The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 245: Expel and hunt

Leo has always believed in equivalent exchange, even if there are now unknown changes in body and mind, which greatly deviate from the rational thinking of biochemical people, the value of equivalent exchange is still his core concept, but the value of this equivalent exchange is no longer The absolute value produced by reason is the elastic value that can be produced with his emotions and likes and dislikes.

According to Leo, the Black Forest is an independent world located in the Weilun world, just like a country China, and this country is still very powerful and mysterious, and has its own set of strict rules. To allow hundreds of thousands of soldiers to pass through such a place safely and safely, and to maintain this passage for a long time, Louis X must pay a great price.

Prior to this, Leo had always believed that the price paid by Louis X was the interests of the French Empire itself, but now it seems that things are not as simple as he thought, even the French Empire completely destroyed the atrocities of the city of Milia Now it seems that there is a hint of sacrifice, after all, what sacrifice can be compared with the greatest city on the mainland.

It’s just that Leo was puzzled by the time when Louis X entered the Black Forest. At that time, the Dibia Mountains were still completely in the hands of the United Kingdom. As Louis X, he was qualified to use the Dibia Mountains as Is one of the conditions of the God-Sacrifice Contract?

There are more and more doubts in my heart, and Leo has failed to configure the potion several times. Fortunately, this potion is just an ordinary wound potion, not a wizard potion. When he was a potion, he stopped thinking about other things and concentrated on refining his potion.

Patric's elixir is the most advanced potion among the potions of the demon hunter given to him by Professor Hili. The biggest effect of this potion is to strengthen the power of the magic seal of the demon hunter. When he was in the town on the lake, Leo tried to practice it. After making a few bottles, I also tasted the efficacy.

He found that this kind of potion could not only increase the power of the magic seal, but also enhance the effectiveness of psionic powers in witchcraft and reduce unnecessary psionic power consumption. It is enough for anyone who psionic powers to decide victory or defeat. Fighting potions.

It was a pity that the bottles of Paihui's elixir refined in the town on the lake were lost along with his memory and other things put into the storage space when he returned to Weilun.

However, on the way to Miria City, Leo also collected some herbs, trying to find some alternative herbs from these herbs, but there has never been a supplement of alternative herbs. Until today, he accidentally discovered several poisonous ores used by hunters as poison bait, he calculated all the alchemy materials.

Leo grinds, matches, boils, and then purifies the medicine with ease, and then injects the power of nightmare to make the medicine undergo a fundamental transformation. The medicine is refined smoothly. As the color of the medicine changes in the test tube, it emits a burst With the familiar smell, he stopped injecting the power of the nightmare, set aside the small bottle containing the potion to cool down, and began to refine the next potion.

The medicinal effect of the cat potion also began to weaken after more than an hour, and eventually disappeared. In terms of the maintenance time of the potion, it is much worse than the cat potion refined in the dream world. Cats refined in the dream world The medicament can be maintained for more than three hours, but in terms of the medicinal effect itself, the current cat medicament is too strong.

The process of Leo refining pharmaceuticals did not cover anything, even if the location was on the edge of the camp, no one came and was still seen. Several of the last batch of people who escaped from the city of Miriah and joined the evacuation team saw the medical test tubes, brackets and other tools used for refining drugs in Leo’s hands and the alchemical reagents that had been refined on the side, one by one His face turned pale immediately, yelling and running away, as if he had seen something terrible.

Leo felt troublesome, but now he is making a critical step in the potion, so he ignores those who yell and run away, but steadily completes the final refining process, and then uses the melted snow to clean A full set of refining tools.

At this time, a group of people hurried towards Leo. The leader of these people was Barak, and next to them were some mercenaries and gangsters who fled from the city of Miria. A group of people rushed in front of Leo, angrily staring at the ground just cleaned, the extraction tools and the branch of potions that had not been collected, and extreme hatred appeared on everyone's face, it looked like Leo will be shredded at any time.

"Damn you guys, can you madmen do this in Miria City..." One of the particularly excited mercenaries couldn't help but anger and rushed out and cursed at Leo.

Others also stood up and scolded Leo, but they did not dare to be too close to Leo. Instead, they were very scared, and their eyes fell on the potions from time to time, as if the potions were terrible.

Barak looked solemnly at Leo, who was plain and unaffected by outside interference. He kept his tools and potions tidy in an orderly manner. He felt a trace of fear in his heart. He subconsciously thought that this was a terrible guy, and also felt that those who finally escaped The words of the residents of Miriam City may be true.

"Don't talk about it." Barak came out to press down the excited crowd, then walked in front of Leo and said very directly: "I'm sorry, I hope you can leave our camp to avoid what is unnecessary. Conflict."

"Okay." Leo didn't put things in the storage space under the eyes of everyone, but in his pocket and backpack, then stood up and nodded to Barak.

After that, he walked towards the entrance and exit of the camp specially opened in the distance.

Obviously Leo agreed to Barak’s request happily, which was beyond everyone’s expectations, and everyone was stunned for a while. When the people reacted, Leo had walked out of the camp from the entrance and exit and entered the dark forest. inside.

"I think someone should solve this guy?" A strong man from a gang suddenly proposed.

Many people around agreed that they had been scared by the plague in Miria City, and Leo’s performance also made them feel abnormal, so they thought it was best to resolve any possible dangers. Whether or not this danger exists.

"Enough! The things you said are just rumors and have not been confirmed. I have drove out a refugee like you because of this rumor and your request, and this refugee may also be against us. Very important doctor." Barak stared at the people around dissatisfiedly and said coldly: "Now you still want me to send someone to hunt him down, you are too much. If you want to hunt down If you go by yourself, I won’t send my people, but don’t blame me for not warning you, there are countless dangers in the forest in the night, even experienced hunters may not be able to survive in this environment, you go out to camp After that, it is likely that he will never come back."

After he finished speaking, he glared fiercely at the surrounding refugees and turned back towards the camp in the center of the camp. Once saved by the medical aid team, he has a good opinion of the doctors in the medical school. Today, he is under pressure from some people because of some unconfirmed rumors, he has to drive away a possible doctor. The fugitive, this made him very annoyed.

After Barak showed his attitude, the other unwilling fugitives did not say anything. Although they were all just looking forward to rushing out of the camp, they really let them leave the camp, but they all stopped. After whispering for a while, they dispersed themselves.

Leo, who left the camp, did not go too far. He found a slightly clean rock in a slightly empty space and sat down with him. He followed the backpack and other items that would hinder the battle into the storage space. Some of the medicines are put into different types of belt slots on the body, so that they can be taken out for drinking at any time.

A little bit of time passed, and the last rays of light that penetrated the dense branches and leaves of the giant red cedar also completely disappeared. The night came, and the noise from the campsite gradually weakened. It seems that they should have prepared to return to their tents to rest for tomorrow Prepare for your trip.

Because the surrounding night fell into the silence of the night, some subtle sounds that were inaudible during the day also became clear, and Leo’s extraordinary body senses also began to play a role, recording these subtle sounds that could not be heard by ordinary people, and turned into the brain. One by one, build clues about the surrounding situation.

With the help of the deputy brain, Leo was struggling to complete the sorting of these sound data. Fortunately, the ability of the deputy brain itself was integrated into his brain, allowing him to get started quickly and complete the data sorting work, and Quickly understand the various conditions of the surrounding environment, such as those invisible monsters that cannot be discovered by the spirit.

From the moment of leaving the camp, Leo has converged all the psionic fluctuations on his body, only feeling the surrounding movements with various organs of the body, and found many things that have not been found before, such as not being well-intentioned The sight of those monsters, such as the subtle sounds made by those monsters moving, etc.

Through various data clues discovered, Leo noticed that monsters such as Mogandi from the Black Forest did not just hide in stealth, they jumped more and more between subspace and reality. This is Lei. Ou's Spirit Net and Lingshi failed to discover the main reason for the existence of these monsters.

Leo has some understanding of the current state of these monsters. Some things similar to the subspace and real world have appeared in the Earth Federation. In the coincident zone, the unknown species of subspace will be in a strange state between illusion and reality. , And the state of these monsters is very similar.

It is a pity that the study of this sub-space coincidence is a very high-level secret in the Earth Federation. Leo can only see some very vague public information. As for other information, it is not a biochemical person like him. Too.

However, he remembers mentioning in that document that it is very difficult to kill the subspace species in this state, which can only be done at a specific time. It is a pity that the information is public information, and too detailed content will not be recorded, so the so-called specific timing is not written on the information.

After another period of time, the voice on the side of the camp was already very low, and Leo felt that the sight of the malicious predators around him had fallen on him more and more frequently, and he felt more and more Strongly, it seems that the monsters can't help but want to hunt his single prey.

Leo took out a bottle of cat potion, removed the stopper, and swallowed the potion, and at the moment of the potion's entrance, his brow furrowed.

Although the taste of the medicament just extracted is not good, but it is still acceptable. After the medicament is cooled, the taste becomes extremely smelly, like a rotten egg that has been kept for several months. Just like Leo’s other organs have been enhanced, Leo’s sense of taste has also become stronger, and this odor has strengthened several times, making him very uncomfortable.

It's just that as the medicament is absorbed by the body, the odor quickly disappears, just like the odor was just an illusion.

Leo’s vision has entered the state of power given by the cat potion. The dark black with five fingers around it has also turned into a silver gray. All objects can be clearly seen in the eyes, and those monsters between the virtual and the real are also Leo looked at it.

As Leo felt, a dozen monsters including Mogandi were around him. The nearest lizard monster with two snake heads was only about two meters away from him, and his mouth was slightly open. Can clearly see the sharp fangs.

Faced with the threat, Leo did not hesitate at right foot stepped on the ground, and a cracked pit with footprints immediately appeared on the ground. At the same time, he was like a cannonball. The head lizard rushed over.

Leo's movement speed is too fast. When he rushed to the front of the two-headed lizard monster, the other party did not respond. Leo shot the monster's head without hesitation. He didn't use any witchcraft, he just used some enchanting small tricks to attach psionic energy around the twin gloves, and directly used his own strength to fight this unknown psionic creature.

However, an unexpected situation occurred. Leo’s powerful fist penetrated directly from the target’s head and hit the land behind, just like a falling meteorite, it directly smashed the ground out of a large pit. The ground The mulch on the ground all splashed out.

The emergence of the unexpected situation did not panic Leo. His state of mind was still very calm. When he passed the two-headed lizard like a phantom, he also felt that an unknown danger appeared out of thin air.

So, even if the attack failed, he did not stop his body, but dashed straight ahead for more than ten meters, before turning sideways, relying on his body instinct to cast an Aldefa seal with witchcraft air hammer behind him. , Forming a powerful psionic shock, directly knocking the attackers behind him away.

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