The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1420: Hereza's plot

Like most private fishing boats in the Port of Sainte-Pelia, the Petting is converted from a retired warship of a certain country.

With the improvement and popularization of steam engine technology, coastal countries have to replace their navies with equipment, because if you do not replace better steam ships, other countries replace them, then you can only be passively beaten, even the navy. Rights will also be completely taken away by other countries.

So when the first ship equipped with a steam engine appeared at sea, all countries invariably replaced their navies with equipment, and the improvement of steam ships was also very fast. There was a drastic change in almost a few years. This made those maritime countries have to follow and change ships together. From the very beginning, they only pretended to be a steam engine roller on the sailing ship. Later, the propeller was invented, and then the steel hull was made. Now, the sail is completely abandoned. There are numerous iterations of ships at sea in just 50 years.

Some ship technical iterations can be modified on existing ships, but more ship iterations can only decommission the previous ships and rebuild new ships, so that there will be a large number of decommissioned ships. Appear.

At the beginning, the navies of various countries were also worried that if they sold their own ships, they would leak their weapons secrets, so they were willing to let those retired ships rot in the shipyard, or even dismantle them completely. Ship.

But later, because the speed of ship iteration was too fast, various countries had financial problems, which made various maritime countries have to change their previous decisions and began to sell the entire decommissioned ship to private chambers of commerce or fleets. Later, they did not even Official credit and identity verification are required. As long as they can pay enough money, any type of retired ship can be sold to private individuals. In this way, the Petting fell into Heresa's hands and became his car.

Chong Ai is a steam-sail dual-powered warship. The sail is the most popular longhorn sail of the year. This type of sail and the long shuttle-shaped hull of the Chong Ai makes the Chong Ai a superior ship even in the case of headwinds. Sailing speed.

In addition, Chong Ai also installed two giant beast steam engines. The two giant beast steam engines are connected with four conical propellers, so that the speed of Chong Ai will not slow down when there is no wind.

In terms of speed alone, Chong Ai is definitely the fastest of the steam-sail dual-powered warships, but this is its only advantage. In addition to this, this ship has only shortcomings.

For example, it uses a half-timbered and half-metal hull. Although this enhances the toughness of the hull, it is also due to the unreasonable connection between the wood and metal parts. After a catastrophic weather such as a big storm, It is often necessary to strengthen the hull, otherwise it may fall apart.

In addition, in order to allow the ship to reach the fastest speed, all kinds of weapons and equipment were reduced on the ship, which made it even inferior to the oldest sailing warship in terms of offense.

As a battleship, the ship type of Chong Ai is completely unqualified, but this extremely fast ship fell into the hands of the fisherman, pirate and smuggler of Heresa, but the new owner was extremely satisfied, although the ship of the Chong The shortcomings still exist, but the advantages of its speed are enough to make up for all the shortcomings.

In addition, after buying this ship, Hareza has made great changes to it. First, it strengthens the hull, and then removes all weapons. Because of the ship’s offensive power, it uses something similar to a crossbow or artillery. This kind of long-range weapon may not even be able to beat an ordinary caravan **** ship, so simply don't use it at all, add some fishing equipment, and modify a few fish cabins to disguise yourself as a harmless fishing boat.

When they were pirates, they approached the target under the camouflage of a fishing boat, then jumped to help the target ship, and set up a docking station with the other party, so each of the sailors on the petting ship has good personal combat power.

In addition, he renovated the upper cabin, opened up several cabins on the upper floor, and built several luxury cabins, and also modified several special mezzanine and secret rooms in the cabin.

After that, he asked Petting to receive passengers in the form of ocean-going passenger ships, and most of the passengers he chose were people with special identities, or wealthy and powerful, because only such talents could make the anti-smuggling navy who specialize in smuggling dare not dare. Random searches, so that the smuggled goods stored in the mezzanine and secret rooms of the guest cabins can pass various inspections safely.

Relying on this method, the various contraband, valuables and even some special people and things smuggled out of his hands are countless, and he has become a small and famous smuggler in the black market of the old and new continents.

This time, Hayesa also took a smuggling business, and the other party just asked him to send him a metal cipher box, which seemed very simple.

But the veteran Heresa knows that the simpler the cargo, the greater the unknown danger. What's more, the box just looks simple on the surface. In fact, the value of the box itself is comparable to more than a dozen pets. The value is comparable.

When he was a pirate on other ships when he was young, he once saw a similar box, and that box had only one function, which was to hold the relics of the gods. Now when he saw this box again, he almost didn’t need to put the box. When you open it, you know that the things in the box are almost all gods' relics.

At first, he was going to decline this commission, but the price offered by the other party was too high, so high that if he gave up, he would regret this decision in his life.

But after he took this mission, he also felt regret, because he felt that this mission was too dangerous, and he might fall into this mission.

It's just that he can't give up, let alone hide with something, because the strength of the client is not something he can resist. He may be able to avoid the client's pursuit within a period of time, but it will be a matter of time before he gets caught. At that time, even if he died, it would be very difficult. What is waiting for him is more likely to be worse than death, and this torture will last a long time, because he has seen how those people tortured the betrayers, and he doesn't want to be the object of those people tortured. .

Therefore, he can only find a way to safely deliver things to the other side of the ocean and to the hands of the entrusting party. For this reason, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to inquire into the senior churches in Sainte-Pelia Port, and soon went to the Old World to participate. For the holy sacrificial ceremonies of the main churches of the respective churches, he specially sailed to the port of Saint-Pelia to wait. Later, relying on various relationships, he let a senior clergyman of the Spring Water Temple board his boat.

With this senior clergyman of the Spring Water Temple as a cover, he believes that this commission will be completed smoothly and will not encounter any major problems.

What I never thought was that when everything was ready, when we were about to set off, a series of tragedies happened to the ships docked on the pier, and the tragedy ships were all the ships that the clergy of various churches had booked to board before. .

Although there were only a few ships in which the tragedy occurred, accounting for only a small part of the scheduled ships, and there was no clear indication that these tragedies were directed at the church, the church did not ambiguity in the past and temporarily changed the itinerary of all the priests who traveled. The pre-booked cabins were also retired, and the entire ship was completely packaged. The crew also replaced them with people they taught to avoid any possible danger.

In this way, Hereza’s previous plans were all finished. The only remedy was to find a cover that could help him block those anti-smuggling dogs. He soon found an old continent with his family to visit the new continent. Noble, but the identity of this noble is not enough to completely protect him from the inspection of the anti-smuggling ship. He also needs to find another passenger who can complement the identity of the noble.

At this time, he saw a suitable candidate, a false heart church knight who was looking for an ocean liner at the dock.

Just like most people in this world, Hareza will never get involved with anyone in the False Heart Church if he can, because the people of False Heart Church, whether they are church knights or senior clergymen, Even ordinary believers, no matter how they look like normal people on the surface, they are still a lunatic inside, a lunatic who will explode at any time and do all kinds of incredible things.

He once saw a senior clergyman of the False Heart Church. He was talking and laughing with others at the moment, and then suddenly he killed the people around him who was talking to him, but the reason was that he heard it. Someone told him to kill that person, otherwise that person would kill more people.

If ordinary people say and do this, it’s absolutely impossible to escape the death penalty, but the problem is that the Church of False Heart is different. They call this a divine revelation, and this revelation is recognized by most of the true God churches and countries. In the end, the clergyman who murdered inexplicably will be acquitted.

It is precisely because the people of the False Heart Church are such murderers who are likely to erupt at any time, and they are still not questioned. Therefore, people from all countries will actively avoid the people of the False Heart Church. Even the clergy of some churches avoid too much contact with the False Heart Church.

If it was before, Hareza would also avoid the people of the False Heart Church, but now the situation is different. He now needs a shelter that can protect him from the wind and rain, and makes everyone hate and fear the illusion. The clergy of Zhixin Church naturally became the best choice.

And through conversation, Hereza also discovered that this church knight was actually ordered to buy the ferry tickets, and this person who can order the knights of the False Heart Church is definitely an identity, even if he is not a senior clergy member of the False Heart Church. Very unusual church figures, this is more in line with his requirements.

"Have the guests been arranged?" Because it was the False Heart Church, the cautious Heresa did not go to meet him personally, but left the matter to the first officer.

"It's been arranged. The rooms of the two groups of guests are arranged separately, and they should not be in contact with each other through different aisles." The first officer informed about the situation, and then added: "But the vain heart teaches the knights. It seems that the people are not members of the False Heart Church. Judging from their temperament, they should be two great nobles."

"Grand nobleman?" Hareza was stunned and asked: "How old?"

The first officer recalled carefully and said: "At least the Duke level, especially the noble lady, made me feel like I saw the queen. Just one look made me dare not look up."

Heresa could not help but fall into contemplation when he heard the first officer's words. He did not question his first officer's words, because he knew very well that his first officer's eyesight was much higher than him. Judging from his clothes and temperament The identity of a person is his masterpiece, and he has basically never missed it in the past so many years. Therefore, he said that two of the guests he greeted were comparable to the duke and the queen, so the identity of the other person must be the duke and the queen, or status. Corresponding other identities.

Although a guest with a higher identity can indeed prevent some troubles more effectively, the same identity beyond expectations may also cause some unnecessary troubles.

The two identities may be that they can arbitrarily command the vain heart to teach the knights to the top and powerful mysterious passengers. This kind of thing has never been encountered by Hareza in the past, and he has not even heard of it. You must know the vain heart. The clergy and knights of the church are known for being uncontrollable. Unless they are the gods they believe in, even the king should never want to command them arbitrarily.

Obviously this common sense that has been circulating for many years is now broken, and for Heresa, he does not want this kind of breaking common sense to happen to him, especially when he has received such a tricky commission.

"Should you let them..." As a partner for many years, the first officer could easily see through Heresa's mind, and then asked tentatively.

Before the chief officer finished speaking, Hereza shook his head and said, "No, since they have already come up, they are our passengers. Just ask the people below to treat them as usual. UU Read and try their best. If you don’t have any contact with them, I feel that they are also in big trouble, too much contact may cause us trouble."

After speaking, he instructed the chief officer to check the overall condition of the ship and the supplies again, and then walked to the copper pipe next to the steering rudder, unplugged the plug, and shouted a few words inside, and the steam engine room at the other end of the pipe received it. Command to start ignition and combustion, and start the steam engine slowly.

With a whistle, the steam-sail dual-powered ship slowly started under the control of the captain's skilled driving skills, avoiding the large and small ships docked in the sheltered bay of the pier, and sailed into the sea, towards the direction of the old continent. Drive away.

Just as the ship left the old continent, a dark shadow emerged from the Daru Temple on the cliff, fell into the sea and disappeared.

At the same time, a non-existent nine-storey high-rise building in the center of Baicheng District sprayed a light that ordinary people can't see, and penetrated into the sky. Although ordinary people can't see this light, some extraordinary people can see it clearly. They were very curious and surprised at the place where this light appeared. When they were about to check it out, the idea of ​​checking it out suddenly disappeared inexplicably. They also continued what they were doing before as if they had forgotten it. .

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