The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 257: Su's goal

"What's going on? What about the web weavers?" Su, who was watching Leo returning to normal from the dull state, was finally unable to bear the intense curiosity in his heart, and could not wait to ask.

"They have left." Leo responded very simply.

Su is very clear that Leo did not tell the truth, which made her very unhappy. If according to her previous personality, I am afraid that she has already taken the shot and directly took Leo, and then used other means to dig up all the secrets of Leo.

But now she has more important things to do, and the conflict with Leo will only affect her business, not to mention Leo's strength makes her a little unpredictable.

When she first saw Leo, she was absolutely sure to take it down. But within a few days, she felt that she would have to pay a price to win Leo. And now, or just after the web weaver showed the original shape and attached to Leo's body, she felt that it might be difficult for her to win Leo again, because she could no longer see through each other's strength.

As she used to say to the sisters of the witch group in the past, the only criterion for equal dialogue is her own strength. The weak are not eligible for equal dialogue. Now, the unknown wizard who has not yet figured out her name already has it. Qualified to talk to her on an equal basis.

Although she lost another chance to obtain the secret of death from the web weaver, Su was used to it and would not care too much about it. Instead, Leo’s strength made her realize that she had a powerful helper. It will at least double the success rate of that thing.

Thinking of this, Su couldn't help but start thinking about how to put Leola in what she had to do. Although she had already paid a torn note of the tower war wizard before, she was too dangerous to do. It was too crazy, even she didn’t believe that the value of a broken wizard’s note could be equal to it, so she began to consider other conditions that could be used as a transaction.

However, when Su just started thinking about letting Leo really participate in his own affairs, instead of just using Leo as a bait, Leo suddenly asked actively: "Can you tell me why you are so concerned about this team escape Team? What is the thing you want me to assist? I hope to have a preparation in advance so that something doesn’t happen suddenly and there is no response, but it will make you wrong.”

He didn’t feel happy to hear that Leo was so actively involved in his own affairs. Instead, he was a little skeptical. He looked at Leo with a slightly wary look and asked, "Why? Why did you suddenly behave so to me?" positive?"

Leo explained briefly, and said: "I want to know if your things overlap with those of the web weaver, maybe I can help you complete what you want to do in advance." Saying that, he suddenly stepped out of the cave By virtue of the force of bulimia, he resisted the invisible pressure around him, while adapting to the mountain trail on the edge of the mountain, he said to Su: "The evacuation team has already gone very far, let's talk while walking!"

Su went to the edge of the cave and did not go out immediately, but frowned, looking at Leo, who was going away, hesitating whether he should follow. Although she could not feel the powerful pressure brought about by the power mentioned by Leo because of the power of the witch, she would still be affected by the invisible power, making her witch power unable to exert in this environment.

And even if she loses the power of the witch, even though her physical power still exists, and she has many years of fighting experience accumulated, it is enough to cope with most of the dangers. However, in the face of some possible supernatural powers, she who has lost the power of the witch can only be beaten passively. This makes her inexplicably uneasy when she is used to being in a good position at all times.

However, the negative emotions in his heart did not affect Su for too long. With Leo's figure away, Su finally let go of the uneasiness in his heart and came out of the cave. However, while walking out of the cave, she also took two short swords with mysterious runes and a special gun from her shadow, and put them on her body, so that when something unexpected happens, she There is also the ability to fight back.

"You tell me why the web weavers pay special attention to this escape team." Su quickly followed Leo's footsteps, even on a narrow mountain road, he had to go with him, and then asked.

Leo did not conceal, and he happily explained why the web weavers paid attention to the reason for the escape team. He said it truthfully, but only slightly hidden some secrets about the web weavers, such as the web of the soul.

After listening to Su, her face became very serious. She didn't immediately tell her why she was paying attention to the fleeing team. Instead, she fell into contemplation. After a while, she suddenly looked up and asked, "You mean in the French Empire Before traversing the Black Forest and attacking Miriam City, there was an unknown existence in the Black Forest and began to plan this team of evacuees?"

"Good!" Leo nodded and asked, "Did you think of something useful?"

"I did think of something," Su nodded in recognition of Leo's speculation, and then said: "You were right, the web weaver's concern about the cause of this team of escapes partially coincided with my purpose, and it was also given to me. Provides useful information."

"Can it be said?" Leo asked in a deep voice.

"Of course we can say that we should be considered collaborators now." Su felt the sincerity of Leo and relaxed his vigilance a little bit, said: "My purpose is to capture the last family of the night god, Mist."

Leo is preparing to wait for Su to talk about the content behind, but finds that Su has closed his mouth, so he can't help but frown, saying, "Is it over?"

"Isn't that enough?" Su pretended to be puzzled and asked back, only the smile that emerged from her eyes, it is not difficult to see that she should be in revenge for the small setbacks she had suffered before.

Leo looked back indifferently: "If you feel that what you want to do is so arbitrary, I don't care, nor is it the person who lost the loss anyway."

"It's such a boring guy!" Obviously Leo's counterattack was very effective. Su pouted his lips and grunted. Then he returned to the topic and asked, "How much do you know about the Black Forest?"

Leo thought for a moment and said, "I know that the Black Forest is a sanctuary. There are ancient gods, mythical creatures, and familial families that have disappeared from the world. There should be some kind of restriction that prevents them from leaving the Black Forest. But This time, Emperor Louis X of the French Empire seems to have signed a contract with some things in the Black Forest, so that these things can leave the Black Forest to hunt invading humans in places like the Dibia Mountains."

While listening, Su nodded and said, "You can know that so much is already very good, at least better than the idiots of the Orthodox Court. One thing you got wrong, the objects restricted by the Black Forest do not include the ancient gods, Because the Black Forest was created by the ancient gods, the lost family and mythical creatures who took refuge in the Black Forest have signed a contract with the ancient gods, and they cannot leave the Black Forest while gaining refuge in the Black Forest."

"Lost family members?" Leo suddenly heard a new noun in the ancient Gamore language from Su's mouth.

Su carefully avoided a snow trap in front of the road, and moved closer to the mountain wall, and then explained: "You should know that the clan is generated by the gods, but when the gods disappear, the clan of the gods will be lost. Their reliance has become a lost family. The vast majority of these families will completely become unthinking and instinctive monsters due to the power of uncontrollability. A few of them can barely remain rational and reproduce their offspring..."

Speaking of this, Su stopped, she looked a little nervously at the abyss where she could not see the bottom, her face was a little uglier, and she couldn't help leaning against the mountain wall, even no longer according to her own The proud character and Leo are side by side, but they are slightly behind Leo, stepping on the snow that Leo has walked through and continue to move forward.

Leo didn't say anything about this. He could feel Su's fear and nervousness about the abyss next to him, because he felt the same way, but he had the will of the ninth-level psionicist, and he was under such inexplicable pressure from the depths of the abyss. With a very strong resistance, it is not comparable to Su. In fact, he greatly appreciates the way a tall woman like Su does things. Although she is proud, she will not be swayed by her own arrogance. He knows when to let go of arrogance and do the most correct thing. This is more than the vast majority. Everyone must be strong.

Su, who adjusted his mindset and his way of travel, refocused on the conversation that was interrupted before, and continued: "The vast majority of lost families live in two places. One is the endless forest and wilderness in the southern part of the Mozambican continent. Among them, most of the lost family members living there are mainly low-level family members. Another place is the Black Forest. In ancient times, high family members who had the title of demigods chose to live in the Black Forest."

Leo asked: "Your target, the dark **** family named Myster is a demigod?"

"Yes, at least in the past." Su nodded, seemingly unwilling to mention more about Mister, and shifted the topic a little bit, saying: "I knew about Mister long ago, I have been paying attention to his whereabouts, but he is too cunning, no matter what method I use, he can not let him leave the Black Forest for half a step. However, not long ago I felt that he had left the Black Forest and entered Di Mia Mountains. I thought this was an illusion, so I found a sister with astrological ability to calculate the whereabouts of Mister, and found that it was not an illusion, and also knew that Mister’s goal was to try to cross Dibia. The refuge team in the city of Milia."

When Su spoke, the two had already turned a steep corner, and the evacuation team that had disappeared from their field of vision reappeared in front of them at that time, because the speed of those people's movement was not very fast, making them I have to slow down.

Su raised his finger and pointed to the looming evacuation team in the cloud in front of him, saying, "I have been in the Dibia Mountains for more than 20 days. I have seen several evacuation teams trying to cross the Dibia Mountains like this. The teams either died under the attack of the beasts in the mountains, or lost their way in the mountains, and died alive. Only this team was stared at by the guys from the Black Forest shortly after the departure, so I doubt Mister’s goal It was this evacuation team, and the incident you mentioned just now made me more certain that this evacuation team was the one I was looking for."

Su's words also reminded Leo of the reason why web weavers pay attention to this evacuation team, so he asked with a little curiosity: "Do you know why the Black Forest family members of Mister would plan such a evacuation team?"

"Of course I know." Su dismissed a smile and said, "They just want to reproduce the ethnic group. Although the Black Forest has granted them asylum, they can't let their ethnic group reproduce. Without the addition of fresh blood, they will take one step. Step degenerates into a beast-like existence, so they need to capture the multiplying group of people who can bear their blood." Then she paused again and said, "But Mist's purpose is a little different."

Su just mentioned a thing about Mist, the **** of darkness, and stopped.

Leo did not continue to question this, because he felt that Mister's purpose might also coincide with Su's purpose, and Su was inconvenient to say.

Leo changed the subject and asked: "The person you are dealing with is Mister, so how do we lead him out?"

Su stared at the front and said, "No need to lead, he should be in the evacuation team now."

"Just in the evacuation team?" Leo was stunned for a moment, and he quickly thought of something, saying, "He did those people who disappeared from the camp?"

"Yes." Su nodded.

Leo’s footsteps have become slightly his brows are slightly frowned. With rich combat experience, he is well aware that enemies standing in the bright place are not afraid as long as the strength is not in the insurmountable abyss, but the enemies hiding in the dark are extremely dangerous no matter how weak.

Now the enemy hiding in the dark not only has the mysterious ability to evade any search power, but its own strength is probably not much worse than that of Su behind him. Such an enemy is the enemy that makes people feel the most headache, and Leo is the least Enemies willing to face.

"No!" Just when Leo thought about how to help Su deal with this dark god's last clan, he suddenly seemed to think of something, Shen said: "No, if he is a clan, it is impossible to get into this. In the abyss of the mountains, otherwise, he would be like a web weaver, and the moment he walked in here would be impossible to move."

Su did not expect that the mysterious power of this place would be so powerful, which also made her curious about this place, and she also had an idea in her heart. If you have the opportunity, you must explore this place carefully, and it is best to find out the source of this power.

After thinking a little bit off, Su quickly adjusted his attention back and explained: "Although Mister is the last clan of the **** of darkness, he is strictly not a real clan, he is a Transformer."

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