The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1477: Special recommendation

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"Have you done all the experiments mentioned above?" Staf put down the manuscript in his hand and asked Leo curiously.

"No." Leo gave a surprising answer to Staf, and added: "I have done only part of the experiment, and the other part is from some manuscripts in your private library."

"Manuscript?" Staf was stunned, puzzled.

Leo explained: “When I was reading in your private library these two days, I found a manuscript in the hunter’s prey-decomposing technique and de-planing application. The manuscript recorded the process and results of more than a dozen experiments. I found The experiment here fits very well with some experiments I have done in the past, and it can even be said to be an extension of my experimental ideas. Therefore, I will carry out follow-up experiment procedures based on the content of the experiment report and some data from my past experiments. Although the content deduced in it is hypothetical, I can be sure that even if the same kind of experiment is carried out, the final result will definitely not show too much deviation."

"It turned out to be the manuscript!" Staf's face showed a stunned look.

That manuscript is some experimental notes recorded by his friend in his early years. That friend is also a guide for his organization, and now he has become one of the core people of the organization.

He remembered that the manuscript was a bait used by his friend to find like-minded people who deliberately left some books in some books. There are still seven copies of the same manuscript in his private library.

After joining the organization, he and his friends no longer need to use this method to find like-minded people. Those baits have also lost their effect, but he has never taken the manuscripts away. See.

Leo said at this time: "I will show you this manuscript. In addition to publishing it, I also hope that you can introduce the owner of the manuscript to me."

Staf was silent for a moment, and said, "Sorry, I can't promise you neither of these things."

Hearing this, Leo deliberately froze for a moment with an expression that was incomprehensible, and then thoughtfully looked at the religious decorations in the reception room, smiled slightly mockingly, and said: "I Understand! Please forget my request." After he got up and took the manuscript from Staf, he said: "Since your magazine is unwilling to publish it, please allow me to withdraw this manuscript."

After speaking, he turned around to leave.

"Wait, Mr. Leo, please wait." Staf immediately stood up, stopped Leo, and quickly stepped forward and stopped in front of Leo.

Leo frowned pretentiously, taking two steps back, showing a guarded look, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, what do you want to do?"

Staf also quickly backed up a few steps, raised his hands, and said: "Mr. Leo, you have misunderstood, I am nothing to your Excellency, please listen to me explain."

Leo was silent for a moment, and said, "Explain it! I'll listen."

"We are completely different from the place where you came. The place where you came will not be affected by the church, but we are under the influence of the church at all times, so when considering things, we must consider the church’s Reaction, otherwise, there will be things that no one wants to see." Staf said to Leo very seriously: "Your manuscript involves too many taboo content, so much that it has been exceeded. The bottom line set by the church is no exaggeration to say that any Church of True God can use your manuscript as evidence and classify you as a heresy. If my magazine publishes this manuscript publicly, you should be able to guess what will happen. Bar?"

Leo did not respond, but his alert expression was relaxed.

Staf continued: "At that time, you may be able to leave by boat and return to your homeland, but what about us locals? It is no exaggeration to say that even I am afraid that I will not escape the punishment of the church. Anyone who has seen it The people of this manuscript will be regarded as heretics, and here, all heretics have only one result, and anyone with a slight conscience will not agree to publish your manuscript."

Leo showed a puzzled look, and asked: "Since the church is so strict, why are there such places as colleges? I remember that many experiments in the college are also taboos of the church..."

Staf explained: "It is true that some experiments and the thoughts of some scholars in the college can be regarded as taboos of the church, but do you think about those taboo experiments and thoughts that have appeared outside the high walls of the college? The content of the class has caused such a sensation in the college, but have you heard about it in the general population outside the college?"

Leo was silent, but a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Staf said with a serious look: "In the past, the church's imprisonment on thought and scholarship was a thousand times, ten thousand times more severe than it is now. Later, several sages used their extraordinary wisdom and ability in the high walls of the church to help us. People have won some living space. We don’t want this stable living space to be broken because of certain things. So not only I will not publish your manuscript, I am afraid that other people will also not publish your manuscript.”

Leo's expression gradually eased, and then he sighed helplessly, and said, "Don't you feel very embarrassed? It feels like being captive by the church?"

"Captive?" Staf was stunned, and then smiled: "Do you know? The owner of the manuscript you saw used the same words to describe our current relationship with the church, but he added a sentence afterwards. In other words, he said that captivity is relative. At this moment we may seem to be captive by the church, but in the next moment we may become our captive church."

Leo also smiled and said: "This person is very interesting. I am looking forward to getting to know this gentleman more and more." After that, he questioned: "I can understand the fact that the manuscript cannot be published, but why Your Excellency is not willing to introduce me to this gentleman?"

Staf smiled bitterly, and said, "It's not that I don't want to introduce you to him, but that I can't see him now." As he said, he hesitated a little, and then he seemed to have made some major decision. Yes, he asked: "Mr. Leo, are you interested in joining a secret organization with progressive thinking?"

"The secret organization of progressive thinking?" Leo froze for a moment, then looked around, and said: "Mr. Staff, you suddenly asked me such a question in a place like the Holy Prayer House, don't you think it's a bit of a violation? ?"

Staf motioned Leo not to worry, and said with a hint: “The place is indeed not suitable, but you don’t have to worry. It may be weird to talk about this topic here, but the safety is far better than other places. Place to talk about such topics."

Hearing this, Leo pretended to be contemplative, as if he was seriously thinking about Staf's proposal. After a while, he slowly said: "Can I get to know the owner of the manuscript by joining the secret organization in your mouth?"

Staf shook his head and said, "I can't guarantee this, but I can be sure that you can only contact that gentleman if you join."

Leo asked again: "What are the benefits of joining that organization? What are the disadvantages?"

Staf replied: "The advantage is that you can access more knowledge that is considered taboo by the church, and you will not be disturbed by the church. As for the disadvantages? I can't find it for the time being. Maybe you can find it. tell me."

"There is only good and no harm? It sounds not so true." Leo looked at Staf and said: "Those heretical underground churches of evil gods seem to use this method to recruit believers."

Hearing Leo's words, Staf was a little bit dumbfounded, and then pointed around, as if to say to Leo, what a stupid Cthulhu Church would go to places like Holy Prayer House to recruit believers.

Although Leo’s cautiousness made Staf a bit displeased, it also dispelled Staf’s worries and made him more certain to end Leo’s inspection period early. It is correct to recommend Leo to join the organization. Things.

Leo thought about it again at this time, seemed to have made a decision, and asked: "What do I need to write?"

Staf shook his head, then pointed to the manuscript in Leo's hand, and said: "You are ready, and then just wait for the result."

Leo did not ask more about the details of the secret organization that Staf said, because he knew very well that he would continue to inquire and Staf would not disclose anything, but it would arouse Staf's suspicion and disgust, so he was watching. After receiving Staf's hint, he handed the manuscript back to Staf, and then said that he expected to receive a response as soon as possible, and then left the reception room.

After Leo left, Staf did not leave immediately. Instead, he read Leo's manuscript again and seemed to consolidate his determination to recommend.

After re-reading the two manuscripts, Staf also turned and left the reception room, but instead of leaving the Holy Prayer House, he went directly to the office of the Dean of the Holy Prayer House, knocked on the door, and when he got a response, he opened the door and walked away. I went in, and when I saw that there was only one person in the room, Satos Gilman, the Dean of the Holy Prayer, he said straightforwardly: "I want to use my right of recommendation to recommend a new person."

After hearing what Staf said, Sartos couldn't help but was stunned. Then he seemed to think of something, with a slightly surprised look on his face, and then asked in a deep voice: "The person you want to recommend is just here to find you. That Leo Dodd?"

"Yes." Staf nodded.

"I remember that he has just begun the inspection period. It takes at least five years of inspection and ten tasks to be eligible to join the organization." Sartos said with a serious expression: "You recommend him now, do you want to Do you use your special referral rights?"

"Yes." Staf responded seriously.

Sartos said in a puzzled voice: "If I remember correctly, the last time Master Rogers was willing to take out his collection in exchange for your right of recommendation and recommend his apprentice to join the organization over the last death mission, you did not agree. , Which made Master Rogers’s apprentice die in the final task. Master Rogers has been so worried about this matter. Now you are willing to come up with this precious special referral right to recommend a foreigner who has just met for a short time. I really doubt whether your mind has been touched."

When Staf heard the words, he couldn't help rolling his eyes at Sartos, then handed the manuscript in his hand to Sartos, and said, "After reading this, you will know why I recommend him."

Sartos took the manuscript slightly curiously, and then looked through it. At first, his attitude still seemed casual. He didn't think there was anything in this manuscript that would surprise him, but as he After seeing the hypothetical experiment and the deduction data, the expression on his face gradually became serious, and after seeing it again, he watched it more seriously again.

In the middle, someone came to remind Sartos that the meeting time with a certain church archbishop was about to come, but Sartos didn't look away from the manuscript, instead he did not hesitate to send the visitor time later.

After reading it very carefully for the second time, Sartos put down the manuscript, and then asked Staf seriously: "You showed him the master's experimental materials?"

Staf rolled his eyes at Sartos again, and said, "Do you think I will have the data on those experiments?"

Sartos hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes, don't talk about you, even if I don't have these information." After that, he said puzzledly: "Does he have completed what was written above just like the master? Those experiments?"

"No, his abilities are more exaggerated than you think," Staf stepped forward, flipping through the manuscript, pointed out several places on the manuscript, and said: "This, this, this, and the process and data of these experiments. It was all imaginary by him through deduction."

Afterwards, Staf seriously described how Leo accidentally discovered a manuscript in the book, and then used the manuscript and some experiments he did before to deduce those experiments and data recorded in the manuscript.

After Sartos heard what Staf said, UU read for a long time before saying: "If what you say is true, then he really deserves a special recommendation right," he said. He looked down at the manuscript again and muttered to himself: "Maybe, he is a master again."

Staf said: "I'm not sure about this, but judging by his current ability, he is absolutely qualified to enter the core circle."

"In that case, I agree..." When Sartos was about to respond to Staf's request, someone knocked on the office door. He frowned, pressed the manuscript in his hand under a book, and then Let the people outside the door come in.

The person who opened the door was a heretical hunter wearing a heretical hunting team. Judging from the robes on the opponent, this hunter should be a high-level captain.

When he came in, he looked at Staf, then walked directly to the desk, handed a document in his hand to Sartos, and then turned and walked out of the room.

But Sartos did not continue the topic just now. Instead, he picked up the file on the table and quickly flipped through two pages. A look of surprise appeared on his face. The file was handed over.

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