The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1406: The law of the swamp

"You really will go to the old... Source Continent?" Perhaps because of the long stay in the New World, these social activists began to want people from the New World to get closer. For example, they are more accustomed to calling the Old World the source. Mainland, but their habit has not been completely formed yet, and they soon realized that their name was wrong and changed it.

"Yes, this time we are planning to go to the port of Saint-Pelia to take a boat to the Source Continent." Leo also followed the other party's words and said.

Several people looked at each other after hearing the words, and then asked tentatively: "I don't know if I can trouble you with something?"

"Please speak." Sylvia seemed to be guessing.

A social activist asked tentatively: "We have a few letters hoping that the two will send them out for us when they arrive in the source continent."

Leo questioned: "But we will not go to your country."

The person explained: “You don’t need to go to our country. The postal system of the Source Continent is very developed and it is unmatched by the New World. You only need to put your letters into the mailbox of the post office of the port city of the Source Continent you arrive. It’s payable."

Sylvia deliberately hesitated, and said in a deep voice, "Is this going to be dangerous? After all, several people in the Source Continent have offended big people, if it's because of this letter..."

Another person quickly explained: "There will be no danger. These letters are letters from the family to inform them of safety and will not cause any trouble to the two of you." After speaking, he paused and looked at his companion. Seeing, it seems to be consulting a companion's opinion, and then continued: "Of course, this matter will not let the two of you do it for nothing, we will pay both of you a lump sum payment."

"Remuneration? Do you think we are the ones who lack remuneration?" Sylvia couldn't help laughing.

"Of course not, of course not!" Several people shook their heads, and one of them immediately defended: "Of course we will not use money as vulgar things to pay, we will give two very practical things as rewards."

"Practical things." Sylvia smiled and said with interest: "I want to take a look."

A social activist with a little accent explained: "The two mentioned earlier that they will definitely go to the Kingdom of Teresa after going to the Source Continent. Exchange, unless the two are smuggling, they will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Teresa at all, and even if they enter, they will be discovered soon."

Leo questioned: "Close the door and lock the country? Why do you want to close the door and lock the country?"

"We don't know this either." Several people shook their heads in unison.

Sylvia asked: "Listen to what you mean, can you help us enter the Kingdom of Teresa?"

"Of course not," several people shook their heads tacitly. One of them added: "We can't help you directly enter the Kingdom of Teresa, but we can introduce you to people who can help you enter the Kingdom of Teresa."

Another person continued: "Professor Scott Jon, he is a professor of bio-acting chemistry at Teresa Kingdom Public College. He is now living in Prince au Prince. When we left the source continent, he asked us to help him find someone. We have found the red-tailed spotted finch, a specialty of the Liszt Marsh in the source continent. We are thinking of a way to send it to the source continent. Now it is more appropriate to entrust it to two people. Professor Te can enter the Kingdom of Teresa by writing a letter of introduction."

Leo and Sylvia looked at each other when they heard the words, and then Sylvia asked with some confusion: "Why did you choose us? It stands to reason that you should have met many people who plan to go to Source Continent? Why do you want to? Choose us to bring you a letter?"

Several people smiled, and said in unison: "It feels, the feeling is often so wonderful. We feel that you are trustworthy, so we want to ask both of you for this."

Leo smiled and said, "Are some of you doing things so casually?"

Several people shrugged and responded: "Of course not, but sometimes there are exceptions."

Sylvia didn't ask any more, nodded and said, "Thank you for your trust. We are willing to help you all."

After hearing this, several people felt very happy, and then made an appointment with Leo and Sylvia. Tomorrow Leo and the others will leave with the letter to be sent and the letter of introduction to them at the dock.

Afterwards, several people talked for a while, discussing the philosophy, politics, and sociology of the world. Of course Leo couldn’t intervene, but Sylvia was an expert in this area and easily They continue to gain the upper hand in the debate of opinions. When they were separated, several people even thought that Sylvia should go to a national university in a major country to teach sociology and political science.

After separating from these social activists, Leo and the others went to stay in the hotel arranged for them by the Sanctuary.

Although the house is built on the surface of the swamp, there are red-leaf shrubs in between, and the builders have added some insect repellent powder coating to the wooden materials of the house. In addition, the hotel owner will smoke the house with special herbs every day. Insect repellent, so living in this kind of hotel house, except that the smell is slightly unpleasant, there is no worry about mosquitoes.

"How credible do you think the words of those social activists?" After a simple grooming, Sylvia opened the window and leaned lazily by the window, pouring herself a glass of fruit wine, and at the same time Asked.

"One point." Leo sat next to Sylvia and looked at the situation in the swamp outside the window. At the same time, he quickly drew a witchcraft rune on his hand, using the power of the rune to disperse the mosquitoes inside and outside the room, just casting it. At that moment, his brows frowned slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Sylvia did not see Leo’s expression, her mind was still on the evaluation of the social activists, and she was not too surprised by Leo’s answer, saying: "You gave so low. ."

"Their social activists staying in the Liszt Marsh have their own problems. Social activists and social activists naturally have to be able to be active in human society. There are places in so many countries in the New World that give them their abilities, but they But staying in this remote swamp, this in itself shows that they have a problem." Leo smiled and said: "Also, think about how normal people will not trust the people they just met. , Handing such an important letter to a stranger you just met, obviously those people are not like fools or lunatics, so I guess what they said to us, I’m afraid they’ve already told many people, they are When the fisherman casts a net, as long as one can do what they want, they will be considered successful."

Sylvia also smiled. Leo saw the same problem as hers. Then she looked at the dark swamp outside and said, "Speaking of which, I am curious about why they chose to stay in this swamp. ?"

Leo nodded in agreement and said, "I'm also a little curious about this, but there must be something in this swamp that attracts them."

"Did you find something?" Sylvia asked, seeming to hear something in Leo's words.

"You try to use your power." Leo did not answer directly, but prompted.

Sylvia heard the words and did not think much, so she mobilized the power of the abyssal dragon in her body to create a fire in her palm.

However, what made her unexpected is that although she did not encounter any abnormal obstacles when she used her own power, the effect after the use was far less than expected. Originally, he wanted to create a fist-sized flame, but after the use of it. , What was created was just a flame the size of a rice grain. The power was weakened by more than ten times, and it could be extinguished at any time, but the problem was that she did not feel obstacles in the process of exerting her power, as if the power she exerted was only Can make a flame.

"There is a banned area for extraordinary powers here?" Sylvia immediately made a judgment.

Leo shook his head and said, "If there is that kind of power, we should feel it after entering the swamp, and can you sense a trace of obstacles when you use the power? You can't sense it, so it's not here. There are areas where extraordinary powers are blocked."

"Then what's going on?" Sylvia said, looking at the flame that hadn't extinguished in her palm.

Leo pondered for a moment, and said, "I think it should be the world law that has changed."

"The laws of the world have changed?" Sylvia didn't quite understand.

Leo explained in more detail: "In other words, from a certain point of view, the Liszt Marsh is another world, completely different from the world we were in in terms of the laws of natural operation. For example, we perform in the world of Velen. Extraordinary power can be fully utilized, but entering the current world can only play 50% due to various obstacles, and now entering the world of Liszt Marsh can only play 10%, or even less than 10%."

After hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia seemed to think of something, and said: “I remember the area of ​​the Liszt Marsh is very large. If the geography books we have read are not wrong, then the area of ​​this swamp is compared to that of Velen. The Black Forest Swamp is at least nearly twice as big. The area of ​​the Black Forest Swamp has given birth to a lot of swamp gods, but Liszt Swamp has no gods in this world with witchcraft gods. It's weird, maybe..."

Leo took the words and said, "Perhaps the special environment here makes this a forbidden place for gods."

Sylvia nodded in agreement and asked, "Do you think this has anything to do with the reasons why the few social activists stayed in this swamp?"

"I don't know." Leo still didn't give a clear response, and reminded: "But one thing is certain, they are just ordinary people, and there is no extraordinary power, and a few ordinary people are not specialized Researchers came to this swamp to find the secrets of why no gods were bred. It’s a bit..."

Leo didn't finish speaking, but Sylvia also understood Leo's meaning, and felt that Leo was right.

Just as the two were talking, there was a knock on the door, and Qiao An came in from outside the door.

Sylvia and Leo were stunned when they saw JoAnn coming in, and glanced at each other.

Because they did not find the strangeness of Liszt Marsh before, they did not pay too much attention to Qiao Ann, but now they realized the mysterious laws of Liszt Marsh, and when they re-examined Qiao Ann, they found that Qiao Ann was whole at this moment. The temperament seems to have changed a lot, to put it simply, there is less madness, and it feels like a normal person.

"Is there anything? Qiao Ann." Although he found Qiao Ann's anomaly, Leo did not show it, but still asked with a calm face.

"No, I have nothing." Qiao An shook his head, as if he wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

Leo and Sylvia both noticed that Qiao An wanted to speak but stopped, so they didn't speak, but watched him quietly and waited for him to adjust, thinking clearly what they wanted to say.

After a while, Qiao Ann seemed to have made a decision, and said: "I am fine, very good. I have not been so well in the past few years. Since entering the Liszt Marsh, I have felt very good. The voices that Bian often heard have disappeared, and his brain has become much clearer, and he is no longer as muddled as he used to be."

Leo smiled and said, "This is a good thing..."

"No, this is not a good thing." Before Leo finished speaking, Qiao Ann interrupted him, and raised his finger to his eyes, and said: "But my eyes are blind again, and the other eye is blind. My eyesight seems to have been affected, and things have become a little blurry. Do you know what's going on?"

After listening to Qiao'an, Leo quickly thought of the answer. He didn't say it directly, but asked tactfully: "Have you been to the Liszt Marsh before?"

"No." Qiao An shook his head and said: "All churches believe that Liszt Marsh is the filthy cave of this world. Any clergyman who enters the Liszt Marsh will be contaminated by the power of filth." At this point, he seemed to be contaminated. Thinking of something, he said: "Am I also contaminated by filth?"

Leo shook his head. UU Reading said: "Liszt Marsh does not have the kind of misunderstandings you said, but there is something special here. It is extremely unfriendly to any supernormal power and will be greatly weakened. The effect of supernormal power. Your blind eye is treated with supernormal power, and the other eye is affected by supernormal power for a long time, and there is more or less a trace of assimilation effect, so when you enter the Liszt Marsh, all Things related to supernatural powers have been weakened, including the whispers of the vain mind that you clergymen with vain hearts have to endure all the time."

"That's it." Qiao An showed a daze, and asked tentatively: "If I continue to stay in the swamp, will I never be affected?"

"As long as the nature of the swamp has not changed, it won't be affected." Leo nodded and said, "But your eyes may never recover, including the eye that can barely see things now. ."

Qiao An looked embarrassed when he heard the words.

Sylvia, who saw Joan’s thoughts, suggested: “Don’t make a decision right away, think about it calmly, there is still one night to think about whether you want to stay.”

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