The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1270: First meeting

"No, I have never seen this puzzle before." Facing the hot gaze projected on him, Leo remained calm as usual.

"Then how can you match thirty squares so quickly?" the old man asked quickly again.

Leo shrugged, taking it for granted, and said, "Maybe this thing is too simple for me!"

Hearing Leo’s answer, the old man didn’t know how to ask for a while, and the others were also a little annoyed, because they had tried this puzzle, but it took months or even years before they were able to make the correct three. It was only four yuan, but Leo got thirty yuan right after he came up in less than two minutes, and everyone in the room had the illusion of being slapped in the face.

In fact, they didn’t know that Leo didn’t lie. He really hadn’t seen this kind of block puzzle before, but he had seen relevant records, and it was indeed very simple to him, as simple as every block. There are digital numbers, and he only needs to arrange them according to the numbers.

The record of this kind of cube platter, Leo, was found in a wizard's notebook. This thing is called the square of enlightenment. It is composed of 5,000 squares made of special materials and methods. Its function is very effective. The simple thing is to look for people with wizarding talents and use them to determine whether a wizard apprentice has a wizarding qualification.

When the tower wizard finds a person who is suspected of possessing wizarding talents, he will show this puzzle to that person. Those who have true wizardry talents but have not undergone any wizard training can see the wizards on at least fifty square puzzles. For mathematical numbers, you only need to arrange the squares according to the numbers shown above to pass.

The trained wizard apprentice will be able to see more cube puzzles showing numbers until he can see all the cube puzzles and put the puzzles together in order, then he is considered to be an official tower wizard.

When Leo was rebuilding the tower, he imitated this method to create a wizard level detection device, but because this enlightenment phalanx had long been lost with the disappearance of the tower wizard, Leo could only From the content recorded in that notebook, restore its general function.

It was precisely because of the in-depth study of the Enlightenment phalanx that Leo saw that the members of the Zhenzhihui took out the set of cube puzzles and immediately recognized that this thing was the Enlightenment phalanx made by the tower wizard.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s because of the different world environment, or because of the passing of time. The energy emitted by this incomplete enlightenment phalanx is already very thin, and the number of components is also very vague. Leo must use spiritual vision seriously. Only by watching can you barely see the above content, and then put it together in order.

The reason why he only put together 30 pieces and didn’t put it together, except that he felt that there was no need to continue to put it together. What’s more important is that the 35th to 67th puzzle pieces belonged to the missing part, and that part was missing. The connection at the back does not come up, and even if they are put together, they cannot produce a response.

For Leo, even if he failed to join the Zhenzhi meeting this time, he was worthy of his trip, because he was already sure that the tower wizard had not only been to this world, but had done some great things in this world, and stayed there. Some things were downloaded, but the related records were hidden or tampered with for some reason, leaving only a few words and phrases in the affairs of the tower wizard, such as the vocabulary of wizards, which represents a special meaning, or this set of incomplete Phalanx of enlightenment.

At this time, the people of Zhenzhihui had recovered from their astonishment, and their eyes towards Leo became eager. In their opinion, Leo gave himself a nickname called a wizard, and he could be so relaxed. Spelling out 30 pieces of assortment, then it can only show one problem, that is, the other party must have a very deep research on the history and knowledge that was hidden and deleted.

"Now discuss the proposal of the wizard to join our Zhenzhihui." The old man first said: "I agree with his joining."

"I agree too."

As the old man spoke, others continued to agree, and even those who were hostile to Borg Hans did not oppose it. In the end, Leo passed by unanimously and became a member of the Zhenzhihui.

"Songer, since you know the wizard, then you should explain to him about the true knowledge!" The old man gave Boger Hans a command, then turned to look at the people around him, and said, "We are now Let’s start this party! Who will come first."

"I'll come first!" Shadow could not wait to stand up and said: "I lack a divine bone, and I am willing to exchange it with the manuscript of the Book of Arthur I found some time ago."

As soon as the shadow's voice fell, a woman with a tall figure and a golden mask asked: "What kind of **** bone do you need, or any kind of **** bone is fine."

"Any **** bone is fine." Shadow eagerly looked at the woman with the golden mask and said: "Treasure hunter, I remember you explored a **** tomb not long ago. Although you failed in the end, you must have found some good things. ."

The woman ignored the other party's temptation, and said flatly: "I took this list, and the things will be left in the same place. After you confirm that there is nothing wrong with the things, please give the copy to my hand."

Seeing that the shadow did not detect anything, he did not continue to question, nodded and agreed to the other party's proposal.

After that, some people came forward to express what they needed and what they were willing to give. This made Leo feel like a small trade fair, and most of these transactions were taken by the woman nicknamed the treasure hunter. Just like her nickname, she seems to have a lot of resources on hand to meet various needs.

After everyone else had traded with this woman, Leo suddenly said, "Can I also trade?"

"You are already our companion, of course you can trade." The old man nodded and said.

Leo opened his mouth and said his request, "I want to find a book about the true god."

The surrounding area immediately calmed down, and everyone's eyes fell on Leo again. There is no doubt that Leo's request was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

"Are you going to commit suicide? You actually want to touch that thing." Someone couldn't help but mocked.

Another said: "Remember what happened to the last guy who got the book of True God?"

Someone said coldly: "Die, a terrible death. When he died, I was next to him, watching him turn into a monster, and watching him fester and die."

Leo didn't show any reaction to the words of the people around him, he just looked at the people around him calmly.

At this time, the woman who was nicknamed the treasure hunter stood up and said: "I have a book that meets your requirements. If you are not afraid of death, you can trade it to you."

"You are going to put that book..." The old man on the side seemed to know what the book the treasure hunter was talking about, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, that book has been in my hands for some time. Although there are some restrictions on it, I always feel that it is not safe. It is better to give it to someone else. Take it myself, but now that a wizard takes over, I don’t have to ask for trouble anymore.” The treasure hunter briefly explained, then looked at Leo and said, “What are you willing to trade for?”

Leo was able to hear from the conversation that the book that the treasure hunter intended to take out was a very dangerous item, even for people like the treasure hunter who had all kinds of strange objects on their bodies, it was extremely deadly, but it was But it just fits his mind, he just wants to experience the mysterious power of this world firsthand.

So Leo took out a rune board he had made with materials from this world these days, and walked forward and handed it to the treasure hunter.

This rune board is the product of his research on how his power and all kinds of knowledge are normally used in this world. He found that the more powerful and lasting the power he used, the greater the chance of disorderly changes, but some The subtle, simple, and fast power will not appear backlash. Although the effect of the display will still be weakened, at least it can be fully displayed. This is a good start for him.

The function of this rune board is very simple, that is, it cleans the dust on the body. It only takes a moment to cast, and it takes a certain period of time to recover after it is cast before it can be cast again to prevent someone from continuously casting the chaotic effect.

After the treasure hunter found the rune board, Leo talked about the function and use of this thing, and other people around also gathered.

Although the function of this thing makes them feel a little disappointed, but they are also very novel about it, because they have seen many mysterious objects that can make people dead and crazy, but there are no side effects like this, and they are extremely This is the first time I have seen a practical mysterious object.

The treasure hunter looked at the rune board in his hand and found that the runes and patterns carved on the rune board were the first time he saw it. Although the rune board did not look old from her experience, she also I don’t think this thing is newly made, because she has seen some mysterious objects stored in special places before. Even after tens of thousands of years, they are still the same as new ones, so she guessed that Leo might have found them. A secret vault containing a large number of mysterious items.

In order to test whether this thing really works as Leo said, the treasure hunter squatted down, grabbed some dust from the ground and sprinkled it on himself, and then inspired the rune board according to Leo's method. The hidden power.

Everyone only saw a faint light gushing out of the rune board, covering the treasure hunter's body. The dust that had previously been scattered on the treasure hunter's clothes immediately flew up and scattered around, and some subtle dust also appeared. Being swept around together, the treasure hunter immediately became extremely clean, as if he had been washed.

Seeing this scene, many people exclaimed in admiration, while those with mysterious powers showed a lot of calmness. Obviously, they have a certain degree of knowledge about this magical phenomenon. Immunity.

As a treasure hunter as an experiencer, she feels more clearly than others, and also knows that this thing cleans not only the dust on the clothes, but also the contents of the clothes. At least she feels like she has taken a bath. Yes, this is a very good mystery item for people like her who often travel in the wild.

So, she nodded very satisfied and said: "I am very satisfied with the things. I will give the storage location of the book to the miser, and then the miser to you. If we trade too many times, you'd better do it yourself. Find a secret delivery location to avoid finding a temporary location every time."

"Yes." Leo agreed to the other party's proposal, then turned to look at Bojie Hans, and said: "This matter will trouble you."

"It's okay." Seeing that Leo was more easily integrated into the Zhenzhi meeting than expected, Bojie Hans, the recommender, was also happy.

The treasure hunter put the rune board in his waist bag, and then said very cautiously: "I want to remind you that the book is very dangerous. Unless you are in an absolutely safe place, you should never open it for storage. Box."

The reason she kindly reminded her was not because she was kind-hearted or had a good affection for Leo, but because she guessed Leo must have a lot of good things on hand. If Leo died because of that book, those good things But there is no place for her.

As for the treasure hunter's reminder, Leo didn't say anything, but retreated to Boj Hans's side.

Seeing that everyone had finished the transaction, the old man stood up again and said: "Next, I will talk about two things. Those who are interested can find someone to cooperate and participate. One thing is that the scripture scrolls brought by the early Samarian missionaries have been I was discovered, and I am now preparing to secretly send to the Old World. It is not clear where it is. It is only estimated that I will board the battleship General Bonnet in a month and return to the Old World. Those who are interested can give it a try. Is there a chance to intercept it."

"Is it a real sacred scroll? You know that there are more than fifty kinds of sacred scrolls circulating outside, all of which are found to be fakes." A member wearing a multi-pointed star mask asked hurriedly.

"I can be 100% sure that it is true. UU Reading is just incomplete, only five pages." The old man answered.

Hearing the old man's affirmative answer, many people around were a little moved.

Afterwards, the old man said: "The second thing is that Bonatades' sacrifice has appeared again. Someone offered a reward. It is a thousand **** gold coins to catch a living member, and there are also five hundred dead. Quantity."

Compared with the previous scripture scrolls, it is obvious that Bonatades’ sacrifice made the people present feel more fearful. Although Leo didn’t know what it was, it’s not difficult to see this Bonata from the silent crowd around him. Dess has a fairly strong deterrent.

The reaction of the crowd seemed to be in the old man’s expectation. He didn’t wait too long and said, “If nothing else, this gathering will be over. I’ll inform you of the next gathering place,” he said. Take out a square box and hand it to Leo: "Hold it, if I contact you, the text will be displayed on it."

Leo took the box and looked at it and received it in his pocket. His plain attitude surprised everyone around him, because most of them would show all kinds of surprises and surprises when they got the box. So they can't help but look at Leo a bit higher.

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