The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1215: Hidden relationship

The southern sacred mountain is the former Changsong sacred mountain, also known as the apprentice sacred mountain. Almost all shamanism shamans came to this sacred mountain to explore their natural paths when they were still apprentices. It is said that this is because of this. Contains the purest force of nature.

When the tribes in the wasteland began to separate their families from the north to the south, the southern tribes chose to use Changge Sacred Mountain as their main sacred mountain. This incident also caused some skirmishes in the North-South Alliance at the time, because the northern tribal alliance was very It is difficult to find an apprenticeship practice site comparable to Changge Holy Mountain.

In the end, the matter ended with a reconciliation with each step back. Shaman apprentices in the northern holy mountain can go to the southern holy mountain to practice, but they need to pay a certain price. The price is not fixed, but a very ancient wasteland tribe. The lottery ceremony is used to choose the final price, usually only a little money is needed, but there are also a few unfortunate ones who will become slaves for a period of time, and even the most unlucky ones directly become sacrifices.

Of course, things like directly becoming a sacrifice are very rare, and have only happened once over the years.

In order to maintain the original state of the southern sacred mountain to avoid interference with the natural force contained in the sacred mountain due to the flow of people, it is different from the northern sacred mountain, the southern sacred mountain is a forbidden area, except for the shaman, no one is allowed on weekdays Enter, and those who live on the sacred mountain are placed in different ring cities under the sacred mountain.

There are a total of five cities around the southern sacred mountain. They are not the city built around the southern sacred mountain, but are built around five hills of different heights around the southern sacred mountain. Also because of the different sizes of the hills, plus Different inhabitants are divided, and the shape of the city is completely different.

The second ring city is located on the southeast side of the sacred mountain in the south. It is the furthest away from the sacred mountain in the south in terms of distance. Because the people living here are outsiders from non-waste tribes, the architectural form of this city is closer to The buildings of various civilizations outside are in obvious contrast with the more primitive architectural forms of the local wasteland tribes.

It is also precisely because the foreigners living here come from different countries and continents, so they have also brought their own country's architectural style here, which also makes the Second Ring City look like a cheap and reduced version of Millie Asia City, even some people who have lived in Miria City before will call it Miria City.

Because the Second Ring City is the center of the external affairs of the Southern Holy Mountain and the Southern Tribal Alliance, all things connected to the outside world are also concentrated here, such as the North-South Avenue and the terminal of various external railways, the distribution center of all goods in the south, etc. , This is also the overall scale of the second ring city is much larger than the other four ring cities, and it can even be said to be the total area of ​​the other four ring cities.

This also makes the people living here far surpass those in other areas of the southern sacred mountain, and one disadvantage of the large number of people is that every time a wave of mutant monsters occurs, those mutant monsters will ignore other areas and focus on attacking the first. The second ring city, which indirectly caused the second ring city to have a strong wall that other ring cities do not have.

The office of the Dodd Group in the Holy Mountain is located on a small hill in the second ring of the city at the foot of the Holy Mountain. It is the center of almost all the offices of foreign powers, even the Orthodox Church, which was a deadly enemy with the Shamanism during the colonial period. Institutions have also set up contact points here, which I have to say is ironic.

Although the office of the Dodd Group has existed in the southern sacred mountain for more than ten years, Sylvia came here for the first time. On the way, she specifically asked Powell to detour to other places. After going around the area, I returned to the office.

Powell is also a person who is accustomed to enjoying. Since the construction of the office is funded by the group, he will naturally not treat himself badly, so he chose an excellent location at the beginning of the construction of the office.

This is one of the few remaining forest areas in the Second Ring City, and after man-made pruning, the environment is naturally much better than the rest of the Second Ring City.

And here is located higher than the second ring city, not only can you have a bird's eye view of most of the second ring city, but also can have a panoramic view of the most important warehouse area and railway station of the second ring city, almost without going out. Analyze the trade exchanges of various forces from the details of the goods entering and leaving the warehouse area and the cargo handling at the railway station.

In addition, the scenery that can be seen here is also very good. For example, here you can easily see the gem lake at the foot of the southern sacred mountain. When the sun shines on the lake in the morning and evening, there will be colorful rays of light, like gems. Very dazzling.

After arriving at the office, Powell introduced Sylvia to the locally recruited staff, and then took the initiative to take out the ledger to Sylvia for inspection.

Sylvia just flipped through two pages at random, put the ledger aside, and said to Powell: "How are you doing with the food purchase?"

"I have contacted several agricultural-based tribes, and the purchase price is still being negotiated. There should be results in these two days." Powell responded immediately: "However, because we rarely touched this business before, here Compared with other forces, there is not much advantage. The tradable grain produced here has already been divided up, so even if it can be negotiated, the grain trade quota that will eventually fall into our hands will not be large. , Not enough to fill our vacancy."

Sylvia frowned and asked, "Who has the most important food trade in the Southern Tribal Alliance now?"

"United States." Powell gave a not very good answer, and added: "The latest transaction agreement was negotiated four days ago, and the United States paid a considerable price for this."

Sylvia didn't show too much surprise or surprise on her face. Instead, she sneered and said: "They are not stupid and know how to make arrangements in advance." After that, she thought about it for a while, and picked it up from the table. A piece of paper, and then quickly wrote something on it, folded it, put it in an envelope, covered it with sealing wax, and handed it to Powell, saying: "Go to the holy mountain yourself and give this letter to the The three-eyed receptionist, and then waited for the reply there."

"Third eye?" Powell showed a look of surprise on his face when he received the letter.

In the southern sacred mountain, there are a total of four powerful shamans. They control the shamanism of the southern tribal alliance. It can be said that they are the four most powerful people in the southern tribal alliance, because most of the shamanism of the southern tribal alliance believe in The way of cognition, and in the way of cognition it is mentioned that you can see through all the rules of the world by mastering the four different natural eyes, so these four great shamans will call themselves with one kind of eyes.

Although there is one, two, three in terms of external names, in fact, the power of the four is not different.

Also because the power at hand is too great, a little movement may affect the stability of the current southern tribal alliance, so the four great shamans seldom use their power and influence, and they will not publish anything about a certain thing. In my opinion, even if the conflict between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe has turned into a tribal war, they did not stand up and say anything.

Although the four great shamans seem to ignore external affairs and just know that they are practicing in the holy mountain, no one in the southern tribal alliance, or even the entire wasteland tribe, will underestimate the influence of these four great shamans.

Now Sylvia actually said that she had an extraordinary relationship with the third-eyed big shaman, and only a letter was needed to get a response, which really surprised Powell.

Because after so many years, Powell did not know that Sylvia still had such a strong relationship in the Southern Tribal Alliance. He always believed that all of the group’s efforts in the Southern Tribal Alliance were the result of his hard work over the years. If he could use it Looking at the relationship of the Great Shaman in the third, then the current pattern of the Dodd Group in the southern tribal alliance is definitely much larger than it is now.

Sylvia seemed to have seen Powell’s thoughts and said: “Don’t think too much, the relationship between me and the third eye is not easy to use. There are actually other ways to solve the food problem this time, but it takes too long. I don’t like staying here for too long. That’s why I use this relationship to resolve this matter quickly. You just don’t have this matter, and don’t think about using this relationship in the future."

"Yes, Lord Earl." Powell didn't say anything, nodded in response, turned and left the office.

After Powell left, Sylvia turned to Leo and said: "The name of the third-eye François is Demok."

"Demok?" Leo was taken aback for a moment. In his memory, the meaning behind the name was an illegitimate child.

The extravagant life of the aristocratic circle of the French Empire easily produced illegitimate children, and the identities of these illegitimate children are generally not recognized. They can neither have family names nor have their own names. Almost all illegitimate children can only use it. Demok is one of the twenty-seven names representing illegitimate children.

Reminiscing about Sylvia's relationship with the Third Eye Shaman just now, Leo subconsciously guessed: "Is it the illegitimate child of the Belmont family?"

Sylvia nodded and said: "If you count the family status, the third eye is my nephew, but his age is more than twenty years older than me. He was my attendant when I ventured into the wasteland. Later, I found out that he had shaman qualifications, so I introduced him to a tribal shaman who had a good relationship at the time. I didn’t expect him to be so good that he became the third-eyed great shaman in the southern sacred mountain. When he suddenly wrote to me a few years ago to tell me what happened, I was also taken aback. I thought he was already dead."

Hearing this, Leo hesitated a little, and said, "Is there any problem with your relationship?"

Leo had this hesitation because in his memory, the relationship between the illegitimate son of the noble family and the family was almost unhealthy. On the contrary, after the rise of the illegitimate son, retaliation against the family happened frequently, so whether it was Fran or other Most of the country’s attitude towards illegitimate children is extremely indifferent and even actively suppresses them.

Sylvia explained: "This is no problem. Although his treatment can't be equal to that of a formal family member, it will not be much worse, so our relationship has always been very good."

Seeing that Sylvia was so sure, Leo didn’t say much, and then changed the subject, saying: “I just found the people from the Institute of Abnormalities, and they are among the people we met in Badisha. one of."

Sylvia was just stunned when he heard the words, and did not show too much surprise, and said: “It’s not a strange thing to have people with the Institute of Abnormalities here. It can be said that this is the last stop in the wilderness. All the adventurers and adventure teams exploring the depths of the wasteland use this as a starting point. The Yiwen Society has always been very interested in the wasteland, and it is reasonable to secretly set up a contact point here."

"However, it would be unreasonable if the Yiwen Society was with people from the Tinder tribe and the mixed-race tribe." Leo added what he had just discovered through the spiritual net, and then walked to the balcony and turned towards the warehouse area. The house connected to the warehouse on the east side pointed and said, "They are there."

Sylvia frowned when she heard the words, walked to Leo's side, looked in the direction of her fingers, and then said puzzledly: "I remember that when Powell introduced it just now, he mentioned that the area was the northern tribe. The warehouse of the alliance?"

Leo nodded and said: "Yes, that is the warehouse of the Northern Tribal Alliance, but I didn't find any leaders of the Northern Tribal Alliance among the people around. Only some warehouse guards have their hands outside. UU Reading"

"It doesn't matter if you don't see the supervisor, as long as it is in the warehouse of the Northern Tribal Alliance." Sylvia suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that the Northern Tribe Alliance is in this conflict between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe. Whether it played a disgraceful role or not, it should have been involved, but I don’t know if the Southern Tribal Alliance knows about this. If we don’t know, we might be able to take advantage of this."

Leo has no objection to this. In fact, after discovering this matter just now, he has already thought of some ways to use it, but he does not know whether Sylvia has the idea of ​​checking this tribal conflict war. , So I didn't say it.

And now he doesn’t need to say those ideas. After all, he has the relationship of the third-eye big shaman. No matter how good his ideas are, the effect will be no better than using the third-eye big shaman directly. It is better to achieve this relationship.

However, what Leo and Sylvia didn’t expect was that they hadn’t waited for them to find the troubles of the Yiwen Society, but the Yiwen Society had already contacted them, and a banquet invitation letter with the special mark of the Yiwen Society was delivered. In the hands of Sylvia, although the content of this invitation letter is all formal invitation words, the invitation letter itself seems to reveal another message to be expressed by the Yiwen Society, that is, your every move is in our grasp. in.

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