The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 248: Battle wizard

   The topography of the Weilun continent is that of the northeast and southwest. The east is dominated by high mountains. Four of the seven main mountain ranges on the continent are located on the eastern continent, two are located on the northern ice sheet, and only one Dibia mountain range is on the western continent.

The sacrificial contract between humans and gods signed between Louis X and the mysterious existence of the Black Forest, if it is really according to Su, that the seven mountains of the entire Velen continent are used as hunting grounds for monsters of the Black Forest, then the Eastern Continent ruled by Louis X The French Empire bears the brunt, but the western continent is much less affected.

   Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but express his doubts.

It’s just that Su didn’t explain to Leo why Lewis X wanted to sign such a destructive human-god contract, just like the reason why these monsters appeared in the Dibbia Mountains, but a very abrupt transfer. The topic, said: "Although the witchcraft you just cast is very good, but your way of fighting is wrong. I have a note here from the towering wizard of the tower. Although it is incomplete, it is suitable for you to learn. Believe If you master the most orthodox wizard fighting skills in it, your strength will increase a lot in a short time."

Although the topic was suddenly turned away, Leo could feel that Su did not do this because she did not understand the situation, but because she was unwilling to speak out for other reasons. The reason may be some kind of concern or it might be Some benefits.

Although he could not learn more about the secrets of the Black Forest Compact from Su, Leo did not feel too disappointed. After all, he was just a passerby passing through the Dibia Mountains, but Su later mentioned the tower battle The wizard's notes attracted his attention.

According to Leo’s understanding, the combat wizard is definitely the unique type of wizard in the tower. In some ancient documents involving the tower, the combat wizard is also mentioned the most. In almost all battles involving the tower, the combat wizard will always be An eye-catching one, and the only successful case of killing the gods recorded in the ancient books of the Orthodox Court comes from the battle wizard of the tower.

The gods mentioned in this case are not true creatures that have not evolved to omega-class advanced creatures like the real eye, but only rely on their bloodline talents to obtain a certain kind of gods and gods of fire, but real gods, only for some reasons The name of the **** has been hidden from the text and language.

  According to the divine law of the Weilun world, no matter whether a deity is an evil, as long as it can break through life forms, then it can have several abilities that deities should have, such as omniscience characteristics, undead characteristics, and so on.

  Because of the immortality feature, even if this **** was brutally killed, he can still be resurrected in his own kingdom or other places where the seeds of life are left, but it will only permanently consume some power.

However, the war wizard of the tower was able to kill a **** on the Wei Lun continent, even if the **** had a seed of life, he could not be resurrected, and the kingdom of the **** where the **** was located also collapsed at the moment of the death of the god. Swallowed by subspace.

   This matter is clearly recorded in the secret code of the Orthodox Church, and the Insect Society also included this part in its own internal publications, which made Leo understand how powerful the combat wizard is.

   It's just that the materials that let Leo really understand the combat wizard are not from the alien society, but from the basic wizard notes that the expedition traded him. In those few wizard notes, the specific situation of the combat wizard has been described, and it is also pointed out that all kinds of wizards in the Dream World Silver Moon City Wizard Association are also created based on the combat wizard. The real combat wizard has been Has disappeared.

Although the combat wizards no longer existed before the tower disappeared, some of the attachments generated by the combat wizards are still well preserved, such as the most primitive method of manufacturing alien cells, such as the wizards now use The witchcraft categories and levels, etc.

For any non-research wizard, the notes of battle wizards, even the incomplete ones, are very precious, no less than a powerful wizard, like Leo’s mastery of witchcraft is all self-taught. In other words, the notes of the combat wizard can undoubtedly help him understand the real wizarding method in a short time.

Leo, who has problems with his own fighting methods, has long been aware of it. It stands to reason that he is already a level 4 psionicist. He has mastered so many psionic skills called witchcraft, but the combat method is still melee. The way, this is completely different from the psionicist's way of fighting in his impression.

   It wasn't until he obtained the magic seal of her world demon hunter from Shiri that he found a way to combine psionic skills and melee abilities. However, this method of combat is still not a wizard's method of combat. The powerful witchcraft that can be displayed in his mind still have no role in the battle.

Now, as long as the war wizard's notes mentioned by Su, as long as the war wizard's combat skills are mentioned a little, or a combat example is given, it is enough for Leo to use this as a starting point to find a set of wizard warfare methods suitable for him. .

   The only question now is whether this combat wizard's note in Su's hand is really true.

  Because of the war wizard's act of killing the gods, the war wizard is almost hostile to all churches. Whether it is an orthodox court or a cult organization, the war wizard is considered a dead enemy, and the disappearance of the war wizard may also be related to these churches.

   When the tower fell, the Orthodox Church had confiscated and destroyed all the items related to the combat wizard on a large scale. Among them, the focus was on the destruction of the wizard’s notes, and the cults also secretly did the same.

   In such an environment, the notes of the combat wizard are almost difficult to keep. At least the Yiwen Society has been searching through its own members for many years, and it has not been able to find even one.

Paper from the notes of the combat wizard.

Perhaps it was Leo who didn't hide the doubtful expression on his face. Su easily saw his current thoughts from his face, which made Su feel irritated and funny. Once upon a time, the witch group Su would be suspected. Fake people with fakes.

   Faced with this situation, Su did not explain much. He directly took out the incomplete note of the combat wizard and threw it directly to Leo. She was not worried that Leo would read this combat note and refuse to admit it, because she was confident that no one would dare to rely on her account.

The moment the tossed wizard note was taken into his hand, Leo was already very sure that the broken wizard note must be true, because the shell of this note turned out to be a wizard's wonder and the spirit contained in it The energy fluctuation is beyond the perception of the fourth-level psionicist, which means that the psionic energy contained in it is at least six-level psionic.

This is just the outer shell, and the dozen or so pages left in this note are also very unusual. Leo feels the natural breath on the leaves of the mother of the plant from above, that is to say, the materials used to make such pages are at least as good as the plants. The leaves of the mother are the same, and its preciousness is naturally self-evident.

Although Leo has already developed a strong curiosity about the content in this note, but reason still allows him to turn the pages of the book without impulse, but to the extremely calm Chao Su, asked: "What do I need to pay ?"

   Faced with Leo's calm inquiry, Su's turn was surprised this time, and this surprise was also unabashedly written on his face.

The wizard notes of this battle wizard have been in her hands for many years. Over the years, she has used a method similar to the previous one more than once, pitting people who are curious about this note. Everyone can’t wait to get the note. Leo is the only person who can suppress reading, which makes her more curious about Leo's identity.

  Su couldn't help but have a strong curiosity in his heart, very rarely asked actively: "Who are you?"

   Leo looked indifferent and did not respond positively, saying: "I am just a passerby, do you need to know my name?"

Hearing Leo’s words, Su’s expression became indifferent, and there was a little displeasure in her eyes. After all, this was the first time she actively asked others’ names in the past years, but she got such an answer, which made her feel that she had never Have suffocated.

Although Su wants to teach this person who is quite rude to her in front of her, her proud character prevents her from doing this kind of status-impairing thing, so in the end she just snorted and expressed her own Dissatisfied, and then did not continue to ask Leo's identity, and instead said: "You just need to tell me how you communicate with the web weaver, this combat mage's notes, I will give you."

After Leo listened, he directly returned the battle mage's notes to Su. He said: "I don't know how to communicate with the web weaver." So, Su, who didn't wait to take the notes, questioned and added: " The web weaver took the initiative to communicate with me."

   "The web weaver takes the initiative to communicate with you?" Su seemed to hear something terrifying, and stared at Leiou in astonishment.

   In fact, in Su's view, what Leo said was indeed shocking. Because she understands that in the past, there have been numerous contact between the intelligent creatures of the Weilun continent and the web weavers, and no web weavers will actively contact any intelligent creature. And the only way she knows to communicate with the web weavers in a small amount is to master the most interesting things of the web weaver, a soul, a strange soul different from the ordinary soul.

   This method is not derived from the illusory legend, nor from the monuments written by mysterious existence, but from an accident. In that accident, she had just obtained a piece of twisted soul remaining after the sacrifice of an ancient evil **** to condense into a soul stone. That soul stone gave her the qualification to communicate with the web weaver, and through the exchange, she obtained the web weaver A spider silk, and therefore discovered the mystery of death contained in the web weaver.

  Now Leo actually told her that the web weaver actively contacted her, which made her wonder if there was a peculiar soul in Leo's body even to the web weaver.

Although Su has some methods of detection, he can detect whether Leo carries such a peculiar soul, but if he does so, it will definitely cause a lot of misunderstanding and make the now peaceful relationship tense, even hostile, This was not the result she wanted.

   So, Su thought for a moment, and asked, "Can you tell me, what is the purpose of the web weaver touching you?"

"He just made a deal with me and asked me to help them clean up the Black Forest monsters and family members encountered on the road to the asylum of Miria City." Leo didn't think it was necessary to conceal the deal with the web weaver. Mysterious things, so tell the truth.

  After listening to Su, he could not help but ask curiously: "What can you get from this transaction?"

   "Friendship." Leo simply said a word, but felt that it needed to be added, and continued: "Friendship of web weavers."

When Su heard this, he couldn't help but show a look of envy, and the look at Leo also became very strange, just like looking at some incredible magical creature, which made Leo as a party feel inexplicably uncomfortable, His brow furrowed slightly.

Fortunately, this line of sight did not last long, and Su returned to normal, and walked back and forth a few times as if thinking about the problem, and then suddenly stood still, with a slightly serious tone to Leo, asking: "You I said just now that the web weaver just lets you clean up the ancient black forest beasts and clan around you, right?"

   "Ancient Beast?" Leo froze for a moment when he heard a new word in Gamore, and soon realized that Su was talking about Mogandina

Some Black Forest monsters, so nodded.

   "They didn't let you protect those who fled?" Su again asked with obvious directionality.

   "No." Leo also got some hints from Su's words, combined with the lines that saw the weavers harvesting the souls of the avalanche victims and those connected to the Some ideas also came into my mind.

After getting the answer he wanted, Su's face showed a sudden color and a smile, and said to himself: "No wonder it will leave the Black Forest, it was originally for the soul." Said, she did not I intend to explain to Leo in detail, but toss away the notes of the combat wizard in my hand and say: "You need to help me kill someone on the way over the Dibia Mountains. This note is yours."

   Leo took the war wizard’s notes again, hesitating a little, and said: "I have promised that the web weaver will clean up the monsters and family members around this escaping team, it is impossible to leave with you..."

  Su explained: "Relax, don't need you to leave, that person will appear near this evacuation team, and he is also one of the family members you want to deal with, and will not violate your agreement."

   "Since that is the case, I agreed." Leo did not say anything more, nodded and agreed to Su's proposal.

   After Su heard, he also had no plans to discuss the details of the operation with Leo, and retreated into the darkness of the forest, disappearing without a trace in front of Leo.

After Su disappeared, Leo Qiang endured the urge to read this note and put it in the storage space, and then continued his previous plan, patrolling around the camp of the refugees, and some black forest monsters that were missing. After solving with the family, and confirming that there is no danger, he returned to the open space not far from the camp, set up a campfire, sat by the fire, and carefully looked at the notes of the battle wizard in his hand.

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