the footprints in the snow beside them, it is clear that they are not the only survivors, only that other survivors have obviously entered the state between the reality and the reality.

Now that the enemy has been discovered, Leo has no intention of letting it go. He controls the shadow avatar and directly merges into the dark shadow, quickly moving towards the hiding monsters in the past, before they have realized that the enemy is approaching At that time, several shadow daggers made with the power of shadow were inserted directly into the vital parts of these monsters.

These arthropod-looking monsters died without the resistance of the shadow dagger, and their bodies were not preserved as well as the corpses they had seen before. Instead, they collapsed and disappeared, leaving only A few pieces that should be high-energy substances were dropped in the snow.

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