The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1260: All kinds of things

In the evening, the real estate agent brought the best construction company manager he found to the hotel to discuss with Leo about the renovation of the Monte Manor. Before coming, the construction company had formulated several renovation plans based on the actual situation of the Monte Manor. Leo and Sylvia picked.

Sylvia quickly selected a set of renovation plans that looked slightly in line with her aesthetics, while Leo modified part of the renovation project under the existing plan, leaving him with the rune method in the future. It also avoids refurbishment that would destroy the original layout of the manor.

Originally, according to the estimation of the construction company manager, the renovation project of the entire manor would take at least three or four months to complete, but under the influence of money, the construction period was compressed to less than one month, but after hearing Leo said that every day in advance, After a certain amount of bonuses will be added, he immediately stated that he will speed up the construction period as much as possible under the premise of ensuring quality.

After solving the refurbishment of the manor, Leo and Sylvia have nothing else for the time being, so they walked around in Beiruk, a city that may live for a long time in the future, and are familiar with the streets and Urban area.

The political structure of Beluk City is similar to that of the emerging cities in the world of Vinylon. The city government, city council and city court jointly manage the city. The three do not have high or low status, but there are some gaps in power. The city government has the lowest authority, while the city court has the highest authority. From a certain perspective, as long as there are sufficient reasons and evidence, the chief justice of the city court has the right to remove any member of the city council and any member of the city government. An official, including the highest mayor and speaker.

The reason for this is that the vast majority of those who unified the seven countries to establish the Haute Confederation were supporters of the rule of law school from the bottom, and had a natural distrust of the parliament and government officials composed of gentry and aristocrats, so By referring to the very popular system of the rule of law in the New World, the current political structure of the separation of powers and rule of law in the Otter Federation was constructed. In order to prevent aristocratic merchants and other forces from infiltrating the court system, they also had a problem with the court system. There is a set of extremely strict standards for the selection of officials, the lowest level of which is poverty.

At the time, people had a very good idea, thinking that only the poor can appreciate the hardship of the poor and speak for the poor, and after the establishment of this system for a long time, it has been implemented perfectly and allowed the Otter Federation to be able to It quickly stabilized during the war, and the economy, military, and diplomacy developed steadily, making it one of the few major powers in the New World.

But no matter how good a system is envisaged, it is impossible to implement it perfectly forever. The people who envisioned all of this at the beginning obviously did not expect that the poor would be more greedy and cruel than the rich and powerful after gaining power. In recent years, the judges at all levels of courts The continuous emergence of scandals has made this system led by the rule of law begin to shake, and the power of the government and parliament has begun to gradually exert its strength, a little bit of damage to the reputation and prestige accumulated by the court over the years, and gradually tighten the power of the court.

The city of Beiruk is located in the heart of the Haute Federation. Lake Beiruk next to the city is the largest lake in the Haute Federation. More than 70% of the rivers converge here. These rivers run through the north and south and connect all of the Haute Federation. Provinces, so this is also the most important transportation hub city of the Haute Federation. Almost 90% of domestic goods pass through Beluk City.

It is precisely because of the importance of the city of Beluk that all political forces regard this place as the center of the competition for power. The media controlled by these forces speak out for their forces, attack political opponents, and then follow all kinds of goods and commodities. The spread of this voice across the country has resulted in the city of Beluk with more than 3,000 newspapers, and more than 3,000 newspapers are on the market every day, and most of them are political newspapers, with only a few newspapers. It is other types of newspapers.

   It is precisely because of this special political atmosphere that the citizens of Beiruk like to talk about politics. Even in the tavern, the most popular topics are politics.

Leo and Sylvia just walked two circles in the city, sat in some pubs, restaurants or public places, and they had already figured out the political structure, system, forces and characters of the entire Haute Federation. This also saves them a lot of time, allowing them to set aside more time to stay in the National Library of Beluk City, read books from all over the world, and learn about the culture, religion, and politics of this world. , History, geography and so on.

  Although Beiruk is not the federal capital, it is the political center of the Haute Federation, so some institutions that should have appeared in the capital have their headquarters here, such as the National Museum, the National Library, and so on.

The National Library is the largest library in the Haute Commonwealth. It occupies the entire 70-story building. There is no statistics on the number of books here, but a rough estimate is that there should be tens of millions of books, and there are still a lot of them every day. Books from all over the world gathered. It is said that all the bookshelves in this building are almost full. The city council has begun to discuss the conversion of another slum apartment building of the same 70-storey height into a new library. In my eyes, increasing citizens’ cultural knowledge is far more important than providing low-cost housing to a small group of poor people.

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The rich collection of books is a very good thing for Leo and Sylvia. After that, the two of them stayed in the library all day, flipping through the collection, compared to Sylvia reading more books. Focusing on differences in history, religion and geography, Leo does not have a specific type. Almost all books are being read, and the speed of reading is very fast. Basically, you can read a book with more than 400 pages in a few minutes. books.

In the beginning, the library staff only regarded Leo and Sylvia as some boring nobles, because in the past, there have been many boring nobles and companions betting that they would do some strange things in the public library. Things, like Leo and Sylvia, flipping through books quickly is quite normal, and even more people will take off their clothes and do something indescribable from the library shelf.

However, it didn’t take long for them to discover that things didn’t seem to be what they thought. The two of them just played the book flipping game, but they really remembered and merged all the books that they had flipped, because they would let them from time to time. The staff of the library helped them find some topics related to the books they were reading to determine whether they had fully learned the content of those books, and then they answered the topics completely in front of everyone. And all of them are full marks.

If all the subjects for lower-level students were answered correctly at the beginning, it is not a matter of concern, then later, some of the examination subjects of the senior scholars of the Federal College were also completely answered correctly, then it is enough to shock people. This It means that the two can become senior scholars of the Federal College at any time, especially Leo is a scholar of all disciplines.

This incident soon spread from the library, and naturally attracted the attention of the Beluk city authorities, and they planned to investigate the two of them. But when they learned that the two were senior customers of the Commonwealth Bank, all All of the investigations stopped, as if they had never heard anything about it.

Leo and Sylvia also stopped reading books in the library. This was not because the Commonwealth Bank sent someone to remind them that they realized that their behavior was a little inappropriate, nor was they worried. Continuing to read this way will cause more trouble, but because most of the useful books in the library have been completely recorded by Leo, the content of the remaining books is repeated, there is no need to read again, plus The renovation of the manor has ended, and the two stopped going to the library to read books.

However, before they stopped reading books, they found the curator of the library, showed that they had donated a sum of money to the library, and then expressed the hope that the curator would use the convenience of the library to help them collect various religions, folklore, and references. Occult books.

   In this regard, the director of the library will naturally not refuse, especially when the price given by Sylvia is very attractive.

On the second day, Leo and Sylvia left the city and returned to their manor in the Great North Point area. On the day of their return, Sylvia asked the hired servants to mark the Mont Manor logo on the entrance gate of the manor. Take it down and put up the Belmont Manor sign.

The renovation project of the entire manor did not make any changes to the main building and garden design of the manor. The pavilions set up in the dead corners of the manor were also preserved. The garden only cleaned up the messy shrubs and leaves, transplanted some flowers, trees, etc. .

As for the villa in the main building, while retaining the main structure, all the decayed and destroyed rooms were completely renovated, all the decorations and furniture were replaced with new ones, and Leo and Sylvia were also hired. Servant and steward.

   As for the basement, because of Leo’s request, no changes were made, only some lighting appliances were added, a floor was laid, and the dust was cleaned up.

   After returning to the manor, Sylvia began to prepare to hold a cocktail party in the manor in accordance with the local rules of communication. In addition to the officials and judges in the city, there were also dignitaries living in the Great North Point District.

   Leo didn't have any idea of ​​intervening in this matter, and all of it was handed over to the experienced Sylvia, while he stayed in the basement, studying the plan for the layout of the magic circle, and also studying the origin of the square.

Unlike when he first came to the basement not long ago, Leo has now mastered a lot of folklore, religion and occultism in the world, although the knowledge obtained from the library is considered to be Public knowledge that has no value, but through the analysis of this knowledge full of all kinds of conjectures and lies, it is still possible to find a lot of true content that can be hidden or completely unaware of it.

   For example, Leo judged from the layout of the manor and the characteristics of the cube living creature that the arrangement of the Monte family in the manor originated from the New World sect, and the Monte family should be believers of the New World sect and a high-status believer.

Although there are many types of religions in the world, there are so many churches, there are thousands of regular churches in various countries, and the number that is not recorded is several times this number. However, no matter how many religions there are, all religions are considered by religious scholars. It can only be divided into two major categories, namely Old World Sects and New World Sects.

   The difference between the various doctrines of these two sects is not very big, nor is it because the religion was born in the old continent is the old continent sect, and the new continent sect is born in the new continent. The core of the real division of the two sects is a kind of religious thought.

   The core religious ideology of the Old World sect is to worship and enshrine the gods, gain the traction of the gods after death, and finally stand on the side of the gods to obtain eternal happiness and joy.

   The New World sect believes that gods are only higher-level beings. As long as they master the correct methods, ordinary people can become gods, and no matter how bad they are, they can become gods and obtain higher levels of happiness and happiness.

The reason for the emergence of this kind of old and new religious ideology is mainly because after the establishment of the New World, a new ideological movement suddenly appeared among the people of the New World. The core of this movement is human supremacy, which believes that human beings are the highest existence in the world. And this trend of thought not only affects governments of various countries, but also affects religion, and even spread back to the old continent and affect the people of the old continent.

Therefore, after the spread of this new trend of thought, the Old World produced many religions advocating the New World sects, and these religions were also unified into the New World sects. From a certain perspective, Leo And Sylvia are also regarded as admirers of the New World Sect.

Although none of the books that Leo has ever read recorded anything about the reason why the religious war that led to the collapse of the Seven Kingdoms broke out, nor did it detail which sect the churches that participated in the war belonged, but some of them were inspired. The morale slogan is not difficult to judge that the religious war that year might also involve the struggle between the old and the new sects.

   What is interesting is that the final decisive battle of the religious war took place near the city of Beluk. After the analysis of later scholars, the central location should be the current Beluk Lake.

According to those scholars, Lake Beluk was supposed to be a plain before the war, but after the war, its ground was sunken for unknown reasons, and the surrounding rivers were also diverted due to such drastic changes in landforms. Eventually formed the current situation where all the federal rivers converge to Lake Beluk.

What’s more interesting is that some geographers speculate that there should be many underground rivers at the bottom of Lake Beluk, because a large number of rivers converge into Lake Beluk, but there is only one river as an output, which is obviously the amount of water that flows into Lake Beluk. It is much higher than the amount of water flowing out of Lake Beluk, but the problem is that the water level of Lake Beluk is always within a floating range, and there is no abnormal rise, so geographers will guess the bottom of Beluk Lake. There must be underground rivers that can transport too much water.


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