The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1244: Awkward father-son relationship

Hope City, the capital of the Bodo Kingdom, is making various preparations for the upcoming king’s enthronement ceremony. The entire city is busy, both inside and outside of the city, both the kingdom officials and ordinary people. The entire city is shrouded in various noisy sounds, but In such a city full of hustle and bustle, there is a place very quiet, as quiet as another world.

Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

Deer Park is a virgin forest in the northeast corner of Hope City. It was originally a part of Bran Forest, but now it has been divided separately and has become a forbidden area.

Because this is the place where the White Deer appeared and the place where the White Deer Church was established. After that, the New Bodo County Government allocated this area to the church, and the church established it as a holy place for the church. A very simple place was established here. Only a few senior clergy members of the church can meditate here for a period of time after obtaining approval. It is said that when meditating here, senior clergy members can often get the enlightenment of Bailu.

Later, I didn’t know if it came from the Bran Forest or the White Deer’s work. In short, there was an extra deer herd here unknowingly, and this deer herd is taller than ordinary deer, and the antlers on its head are also It's even more peculiar, and it has grown into a variety of things.

After Leo and Sylvia returned to Hope City, they did not live in the newly built palace, but chose to live in the retreat temple in Deer Garden. The White Deer Church did not have any objections to this, but it was a great honor. , And sent a church nun as a maid to serve the diet and daily life of the two.

Now it has also become the office of the two, and the official documents from various departments that are too late or unable to be processed are sent here to be handled by the two.

"The Southern Tribal Alliance has delivered the first batch of food. It encountered a group of mutant monsters and lost a quarter. The rest have been sent to O'Doryn's warehouse." Erin Belmont will arrange it. The information was reported to Sylvia, who was correcting various documents, and at the same time he peeped at Leo, who was sitting not far away, who seemed to be playing a universal recorder.

"Don't send that batch of grain, but ship it directly to Saket. This batch of grain is enough to solve the food and clothing problem of the refugees for one or two months." Sylvia signed the document without looking up, and then handed it over. I gave it to Erin, and then quickly drafted a document, and said: "Although the self-government has taken in the refugees in the past, since we have taken over Sacht in full, we cannot abandon those people. It is just that we can't waste the food. Yes, everything needs to be earned on their own. The roads of the various city-states of Saket have fallen into disrepair. Let them build roads! In addition, the Ministry of Human Resources will send people over to pick out some of the special talents we need."

"The Ministry of Personnel is no longer able to dispatch personnel." Ailin said immediately: "The selection of talents in the areas of the former Kuishan Allies has just begun. The group, no, the personnel departments of the Kingdom are all focused on this matter, and there is no extra manpower. Send to Saket."

Sylvia thought for a while, and said: "The talent selection of the former Kuishan Allies does not need to involve everyone in the Ministry of Human Resources. It only requires ordinary people. Let those officials from the former Kuishan Allies assist in the selection. As for the remaining people, It can be transferred to Saket, and the talents among the refugees will not be much less than the talents among the former Kuishan League citizens, and it will be easier to return to their hearts."

Irene was a little worried: "If there is not enough manpower, there may be loopholes in the talent selection of the former Kuishan Allies."

Sylvia smiled and said: "It's good if there are loopholes, and loopholes must mean that someone is not doing things or doing things indiscriminately, so that some useless bugs can be caught."

After hearing this, Irene said nothing, and then picked up a pile of documents that had been corrected by Sylvia and prepared to leave.

"Wait!" Sylvia stopped Irene and asked, "How are Toran's etiquette learned now?"

Leo, who was immersed in the data of the universal recorder, raised his head slightly when he heard the words.

Irene seemed to think of something funny and said with a smile: "It's still that bad, I really can't think of a smart guy like him, who can't even learn this basic etiquette."

"What can you learn? I don't want to learn." Sylvia snorted displeasedly, and said: "Since he wants to be a king, he needs to look like a king. What kind of king is there in this world? Etiquette can be compared with the French Empire. Tell him that you don’t want to do anything these days, and you have thoroughly learned the French royal family’s etiquette. If you don’t learn it, I’d rather postpone the ceremony of enthronement, but I don’t want to. Seeing him embarrassed in front of envoys of various countries and churches."

Irene could see that Sylvia was not talking about laughing now, and the smile on her face had receded a lot. Without saying anything, she turned and left.

Leo said at this time: "A respected king is not to see whether the etiquette is ancient and noble, but to see if he has sufficient strength."

"You should say this in front of Tolan," Sylvia turned her head and gave Leo a white look, and said: "He is your son. You have been away for more than 20 years. Now that you have met, he said. Nothing was said, not even a hug, not even a stranger, what about him? Same as you, I really don’t know what you are thinking about?"

It’s no wonder that Sylvia couldn’t help but talk about it. After returning to Hope City a few days ago, she was so disappointed by the scene of the father-son meeting she was looking forward to. After the two met, they just nodded and continued to speak. I didn't say anything, and then it was like completely forgetting the other party to do their own things, let alone the two parties in the embarrassing scene, even if the other people in the room felt uncomfortable.

After that, Leo and Sylvia came to Deer Park and stayed here to help her deal with things together. I don’t know if it was because of Leo. Tolan also did his own affairs in the palace for several days. I didn't come to Luyuan to meet her mother. This was something that had never happened before.

Facing Sylvia's complaints, Leo just smiled awkwardly, without refuting anything.

In fact, he was also dissatisfied with his performance a few days ago. In his opinion, he just met his son who had not seen him for more than 20 years, greeted him like a normal person, and then asked him how he was doing these years. Sure, but when he really saw Toran who had some of his facial features but looked more like Sylvia, he couldn't say anything. The preparation in advance was completely useless. The whole person was embarrassed and made him a little suspicious. Is there something wrong with himself, and Tolan's situation doesn't seem to be much better than him.

This kind of weird embarrassing situation is completely beyond Leo’s processing range. If he is still a biochemical person, then he will definitely suspect that there is something wrong with his artificial organ and need to be overhauled again, but now he can’t find it at all. Any excuse to explain why it became so embarrassing just to meet with my son who has not seen each other for more than 20 years.

Recalling the situation on that day, Leo couldn't help but miss the time when he had no human emotions. At that time, getting along with people would not have been so troublesome.

"Would you and him continue to be embarrassed like this?" Sylvia asked tightly again.

"He has grown up and has his own career and life." Leo said something that was not what he had asked, but Sylvia could hear his implication, that is, he gets along well in this way, and there is no need to change anything.

Sylvia couldn't help but touched her forehead. She didn't expect that the first problem she encountered in years was a problem of getting along with a father and son.

Just when she was about to say something, Leo suddenly interrupted what she was about to say, and then manipulated the general-purpose recorder in his hand, saying: "This is after hacking those general-purpose recorders just now. Let’s take a look at some of the data downloaded on several recorders!"

Although he knew that Leo was deliberately changing the subject, Sylvia did not neglect the matter. He cleaned up his emotions, activated the universal recorder in his hand, and called up the information Leo had just sent, and the expression on his face. With the deepening of reading, it became a little serious.

After Leo handed over the basic use of the universal recorder to Sylvia, Sylvia has been using some functions on the universal universal recorder to process affairs, and even used it for some data collection and analysis. .

It is precisely because of her understanding of the universal recorder, a powerful tool across the world and across the ages, that when she is also dealing with the daily affairs of the Dodd Group, she secretly dispatched her first witch to find other universal recorders. clue.

After more than 20 years of collection, she now has more than a dozen general-purpose recorders on hand. Except for a few that have been completely broken and cannot be used, others are relatively well preserved, and the functional modules inside can also be used normally. .

So she distributed these universal recorders to some of her trusted subordinates, and at the same time put several universal recorders in some research places that needed the analysis and comparison function.

Perhaps the person under his hand had an insider, or perhaps it was because some details of the use were accidentally leaked when using it. In short, some of the methods of the universal recorder were also known by other forces, such as the Church of the Lord in the Sky.

The Church of the Lord of the Sky discovered the universal universal recorder a long time ago, and because of the indestructible hard texture of the universal universal recorder, it considered it to be an artifact, so before Sylvia started collecting universal universal recorders, They have already begun to collect general-purpose recorders, but they have always enshrined these recorders as artifacts, and they didn't know how to use them. They didn't start to use general-purpose recorders until the method of use spread from the Dodd Group.

It’s just that, I don’t know if it is because most of the general recorders they collected before are broken, or because the method they obtained is not complete, only a part of the general recorders can be turned on, or because they have always regarded the recorders as artifacts. , There are restrictions on use, etc. All in all, according to Leo’s understanding, there are only three universal recorders that can be used by the Church of the Lord of the Sky.

It is precisely because of the use of the universal recorder by the Dodd Group and the Church of the Lord of the Sky that many other forces also know that this is a useful thing, and they have tried every means to find the universal recorder, get the method of use, and activate it.

Just like now, Leo has scanned more than a dozen activated universal recorders through his special universal recorder. In addition to some of them, there is also a church of the Lord of the Sky. The rest are from different forces. Among them, there are churches that have a good relationship with the Dodd Group, such as the White Deer Church and the Huzhong Lady Church, and the neutral churches such as the Hill King Church, and there are even some that have not been discovered before. The underground Cthulhu Church.

I don’t know if the damage and harm caused by mutant monsters to the whole society far exceeds that of any kind of Cthulhu Church in the past, so the Cthulhu Church will still be hit by governments and the Church of True God even after the foggy years. , But the intensity has been weakened a lot.

Moreover, there are mutant monsters blocking the front to attract people’s attention, allowing the Cthulhu Church to hide in the shadows, giving people the illusion that they have disappeared, except for some remote villages and towns that will happen to some things related to the Cthulhu Underground~www. There are very few accidents caused by the Cthulhu Church in major cities.

Sylvia, who has served in the Orthodox Court, knows how dangerous the underground Cthulhu Church is and how tenacious their viability is. Therefore, he would not believe that the Cthulhu Church will disappear and other rumors, and initially controlled New Bodo. After the regional government, she established a department dedicated to the underground Cthulhu Church, and recruited a lot of night watchmen and cult hunters who had fled from Velen Continent to enrich the department.

Over the years, this department has achieved brilliant results. It has cleaned up eight secret sites of the Cthulhu Church and captured no less than 600 official members of the Cthulhu Church, of which more than a dozen are senior Cthulhu priests and priests with extraordinary powers.

Originally, Sylvia felt that she was attacking the Cthulhu Church in this way, and hoped that there would be no more Cthulhu Church in the city, but now the real-time record data obtained through the universal recorder scanned by Leo Invasion found that the so-called Cthulhu The fact that the church has disappeared from Hope City is just my own wishful thinking. The truth is that there are still a large number of underground Cthulhus here, and among the members of the cult, she also found some current officials of the Kingdom of Bodo, among them there is even a royal palace. Captain of the Guard Corps.

And from some conversation records in the data, she found that these underground Cthulhu churches seemed to unite to do something at the ceremony of Tolan's enthronement.

Although Sylvia thinks that she and Leo are sitting in the town, unless the gods themselves descend, otherwise, even if the cultists cause something, it is impossible to cause any trouble to the current Kingdom of Bodo, but there is no doubt about it. , This will definitely make the Kingdom of Bodo lose face in front of the envoys of various countries and churches. For Sylvia, who has always pursued perfection, it is undoubtedly a thing that annoys her very much.

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