The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1463: Top-up member

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"Is this the temple of the Spirit of Knowledge? It's really strange." Sylvia took Leo's arm and moved forward along the other people who came to visit the temple, while looking around to look at the difference. Religious sites.

The Temple of the Spirit of Knowledge is more like a huge library than a religious site. The huge bookshelves are like stone tablets standing around the temple, piled up from the ground. The ceiling and the ground are all polished with transparent crystal. People walking on it can clearly see the various ancient books neatly placed below.

"There is something wrong with the divine power of the Spirit of Knowledge." Although Leo did not look like Sylvia, his spiritual web had penetrated the surroundings the moment he entered the Temple of the Spirit of Knowledge, viewing it in another way. The situation here.

Sylvia was stunned when she heard the words, and followed Leo's reminder to perceive the divine power that fills this religious place, and then a trace of doubt appeared on her face, and said: "This divine death. of."

"I feel the same way." Leo nodded, agreed with Sylvia's description, and looked around, and said: "It seems that we have chosen to come to the Temple of the Spirit of Knowledge."

Although Leo and Sylvia have been living here for almost a month, this is the first time they have entered the religious site in the Port of Ocean Pointe. The reason why they have been so long is because they are not ready yet. .

The Old World being a continent ruled by gods is not just a description, but it is actually ruled by gods.

There are a total of 37 churches and temples built by different churches in the Port of Saiwangyang. Because the Port of Saiwangang is a port city, it has a lot of dealings with the ocean. There are 14 churches in the 37 churches. One belongs to the ocean gods, and the other 23 are the 23 most powerful churches in the Old World. Although there are churches of other churches, none of these churches are qualified to build churches in the city. They can build their religious sites in the suburbs outside the city.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the temples and temples of these churches are merely religious places, but in Leo's eyes, these temples and temples are like huge torches lit with divine power, which are manifested all the time. Own majesty.

If the divine power pervading the sanctuary of the New World Church is a pool of purified water that has been diluted, then the divine power in the sanctuary and temple of the Old World Church is like a paint pool filled with a single paint. Thick and thick.

Although these divine powers belonging to different gods are strong, they are very stable, and there is no repulsion or conflict with other divine powers. On the contrary, there is a subtle connection between each other, and this subtle connection makes these divine powers connected. At the same time, a magical net was formed to envelop the entire Port of Western Cape and connect with the laws of the gods of the entire continent.

Under the coverage of this magical net, everything in Cape West is controlled by the gods or the church. Even if there are a large number of anti-power and anti-church organizations lurking here, it will not have any impact on the church, because in the church In the eyes of senior officials, the struggle between these forces and the worldly powerful is like two groups of ants fighting on the ground, no matter how fierce the fighting is, it is impossible to harm the foundation of the church.

Leo and Sylvia felt the existence of the Magic Net the first time they came to the Port of Western Cape, but they did not know the role and power of the Magic Net, so they have been doing it all this month. All kinds of temptations, until these few days, they did not test out a result.

These magic nets have only two functions. One is to support and the other is to suppress. Support is to support the clergy at all levels in the various **** churches that make up the magic net to perform magic. Within the coverage of the magic net, the clergy can be more relaxed and comfortable. Simply perform various exclusive magic arts.

For example, in the New World, only high-level clergy can perform divine magic through some ceremonies held by the church. Here, ordinary clergy can easily perform it, and the process of performing it is simpler and can be repeated. Cast it several times.

As for the suppression, it was aimed at the extraordinary powers of all other non-god systems. For example, Sylvia's power of the abyssal dragon was suppressed very strongly, and the final power of her power was reduced by at least one third.

The power in Leo was also suppressed, but his situation was much better than Sylvia, because there were two powers in his body that were not affected by the magic net, and he could also make it through a special method. This effect disappeared.

Psionic power is one of the two powers that are not affected by the magical net of divine power. Although the psychic power will still have some adverse reactions due to the action of divine power when it is used, such as the sensitivity of the spiritual net will decrease, etc., but these are all It is an influence of the normal range, and it will be the same when encountering other extraordinary powers. It is not like other powers that directly produce a suppressing effect in the body before it is displayed.

As for the other power that is not affected by the magical net of divine power, it is beyond Leo's expectation. This power is the power of the divine power of the real eye in Leo's body, and it is interesting that not only is not affected, but Leo displays it like this When abilities such as spiritual vision involve true eye power, the abilities will be strengthened.

In the face of this abnormal situation, the only explanation Leo and Sylvia can think of is that the real eye has become a true **** in this world, and this magic net covering the entire old continent also has his divine power, so from certain On the one hand, Leo, who possesses the Imprint of True Eye Divine Power, is like the Favored Person of True Eye, whose status far exceeds the senior clergy of other churches, so he can naturally benefit from the Divine Power Law Net.

However, this kind of speculation was quickly rejected by Leo, because if the real eye really becomes the true **** in this world, then he should be able to sense the existence of the real eye in the first time, but he is using the spirit There is no feeling when looking, so the divine power imprint of the true eye will have an immune effect on the divine magic net. There must be a hidden reason that he has not discovered yet.

In addition to the two powers of psionic and true eye imprint, which have natural immunity to the magic net, other forces in Leo's body can also make the suppression of the magic net disappear through special methods. This method is very simple to use other powers. When powering, adding some power breath of the stone throne can temporarily invalidate the suppression of the magical net of magical power.

Leo could faintly feel that if he could use the power of the Stone Throne to attack the magical net covering the Port of Western Cape, the magical net would inevitably be torn apart, and it might even affect the laws of the higher gods. It's a pity. The power of the Stone Throne is still beyond his control, and his ability to mobilize a trace of power and create a power phantom of the Stone Throne is already the limit he can do.

Although it is impossible to tear the magic net through the power of the stone throne, Leo and Sylvia also thought of other weaknesses in the magic net. This weakness is the church temples and churches that are the cornerstones of the magic net. In their estimation In, only need to destroy a certain number of temples and the core of the divine power of the temple, then the magical net of magical power will naturally not be able to maintain the balance of various divine powers, and mutual repulsion and impact will also make the magical net of magical power annihilate from the inside.

However, this is only speculation and speculation, not fact, and they have not figured out the core of the divine power of the temples and churches of the various churches, so they need to find out each church before they can prove that the magic net can be destroyed. The core of the divine power of the temple and the temple, and after some selection, the temple of the spirit of knowledge became their first choice.

The reason why the selection of the Temple of the Spirit of Knowledge Church is not because the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge Church is recognized as a moderate church, but because the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge is the only one of the churches of the Spirit of the Spirit in the whole of Cape West Point. Temple of the Church.

The Church of the Spirit of Knowledge has an open day every ten days, and ordinary people who are not churches are allowed to visit the temple. When a large number of ordinary people flood into the temple of the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge, Leo and Sylvia, the unbelievers, will be able to It seems less noticeable.

In fact, as Leo had imagined, there were also not a few visitors of non-intellectual spirit believers like their couple, and among them there were some nobles, but most of them were scholars and ordinary people with great curiosity.

Those scholars who are not believers of the Spirit of Knowledge choose to come here on the open day because all the books in the temple can be read by visitors at will on the day of the open day, and some of these books are considered by other churches. Taboo, heretical books that need to be burned, and now all of these books can be read, which is extremely attractive to scholars who are extremely curious.

Although Leo and Sylvia were also curious about the taboo books collected here, they did not forget what they were doing here, so after entering the temple, they watched the surroundings for a while and walked directly to the temple. Located in the center of the temple, in front of the black cube representing the spirit of knowledge.

Unlike the anthropomorphic deities erected in the temples and churches of other churches, the deity of the Spirit of Knowledge is very simple, just a black cube, but the same black cube is also very difficult, because Leo found that the black cube was so regular The craftsmanship of this world is absolutely impossible to manufacture. Only by reaching the technological level of a medium interstellar civilization can it be possible to cut such a perfect cube with some special cutting devices.

Standing in front of the black cube, Leo let the spirit net mingled with the breath of the stone throne, removing the influence of the surrounding gods and divine power, and swept across the black cube, and the results of the scan made him slightly frowned.

"It doesn't seem to be?" Although Sylvia doesn't have the special abilities like the spiritual net, her own perception can still help her analyze the black cube in front of her, and the result she got from the analysis is like Leo.

Both Leo and Sylvia judged that the most likely item in the church's temple and the church that was the core of divine power was the idol worshipped by believers, but now they found that the core of divine power in the church of the Spirit of Knowledge was not a black cube.

Although the black cube also contains extremely large divine powers, this divine power has nothing to do with the magic network of divine power. It seems to be completely independent of the existence of the divine power system in the entire Spirit of Knowledge Temple, and among them There is also a huge difference between the divine power of the spirit of knowledge contained in the temple and the divine power of the spirit of knowledge that permeates the temple. This difference is as great as life and death.

When Leo and Sylvia entered the Temple of the Spirit of Knowledge, they immediately felt that the divine power in the Temple of the Spirit of Knowledge was very rigid, sluggish, without a trace of activity, just like a pool of stagnant water, facing Leo's spiritual net. There was no response to Leo’s detection, even if Leo absorbed it into the body through swallowing power, there was no repulsion. What’s more peculiar was that after Leo absorbed it into the body, it did not condense into the mark of the gods at all. Signs, as if what he had absorbed was not the power of the gods.

On the other hand, the divine power in the black cube is very active. When Leo’s spiritual net approaches, he will spontaneously counterattack and defend. When he tries to swallow a divine power by swallowing power, there will be extremely strong rejection. Reaction, dispelling the power of swallowing. If it were not for the powerful suppression effect produced by the breath of the stone throne, perhaps the divine power of the black cube would cause a further counterattack, and such a fierce reaction was fully in line with Leo's power against the gods. Cognition.

This weird situation caused Leo and Sylvia to ponder. After a while, Leo seemed to understand what was going on and muttered to himself: "I understand what is going on?"

At this time, Sylvia also said: "I also understand what's going on?" Then, she turned her head and asked: "Do you think it's possible for us..."

"It is possible, UU read, but first find the core of supernatural power." Leo nodded and said.

This kind of dumb conversation can hear the ears of other people around and can’t understand what the two of them are talking about. The look in the eyes, a look that knows each other's thoughts.

Just now, they all thought of the possibility that the mystery of the law of the gods may be involved from the difference between the gods’ powers in the Temple of the Spirit of Knowledge and the black cubes. That is, the laws of the gods are not controlled by one or more gods. It operates according to its own rules and is independent of, or even higher than, the existence of the gods, and the magic net under the gods' laws is naturally the same. As for the role of gods in it, they are only the suppliers of gods and the users of the gods' laws. It's like a top-up member of a certain type of resource.

Because of this, Leo and Sylvia both thought about the possibility of using certain methods to bypass the gods, influence or even control the magical net that is shrouded in Cape West Point Harbor. If they can do it, then they If you look to the west, you may not need to worry too much about doing things.

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