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Leo felt that Soland shouldn’t be telling the truth, and he must have concealed something. According to the degree of importance attached to the smiling Todd case by the Haute Federation, it would certainly not be easy for an ordinary local police detective to detect these who have been blocked for many years Things, if people find these secrets so easy, then this news will not be hidden for so long.

   "What's your last name?" Thinking of this, Leo suddenly asked the other party an inexplicable question.

   Soland was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said displeasedly: "My last name has nothing to do with this case."

Although Solander did not say anything, Leo already had the answer in his mind and did not continue to ask more. Then after thinking about it, he seemed to have thought of something, and then asked: "Did Rudolf Hans come from the founding father Hans?"

   Soland nodded.

   At this moment, Leo wondered why the Otter Federation tried to suppress the smiling Todd case, and also completely blocked the spread of related news. They are probably all to maintain the reputation of the National Guardian family.

There are a total of five families in the Haute Federation. These five families have made great contributions to the creation of the Haute Federation. Therefore, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the five major families also obtained some privileges and obtained the asylum of the country, but at the same time It is also subject to political restrictions. After all, the Haute federal government does not want the five big families to use their reputation to gain more power and go back to the old path of aristocratic countries.

Although the five major families have already withdrawn from the Otter Federation in politics, with the help of privileges and prestige, they have been able to have great wealth within the kingdom, and use these wealth to expand their influence, indirectly affecting the government and parliament. And courts and other institutions.

   The fact that the Otter Federation suppressed the smiling Todd, in addition to the federal government, may also have the Hans family secretly operating it.

   "Is that smiling Todd still alive?" Leo asked suspiciously again.

   "I don't know." Solander gave a simple answer. Although the answer was quick, Leo could hear the truth.

Leo looked down at the design drawing of the manor in his hand again, and quickly compared it with what he thought of in his mind. Although the two were quite different, the core structure was the same, and he thought of other things. Leo couldn't help muttering in a low voice, and said, "It's the tower again?"

The reason why Leo frowned at the first glance when he saw the design, was completely because he saw the design and stripped the design content and retained the content that may be related to the occult. I saw a weird pattern, and the core part of this pattern was very similar to the structure of the tower wizard's array, similar to the extent that it could be recognized at a glance.

   thinks that the space rift in that book leads to this world. He has reason to believe that a tower wizard once came to this world and left some inherited knowledge in this world.

   While Leo was meditating, Soland seemed to become a little impatient, and asked again: "Excuse me, can I dig into these places?"

   Leo recovered from his meditation, shook his head, and said: "No need, you don't need to dig those places anymore, because you dig it and it's useless."

   "Why?" Solander asked puzzledly.

   Leo said affirmatively: "I can tell you with certainty that things should be buried in those places, but those things should have been dug up by the people who handled the case together with the bones that were buried in the manor."

Solander's face became extremely gloomy, because before she came, she had considered several situations, and now Leo is talking about the worst, but it is also the most likely situation that she thinks is the most likely to happen. Still taking this trip, with a trace of luck, what if you are lucky?

   At this time, Solander suddenly thought of a suspicious point, and asked: "Your Excellency Leo, how do you know those places where things are buried and have been dug away?"

   Leo explained: "You aroused my interest in the Monte family disappearance case, and you should have heard of some strange things happening in this manor. I naturally want to investigate."

Solander did not doubt Leo’s explanation. In fact, she had a fluke mentality because of the weird things that happened in the Old Monte Manor. These rumors made her think that perhaps there are still some remaining in the Monte Manor. Things that have not been cleaned up.

   Leiou asked suspiciously: "I remember that the agency that handled this case mentioned in the newspaper back then was the municipal police station, and the city police station should have taken things away. Why didn't you go there..."

"No." Soland shook his head and said, "There is no evidence related to the year in the police station's material evidence room. It is said that a fire broke out in the police station more than ten years ago and the entire police station was burned. , The material evidence room is also in it, and the contents in it are naturally missing. If it weren’t for the location of the archives room in the court, I’m afraid it would have been burned as well."

   "It's a coincidental fire." Leo said something in his words, and then asked: "Although some of the material evidence was burned, but what about the bones? It's impossible to put all the bones in the evidence room, right?"

   Soland thought for a moment, and said: "There is no relevant record, but according to the rules, the bones will return to their relatives after the forensic work is completed, the relatives who find the bones will be buried in the cemetery if no relatives are found."

   Leo said: "Those bones of the church army from the religious war should have no relatives, so have they been buried in the cemetery?"

   "What? The church army?" Soland was stunned, looking at Leo suspiciously.

   "Don't you know?" Leo asked rhetorically. Before the other party spoke, he explained some of the things he had investigated and the speculations based on these things.

   After hearing this, Soland showed a strange look and looked at Leo again.

   After returning from Mont Manor that day, Solander used his relationship to inquire about the identities of Leo and Sylvia, because judging from the performance at the time, they should not be ordinary rich people.

The results of the inquiries are not unexpected. The two are indeed not ordinary rich people, but rich men with amazing wealth, and their identity is definitely among the nobles, because according to her knowledge of the Commonwealth Bank, The status of its senior member is not something you can get by just having money.

In addition to the two being rich, she also found that the two came from a small mountain country. For the Otter Federation, which is in the political center of the New World, that mountain country can be called barbaric, unless it is a special diplomat and others. Scholars engaged in research, otherwise few people would know the existence of that small country, so more detailed information about the two would naturally not be investigated.

Soland did not feel any abnormality at the time, but now she has some doubts about the identities of the two, because in some cases related to foreigners she came into contact with, many foreign immigrants from non-Allied countries passed through Those who have obtained the status of an Allied Power and then used it as a springboard to immigrate to the Otter Federation, and some people with special purposes will use this method to infiltrate the Otter Federation.

Now Leo and Sylvia suddenly appeared in Beluk City, bought this manor that no one had been interested in for more than ten years, and discovered so many things related to the case in such a short period of time. It feels weird no matter how you look at it, and it definitely doesn't make sense just by being interested.

Thinking of this, Solander did not intend to stay any longer. She took the design drawing from Leo, and then turned and left. After she plans to go back, she will carefully investigate the identities of Leo and Sylvia. Maybe she can Investigate some useful things.

   Solander's actions made Leo a little strange. He easily noticed that Solander's attitude had changed, but he didn't know why Solander suddenly became wary of himself.

   However, he didn't show that he cared too much about it, but when Solant was about to walk out the door, he suddenly asked: "Is the smiling Todd still alive?"

   Soland stopped, turned his head and asked, "Of course he is dead. The Supreme Court sentenced it to death, and it will be executed immediately."

   "Are you sure." Leo Jia said in a heavy tone.

   Solander did not answer, but the expression on his face became more serious.

Leo also reminded: "Since Rudolf Hans is a well-known architect, there should be more than one building and manor he designed. There must be other buildings and manors. I think you should start from here. Collecting and investigating the case may be able to make some breakthroughs in the case."

   Regarding Leo's reminder, Soland was noncommittal. He just looked at Leo and walked out of the room.

  Leo took out some paper from the bookshelf beside Soland, spread it on the table, and quickly drew the design drawing he had just seen.

   After drawing, he didn't stop his hands, instead, on another piece of white paper, he re-drew a diagram of the structure of the wizard-like magic array stripped of the redundant content.

This is not over yet. He rearranged the previously stripped parts and painted them on different small pieces of paper. Then he superimposed these drawings and spread them on the mirror in the study room. Through the light of the mirror, the paper The patterns on the overlapped, and he also carefully analyzed the drawings.

   In the process of analyzing the drawings, he constantly removed the small pieces of paper or moved the position, and his face gradually showed a smile as the overlapping small pieces of paper decreased.

At this time, Sylvia, who had already handled some banquet matters, came to the study. After seeing the situation in the study, she couldn't help but curiously asked: "What did you say just now? Did the female detective bring that drawing? ?"

   "Good luck, she gave us a lot of help." Leo put the drawing on the table, and then said what he had just talked with Soland and his discovery of the design drawing of the manor.

   "Is there a tower wizard's circle here?" Sylvia couldn't help but wonder.

"It's not the magic circle of the tower wizard, it's a brand-new system based on the tower wizard circle." Leo said with a smile: "I have always been unable to start with the mysterious power of this world, and research has stagnated. This blueprint It just can give me a reference. If I can analyze the details of the transformation, maybe I can find out the mystery of the difference between the mysterious power of this world and the mysterious power of Vinylon, and then deduce the method for us to fully exert our power in this world. "

   Sylvia smiled and said, "This is good news."

   Leo said: "Your idea is right. The world controls occult knowledge very strictly. Only the dignitaries of the upper class and the church leaders can contact. We really need to join in if we want to be exposed to this knowledge."

   Sylvia smiled and said nothing.

   Leo asked, "I remember that there was a member of the Hans family among the guests you invited this time?"

"Yes, my name is Boge Hans, the president of the hunting association. Hunting in this world is a kind of activity that the upper class people like. If you can join the hunting association, it is equivalent to getting a piece of the upper class. Tickets." Sylvia explained, and then she thought of what Leo had said before, and said: "You are going to start from him and infiltrate the Hans family."

Leo nodded and said, "That Rudolf Hans may have mastered some mysterious knowledge, so the source of his mysterious knowledge may be from the Hans family. Naturally, this clue cannot be let go, not just Hans. The Si family, the other four founding families of the Otter Federation, should not be missed, so look for opportunities to contact them."

   Sylvia thought for a while and said, "If you want to get in touch with Boger Hans, it's best to start with his hobbies."

   "You mean hunting?"

   Sylvia shook her head and said, "It's a gun."

Leo showed a thoughtful look, UU reading www.uukanshu.com then asked Sylvia to send someone to buy some materials, and then took the materials to the basement, and let Sylvia two days Don't disturb him.

Because the gunpowder in this world is very stable and not as uncontrollable as in the world of Vinylon, the development of firearms in this world far exceeds that in the world of Vinylon. Almost all countries’ armies use guns as their main weapons, and most countries The police and other law enforcement agencies also use firearms to carry out the law, and the circulation of firearms in the private sector is also very large.

It’s just that I don’t know whether it’s the reason for the idea, or for other unknown reasons. The types of firearms in this world are not as amazing as their numbers. It can be said that they are very few. There are only two kinds of firearms. One is the shotgun. , One is a gun, and both guns have similar characteristics, such as thick and heavy barrels, such as short range, such as large-scale lethality, and so on.

The idea of ​​gunpowder weapon manufacturing in this world is almost always the idea of ​​a cannon. Put more gunpowder into the ammunition, create more fragments of ammunition, and make the barrel of the ammunition thicker, longer, larger, etc., like this world The shotgun is not held by a single person. It is fired at any time. It needs to add a bracket to support the barrel. The fired bullet is also a projectile type and will explode. Basically, the prey is not directly killed by the design, but by the explosion of the ammunition. Shock waves or debris.



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