The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1441: If there is divine help

Fang Sanz is a sailor on the Big Axe. Although he has not been on the Big Axe for a long time, his experience at sea is not comparable to any sailor on the Big Axe, because he is on the Big Axe. Before, he was the captain of the **** of the Poseidon Federation Marine Expedition. He followed this scientific expedition team composed of more than 30 small ocean nations to search for various treasures at sea. Things.

It is precisely because of this that he has not read almost all the things that are regarded as legends and wonders by the world in all kinds of newspapers, and his understanding of all kinds of things related to the sea **** is definitely not inferior to any person engaged in related research. expert.

If there were no accidents, he should be in the position of captain of the guard until retirement, and then take the pension to live a leisurely little life at home while writing his various experiences at sea into a book. Become a well-known best-selling author.

However, things are not what happened. They were selected as a game player by a certain evil sea **** during an expedition. They were forced to do all kinds of psychological endurance things in order to survive. Now his fangs were modified at that time. , And the companion he reformed with did not survive the poison of the fangs, and his whole body rotted to death.

In this case, Fang Sanz was forced to fight each other with some members of the expedition, and eventually he became the one who survived. What's worse is that there are many people with special status among those killed by him, and it is even worse. Many of the expedition's colleagues who witnessed him killing those big men survived.

In this way, even if he survived the evil and fun game dominated by the gods, he would not be able to return to his own country. In the end, he chose to change his name and surname, and joined a smuggling fleet as a smuggling ship. Sailor and part-time pirate.

Originally, Fang Sanz thought that he would never be able to get close to anything related to the gods in his life. After all, the smuggling ship is not like an expedition. When encountering such evil things as the wonders of the sea, he would take the initiative to join him. Most of the contacts will take a detour for safety reasons.

However, the development of things often exceeds ordinary people's expectations. After a few years of stability, he unexpectedly has close contact with the things of the gods. This time, what is more serious is that he must survive under the siege of these Daru's dependents.

"They have two hearts. Both of them must be destroyed to kill them. One heart is on the chest and the other is on the neck." Fang Sanz cut open the neck of a fish monster with a machete. Destroyed the second heart of the fish monster, killing it, and constantly repeating the prompts that were shouted from the beginning of the war.

However, at this moment, there are not many people who can calmly listen to what he said. Although the sailors on the Great Axe are all old sailors, they have never been in such close contact with the family of a god, and these family members. The inhuman form and their inherent spiritual pollution abilities make it inevitable that all people who fight face-to-face with them for the first time will inevitably encounter a spiritual attack. The whole person falls into a semi-crazy state, completely ignoring other things around. , Just know to pick up the weapon, subconsciously wave and chop.

This kind of unconscious slashing may have a good defensive effect at the beginning, but this kind of attack is more of hurting the surrounding companions who share the enemy. Moreover, their crazy slashing seems to be powerful, but in fact it is It was a waste of energy, and even if the fish monster was cut down, it only caused some skin trauma to the fish monster, and did not bring fatal damage to the fish monster.

And with the passage of time, the strength of the crazy sailor gradually weakened, and the advantages of the fish monsters became greater and greater. Those who remained awake on the Big Axe, such as the captain, the first mate, and Fang Sanz, etc., have already felt it. When the defeat was settled, I began to look for a chance to escape.

At this time, some fish monsters suddenly burst into flames in their bodies, burning them into a pillar of fire, an aroma of grilled fish spread instantly, and the screams of the fish monsters seemed to be a sober signal. Similarly, many sailors who have fallen into madness are freed from their madness.

Similarly, the screams of the fish monsters also frightened other fish monsters, and their offensive slowed down.

Seeing the rare opportunity, the surrounding sailors immediately counterattacked, and because they had awakened from the madness and chaos, the sailors also cooperated, even if this method of remedying the dead sheep still cannot make the fish monsters offensive, but at least it is not like it. Fighting separately just now, they died without resistance under the siege of the fish monsters.

At this moment, those who stayed sober all looked at the hirer who had just rushed out of the cabin. At this moment, the hirer was blazing like a burning man, but the flame did not. Injury him, instead, under his control, attack the fish monsters that are close to him. Although this level of flame cannot cause fatal damage to the fish monsters, it just makes them feel painful, but it still hurts the sailors in battle. Played a lot of help.

The captain and others were not surprised by the abilities displayed by the employer, because they guessed from the beginning that the other party might not be as simple as it seemed, otherwise, he would not hire a smuggling boat alone. Incorporated into the naval battle between the Pirate Alliance and the Kajilan Gold Ship, and the magical power displayed by the opponent now just confirms the earlier speculation.

However, even though the ship has such a powerful combat force with mysterious power to join, the captain and others are still not optimistic about the next battle. After all, even if they have killed more than a dozen fish monsters, there are still a large number of fish monsters from The bottom of the sea climbed up, as if there were countless fish and monsters hidden in the dark sea below, waiting to board the ship.

As the battle continued, the sailors’ counterattacks were defeated by endless fish monsters with powerful regenerative power. Under the command of the captain, the sailors had to abandon the deck and retreat to the cabin, and continue to fight through the narrow terrain of the cabin. Those fish monsters deal with each other.

Although the morale of the sailors will not be a problem for a while, as long as the discerning person can see that morale collapse is only a matter of time, this is the case with the Big Axe, and the situation on other ships is also the same.

Just as the situation was getting worse, when everyone began to fall into despair, a clear bell rang in everyone’s minds, and then everyone’s tired body seemed to be injected with some kind of magic. Like drugs, they instantly returned to their original state, and they also felt that their strength, agility, and other basic qualities had improved to varying degrees.

The fish monster attack that originally made them feel extremely dangerous is now in their eyes like sinking into a mire. It becomes extremely slow. They can easily dodge the attack and counterattack the flaws and vital points exposed by the opponent with their swords. The damage of the increased counterattack has also increased. The original attack that only broke the skin and flesh of the fish monster was to directly cut the fish monster into two sections. Even if the fish monster has a strong regeneration ability, this kind of injury may not be a short time. Can be restored.

Under the blessing of this sudden mysterious power, every sailor turned into a legendary berserker, tirelessly beheading the powerful fish monsters, and at this moment those fish monsters feel like they have turned into wood. Like piles, they couldn't resist the sailors' counterattack at all, either two hearts were destroyed or their heads severed.

Gradually, the battlefield returned to the deck. Although the fish monsters still occupy the majority, they can no longer suppress the counterattack sailors by virtue of their own talent advantages. As the fish monsters have a large number of casualties, the fish monsters emerging from the water gradually Reduce.

In the end, when the last fish monster was beheaded, all the people on the ship did not cheer. They held the weapon in their hands, looked around, looking for the next target. When they found that there was no target, Regardless of the corpses and blood stains of the surrounding fish monsters, they lay limply on the ground, gasping for breath, and at this time the soreness and exhaustion that were not felt during the battle also surged.

Until they heard a bell in their minds again, the exhaustion state of everyone disappeared instantly, and the injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the regenerative power of the fish monster had been transferred to them.

It's just that the captains and other high-level officials on these ships in Horseshoe Bay don't have time to think about what happened to them just now, because there are more important things to deal with now.

Under the command of the captain, all the recovered sailors quickly threw the carcasses of the fish monsters back into the sea, and then the steam engine was activated. The docking point drove, and while driving, the sailors on the ship also drew sea water from the sea to wash the blood on the ship.

For some powerful sea monsters, the family members of the gods are very delicious delicacies. Now that so many Lu family members have died here, almost all sailors who have lived on the sea all year round know that these sea monsters will not take long. They will gather here and feast on them. If they don't go to a safe enough area at this time, then they will probably be eaten by these sea monsters as a snack before dinner.

Perhaps in the face of the Dalu family of the deep-sea fish monsters, the sailors on the ship have the established ability to resist and counterattack, but if the target of the attack is replaced by those sea monsters that are opposed to the ocean gods, I am afraid that they will not wait for them to make any effective After resisting, the entire ship was dragged into the deep sea by the sea monster.

Compared to other ships, the situation on the Petting is much better. Basically, the entire battle process can be said to be breathtaking.

Although Leo and Sylvia did not take action, Joan, the quasi-palladin’s strength, is not comparable to ordinary people. Even the deep-sea fish monsters have no resistance under his attack. What is more interesting is that other people are playing. Under the mental pollution of the fish monster, he became crazy and his fighting power weakened. However, after he became crazy, his fighting power increased exponentially. At least 40 or 50 deep-sea fish monsters died in his hands.

As Leo’s student, Petunia has not learned any offensive psionic skills, but her basic psionic skills are comparable to masters, and can easily restrain the actions of the fish monsters, cooperate with the sailors to counterattack, and sometimes even Directly destroy the heart of the fish monster through psychic energy, kill the fish monster, coupled with her own hunter ability and psychic skills to display, eventually she became a professional firefighter in the battle, where there is danger, you can watch there. With her deadly arrows and restraining power, after a battle, the number of fish monsters that died directly and indirectly in her hands more than doubled that of Qiao An.

The most interesting thing is the Barbarisa couple. Those terrible fish monsters seem to be invisible to the couple. Even if the two are within easy reach, the fish monsters will not attack them, but choose a target that is farther away. attack.

This is what makes this couple the most terrifying invisible assassin on the battlefield. The fish monster's heart pierced by two long thorn swords is not one hundred or eighty, not much worse than Joan and Petunia.

At that time, Leo also discovered the special situation of the Barbarisa couple, but his spiritual web was unable to find any extraordinary power from the couple that could affect the perception of the fish monsters. In the end, he could only take this kind of self-inability The power of discovery is attributed to the mystery and unknown of the title of saint.

It’s just that Leo didn’t pay as much attention to the Barbarisa couple, because he needed to control his rune power and constantly stimulate the bodies of the sailors on the ship, allowing them to continuously produce adrenaline and improve their overall Combat power.

Although this method can cause damage to the body of those people to a certain extent, the damage is not fatal and can be repaired slowly.

This method itself is a kind of psychic skill, but simply using psychic skills will cause greater physical damage to the subject, and there is no ecological restoration solution that can fully repair this damage, so Leo was wondering. Use it in a fantastic combination of witchcraft. UU reading

Although in terms of power, combined with psychic skills after witchcraft, the final effect is a lot weaker, but in terms of control power, it is much stronger. Leo can almost control the entire casting process through the perception of the spiritual network. Decide which people should accept the spell and stimulate adrenaline. Those who don't need it, and can even control the intensity of the stimulation, so that the subject's body always maintains the most suitable fighting state.

After a battle, Leo has collected enough data, and the method of controlling this psionic witchcraft has become more proficient. It will be easier to use next time, and the effect of psionic witchcraft can be more perfect.

As the ship sailed away from the blood-filled Horseshoe Bay, the blood on the ship was barely cleaned up. The sailor began to pack the bodies of his companions. The captain said some encouraging words, even if he himself knew that such words could not be possible. Any effect.

At the same time, on the bottom of the sea, several powerful and huge figures are marching toward Horseshoe Bay at a very fast speed, just like hungry guests attending a feast, and a strong sense of hunger radiates from them. Coming out, affecting all the living creatures around, leading those living creatures into madness, biting each other and swallowing each other, and finally after swimming, leaving only a long and long route composed of the flesh and blood of marine life. The pointing point is facing Horseshoe Bay.

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