The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1296: Blanket of Life

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Leo opened the metal door with the key and walked in with Sylvia.

Because no one uses it all the year round, the ground on this floor is full of dust, and there are no windows around, and the lamp hanging on the wall is the old-fashioned gas lamp. Because the pipe is closed, it cannot be lit. The light leaking in from the window at the end of the corridor is not enough to illuminate the space on this floor.

Perhaps it is caused by the dark surroundings, or perhaps the strength of the past remains on this floor. In short, it is only a barrier by a metal door. The temperature on both sides is at least 20 or 30 degrees different. The breath of ordinary people They all turned into mist at the moment they breathed out.

"Do you feel any power?" When Sylvia felt the unusual temperature difference around, she also noticed something was wrong, but she didn't find any special force around that could change the temperature, so she asked Leo Tao.

However, Leo also shook his head and said, "There is no extraordinary power here."

In fact, before entering the door, Leo had scanned the interior of this floor through the mental network. He did not find any traces of supernormal power, and when he felt this weird temperature difference, he also did not find any abnormal power. .

"However, the low temperature here may not be caused by supernormal power." Leo said after another turn of the conversation.

Sylvia was stunned, looking at Leo and waiting for him to explain further.

However, Leo did not intend to explain. Instead, he used a psionic skill to create a psionic light ball on his side, then motioned to Sylvia to follow behind, and stepped towards the depths of the corridor. See the room where the murderer was interrogated.

That room is easy to find. The other rooms in the entire corridor are open. Only that room is tightly closed, and some very complicated and mysterious patterns have been carved on the door of the room.

Leo was not in a hurry to open the door of the room, but squatted down and carefully looked at the mysterious pattern on the door. He slowly said: "This is in Donya, some of the Gamore language in the world of Velen, it is Donny. It was created by the Asian race. Although this nation is a new nation, it has inherited ancient knowledge. It is said that a great sage among them created the Donia through the ancient knowledge and planned to use the Donia. The result is not only There was opposition within the Donia, and even the churches at the time opposed it. In the end, the great sage died in an assassination, and the Donia manuscripts he wrote were scattered. Except for a part of the Donia reservation, many There is also a part of the church, and the rest are lost to the people."

"Do you know what it means?" Sylvia asked curiously.

Leo shook his head and said, "I don't know, I have only read some Donia books mixed with Donia, and I have a little understanding of Donia, but I haven't studied this aspect too deeply. But. I can tell from the fonts that these words were written by the Donias, and not from the parts that other churches have mastered."

"Why do you say that?" Sylvia asked again.

Leo explained briefly, saying: "Because the Donian language of the churches has been modified and added the characteristics that belong to their respective churches. These characteristics are easy to identify, but these patterns do not have these characteristics."

After explaining, Leo stood up and opened the door of the room, revealing the dark room behind the door.

At the moment when the door of the room opened, Leo and Sylvia felt a dark and obscure energy aura emanating from the room at the same time, but this power aura was not strong, but it was enough to affect the surrounding environment. It’s just that it is blocked by the power contained in the Donia on the door, making it unable to escape, and finally blending into this room, making this room a source of refrigeration, continuously cooling the air through the walls and floor Send it to other rooms around, making the entire floor feel like it has entered a cold storage room.

In the past, the power in this room may have been very strong, and the power of the Donya on the door was also very strong, but as the years eroded, these powers eventually dissipated.

"This power is disgusting." Sylvia frowned, took two steps back, and said.

At the moment when she opened the door, Sylvia also felt the dark and obscure energy breath, but this energy felt like a bunch of stinky unknown gas, and the room full of this energy breath It's more like a cesspit.

Leo also didn't like this kind of energy breath, but the feeling was not as strong as Sylvia. He motioned Sylvia to stay in place, and then entered the room alone.

This room is an interrogation room transformed from an ordinary cell. There is nothing worthy of attention. Also, because it was cleaned up before it was closed, all traces left here when the accident happened were also removed. Up.

However, the people who cleaned the room in the past obviously only cleaned up the various traces that were visible to the naked eye. For those things that were invisible to the naked eye, they seemed to have no way to clean up. Otherwise, there would be no way to completely ban the entire floor later. Up.

When Leo couldn't find any useful information with his naked eyes, he immediately activated his vision ability. Through the vision ability, he easily discovered some interesting things.

I saw the remaining energy here, under his spiritual vision, turned into wisps of purple and cyan haze. The source of these hazes is on the surrounding walls. At this moment, the walls of the room are no longer cleaned and painted. Instead of being white, it turned black, and the black walls were covered with a lot of materials like fungus blankets, moss and the like composed of dried flesh and blood.

If other people saw this substance, they would only think it was a substance composed of the flesh and blood of an evil demon, and would think it was the incarnation of evil, but Leo was different. He happened to have seen this substance and knew the origin of this substance.

Although it is difficult for the subspace environment to breed life, the civilization of the normal universe enters the subspace through a special method, which changes some existing space laws of the subspace. In addition, the spacecraft with the ability to shuttle in the subspace is in the subspace. In the event of some accidents, the life bodies and species on the spacecraft were swallowed by the subspace, and some species unique to the subspace evolved.

The blanket of life is the lowest species in the subspace life form. It is also called primitive. Almost all the subspace areas that produce life are covered with this kind of fungus blanket, because no matter what the form of the subspace life form, In addition to preying on other subspace organisms, they also use this mushroom blanket as food.

For subspace organisms, this kind of life fungus blanket does not have any lethality, but for normal life in the universe, this life fungus blanket can produce a kind of radioactive energy, which can promote the bottom of life. Gene mutation, this mutation is not an uncontrollable, disorderly mutation, but a disorderly but controllable mutation.

In other words, almost all living organisms affected by the radiation energy of the life bacteria blanket can eventually complete the mutation, but the result of the mutation is unpredictable, which means that the final mutation of the same species must be two mutants. For different species, this difference is completely different from the body shape to the underlying genes.

Just now Sylvia felt so disgusted and uncomfortable with the residual energy around it, because the residual energy contained the radioactive energy of the life bacteria blanket, although this level of radioactive energy was not enough to cause any harm to Leo and Sylvia, However, some of the effects of radioactive energy on the underlying genes also made Sylvia's dragon blood instinctively feel threatened, so it produced such a strong reaction.

These blankets of life should be dead now. The cause of death is undoubtedly exposure to the environment of the normal universe for a long time, but Leo knows that the death of these blankets of life is now just a kind of self-protected suspended animation. It can be seen from the energy response of, these life fungus blankets still have a little vitality, as long as they are sent back to the subspace, they should be able to recover.

Although I don't know what happened in this interrogation room back then, it is certain that the accident that year must be related to these life fungus blankets, and these life fungus blankets should also come from the current Belmont Manor.

At this time, Sylvia outside the door clearly saw the change of expression on Leo’s face and the place where his gaze fell. Although she could not see anything abnormal on the wall, she knew Leo’s spiritual vision. The power of the real eye is hidden in the ability, and he must have seen something that ordinary people can't see, so he asked Leo if he found anything.

Leo explained to Sylvia what she saw and the information about the life fungus blanket. Sylvia was also a little curious after hearing this, but she did not report on the life fungus transformation. There are too many questions, because there are many similar things in the abyss, so this is not something worth understanding for her.

Compared with the fungus blanket itself, she was more curious about the reason for the formation of the fungus blanket, and therefore had an association, saying: "How did these life fungus blankets come about? Are they the missing Monte family?"

Leo was slightly stunned after hearing this, then after a moment of contemplation, he nodded slightly, and said, "It's possible."

Although the original cause of the subspace life fungus blanket in the universe is untestable, there is a relatively accepted saying that the original life fungus blanket originated from the various life bodies on the spacecraft that wrecked in the subspace. The remains, even the living body itself, now seems to be true.

The disappearance of the Monte family caused quite a stir in Beluk. Everyone thought that the Monte family’s disappearance was due to a kidnapping or other accidents. Many powerful people are in danger for fear that they will become the next victim. Therefore, the investigation of the whereabouts of the Monte family lasted for a long time, and even the surrounding counties and cities were alarmed and cooperated with the investigation.

But in the end, let alone the members of the Monte family, even the bodies of the members were not found, as if the family disappeared out of thin air. Knowing the whereabouts of the Monte family today is still a mystery.

Now think about it, if the Monte family is transformed into the life fungus blanket that Leo sees now because of a certain ritual, and this life fungus blanket unless there is a person with the real eye ability like Leo, or is in In the subspace, otherwise, under normal circumstances, these blankets of life would not be visible at all, so the people who searched the Monte Manor at that time would have found nothing and could not find the whereabouts of the Monte family members.

As for why the people who handled the case in Monte Manor were not affected at that time, it is likely that the blanket of life at that time did not fully grow up, or even just transformed into a very small larva, and its own radioactive energy was very weak and not enough to cause humans. influences.

Later, someone entered here to steal something, and was inadvertently parasitized by the larva of the life blanket. The growth of the life blanket requires a lot of life and energy, so it will affect the parasite’s thinking and let him kill until he kills. People who shouldn't be killed are caught.

However, at that time, the blanket of life bacteria had grown to a certain extent, which caused some special features on the parasites, and was discovered by others. Instead of being sentenced to death, they were sent to prison, waiting for the Federal Government of Haute to find him. The secret of the body.

As a result, the secret could not be found, but the blanket of life bacteria grew to be able to radiate enough radiation to cause mutations, which eventually led to mutations in the parasites, interrogators, and observers at the time.

Thinking of this, Leo also told Sylvia his inference.

Sylvia thought about it again, and said: "Does the kind of radiation that cause human mutations exist in the larval state?"

"Yes, but not strong." Leo replied.

Sylvia asked again: "Will the impact of that kind of radiation on people accumulate?"

Leo hesitated for a moment, and said, "There will be an impact," and as if he realized something, he said, "You mean that if our guess is correct, then something must have happened to the warden. This kind of mutation, because before that, he had been in contact with the prisoner for a long time."

"Yes. UU reading" Sylvia nodded, then showed a puzzled look, and said: "It's just that I think the warden is in normal condition, and there is no abnormal reaction on him. It’s not like there has been a mutation."

Leo shook his head and said, "No! Some mutations are hidden and may not necessarily show up on the outside."

After speaking, he suddenly took out a test tube-like item, then used his psionic energy to create a psionic knife, and then extended the test tube and knife under the withered blanket of life bacteria, cut a piece from above, and dropped it into the test tube. in.

Sylvia on the side looked at Leo’s movements, because she couldn’t see the life blanket, so she felt Leo’s movements were a bit funny, but when Leo’s cut off the life blanket fell into the test tube, The invisible rune array on the test tube was activated, and the blanket of life bacteria that was invisible to ordinary people also appeared in her eyes.

Sylvia asked Leo to pass the test tube and looked at it curiously. After Leo walked out of the room, according to the psionic skills he knew, he condensed into a psionic flame and threw it on the fungus blanket on the wall. Above, the fungus blanket burned violently as soon as it touched the psychic flame, turning into ashes.

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