The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1212: Backtracking

"This book is so magical?" Sylvia re-entered the chamber and took out the book, looked through it carefully, and said with a puzzled look.

Not only did Sylvia look puzzled, but Leo was also at a loss, because he couldn't understand the scene just now.

More than a dozen people resurrected in front of them and regained their youth. The entire horn fort changed from ruins to intact in an instant before their eyes. The whole process happened so fast that Leo could not find any clues to explain this. This phenomenon.

Leo could only guess that this might have something to do with the anomalous power that appeared in the castle just now, connecting all unrelated items such as knights, abyss monsters, horns, and books, and that power is responsible for this phenomenon. s reason.

While Leo was thinking, Sylvia suddenly took the heart spar of the Great Abyssal Demon from the side, handed it to Leo, and said, "Look at this."

Leo took a look and was stunned, because he saw that the spar transformed from the heart of the Abyss Maharaja had undergone a metamorphosis. Not only did the color become blood red, but even some signs of harmony appeared on the surface. The symbol of the deep source of power has also been practiced, and the power contained in it has also increased a lot, or more correctly, restored the power that it should have.

Undoubtedly, if this abyssal demon hadn't been tempered into a spar, maybe the abyssal demon's heart had been restored because of its strength and began to transform again.

Leo carefully checked the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon, and after confirming that the restrictions he had arranged were not abnormal, he handed it back to Sylvia, and said: "What happened just now also has effect on this Great Abyssal Demon Heart. , This heart should also be part of the items in the corner fort, and it should have been affected by the power just now and transformed back to its original state."

"What happened just now?" Sylvia took the heart spar and put it on her neck again, still asking in confusion.

Leo replied with a wry smile: "I don't know what happened."

"Even you don't know?" Sylvia was stunned.

"I don't know what's so strange. There are so many mysterious things in this world. I naturally can't know everything." Leo smiled, then took the book from Sylvia and flipped quickly After a while, he looked at the epidermis again, and said: "Even the pages of the book have become new, but the degree of newness is limited, and the wear and tear in some places has not changed.

With that, he seemed to have some inspiration and fell into contemplation.

Silvia didn't bother him either, and stood quietly.

After a while, Leo recovered from his meditation and said, "The situation just now is similar to reading the archive."

"Read the archive?" Sylvia could not understand what Leo said.

"How should this be explained?" Although the meaning of reading the archive is very simple, it is still very difficult to explain it to Sylvia, who has a general understanding of the science and technology of the universe, and to make her understand it, so Leo thought about it for a moment, then changed a concept, and said: "This is similar to the Fengqi of Wanguoqi. When the pieces on the chessboard reach a certain level, record the layout of the pieces on the chessboard, and restart it next time. Starting from this closed chess record, or all future games, regardless of whether they have been played or not, can start again from this closed chess record."

Hearing this, Sylvia seemed to understand what Leo wanted to express, and said: "You mean the state of this corner fort, the state of this book, the state of the heart of the Great Devil of the Abyss, and those mixed-race knights The state is a closed-game record. They just returned to the original closed-game record state from the state of a part of the game that had been played."

"Yes." Leo nodded.

"How did they do it?" Sylvia repeated the confusion in her heart.

"I don't know." Leo shook his head and said, "But it should have nothing to do with this book."

"Is there nothing to do?" Sylvia frowned and said, "But what they did just now does not seem to be irrelevant. This book seems to be a very important item. Their prayers and rituals are all in To this book, is this not enough to show that this book is important?"

"On the surface, it looks like this." Leo walked to the center of the square while talking, then stood there and looked around, and said: "But if we think in another direction, what strange things, what Rituals and abyssal creatures are not the key elements for everything to return to the original state, so this phenomenon may be able to explain it."

Sylvia became less and less aware of what Leo wanted to say. In her opinion, if everything around Leo really had nothing to do with the phenomenon just now, it would be more difficult to explain. That's right, how could there be a way to explain this clueless phenomenon?

In fact, Sylvia didn't know that the explanation Leo thought of was not what he thought of, but the explanation of some similar cases by cosmic civilization scientists in his memory database.

Subspace is very mysterious and disorderly. Even the various civilizations of the universe at that time did not fully grasp the various magical phenomena and energies that appeared in subspace, or even one out of ten thousand.

Therefore, almost all civilizations in the universe capable of navigating into subspace will set up a recorder on each subspace spacecraft who specializes in recording various phenomena in subspace. This recorder is usually a half-human, half-mechanical psionicist at that time.

Among the various incidents recorded by these recorders, there was an incident called taking pictures that was very similar to what happened just now.

When the spacecraft is flying in subspace, there will be a layer of energy field on the surface of the spacecraft that can resist the erosion of the disordered energy of the subspace, ensuring that the cosmic life forms entering the subspace are not affected by the subspace energy, but sometimes the subspace storm will occur. Breaking through this energy field in a short time, directly impacting the spacecraft body, at this time various unexplainable subspace phenomena will appear.

For example, take a photo of a family photo produced by a subspace photo studio on a spaceship and all the life bodies on it, and leave this image in the subspace forever. Once the spaceship or life that leaves the subspace image reenters the subspace, there will be There is a certain chance to trigger the phenomenon of backtracking, which is the state at the moment when those people or objects will change and leave the image.

If the person is a youth when the image is left, then no matter how old he was when the retrospect was triggered, he will return to the state of youth. If the image left is that the spaceship is intact, then even if the spaceship is damaged before the retrospect, As long as all parts are complete, it will also change back to the original complete look.

Although this kind of thing sounds very good, for ordinary people, it is simply rejuvenating, but for some people, this kind of thing is very unlucky.

For example, before leaving the subspace image, some people are ordinary people, and then become psionics, even breaking through the life limit, becoming an Omega-class higher life form, then when they encounter the retrospective phenomenon in the subspace Unstoppable change back to the original state of ordinary people.

There are also fetuses that have not yet been born at the time the image is left, so when they encounter the retrospective phenomenon, they will also become fetuses.

Many recorders have recorded this magical phenomenon, and the Supreme Council of the Universe has carefully studied the mystery, but the result is still nothing, and I don’t know what triggered the subspace photo. I don’t know. What triggered the picture backtracking.

Leo’s database also records relevant information. Although this is not the most mysterious and weird among the various mysterious phenomena in subspace, it is because this phenomenon involves time in the basic physical laws of subspace. Disordered state, so related cases are also highlighted, which makes Leo easier to find.

Leo then explained the information he found as much as possible to the concepts that Sylvia could understand.

Although Sylvia still had a little understanding of what Leo said, she already understood Leo's meaning and said, "This means that everything about the half-blood knights and this corner fort is made in a special way. With things like newspaper photos, as long as they trigger a certain key point, they can return to the state they were in when they were taken."

"Yes, that's what I mean." Leo nodded.

"Then we were in the corner fort just now, could we also be photographed?" Sylvia asked curiously again.

Leo was taken aback for a moment, he didn't think of this problem either, but now that Sylvia reminded him, he couldn't help but wonder whether he was also pictured just now.

However, there is no trace of this kind of thing at all, and even if they take a picture, they don't know how to stimulate this phenomenon.

After thinking about it for a while, Leo didn’t think about it anymore, and said, “I don’t understand this, but we don’t have to think about it too much. Just ask the half-blood knights. People have left marks on their bodies, and after finishing the business, go to them and ask."

Sylvia nodded and agreed with Leo's proposal.

After making the decision, the two of them withdrew from the corner castle. They didn’t know whether it was a psychological effect or what actually changed in their bodies. The moment they walked out of the corner castle’s gate, they felt that their bodies seemed a lot easier, as if Some extra things in the body have been pulled away.

If only one person feels this way, you might think that this is just an illusion, but if two people feel this way at the same time, then it is enough to prove that this is not an illusion. After what happened just now, they have really received some influence, but it is only temporary. I don't know if this effect is good or bad.

The corner castle did not disappear because of the departure of Leo and Sylvia. It still stands beside the swamp lake. The traces on the wall are still clearly visible. The surrounding scenery is no different from before they entered the corner castle, even on the ground. There are traces left by their stepping on before, which means that when they were in the corner fort, the time outside did not accelerate or reverse.

If it was like No. 9 Golden Oak Street, the two of them might feel a headache for the past few years.

The two of them didn't stay here any more, they quickly identified the direction, and walked in the direction of the rail again. They didn't plan to find their way on their own, but chose to walk along the rail to avoid getting lost.

Not long after the two left the corner castle, an earthquake suddenly appeared inexplicably. A crack drilled out of the marsh lake and passed directly through the corner castle. The big gap easily swallowed the corner castle and the marsh lake, and The surrounding land was also pulled and rolled towards the rift, and the earthquake rift was quickly refilled, but at this moment the horns and swamp lake disappeared, leaving only a mess.

Although Leo and Sylvia had already gone far at this moment, they could still feel the vibration of the ground and judge the location of the earthquake by the frequency of the vibration.

"The corner castle has disappeared!" Leo's mental network swept towards the earthquake location, and he also found the situation of the swamp lake before, so he told Sylvia.

Sylvia was stunned when he heard the words, and said: "Accident, or man-made?"

"It's an accident for the time being." Leo didn't find any traces of man-made spells. If the earthquake were really man-made, there would be a lot of abnormal energy fluctuations around. He didn't feel any abnormalities, but he couldn't either. I was certain that this incident was natural, because the timing of this incident was too coincidental, just when they left, it was almost as if they were deliberately arranged.

Although Sylvia did not see the situation of the swamp lake with her own, she still instinctively felt that this incident was not a natural occurrence, but now Leo can't find anything unusual, even if she saw it with her own eyes There would be no clues when it arrived, so she didn't suggest to go back and take a look.

After that, the two quickly moved along the railway towards the direction of the southern sacred mountain. Although the wind and rain did not weaken much, the speed of the two people was still very fast. In some areas that needed to bypass the mountains, Leo took the hill. Via flew over together, I don’t know if they were moving too fast, or the steam train needed to slow down in certain sections. All in all, after about an hour of walking, the two actually caught up with the previous one. The train, and boarded again, and returned to the driver’s exclusive carriage behind the front of the train.

The reappearance of Leo and Sylvia undoubtedly scared the train driver who was resting in the carriage. After returning from the locomotive to the carriage, he did not see Leo and Sylvia. He thought it was when the monster attacked the train before. What happened to the two of them? This kind of thing often happened on this train, so he didn't care about it. He could only think that Leo and Sylvia were unlucky, or that a beauty like Sylvia was It's a pity to die in the monster's attack like this.

However, what he didn't expect was that the two people he thought were dead reappeared. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only watch Leo and Sylvia sitting back to the previous ones. In the position, some moist clothes are being baked.

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